Indie up services - SocialIndie UpPer molte aziende il web è diventato un indispensabile canale di comunicazione e di vendita da abbinare al tradizionale lavoro sul territorio. Ma è sempre il network a fare la differenza, anche e soprattutto in rete!
Per questo abbiamo creato Indie Up Services, un team dedicato allo sviluppo di prodotti e servizi web innovativi realizzati per introdurre anche le aziende più piccole nel mondo del commercio on line.
IL TURISMO È CAMBIATO...AREGAI-LICETIl turismo è cambiato, o siamo noi che dobbiamo cambiare?
Silvia Badriotto, di Nuovi-Turismi, ce lo spiega in queste slide presentate nel corso del workshop "CRESCITA E BENESSERE SOSTENIBILE COGLI LE OPPORTUNITÀ ENTRANDO IN CONNESSIONE CON GLI ALTRI." Sabato 14 marzo - Casale Monferrato ℅ Hotel Candiani
Destinations and Tourism Marketing Turistico 23FTourism & MarketingL'e-magazine di Four Tourism. In questo numero parliamo di: destination branding 2.0, ossia come si costruisce un brand nell'era del web 2.0; la nuova relazione tra brand e mercato e l'importanza della destination reputation
Social Media Marketing per il turismo 2.0Claudio VaccaroCome il Social Media Marketing può essere utilizzato per migliorare le web PR delle strutture turistiche, agenzie e operatori del settore in generale, modificando l'approccio della comunicazione con i propri clienti. Le slide sono state presentate al Rimini Web Marketing Event 2009.
Influence marketing – how to create, manage, and measure brand influencers in...Giuseppe FattoriInfluence Marketing – How to create, manage, and measure brand influencers in Social Media marketing” di Danny Brown e Sam Fiorella, solleva una serie di questioni sull’Influence marketing nel contesto attuale, in cui sempre più voci e fonti di informazioni si fanno strada nel processo decisionale dei consumatori. In un mondo in cui, grazie ad Internet e ai social media, tutti sono potenziali influencers, come recuperare il potere del “passaparola”, word-of-mouth marketing?
Social Media e Turismo: la visione dell’ente per la promozione territoriale v...SQcuola di BlogPresentazione di Valentina Bellotti, Social Media Specialist e Web Copywriter, usata durante il workshop d'apertura degli #SDBAwards 8: "Comunicazione, turismo e sviluppo territoriale: le chiavi di sviluppo per un successo integrato"
Marcellus and Utica Shale Databook 2012 - Sample Pages for Vol. 3Marcellus Drilling NewsPreview pages for Volume 3 of the Marcellus and Utica Shale Databook 2012. This third volume features 80 detailed maps showing where Marcellus & Utica Shale well permits have been issued throughout PA, OH and WV for July through December of 2012. New in Databook Vol. 3: county maps show the locations and names of compressor stations; a Supply Chain tutorial that helps your business identify opportunities to sell to the shale drilling industry; 2012 production estimates by state; much more!
Study: Estimation of regional air-quality damages from Marcellus Shale natura...Marcellus Drilling NewsA study conducted by private research firm Rand Corporation. A first-order estimate of conventional air pollutant emissions, and the monetary value of the associated environmental and health damages, from the extraction of unconventional shale gas in Pennsylvania.
MSC 2013 Year End Workforce Survey - July 29, 2014Marcellus Drilling NewsThe results of an annual survey of members of the Marcellus Shale Coalition and their hiring history and future expectations. The latest survey shows that the Marcellus continues to be a huge jobs-creating engine in PA and beyond.
Care2 m+r-cultivation-webinar 2015Care2TeamYou had me at Hello: 7 mostly not crazy ideas to make sure you’re making the most of new supporter relationships
So you've got a bunch of new names from somewhere...Facebook, a contest, a progressive social action network, (ahem) Care2. Now what?
Well, you could start with "hello." Or, actually, anything. Kinda nuts, but sometimes it can take organizations too long to make any sort of proper introduction. And then your new joins are all like "who are these people?" when you finally send that renewal or call to action. But never fear! We have all kinds of smart, easy, and even automated tactics and techniques to let your newest list members know how glad you are to meet them.
