Spring Batch is a framework for batch processing in Java. It allows developers to process large volumes of records by dividing the work into small chunks called steps. The framework includes components like job launcher, job repository, step, item reader, item processor and item writer to process a batch job. Jobs are composed of steps, and steps use readers, processors and writers to read, process and write data.
Spring Batch is a framework for batch processing in Java. It allows developers to process large volumes of records by dividing the work into small chunks called steps. The framework includes components like job launcher, job repository, step, item reader, item processor and item writer to process a batch job. Jobs are composed of steps, and steps use readers, processors and writers to read, process and write data.
The document discusses DevOps practices at Flickr for deploying code 10 times per day. It links to a slideshare presentation about Flickr's cooperation between development and operations teams. Additional links are provided about codebases, infrastructure as code, and other DevOps topics.
The 狠狠撸Share 101 is a quick start guide if you want to walk through the main features that the platform offers. This will keep getting updated as new features are launched.
The 狠狠撸Share 101 replaces the earlier "狠狠撸Share Quick Tour".
23. Canvas Fingerprinting
? HTML5において図形や文字の描画に用いるCanvas要素を利用
– K. Mowery and H. Shacham. “Pixel perfect: Fingerprinting canvas in HTML5.” In Web
2.0 Workshop on Security and Privacy (W2SP). IEEE, 2012.
? 描画結果をピクセル単位で見ると,OSやブラウザ,インストールされ
– “Canvas fingerprint Checker”
25. Canvas Fingerprinting
? Canvas Fingerprintの特徴
– Cookieと異なり,ドメインを跨いでも同じ値にアクセス可能
– User-Agentのように値を偽造することが不可能
– 通常利用とトラッキング目的での利用の区別が難しい
? Alexa Rank上位10万サイトのうち,5.5%がCanvas Fingerprintingを
– “The Web Never Forgets: Persistent Tracking Mechanisms in the Wild” (Gunes Acar,
ACM CCS, 2014)
– AddThisの場合,FingerprintはTargetingやPersonalizationのためではなく,内部で
26. Evercookie
? ブラウザの永続的なcookieを作るJavaScript API
– Created by Samy Kamkar (https://github.com/samyk/evercookie)
? ローカルストレージに保存するものなど,ブラウザでは削除困難な
– Standard HTTP Cookies
– Local Shared Objects (Flash Cookies)
– Silverlight Isolated Storage
– Storing cookies in RGB values of auto-generated, force-cached
– PNGs using HTML5 Canvas tag to read pixels (cookies) back out
– Storing cookies in Web History
– Storing cookies in HTTP ETags
– Storing cookies in Web cache
– window.name caching
– Internet Explorer userData storage
– HTML5 Session Storage
– HTML5 Local Storage
– HTML5 Global Storage
– HTML5 Database Storage via SQLite
– HTML5 IndexedDB
– Java JNLP PersistenceService
– Java CVE-2013-0422 exploit (applet sandbox escaping) 26
49. 論文
? Fingerprinting Mechanism
– P. Eckersley, “How unique is your web browser? In Privacy
Enhancing Technologies (PETs),” pages 1–18. Springer, 2010
? Measurement Study
– Gunes Acar, Christian Eubank, Steven Englehardt, Marc Juarez, Arvind
Narayanan, Claudia Diaz, “The Web Never Forgets: Persistent
Tracking Mechanisms in the Wild,” ACM CCS, 2014
? Defense
– N. Nikiforakis, W. Joosen, and B. Livshits. “PriVaricator: Deceiving
Fingerprinters with Little White Lies,” Microsoft Research, 2014
? Behavioral targeting without tracking
– S. Guha, B. Cheng, and P. Francis, “Privad: Practical Privacy in Online
Advertising,“ USENIX, 2011
50. 論文
? Canvas fingerprinting
– K. Mowery and H. Shacham. “Pixel perfect: Fingerprinting canvas in
HTML5.” In Web 2.0 Workshop on Security and Privacy (W2SP). IEEE,
? Detect session hijacking
– T. Unger, M. Mulazzani, D. Fruhwirt, M. Huber, S. Schrittwieser, and E.
Weippl. “SHPF: Enhancing HTTP(S) Session Security with Browser
Fingerprinting.” In Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), pages
255–261. IEEE, 2013.
51. Web
? 英BBC "Browser 'fingerprints' help track users“
? 米NBC News "New Tracking Tool Is Like a Cookie That Can't be Blocked“
? 米Wired “Bill to Restrict Online Tracking Introduced in Congress”
? 米ProPublica “Meet the Online Tracking Device That is Virtually Impossible to
? 米Business Wire “comScore Ranks AddThis #1 in Distributed Content in the
United States”
? 米Ars Technica ” Zombie cookie wars: evil tracking API meant to “raise
? The Chromium Projects “Technical analysis of client identification mechanisms”
? 明治大 齋藤孝道研究室 “Web Browser Fingerprint解説ページ”