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The History of Rock!
 Rock Music began in the 1950s in America and in the
 Early Rock and Roll music had instruments such as
Piano, Acoustic Guitars, Double Bass, Saxophones,
Drum Kit, Lead Singer and Back Up Singers.
 Electric Guitars and Amps has not yet been invented!
The Characteristics of Rock
Rock Instrument Role
Lead Singer
Lead Guitar
Rhythm Guitar
Bass Guitar
Drum Kit
Heavy Rock of the 1970s and 80s
 In the 70s Electric Guitars were invented and effects such as Distortion became
hugely popular. The Electric Bass replaced the orchestral Double Bass.
 Heavy Metal can be traced back to the early 1970s with bands like Black
Sabbath, Van Halen, and Deep Purple.
 During the late 1970s young artists began to rebel against the emptiness of
pop music and played faster and louder. (ACDC and Metallica)
 During the 1980s metal music became the most popular form of rock music. It
was characterized by big hair and decadence. (Motley Crue, Guns N Roses)
The Drum Kit
 The Snare Drum has a dry rattling sound that usually plays the Back Beat (Beats 2 + 4)
 The Bass Drum is the large central drum and is played with a foot pedal. Its sound a deep and
thumping (Beats 1 +3)
 The Tom Toms are used to play rhythmic fills and they sound hollow
 The Hi-Hats consist of two cymbals mounted horizontally. They have a foot pedal to keep the
cymbals clamped and they are hit with the drum stick and provide the pulse. (Beats 1+2+3+4+)
 The Crash cymbal is used at the end of a Fill and the large Ride Cymbal is used to play rhythmic
Drums Solo and Beat Boxing!
 Drum Fills
A drum fill is a short improvised rhythmic idea played in the dead spot such
as; when the lead singer is sustaining a note or in rest. It usually occurs at the
end of a phrase or leading into a big Chorus or section. Fills provide variety
and also signal when a new section is about to start.
 Count how many Drum Fills you can hear in the song;
Stumblin by Australian band Powderfinger
The Electric Guitar
 No sound box or sound hole
 Fitted under the strings are pick ups which change
the vibrations of the strings into electrical signals
 Signals travel through the lead to the amplifier
 Their strengths are amplified and a speaker changes
these signals into sounds
Bass Guitar
 All electric guitars are fitted with volume and tone
controls to vary the loudness and tone colour
 The Lead and Rhythm guitar have 6 strings
 The Bass guitar has 4 strings
Guitar Effects
Guitar Effect Tone Colour
Flanger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg4SeowRPuQ
Heavy Rock!
 A loud, heavy drum beat
 Strongly amplified guitars
 Distortion pedal
 Harsh singing style
 The most memorable part of a heavy rock song is not the Chorus but the Riff. The
Riff is played every now and then throughout the entire course of a heavy rock song
 How many times can you hear the main Riff in Sunshine of Your Love by Cream?
 Listen to Wolfmother Woman and answer the Listening Questions on Pg 126 of
Listen to the Music 5th edition:
Heavy Rock Continued
1. Describe the guitar riff played in the intro with reference to Duration & Pitch.
2. What beats of the bar do the beats Thun-der come on? (1 2 3 4)
3. Which instrument plays the Pulse? (1+2+3+4+)
4. Which instrument later joins in and also plays the Pulse?
5. Describe the two instruments in terms of their differing Tone Colours
6. Describe the Lead Singer in terms of Pitch and Tone Colour
7. When can you first hear a Rock Beat? (Bass Drum, Snare and Hi Hits)
Soft Rock
 Emphasis on the melody
 Acoustic Instruments instead of electric/amplified
 Harmonies  (Back Up Singers!)
 A gentle and relaxed mood
 Slower tempo (speed)
 Personal/Emotional lyrics
 Soft Rock became popular in the 1970s as a reaction against the loud, aggressive
heavy-rock styles. Features Piano and Acoustic Guitar.
Ten Days Miss Higgins - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebunXhK3KWY
Photograph Ed Sheeran - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPKBtZHuzKY
When We Were Young Adele https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDWKuo3gXMQ
When We Were Young - Adele
 1) What is the first sound source?