Watch this AWESOME webinar with Madeline Stanionis (principal at M+R) and Justin Perkins (Senior Director Brand Engagement and Business Development at Care2) to learn about the best way to handle all of that acquisition you're bound to do in 2015. You'll learn about various case studies and walk away with cold-hard-tactics to make sure your ROI is astronomical (or at least, you know, positive).
New York's "Community Risk and Resiliency Act" to Control FrackingMarcellus Drilling NewsA back door bill, AO 6558, signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Sept 22, 2014 that requires the state Dept. of Environment Conservation to create and enforce nebulous guidelines with respect to shale drilling that require drillers to provide proof that their drilling won't somehow cause or impact mythical global warming. It is a shameless back door way of stopping shale drilling in the state.
Jesus abada's last farewell at holy gardens oton memorial parkHoly Gardens OtonThe document appears to be a memorial program for a funeral service held on February 8, 2012 at 9:00am at Holy Gardens Oton Memorial Park for Jesus G. Abada. It includes his name and the location and time of the service. The program ends with the message "Go with God" and someone's first name, possibly of the deceased.
Joseph M. Virgula's Last Farewell at Holy Gardens Oton Memorial ParkHoly Gardens OtonThe document is a memorial notice for Joseph M. Virgula's funeral to be held at Holy Gardens Oton Memorial Park on February 4, 2012 at 3:00pm. It provides his name and the message "Go with God Joseph" to commemorate his passing.
Lope C. Sinoy's Treasured Moments at Holy Gardens Oton Memorial ParkHoly Gardens OtonThe document provides details about a memorial service including the date, location, and name of the deceased individual being memorialized. It concludes with a short message wishing the deceased well.
Confidential Settlement Agreement in Hallowich v Range ResourcesMarcellus Drilling NewsA copy of the confidential settlement agreement in a court case previously sealed in which Stephanie and Chris Hallowich had sued Range Resources, MarkWest and others involved in nearby drilling and pipelines close to their property in Washington County, PA. The Hallowiches ultimately settled the dispute for $750,000. The bombshell disclosure in this settlement document: The Hallowiches also get to keep receiving monthly royalty checks from Range on their former property! Which kind of puts their previous Marcellus bashing into a different light.
How to build online communities v4Kuliza TechnologiesThe document discusses how to build successful online communities. It defines online communities as social platforms where people connect, engage and converse around shared interests. It then provides examples of how various companies have used online communities to boost engagement, reduce support costs, connect customers and employees, and collect crowd-sourced ideas. The document concludes by outlining different tools that online communities can use to increase user engagement at various stages, from interested to engaged users, such as content creation tools, activity streams, user profiles and reputation systems.
USGS Assessment for Size of Utica ShaleMarcellus Drilling NewsThe USGS assessed the unconventional oil and gas resources of the Upper Ordovician Utica Shale in parts of 6 states. They estimated a mean of 940 million barrels of oil, 38.2 trillion cubic feet of gas, and 208 million barrels of natural gas liquids that could potentially be recovered from the Utica Shale through horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing. The assessment defined separate areas for oil and gas based on thermal maturity and organic content. The "sweet spots" with the best production potential made up an estimated 14% of the gas area and 27% of the oil area.
PA House Bill 2508 Providing for a New Shale Drilling Severance TaxMarcellus Drilling NewsA bill introduced and supported by Pennsylvania Democrats to slap a nosebleed 5% severance tax on PA drillers who already pay a high corporate income tax and an impact fee (adding up to more than a typical severance tax). The bill, if passed, would ensure drilling great diminishes in PA--which is the intention of the Democrats introducing the bill.
NY DEC Final Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement - Vol. 1Marcellus Drilling NewsThe final version of rules and regulations that would govern fracking in New York State--issued May 2015. Unfortunately the rules and regs leave the door open for the current Cuomo administration to choose not to allow fracking--which is what they have done. Expect numerous lawsuits to ensue.
Social Media Marketing per il turismo 2.0Claudio VaccaroCome il Social Media Marketing può essere utilizzato per migliorare le web PR delle strutture turistiche, agenzie e operatori del settore in generale, modificando l'approccio della comunicazione con i propri clienti. Le slide sono state presentate al Rimini Web Marketing Event 2009.
