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Energizing Brand AdvocatesZuberance IntroductionAlicia Molnar, Regional Sales Director, EastJanuary5th, 2011
Brand Advocates and How They Impact Your Business
The Zuberance Solution
Case Studies and ROI
Getting Started & Next StepsZuberance BackgroundThe leading Brand Advocacy company providing the first Word of Mouth Marketing platform delivering measurable ROI by energizing Brand Advocates across email,  social media and influential 3rd Party Sites.Turnkey solution helping world-class brands:Identifytheir most passionate customers (aka Advocates)
Engageandmobilizetheir Advocates
Monitorandtrackthe results in real-timeZuberance Customers
Brand Advocates
Why Brand Advocates?Highly-satisfied customers and others who pro-actively recommend brands or products without being paid to do soAdvocates are 5x more valuable than loyal customersAdvocates have an emotionalconnectionto the brandAdvocates want to express themselvesAdvocates want to connect with othersAdvocates want to helpValue to your BusinessSources: Harvard Business Review, Satmetrix, Bain & Company, Comscore, Yahoo!
Advocates have Massive ReachSocial Media Amplifies Brand Advocates=60M Trusted  WOMImpressionsX 4# Posts Per Advocate Per Year= 15M# Impressions X150 # People Reached Per Post100,000 Energized AdvocatesSources: Forrester, ComscoreNote: Estimated # of Trusted WOM Impressions over 12-month period
Advocates are Most Trusted Source90% Consumers Trust Advocates; 33% Trust Online Ads
Advocacy happens across all platformsOver 85%f happens offline
Benefits of Energizing Advocates
Our ApproachThe Zuberance Advocate Platform is a hosted Word of Mouth marketing solution and fully integrated brand advocacy systemIdentifyAdvocate ResponsesAdvocate ActionsPaid MediaMobilizeRatings & ReviewsStories  & TestimonialsOffersAnswersTrackClicks, ConversionsImpressionsReview & comment moderationZ Score, NPS速Advocate Profile Data
Identify Brand AdvocatesUltimate QuestionRecommend BadgesBrand Advocates
Mobilize Brand AdvocatesAdvocate StoriesAdvocate Ratings & ReviewsAdvocate AnswersAdvocate Offers
Track Brand AdvocatesClicks

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Zuberance Overview General

  • 1. Energizing Brand AdvocatesZuberance IntroductionAlicia Molnar, Regional Sales Director, EastJanuary5th, 2011
  • 3. Brand Advocates and How They Impact Your Business
  • 9. Getting Started & Next StepsZuberance BackgroundThe leading Brand Advocacy company providing the first Word of Mouth Marketing platform delivering measurable ROI by energizing Brand Advocates across email, social media and influential 3rd Party Sites.Turnkey solution helping world-class brands:Identifytheir most passionate customers (aka Advocates)
  • 11. Monitorandtrackthe results in real-timeZuberance Customers
  • 13. Why Brand Advocates?Highly-satisfied customers and others who pro-actively recommend brands or products without being paid to do soAdvocates are 5x more valuable than loyal customersAdvocates have an emotionalconnectionto the brandAdvocates want to express themselvesAdvocates want to connect with othersAdvocates want to helpValue to your BusinessSources: Harvard Business Review, Satmetrix, Bain & Company, Comscore, Yahoo!
  • 14. Advocates have Massive ReachSocial Media Amplifies Brand Advocates=60M Trusted WOMImpressionsX 4# Posts Per Advocate Per Year= 15M# Impressions X150 # People Reached Per Post100,000 Energized AdvocatesSources: Forrester, ComscoreNote: Estimated # of Trusted WOM Impressions over 12-month period
  • 15. Advocates are Most Trusted Source90% Consumers Trust Advocates; 33% Trust Online Ads
  • 16. Advocacy happens across all platformsOver 85%f happens offline
  • 19. Our ApproachThe Zuberance Advocate Platform is a hosted Word of Mouth marketing solution and fully integrated brand advocacy systemIdentifyAdvocate ResponsesAdvocate ActionsPaid MediaMobilizeRatings & ReviewsStories & TestimonialsOffersAnswersTrackClicks, ConversionsImpressionsReview & comment moderationZ Score, NPS速Advocate Profile Data
  • 20. Identify Brand AdvocatesUltimate QuestionRecommend BadgesBrand Advocates
  • 21. Mobilize Brand AdvocatesAdvocate StoriesAdvocate Ratings & ReviewsAdvocate AnswersAdvocate Offers
  • 23. Leads
  • 24. Sales
  • 25. ImpressionsLeverage the Zuberance WOM Platform to Identify, Mobilize and Track Brand AdvocatesEmail Database(i.e. newsletter, single CTA)Brand Social Web(.com, community, Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In)Other(i.e. In-Store, Paid Media)SourcesTracking on Zuberance PlatformAdvocate IDIdentify7-80-69-10Thank You(end)MobilizeOffersReview/StoryShareInfluential 3rd Party Sites: Amazon, Trip Advisor, Yelp
  • 30. Zuberance is a end-to-end solutionWhat end-to-end really meansAdvocate Strategy DevelopmentUse of Zuberance Social Marketing Technology PlatformOn Demand, Advocate Analytics DashboardCreative servicesWeekly planning meetings24x7 technical supportwhy it mattersKnow your Advocates by name & emailEnable positive WOM in the marketplaceDrive sales and revenue via Advocates
  • 31. 3rd Party Publishing Work Flow1. Advocate clicks on banner2. Advocate rates & reviews Chilis3. Advocate clicks on integrated social publishing tools4. Zuberance automatically brings Advocate to Yelp page5. Advocates review published on Yelp
  • 32. Contact InformationAlicia Molnar, Sales Director, East908-334-7918Alicia.molnar@zuberance.comwww.zuberance.com