 2) Which two instruments can then be heard playing simultaneously?
 3) Notate the repeated 4 bar rhythm of the piano part using a 4/4 Time Signature.
 4) Describe the Tone Colour of Adeles vocals. Is she singing in her High, Medium or Low register?
 5) Name the first percussion instrument to enter and notate the ostinato it plays. (An ostinato is a
repeated pattern)
 6) Which high pitched instrument alternates in quaver pitches during the Pre- Chorus?
 7) What sound sources enter in the chorus?
 8) Which percussion instrument helps the Chorus transition into the 2nd Verse
 9) What part of the Drum-Kit is prominent in the 2ndVerse?
Soft Rock Continued
 Ed Sheeran!
 Currently the most famous/popular male Soft Rock artist .
 Born UK
 Age 25
 "The A Team" was nominated for Song of the Year at the 2013 Grammy
Awards, where he performed the song with Sir Elton Elton John.
Commercial Pop
 Catchy Lyrics
 Simple Lyrics
 A light rock sound, electronic sounds and little distortion
 Polished sound production
 A lively beat, suitable for dancing.
 Rock music written for a popular market aimed primarily at young people is called Commercial
 Pop songs are strongly marketed through music videos and live performances and often involve
spectacular sets, costumes, lighting and choreography  all designed to grab the attention of
viewers and encourage them to purchase the song.
 E.g. Michael Jackson, Kylie Minogue, Katie Perry, Madonna and Pink.
 This is a Music Video by Katy Perry and it is an excellent example of Commercial Pop.
Commercial Pop
Love Yourself  Justin Bieber
1) Is the Lead Guitar ascending or descending in Pitch at the beginning?
2) Is the Lead Guitar playing 3 x this:
or 3 x this:
3) Notate the rhythm of this riff over two bars in 4/4 time.
4) Describe the sound you can hear playing on beats 2 and 4 (Back Beat)
5) What sound source do you think this is?
6) Describe the Tone Colour of Justins Tenor Vocals
7) What sound sources are added to the chorus?
8) What is Falsetto and who is using it; Justin or Ed? Why is it good that the two singers dont sing at the same Pitch level?
9) Do you think it sounds good that Ed only sings in the Chorus? What does this do to the Texture in the Chorus?
10) Notate the Guitar part leading into the Chorus while the lyrics are; Im better sleeping on my own
11) Which new sound source is added in the Bridge?
12) When it is repeated, what is added? Is the sound higher or lower?
13) What does the Lead Singer do in the bridge? How is the Pitch different?
 A Triad is a Chord made up of Three Notes played at the same time on instruments
such as the Piano and Rhythmic Guitar. When the notes are built on top of one
another on the stave, it means to play them all at once! E.g. C-E-G
 There are 8 notes in a scale e.g. CDEFGABC and so if a Chord is built on top of C it is
referred to as Chord 1 because it is the first note in the C Scale.
 If a Chord is built on top of F it is referred to as Chord 4 as it is the fourth note in the
C scale.
 The most common chords used in Pop songs are these Chords used in the following
order; 1, 5, 6 and 4. We call this a Chord Progression which is just a fancy word for
saying; Order of Chords.
How do I play the 1 -5 -6-4 Chord Progression?
 Now get the keyboards out and have a go!
Contemporary R&B
 The term R&B is short for Rhythm and Blues. Originally an earthy and highly
rhythmic style of African-American music that developed in the 1940s
 Contemporary R&B incorporates many different African American styles, especially Hip-
1) Rap-like lyrics that are sung, rather than spoken
2) Catchy pop melodies
3) Varied vocal textures with back up singers dropping in and out of various sections to
add interest.
4) Funky disjointed rhythms
5) Electronic (synthesised) accompaniment, including the use of a drum machine instead
of real drums.
6) Use of melodic elaboration
Bruno Mars and Up-town Funk is an excellent example of contemporary R & B
Chandelier - Sia
 1) What is the first sound source you can hear?
