Este documento describe los conceptos clave de la redacción de textos, incluyendo las etapas de planificación, redacción y revisión. Explica que la coherencia y cohesión son importantes para la organización lógica de las ideas y elementos del texto. También cubre el estilo, claridad y estructura del párrafo, identificando la idea principal y secundarias. Finalmente, resume los tipos básicos de textos como descriptivo, narrativo, expositivo y argumentativo.
La nube permite almacenar datos y archivos de forma virtual para acceder a ellos desde cualquier dispositivo. Ofrece ventajas como acceso a los datos desde cualquier lugar, la posibilidad de que muchos usuarios compartan archivos, y el mantenimiento técnico por parte de la nube. Sin embargo, también tiene desventajas como falta de seguridad y privacidad en los archivos y no se puede usar sin conexión a Internet. Algunas aplicaciones populares de la nube son Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, Ditcasa y Mega.
La tarjeta madre es la parte fundamental de una computadora que integra todos los componentes como el procesador, memoria y dispositivos de almacenamiento. Contiene circuitos como el chipset que conectan estos componentes y proporcionan entradas y salidas. La tarjeta madre también incluye la BIOS que permite iniciar el sistema operativo. Tiene conectores para componentes internos y externos como discos duros, unidades ópticas, puertos USB y de video.
The document discusses strategies for developing an information architecture (IA) strategy. It provides an overview of key components of an IA strategy, including determining goals, understanding the environment, planning interactions, validating and assessing the strategy, and documenting the plan. It also discusses developing strategies for user testing even with limited budgets. The document emphasizes that an IA strategy should align with and support broader business strategies and objectives.
The document outlines specifications for a hydrographic echo-sounder used to measure water depth in reservoirs and rivers. The echo-sounder is required to operate reliably under various environmental conditions, measure depths accurately from 0.3 to 200 meters, digitally display and record readings, and transmit data to a controlling PC for collection and analysis. It must also be durable, easy to use and maintain, and have a lifespan of at least 10 years.
The presentation of John C. Yiannoudis in IPSEF Dubai 2016. The magic behind setting up a play-based preschool as per the example of Dorothy Snot preschool & kindergarten in Athens, Greeece.
Building a Winning UX Strategy from the Kano Model (Jared Spool) ProductCamp ...ProductCamp Boston
The document discusses using the Kano model to build a winning UX strategy. It explains that the Kano model categorizes product features and experiences into basic expectations, performance features, and excitement generators. It argues that a good UX strategy should focus on meeting basic expectations to avoid frustration, carefully selecting performance features, and using excitement generators like pleasure, flow, and meaning to delight users. It also emphasizes the need for ongoing research to understand changing user expectations and identify new opportunities for delight.
This document contains motivational quotes about success from various sources. Og Mandino encourages always doing your best, as you will reap what you sow. Walt Disney affirms that if you can dream it, you can do it. Bill Rancic believes the American Dream is still achievable through hard work without an Ivy League degree or millions of dollars. The quotes overall provide encouragement to work hard, learn from challenges, take control of your life, and avoid procrastination in order to find success.
This document provides an overview of using Cloudant as a NoSQL database with XPages applications. It discusses why the author chose Cloudant for an HR application, introduces Cloudant and how it works, explains how to connect to Cloudant from XPages using a Cloudant connector plugin, and demonstrates storing and retrieving jobs, attachments, and search data from Cloudant in an XPages application. The document contains code examples for Cloudant DAOs, controllers, and services to interact with Cloudant from the backend and display data in XPages.
The document describes an animated educational TV series called "Auto Pilots" that would teach teenagers about proper driving skills and road safety. Each episode would focus on a different driving topic. The main characters are teenagers Alan and Carmen who receive superhero powers and transform their beat-up car into a super vehicle when they insert a magic key. Their mission is to educate others on safe driving practices. The document provides character backstories and outlines potential episode plots that would highlight lessons on rules of the road, signage, traffic lights, and more.
Understanding Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies to Build Your Career i...Ricardo Viana Vargas
Ricardo Vargas gives great insights about managing a career in Project Management. He addresses the perspectives from those who are in the beginnings, going through a transition and for those seeking to expand their horizons.
This document provides an overview of molecular electronics. It discusses the physics of molecular devices, including energy levels in molecules and different transport regimes. It also covers theoretical approaches like Landauer's method and non-equilibrium Green's functions to model electronic transport through molecules. Finally, it outlines different types of molecular devices that can be fabricated, such as molecular rectifiers, switches, and transistors, and how molecular electronics could be used to build circuits.
