M5Stack User Meeting#5 -pcb design for cheap 3d printer-Masawo Yamazaki
This document discusses the design of a case for an expansion module for the M5Stack. It describes challenges with 3D printing thin walls and corners of the original PCB design. The designer modified the PCB outline, rounding corners and moving parts inward to make it easier to 3D print. Test prints on various 3D printers showed the modified design worked well. The document also compares costs of different production methods like 3D printing services versus owning a 3D printer.
The document discusses expansion boards Masawo Yamazaki has designed for the M5Stack, including a 2-channel motor driver shield using an L293D chip, a 10-channel servo shield using a PCA9685 chip, and a USB host shield using a MAX3421E chip. Schematics and demos of the boards controlling motors, servos, and Bluetooth/Wii controllers via USB are provided. Additional information on purchasing the USB host shield is also given.
M5Stack User Meeting#5 -pcb design for cheap 3d printer-Masawo Yamazaki
This document discusses the design of a case for an expansion module for the M5Stack. It describes challenges with 3D printing thin walls and corners of the original PCB design. The designer modified the PCB outline, rounding corners and moving parts inward to make it easier to 3D print. Test prints on various 3D printers showed the modified design worked well. The document also compares costs of different production methods like 3D printing services versus owning a 3D printer.
The document discusses expansion boards Masawo Yamazaki has designed for the M5Stack, including a 2-channel motor driver shield using an L293D chip, a 10-channel servo shield using a PCA9685 chip, and a USB host shield using a MAX3421E chip. Schematics and demos of the boards controlling motors, servos, and Bluetooth/Wii controllers via USB are provided. Additional information on purchasing the USB host shield is also given.