 2) Describe the Tone Colour of this sound
 3) Notate the Synthesised drum pattern that is heard next in one bar of 4/4
 4) Describe the Tone Colour of the Vocals
 5) Using two bars of 4/4, Quavers, crotchets and accents, notate the rhythm of; 1-2-3-1-
2-3-Drink, 1-2-3-1-2-3-Drink
 6) How many beats does Sia hold the note/lyric Im gonna swing from the Chandelier
 7) Describe the difference between Verse 1 and the Chorus in terms of Pitch.
 8)Would you describe the Melody as having a large or a small range? (Pitch)
 9) What word is -The lowest note?
- The Highest note?
 10) What instrument is the synthesiser imitating in the Coda?
Hip Hop
 - A vigorous dance beat
 - Mainly electronic accompaniment
 - Spoken lyrics
 - Lyrics containing poetic devices like assonance
(repeated vowel sounds), alliteration, (words starting
with the same consonant sound) and different types of
 - Simple Verse/Chorus structure
 Use of scratching and other electronic effects, such as
echo and vocal distortion
Dont  Ed Sheeran
 1) Listen to the short melody played at the start. Is this melody Ascending
or Descending in Pitch?
 3) How many vocal layers do you hear singing the opening motif? (A motif
is a short melodic idea)
 4) Which beats of the bar are accented? (made stronger)
 5) Describe Eds use of rhyming in Verse 1
 6) The rhyming changes in the Pre Chorus. Describe the change and how it
affects the mood
 7) How is the Chorus different from the Verse in terms of Pitch?
 8) How many times is the first melodic motif heard in the Chorus?
 9) How does the Rhyming of the Rap change in Verse 2? List as many of the
rhyming words as you can!
 10) How does the song end?
 11) What is the final sound you can hear?

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Year 8 Rock - Squire SQUC

  • 2. Rock Music began in the 1950s in America and in the UK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzQ8GDBA8Is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS0wuN_6wyw Early Rock and Roll music had instruments such as Piano, Acoustic Guitars, Double Bass, Saxophones, Drum Kit, Lead Singer and Back Up Singers. Electric Guitars and Amps has not yet been invented!
  • 3. The Characteristics of Rock Rock Instrument Role Lead Singer Lead Guitar Rhythm Guitar Bass Guitar Drum Kit
  • 4. Heavy Rock of the 1970s and 80s In the 70s Electric Guitars were invented and effects such as Distortion became hugely popular. The Electric Bass replaced the orchestral Double Bass. Heavy Metal can be traced back to the early 1970s with bands like Black Sabbath, Van Halen, and Deep Purple. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mCK05dgwgU During the late 1970s young artists began to rebel against the emptiness of pop music and played faster and louder. (ACDC and Metallica) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44XYEeD1A1U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HquOWPHxzEs During the 1980s metal music became the most popular form of rock music. It was characterized by big hair and decadence. (Motley Crue, Guns N Roses) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w7OgIMMRc4
  • 5. The Drum Kit The Snare Drum has a dry rattling sound that usually plays the Back Beat (Beats 2 + 4) The Bass Drum is the large central drum and is played with a foot pedal. Its sound a deep and thumping (Beats 1 +3) The Tom Toms are used to play rhythmic fills and they sound hollow The Hi-Hats consist of two cymbals mounted horizontally. They have a foot pedal to keep the cymbals clamped and they are hit with the drum stick and provide the pulse. (Beats 1+2+3+4+) The Crash cymbal is used at the end of a Fill and the large Ride Cymbal is used to play rhythmic patterns.