Influence marketing – how to create, manage, and measure brand influencers in...Giuseppe FattoriInfluence Marketing – How to create, manage, and measure brand influencers in Social Media marketing” di Danny Brown e Sam Fiorella, solleva una serie di questioni sull’Influence marketing nel contesto attuale, in cui sempre più voci e fonti di informazioni si fanno strada nel processo decisionale dei consumatori. In un mondo in cui, grazie ad Internet e ai social media, tutti sono potenziali influencers, come recuperare il potere del “passaparola”, word-of-mouth marketing?
Social Media e Turismo: la visione dell’ente per la promozione territoriale v...SQcuola di BlogPresentazione di Valentina Bellotti, Social Media Specialist e Web Copywriter, usata durante il workshop d'apertura degli #SDBAwards 8: "Comunicazione, turismo e sviluppo territoriale: le chiavi di sviluppo per un successo integrato"
Marcellus and Utica Shale Databook 2012 - Sample Pages for Vol. 3Marcellus Drilling NewsPreview pages for Volume 3 of the Marcellus and Utica Shale Databook 2012. This third volume features 80 detailed maps showing where Marcellus & Utica Shale well permits have been issued throughout PA, OH and WV for July through December of 2012. New in Databook Vol. 3: county maps show the locations and names of compressor stations; a Supply Chain tutorial that helps your business identify opportunities to sell to the shale drilling industry; 2012 production estimates by state; much more!
Study: Estimation of regional air-quality damages from Marcellus Shale natura...Marcellus Drilling NewsA study conducted by private research firm Rand Corporation. A first-order estimate of conventional air pollutant emissions, and the monetary value of the associated environmental and health damages, from the extraction of unconventional shale gas in Pennsylvania.
MSC 2013 Year End Workforce Survey - July 29, 2014Marcellus Drilling NewsThe results of an annual survey of members of the Marcellus Shale Coalition and their hiring history and future expectations. The latest survey shows that the Marcellus continues to be a huge jobs-creating engine in PA and beyond.
Care2 m+r-cultivation-webinar 2015Care2TeamYou had me at Hello: 7 mostly not crazy ideas to make sure you’re making the most of new supporter relationships
So you've got a bunch of new names from somewhere...Facebook, a contest, a progressive social action network, (ahem) Care2. Now what?
Well, you could start with "hello." Or, actually, anything. Kinda nuts, but sometimes it can take organizations too long to make any sort of proper introduction. And then your new joins are all like "who are these people?" when you finally send that renewal or call to action. But never fear! We have all kinds of smart, easy, and even automated tactics and techniques to let your newest list members know how glad you are to meet them.
Watch this AWESOME webinar with Madeline Stanionis (principal at M+R) and Justin Perkins (Senior Director Brand Engagement and Business Development at Care2) to learn about the best way to handle all of that acquisition you're bound to do in 2015. You'll learn about various case studies and walk away with cold-hard-tactics to make sure your ROI is astronomical (or at least, you know, positive).
New York's "Community Risk and Resiliency Act" to Control FrackingMarcellus Drilling NewsA back door bill, AO 6558, signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Sept 22, 2014 that requires the state Dept. of Environment Conservation to create and enforce nebulous guidelines with respect to shale drilling that require drillers to provide proof that their drilling won't somehow cause or impact mythical global warming. It is a shameless back door way of stopping shale drilling in the state.
Jesus abada's last farewell at holy gardens oton memorial parkHoly Gardens OtonThe document appears to be a memorial program for a funeral service held on February 8, 2012 at 9:00am at Holy Gardens Oton Memorial Park for Jesus G. Abada. It includes his name and the location and time of the service. The program ends with the message "Go with God" and someone's first name, possibly of the deceased.
Joseph M. Virgula's Last Farewell at Holy Gardens Oton Memorial ParkHoly Gardens OtonThe document is a memorial notice for Joseph M. Virgula's funeral to be held at Holy Gardens Oton Memorial Park on February 4, 2012 at 3:00pm. It provides his name and the message "Go with God Joseph" to commemorate his passing.
