Metaphorical signs in computed tomography of chest and abdomen 2014Lan 畉ng
The document is a chapter from a book on metaphorical signs seen on computed tomography (CT) scans of the chest and abdomen. It discusses several signs seen on CT scans and what they typically indicate. The chapter includes sections on the saber-sheath trachea sign indicating tracheal collapse, the eggshell calcification and rim enhancement sign seen in conditions like silicosis and tuberculosis, and the split pleura sign which is considered the most reliable for distinguishing empyemas from other pleural effusions. It provides images and descriptions of these and other common radiological signs seen on CT scans.
15. 15
1970 gi畛i thi畛u VM non ionic th畉m th畉u th畉p
Pha但n loa誰i :
+ Negative CM
Co 2
+ Positive : Baso 4 va淡 iodinated CM
Tan trong n旦担湛c Oily CM
Monomer ionic Dimeric ionic
Monomer nonionic Dimeric nonionic
Co但ng th旦湛c mo辰t so叩 cha叩t ca短n quang :
16. 16
Vie叩t ta辿t :Low osmolar
Nonionic : Cm kho但ng ch旦湛a ca湛c cation nh旦 Na+
hay megluime
M畛t s畛 v鱈 d畛 :Nh坦m Ionid v non ionic
.N畛ng 畛 cao h董n huy畉t thanh 5-8 l畉n
. Ph但n thnh nh坦m ion nh動 Na+ c坦 h畉i cho c董 th畛
. R畉 ti畛n
. C坦 h畉i cho c董 th畛
畛 th畉m th畉u cao h董n huy畉t thanh 2 l畉n
Kh担ng ph但n thnh ion co h畉i cho c董 th畛.
畉t ti畛n
t t叩c d畛ng ph畛.
K畉t lu畉n : Thu畛c c畉n quang ch炭 箪
+ Nh坦m ionic v non ionic
+ p l畛c th畉m th畉u cao hay th畉p ( 500 800 mOsm/Kg/H2o l th畉p v t畛
1500 mOsm/Kg/H2o l cao ).叩p l畛c th畉m th畉u m叩u # 295.
+ 畛 nh畛t
畉c t鱈nh l箪 h坦a m畛t s畛 CM tr棚n th畛 tr動畛ng
T棚n N畛ng 畛
vicosity mOm/kg/H2o Na+
iodixanol 320 11.4 290(iso)