  • 6. Drums Solo and Beat Boxing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9esWG6A6g-k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg1qLJ_6-LE Drum Fills A drum fill is a short improvised rhythmic idea played in the dead spot such as; when the lead singer is sustaining a note or in rest. It usually occurs at the end of a phrase or leading into a big Chorus or section. Fills provide variety and also signal when a new section is about to start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaM5KQIuns4 Count how many Drum Fills you can hear in the song; Stumblin by Australian band Powderfinger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhSLEM335qc
  • 7. The Electric Guitar No sound box or sound hole Fitted under the strings are pick ups which change the vibrations of the strings into electrical signals Signals travel through the lead to the amplifier Their strengths are amplified and a speaker changes these signals into sounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tznoCmVkmXc
  • 8. Bass Guitar All electric guitars are fitted with volume and tone controls to vary the loudness and tone colour The Lead and Rhythm guitar have 6 strings The Bass guitar has 4 strings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yF-tpXvh7ks
  • 9. Guitar Effects Guitar Effect Tone Colour Flanger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg4SeowRPuQ Phase https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv_h5daIk-Q Chorus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmN7fK3fKUE Overdrive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5fXapM7uJE Wah-Wah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTbuDObjZoA Delay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LWRgA597O4
  • 10. Heavy Rock! Characteristics A loud, heavy drum beat Strongly amplified guitars Distortion pedal Harsh singing style Riffs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiC__IjCa2s The most memorable part of a heavy rock song is not the Chorus but the Riff. The Riff is played every now and then throughout the entire course of a heavy rock song How many times can you hear the main Riff in Sunshine of Your Love by Cream? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt51rITH3EA Listen to Wolfmother Woman and answer the Listening Questions on Pg 126 of Listen to the Music 5th edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzqTz_i1NXQ
  • 11. Heavy Rock Continued Thunderstruck 1. Describe the guitar riff played in the intro with reference to Duration & Pitch. 2. What beats of the bar do the beats Thun-der come on? (1 2 3 4) 3. Which instrument plays the Pulse? (1+2+3+4+) 4. Which instrument later joins in and also plays the Pulse? 5. Describe the two instruments in terms of their differing Tone Colours 6. Describe the Lead Singer in terms of Pitch and Tone Colour 7. When can you first hear a Rock Beat? (Bass Drum, Snare and Hi Hits) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2AC41dglnM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQe05TLGpsY
  • 12. Soft Rock Characteristics Emphasis on the melody Acoustic Instruments instead of electric/amplified Harmonies (Back Up Singers!) A gentle and relaxed mood Slower tempo (speed) Personal/Emotional lyrics Soft Rock became popular in the 1970s as a reaction against the loud, aggressive heavy-rock styles. Features Piano and Acoustic Guitar. Examples: Ten Days Miss Higgins - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebunXhK3KWY Photograph Ed Sheeran - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPKBtZHuzKY When We Were Young Adele https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDWKuo3gXMQ
  • 13. When We Were Young - Adele 1) What is the first sound source? 2) Which two instruments can then be heard playing simultaneously? 3) Notate the repeated 4 bar rhythm of the piano part using a 4/4 Time Signature. 4) Describe the Tone Colour of Adeles vocals. Is she singing in her High, Medium or Low register? 5) Name the first percussion instrument to enter and notate the ostinato it plays. (An ostinato is a repeated pattern) 6) Which high pitched instrument alternates in quaver pitches during the Pre- Chorus? 7) What sound sources enter in the chorus? 8) Which percussion instrument helps the Chorus transition into the 2nd Verse 9) What part of the Drum-Kit is prominent in the 2ndVerse? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDWKuo3gXMQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7MNMgn6Jy4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nck6BZga7TQ
  • 14. Soft Rock Continued Ed Sheeran! Currently the most famous/popular male Soft Rock artist . Born UK Age 25 "The A Team" was nominated for Song of the Year at the 2013 Grammy Awards, where he performed the song with Sir Elton Elton John. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxTABrPxvv8