The Gujarat Canal Top Solar Power Project is the first project in India to install solar panels on canals to generate electricity. It was launched in Gujarat to utilize the 19,000 km network of Narmada canals by setting up solar panels, which could generate an estimated 2,200 MW of solar power. The first 1 MW plant was inaugurated in 2012 on the Narmada branch canal in Kadi taluka at a cost of 177.1 million rupees. Installing solar panels on canals provides advantages like preventing water evaporation, utilizing existing canal land so no new land acquisition is needed, and generating more power due to cooler temperatures under the panels.
This document contains the transcript of a Twitter discussion using the hashtag #HQT2016. The discussion focuses on how change is evolving and the need for more platform-based approaches. Key points include: change is happening faster through rapid testing; digital skills are important for leaders; and formal change programs can be replaced by change platforms that empower many people to contribute ideas. Examples are given of successful change platforms like The Academy of Fabulous Stuff. The discussion advocates framing issues to engage people, investing in networks over formal systems, empowering diverse contributors, and allowing ideas to emerge through learning and adaptation.
A history of radar meteorology technology and theoryHossam Zein
This document provides a history of radar meteorology from the pre-World War II era through the 1970s. It describes how the concept of using radio waves for detection was established in the early 1900s, but it was not until the 1930s that radar was first used to detect aircraft. Significant developments during World War II, including the cavity magnetron, allowed radar technology to advance rapidly. After the war, research projects focused on using radar to study weather phenomena like precipitation and clouds. Key findings included the Marshall-Palmer Z-R relationship and investigations of bright bands and angel echoes.
Este documento presenta el texto actualizado del Decreto Supremo N° 255 que reglamenta el Programa de Protección del Patrimonio Familiar. Se enumeran cuatro decretos supremo que han modificado el decreto original. Luego, se detalla la estructura del decreto actualizado, dividiéndolo en ocho párrafos que abarcan temas como los subsidios, definiciones, títulos del programa, proyectos, ahorro e instrumentos, postulación al programa y llamados a postulación.
La tarjeta madre es la parte fundamental de una computadora que integra todos los componentes como el procesador, memoria y dispositivos de almacenamiento. Contiene circuitos como el chipset que conectan estos componentes y proporcionan entradas y salidas. La tarjeta madre también incluye la BIOS que permite iniciar el sistema operativo. Tiene conectores para componentes internos y externos como discos duros, unidades ópticas, puertos USB y de video.
The document discusses strategies for developing an information architecture (IA) strategy. It provides an overview of key components of an IA strategy, including determining goals, understanding the environment, planning interactions, validating and assessing the strategy, and documenting the plan. It also discusses developing strategies for user testing even with limited budgets. The document emphasizes that an IA strategy should align with and support broader business strategies and objectives.
The document outlines specifications for a hydrographic echo-sounder used to measure water depth in reservoirs and rivers. The echo-sounder is required to operate reliably under various environmental conditions, measure depths accurately from 0.3 to 200 meters, digitally display and record readings, and transmit data to a controlling PC for collection and analysis. It must also be durable, easy to use and maintain, and have a lifespan of at least 10 years.
The presentation of John C. Yiannoudis in IPSEF Dubai 2016. The magic behind setting up a play-based preschool as per the example of Dorothy Snot preschool & kindergarten in Athens, Greeece.
Building a Winning UX Strategy from the Kano Model (Jared Spool) ProductCamp ...ProductCamp Boston
The document discusses using the Kano model to build a winning UX strategy. It explains that the Kano model categorizes product features and experiences into basic expectations, performance features, and excitement generators. It argues that a good UX strategy should focus on meeting basic expectations to avoid frustration, carefully selecting performance features, and using excitement generators like pleasure, flow, and meaning to delight users. It also emphasizes the need for ongoing research to understand changing user expectations and identify new opportunities for delight.
This document contains motivational quotes about success from various sources. Og Mandino encourages always doing your best, as you will reap what you sow. Walt Disney affirms that if you can dream it, you can do it. Bill Rancic believes the American Dream is still achievable through hard work without an Ivy League degree or millions of dollars. The quotes overall provide encouragement to work hard, learn from challenges, take control of your life, and avoid procrastination in order to find success.