Lope C. Sinoy's Treasured Moments at Holy Gardens Oton Memorial ParkHoly Gardens OtonThe document provides details about a memorial service including the date, location, and name of the deceased individual being memorialized. It concludes with a short message wishing the deceased well.
Confidential Settlement Agreement in Hallowich v Range ResourcesMarcellus Drilling NewsA copy of the confidential settlement agreement in a court case previously sealed in which Stephanie and Chris Hallowich had sued Range Resources, MarkWest and others involved in nearby drilling and pipelines close to their property in Washington County, PA. The Hallowiches ultimately settled the dispute for $750,000. The bombshell disclosure in this settlement document: The Hallowiches also get to keep receiving monthly royalty checks from Range on their former property! Which kind of puts their previous Marcellus bashing into a different light.
How to build online communities v4Kuliza TechnologiesThe document discusses how to build successful online communities. It defines online communities as social platforms where people connect, engage and converse around shared interests. It then provides examples of how various companies have used online communities to boost engagement, reduce support costs, connect customers and employees, and collect crowd-sourced ideas. The document concludes by outlining different tools that online communities can use to increase user engagement at various stages, from interested to engaged users, such as content creation tools, activity streams, user profiles and reputation systems.
USGS Assessment for Size of Utica ShaleMarcellus Drilling NewsThe USGS assessed the unconventional oil and gas resources of the Upper Ordovician Utica Shale in parts of 6 states. They estimated a mean of 940 million barrels of oil, 38.2 trillion cubic feet of gas, and 208 million barrels of natural gas liquids that could potentially be recovered from the Utica Shale through horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing. The assessment defined separate areas for oil and gas based on thermal maturity and organic content. The "sweet spots" with the best production potential made up an estimated 14% of the gas area and 27% of the oil area.
PA House Bill 2508 Providing for a New Shale Drilling Severance TaxMarcellus Drilling NewsA bill introduced and supported by Pennsylvania Democrats to slap a nosebleed 5% severance tax on PA drillers who already pay a high corporate income tax and an impact fee (adding up to more than a typical severance tax). The bill, if passed, would ensure drilling great diminishes in PA--which is the intention of the Democrats introducing the bill.
NY DEC Final Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement - Vol. 1Marcellus Drilling NewsThe final version of rules and regulations that would govern fracking in New York State--issued May 2015. Unfortunately the rules and regs leave the door open for the current Cuomo administration to choose not to allow fracking--which is what they have done. Expect numerous lawsuits to ensue.
Maryland Study on Potential Health Impacts from Marcellus Drilling in MarylandMarcellus Drilling NewsA study researched and prepared by the University of Maryland titled "Potential Public Health Impacts of Natural Gas Development and Production in the Marcellus Shale in Western Maryland." The study's aim is "to make recommendations about whether or when to allow unconventional natural gas development and production (UNGDP) in Maryland. Rather this study is designed to inform decisions by clearly describing the risks and potential public health responses."
Buy-outs - India Inc finds diamonds in the dustAgile Financial Technologies1) Now is a good time for Indian companies with strong balance sheets to pursue acquisitions as valuations are low and opportunities exist to strengthen core businesses and expand into new markets.
2) Acquisitions should not be made solely based on low valuations; strategic fit in terms of technology, skills, and market penetration is important.
3) Recessions provide opportunities to acquire businesses at reasonable valuations and integrate them while their owners are open to pragmatic exits based on performance rather than high pricing multiples.
EQT Report on Proved, Probable and Possible (3P) Reserves of Natural GasMarcellus Drilling NewsA report issued Jan 24, 2013 from EQT, a major Marcellus Shale driller, for their estimates of how much natural gas is available to be recovered from their leased acreage. The various categories of proved, probably and possible are estimated--each category reflecting different levels of confidence in the numbers. The overall 3P number is now estimated to be 25.9 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas.
Ohio Court Case: Bilbaran Farm, Inc. v. Bakerwell, Inc.Marcellus Drilling NewsA case heard by the Fifth District Court of Appeals in Ohio in which a landowner claimed that the relatively little drilling done on a small portion of their land should allow them to reclaim title to the mineral rights and release the unused portions of the land to another driller. The court disagreed, ruling the language in the lease does not allow it.