  • 15. Commercial Pop Characteristics Catchy Lyrics Simple Lyrics A light rock sound, electronic sounds and little distortion Polished sound production A lively beat, suitable for dancing. Rock music written for a popular market aimed primarily at young people is called Commercial Pop. Pop songs are strongly marketed through music videos and live performances and often involve spectacular sets, costumes, lighting and choreography all designed to grab the attention of viewers and encourage them to purchase the song. E.g. Michael Jackson, Kylie Minogue, Katie Perry, Madonna and Pink. This is a Music Video by Katy Perry and it is an excellent example of Commercial Pop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KSOMA3QBU0
  • 16. Commercial Pop Love Yourself Justin Bieber 1) Is the Lead Guitar ascending or descending in Pitch at the beginning? 2) Is the Lead Guitar playing 3 x this: or 3 x this: 3) Notate the rhythm of this riff over two bars in 4/4 time. 4) Describe the sound you can hear playing on beats 2 and 4 (Back Beat) 5) What sound source do you think this is? 6) Describe the Tone Colour of Justins Tenor Vocals 7) What sound sources are added to the chorus? 8) What is Falsetto and who is using it; Justin or Ed? Why is it good that the two singers dont sing at the same Pitch level? 9) Do you think it sounds good that Ed only sings in the Chorus? What does this do to the Texture in the Chorus? 10) Notate the Guitar part leading into the Chorus while the lyrics are; Im better sleeping on my own 11) Which new sound source is added in the Bridge? 12) When it is repeated, what is added? Is the sound higher or lower? 13) What does the Lead Singer do in the bridge? How is the Pitch different? http://www.google.com.au/search?q=Love%20yourself%20youtube&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-AU:IE- Address&ie=&oe=&safe=active&gfe_rd=cr&ei=bsjTVpyqLcHu8wf81pmwBw
  • 17. Triads A Triad is a Chord made up of Three Notes played at the same time on instruments such as the Piano and Rhythmic Guitar. When the notes are built on top of one another on the stave, it means to play them all at once! E.g. C-E-G There are 8 notes in a scale e.g. CDEFGABC and so if a Chord is built on top of C it is referred to as Chord 1 because it is the first note in the C Scale. If a Chord is built on top of F it is referred to as Chord 4 as it is the fourth note in the C scale. The most common chords used in Pop songs are these Chords used in the following order; 1, 5, 6 and 4. We call this a Chord Progression which is just a fancy word for saying; Order of Chords. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOlDewpCfZQ
  • 18. How do I play the 1 -5 -6-4 Chord Progression? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmvwZR wn-j0 Now get the keyboards out and have a go!
  • 19. Contemporary R&B The term R&B is short for Rhythm and Blues. Originally an earthy and highly rhythmic style of African-American music that developed in the 1940s Contemporary R&B incorporates many different African American styles, especially Hip- Hop. Characteristics 1) Rap-like lyrics that are sung, rather than spoken 2) Catchy pop melodies 3) Varied vocal textures with back up singers dropping in and out of various sections to add interest. 4) Funky disjointed rhythms 5) Electronic (synthesised) accompaniment, including the use of a drum machine instead of real drums. 6) Use of melodic elaboration Bruno Mars and Up-town Funk is an excellent example of contemporary R & B https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPf0YbXqDm0
  • 20. Chandelier - Sia 1) What is the first sound source you can hear? 2) Describe the Tone Colour of this sound 3) Notate the Synthesised drum pattern that is heard next in one bar of 4/4 4) Describe the Tone Colour of the Vocals 5) Using two bars of 4/4, Quavers, crotchets and accents, notate the rhythm of; 1-2-3-1- 2-3-Drink, 1-2-3-1-2-3-Drink 6) How many beats does Sia hold the note/lyric Im gonna swing from the Chandelier for? 7) Describe the difference between Verse 1 and the Chorus in terms of Pitch. 8)Would you describe the Melody as having a large or a small range? (Pitch) 9) What word is -The lowest note? - The Highest note? 10) What instrument is the synthesiser imitating in the Coda? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vjPBrBU-TM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSjr6ixi4ik
  • 21. Hip Hop Characteristics - A vigorous dance beat - Mainly electronic accompaniment - Spoken lyrics - Lyrics containing poetic devices like assonance (repeated vowel sounds), alliteration, (words starting with the same consonant sound) and different types of rhymes. - Simple Verse/Chorus structure Use of scratching and other electronic effects, such as echo and vocal distortion
  • 22. Dont Ed Sheeran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD2rhdFRehU 1) Listen to the short melody played at the start. Is this melody Ascending or Descending in Pitch? 3) How many vocal layers do you hear singing the opening motif? (A motif is a short melodic idea) 4) Which beats of the bar are accented? (made stronger) 5) Describe Eds use of rhyming in Verse 1 6) The rhyming changes in the Pre Chorus. Describe the change and how it affects the mood 7) How is the Chorus different from the Verse in terms of Pitch? 8) How many times is the first melodic motif heard in the Chorus? 9) How does the Rhyming of the Rap change in Verse 2? List as many of the rhyming words as you can! 10) How does the song end? 11) What is the final sound you can hear?