This document provides an overview of using Cloudant as a NoSQL database with XPages applications. It discusses why the author chose Cloudant for an HR application, introduces Cloudant and how it works, explains how to connect to Cloudant from XPages using a Cloudant connector plugin, and demonstrates storing and retrieving jobs, attachments, and search data from Cloudant in an XPages application. The document contains code examples for Cloudant DAOs, controllers, and services to interact with Cloudant from the backend and display data in XPages.
The document describes an animated educational TV series called "Auto Pilots" that would teach teenagers about proper driving skills and road safety. Each episode would focus on a different driving topic. The main characters are teenagers Alan and Carmen who receive superhero powers and transform their beat-up car into a super vehicle when they insert a magic key. Their mission is to educate others on safe driving practices. The document provides character backstories and outlines potential episode plots that would highlight lessons on rules of the road, signage, traffic lights, and more.
Understanding Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies to Build Your Career i...Ricardo Viana Vargas
Ricardo Vargas gives great insights about managing a career in Project Management. He addresses the perspectives from those who are in the beginnings, going through a transition and for those seeking to expand their horizons.
This document provides an overview of molecular electronics. It discusses the physics of molecular devices, including energy levels in molecules and different transport regimes. It also covers theoretical approaches like Landauer's method and non-equilibrium Green's functions to model electronic transport through molecules. Finally, it outlines different types of molecular devices that can be fabricated, such as molecular rectifiers, switches, and transistors, and how molecular electronics could be used to build circuits.
The Gujarat Canal Top Solar Power Project is the first project in India to install solar panels on canals to generate electricity. It was launched in Gujarat to utilize the 19,000 km network of Narmada canals by setting up solar panels, which could generate an estimated 2,200 MW of solar power. The first 1 MW plant was inaugurated in 2012 on the Narmada branch canal in Kadi taluka at a cost of 177.1 million rupees. Installing solar panels on canals provides advantages like preventing water evaporation, utilizing existing canal land so no new land acquisition is needed, and generating more power due to cooler temperatures under the panels.
This document contains the transcript of a Twitter discussion using the hashtag #HQT2016. The discussion focuses on how change is evolving and the need for more platform-based approaches. Key points include: change is happening faster through rapid testing; digital skills are important for leaders; and formal change programs can be replaced by change platforms that empower many people to contribute ideas. Examples are given of successful change platforms like The Academy of Fabulous Stuff. The discussion advocates framing issues to engage people, investing in networks over formal systems, empowering diverse contributors, and allowing ideas to emerge through learning and adaptation.
A history of radar meteorology technology and theoryHossam Zein
This document provides a history of radar meteorology from the pre-World War II era through the 1970s. It describes how the concept of using radio waves for detection was established in the early 1900s, but it was not until the 1930s that radar was first used to detect aircraft. Significant developments during World War II, including the cavity magnetron, allowed radar technology to advance rapidly. After the war, research projects focused on using radar to study weather phenomena like precipitation and clouds. Key findings included the Marshall-Palmer Z-R relationship and investigations of bright bands and angel echoes.
Este documento presenta el texto actualizado del Decreto Supremo N° 255 que reglamenta el Programa de Protección del Patrimonio Familiar. Se enumeran cuatro decretos supremo que han modificado el decreto original. Luego, se detalla la estructura del decreto actualizado, dividiéndolo en ocho párrafos que abarcan temas como los subsidios, definiciones, títulos del programa, proyectos, ahorro e instrumentos, postulación al programa y llamados a postulación.
This document contains 60 lines that each describe a single word or short phrase. There is no clear overall topic or narrative between the lines. Each line stands alone as a brief, isolated description without context or connection to the other lines.
This document appears to be a list of random words and phrases with no clear overall topic or narrative. It includes terms related to nature, photography, food, relationships, and other miscellaneous concepts with no obvious connecting theme between the entries. The list spans 59 numbered entries with short 1-3 word phrases or titles provided for each.
This document appears to be a list of photo titles or descriptions with no other context provided. There are 56 entries in the list ranging from generic terms like "baby", "flower", and "cityscape" to more specific references to locations, objects, and people including "Armenia", "Calgary stampede", "Kareena Kapoor", and "Mahatma Gandhi". The list covers a wide variety of subjects from nature and travel to architecture, vehicles, and portraits with no clear organizing principle between the entries.
This document appears to be a collection of image titles or descriptions without accompanying images. There are 64 entries that describe various scenes, objects, designs, and people including classic living rooms, houses, books, musical instruments, cities, seasons, animals, and more. Many of the titles reference colors like blue, green, red, and nature or artistic themes.