Personalized URL Case StudyrkbaslerThe Gladstone Community Center faced challenges in building awareness as it was located away from main roads. Construction delays also prevented capitalizing on new year's resolutions. Mail Print created a targeted marketing plan including a hard hat tour and grand opening event. They created a database of nearby families and sent personalized postcards promoting the events. Over 5% of recipients joined, exceeding expectations. The campaign was crucial to the Center's early success.
Una social media strategy per le organizzazioni cristina felice civitillo in...Cristina FELICE CIVITILLOIl mercato, i consumatori, le aziende, i lavoratori sono cambiati. È tempo di aggiornare il modo in cui lavoriamo diffondendo una cultura della collaborazione e della condivisione, supportando i processi spontanei di networking che mettano in collegamento le persone e le loro competenze, implementando strumenti che facilitino i flussi di comunicazione sia interni all’azienda (bottom-up, top-down e peer-to-peer) che esterni.
Internet e turismo - Cogliamo le opportunitàBTO EducationalIl documento è una sintesi dei trenta magazine realizzati dai maggiori esperti ed appassionati di web marketing turistico pubblicati dal WTM c-Magazine.
E' utile soprattutto alle piccole e medie imprese turistiche perché fornisce le linee guida per utilizzare al meglio Internet nel mondo del turismo.
Tratta temi cari agli operatori della lunga filiera turistico/ricettiva come l'intermediazione, la disintermediazione, le recensioni, i motori di ricerca, gli Online Travel Agency, i mercati e come sono cambiati trasformandosi sempre più in conversazioni, i network, opportunità e minacce del web 2.0, la blogosfera, i contenuti generati dagli utenti, la comunicazione segmentata.
Approccio al social media marketing e comunicazione non convenzionale ULRICO HOEPLI EDITORE, MILANprincipi base al social media marketing e comunicazione turistica per i dipendenti di una catena alberghiera.
Ambienti Espansi e Fusion Communication | 2015 Social Media TrendsETAss Formazione | Finanziamenti | Social MediaI trends della comunicazione digitale, marketing, storytelling: case histories e strumenti
Social Media E Comunicazione Di MarketingAlessandro PrunestiPresentazione degli argomenti trattati all'interno del libro di Alessandro Prunesti "Social media e comunicazione di marketing: pianificare e gestire le attività di marketing e comunicazione nell'era del web 2.0", edito da Franco Angeli, 2009
Social Media MarketingAntonio GrassoSocial Media Marketing dissociato dal Web Marketing.
Analisi di perché il Social Media Marketing non è più subordinabile al Web Marketing. Approfondisci su
Social Noise Italy (Company overview)Social Noise (Italy)Somos la agencia de comunicación y marketing en social media líder en España, con proyección internacional. El éxito de nuestras acciones se basa en la combinación de creatividad potente, estrategia de comunicación adecuada y sólidos conocimientos del medio.
Nos vemos como algo más que un proveedor. Trabajamos como la extensión de los departamentos de comunicación y marketing de nuestros clientes para social media. Como especialistas en este medio, ofrecemos todo lo que una marca (corporativa o personal) pueda necesitar en este entorno: conceptualización, ejecución, producción audiovisual, investigación, diseño y el desarrollo tecnológico.
Social media per il settore alberghieroDML SrlAlcune slide tratte dal mio corso Web2.0 & Social media per il settore alberghiero.
Che impatto hanno i Social Media sul settore alberghiero? Come poterne sfruttare le opportunità ?
Chi Ha Paura Dei Social MediaTheGoodOnesUn programma di social marketing ben pianificato può cambiare il modo di interagire con i consumatori e, come risultato, il modo in cui i consumatori percepiscono la vostra azienda.
Dilemma del prigionieroPierluca SantoroIl binomio vendite-pubblicità è defunto. Quali i possibili modelli di business per la sostenibilità dell'informazione?
Le slide del mio workshop a #ijf15 sul tema --->
6 Alex KornfeindAIPMT This document discusses the importance of aligning a business's brand, marketing, products/services, and overall strategy. A company must have consistency between how it presents itself through its branding and marketing efforts and what products/services it offers customers. All of a business's strategic efforts should work towards common goals for long term success.