This document discusses a $500,000 contribution from Starbucks to CARE to fund a three-year development program in rural Ethiopia. The program will improve economic and educational prospects for over 6,000 people through training in agricultural techniques, adult literacy programs, and community savings groups. Starbucks has supported CARE programs in coffee growing regions for 15 years with over $3 million in funding. This partnership will help empower households through education and skills training to improve their livelihoods and futures.
Public relations is the planned process of influencing public opinion through two-way communication, sound character, and proper performance. It involves research, policy formation, communication, and getting feedback to assess and adjust strategies. The roles of PR professionals include acting as a liaison, manager, and interpreter. PR aims to integrate the attitudes and actions of an institution with its various publics, which include both internal groups like employees as well as external groups who may buy products or be impacted by policies. Framing and spin can both be tactics used in PR, with spin sometimes implying disingenuous or manipulative tactics.
WIPC:E 2014 Presentation: Australian Blak History MonthLeesa Watego
The BLAK HISTORY MONTH (BHM) team will discuss and share their developmental methodology for their research, community engagement, communication strategy, resource production, volunteerism and critical thinking behind the development and implementation of Australia’s BLAK HISTORY MONTH. In January 2008, BHM founder initiated a guerrilla style communications strategy to declare July as BLAK HISTORY MONTH. Identified as a people’s movement, unvetted by Government or restricted by Agenda, BHM recognised that Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people & culture had grown from being nationally commemorated on one day, to one week (NAIDOC Week), to one month (BHM). 2014 marks BHM’s 7th year.
This short document discusses a music attraction called Wonderful Natural Scenery 6 Music that was created by He Yan in 2010. It contains mostly symbols and ends by saying "See You Again !!!" in a hopeful manner.
This document discusses a $500,000 contribution from Starbucks to CARE to fund a three-year development program in rural Ethiopia. The program will improve economic and educational prospects for over 6,000 people through training in agricultural techniques, adult literacy programs, and community savings groups. Starbucks has supported CARE programs in coffee growing regions for 15 years with over $3 million in funding. This partnership will help empower households through education and skills training to improve their livelihoods and futures.
Public relations is the planned process of influencing public opinion through two-way communication, sound character, and proper performance. It involves research, policy formation, communication, and getting feedback to assess and adjust strategies. The roles of PR professionals include acting as a liaison, manager, and interpreter. PR aims to integrate the attitudes and actions of an institution with its various publics, which include both internal groups like employees as well as external groups who may buy products or be impacted by policies. Framing and spin can both be tactics used in PR, with spin sometimes implying disingenuous or manipulative tactics.
WIPC:E 2014 Presentation: Australian Blak History MonthLeesa Watego
The BLAK HISTORY MONTH (BHM) team will discuss and share their developmental methodology for their research, community engagement, communication strategy, resource production, volunteerism and critical thinking behind the development and implementation of Australia’s BLAK HISTORY MONTH. In January 2008, BHM founder initiated a guerrilla style communications strategy to declare July as BLAK HISTORY MONTH. Identified as a people’s movement, unvetted by Government or restricted by Agenda, BHM recognised that Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people & culture had grown from being nationally commemorated on one day, to one week (NAIDOC Week), to one month (BHM). 2014 marks BHM’s 7th year.
This short document discusses a music attraction called Wonderful Natural Scenery 6 Music that was created by He Yan in 2010. It contains mostly symbols and ends by saying "See You Again !!!" in a hopeful manner.
This document contains 60 lines that each describe a single word or short phrase. There is no clear overall topic or narrative between the lines. Each line stands alone as a brief, isolated description without context or connection to the other lines.
This document appears to be a list of random words and phrases with no clear overall topic or narrative. It includes terms related to nature, photography, food, relationships, and other miscellaneous concepts with no obvious connecting theme between the entries. The list spans 59 numbered entries with short 1-3 word phrases or titles provided for each.
This document appears to be a list of photo titles or descriptions with no other context provided. There are 56 entries in the list ranging from generic terms like "baby", "flower", and "cityscape" to more specific references to locations, objects, and people including "Armenia", "Calgary stampede", "Kareena Kapoor", and "Mahatma Gandhi". The list covers a wide variety of subjects from nature and travel to architecture, vehicles, and portraits with no clear organizing principle between the entries.