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NCCL's 77th Annual Conference and Exposition
                May 19-23, 2013
                Cleveland, Ohio
Sunday, May 19, 2013

 Representative Council
 Sunday Eucharist
 Vatican II 50th Anniversary Celebration
         Feeding the Fire of Your Faith

   Faith is always a gift from God  what
 ignites it, what sparks your willingness to
                                                                    *New this year*
                                                                     Round Robin
                  Keynote: Fr. James Mallon
  Fr. Mallon is the founder and director of the John Paul II        Whats on
 Media Institute. In addition to creating Catholicism 201, he        Your Mind?
     has created Dogmatic Theology, a DVD series full of
humor, insight and theological consideration, based upon his
many experiences with the often mischievous Monsi, a nine-
                    year-old shepherd mix.
 Learn about the newest resources from the publishers
 Receive discounts off your conference purchases
 Earn a chance to win an iPad!

During the Round Robin session, publishers will present information on their newest
resources. Each presentation will last 18 minutes and will be repeated 3 times. You will be
able to attend 3 different publisher presentations in an hour and 15 minute time frame.

At each presentation you will receive a publisher coupon that can be redeemed at the
publisher's booth on Tuesday morning. You will also earn one chance per session to win an
iPad, which will be given away on Wednesday during the Exhibit Hall closing.
 Have a great idea for NCCL to share with the Board?
 Know of some needs that you'd like NCCL to address?
 Think improvements could be made in some aspects of the organization?

                     Let the NCCL Board members know
       What's on your mind?  Share questions, comments, and concerns!

 Anew feature of the 2013 Annual Conference and Exposition!
   Fanning the Flames of Joy and Peace
           (Sharing the Story)
TED-Style Talks
                                                      *New this year*

Initiation: Sr. Mary McCormick                        Table
        Healing: Bishop Frank Caggiano                 during TED-
        Vocation: Greg Erlandson                       style talks!

                                                      Quick Fire!

     Nourished through the sacraments, through        Q&A with
     Tradition, through community, we share the        TED-style
   story. What do these mean to you? How do you        presenters
             effectively share the story?
 What is Rapid Resources?
     An hour-long opportunity to participate in four fast paced presentations given by
       diocesan and parish catechetical leaders, publishers, academics, and authors.

 Rapid Resource presentations will be accepted/organized into three categories
    Diocesan/Parish Programs           Resources              Timely Topics

 How does it work?
     Attendees will select from the list of topics/presenters located in the conference
       programs. Each 10 minute segment will include a 7 minute presentation, a 3 minute
       response, and include a handout. Attendees will then have 5 minutes to move to
       another presentation.
After the TED-style presentations:

 Facilitated table discussions will generate questions for presenters

 Questions are collected and given to the presenters

 Reconvene later to hear the presenters answers to your questions!
Igniting a Biblical Bonfire with Confidence
                 TED-Style Talks
                                                                 *New this year*

         Old Testament: RenataFurst                              Table
New Testament (Paul): Margaret Nutting-Ralph                      Facilitators
                                                                  during TED-
                                                                  style talks!

                                                                 Dessert in
     Our individual stories connect with the larger
                                                                  Exhibit Hall
 story. Grounded in Scripture, we have the confidence
to go forward and evangelize. In what ways do you help
others to connect their stories with the greatest story so       USCCB
     that they can live their faith with confidence?              Reports
Sustaining (Spreading) the Fire Ignited by
          Personal Encounters

Go forth, having seen and experienced the
  Fire, to be the change we want to see!

        Closing Keynote: Fr. Richard Fragomeni
Fr. Fragomeni teaches at Catholic Theological Union in
Chicago, where he is Associate Professor of Liturgy and
Preaching and Chairperson of the Department of Word
  and Worship. He also wrote the prayers for Michael
       ONeill McGraths book Blessed Art Thou.
Post-Conference May 23, 2013

 Fr. Richard Fragomeni will offer insights
and reflection on sacraments as moments
            of evangelization.

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Ignite the Fire of Faith - 2013 NCCL Conference

  • 1. NCCL's 77th Annual Conference and Exposition May 19-23, 2013 Cleveland, Ohio
  • 2. Pre-Conference Sunday, May 19, 2013 NACMP FCH Board Representative Council Sunday Eucharist Vatican II 50th Anniversary Celebration
  • 3. Monday: Feeding the Fire of Your Faith Faith is always a gift from God what ignites it, what sparks your willingness to *New this year* evangelize? Publishers Round Robin Keynote: Fr. James Mallon Fr. Mallon is the founder and director of the John Paul II Whats on Media Institute. In addition to creating Catholicism 201, he Your Mind? has created Dogmatic Theology, a DVD series full of humor, insight and theological consideration, based upon his many experiences with the often mischievous Monsi, a nine- year-old shepherd mix.
  • 4. Learn about the newest resources from the publishers Receive discounts off your conference purchases Earn a chance to win an iPad! During the Round Robin session, publishers will present information on their newest resources. Each presentation will last 18 minutes and will be repeated 3 times. You will be able to attend 3 different publisher presentations in an hour and 15 minute time frame. At each presentation you will receive a publisher coupon that can be redeemed at the publisher's booth on Tuesday morning. You will also earn one chance per session to win an iPad, which will be given away on Wednesday during the Exhibit Hall closing.
  • 5. Have a great idea for NCCL to share with the Board? Know of some needs that you'd like NCCL to address? Think improvements could be made in some aspects of the organization? Let the NCCL Board members know What's on your mind? Share questions, comments, and concerns! Anew feature of the 2013 Annual Conference and Exposition!
  • 6. Tuesday: Fanning the Flames of Joy and Peace (Sharing the Story) TED-Style Talks *New this year* Initiation: Sr. Mary McCormick Table Facilitators Healing: Bishop Frank Caggiano during TED- Vocation: Greg Erlandson style talks! Quick Fire! Nourished through the sacraments, through Q&A with Tradition, through community, we share the TED-style story. What do these mean to you? How do you presenters effectively share the story?
  • 7. What is Rapid Resources? An hour-long opportunity to participate in four fast paced presentations given by diocesan and parish catechetical leaders, publishers, academics, and authors. Rapid Resource presentations will be accepted/organized into three categories Diocesan/Parish Programs Resources Timely Topics How does it work? Attendees will select from the list of topics/presenters located in the conference programs. Each 10 minute segment will include a 7 minute presentation, a 3 minute response, and include a handout. Attendees will then have 5 minutes to move to another presentation.
  • 8. After the TED-style presentations: Facilitated table discussions will generate questions for presenters Questions are collected and given to the presenters Reconvene later to hear the presenters answers to your questions!
  • 9. Wednesday: Igniting a Biblical Bonfire with Confidence TED-Style Talks *New this year* Old Testament: RenataFurst Table New Testament (Paul): Margaret Nutting-Ralph Facilitators during TED- style talks! Dessert in Our individual stories connect with the larger Exhibit Hall story. Grounded in Scripture, we have the confidence Closing to go forward and evangelize. In what ways do you help others to connect their stories with the greatest story so USCCB that they can live their faith with confidence? Reports
  • 10. Thursday: Sustaining (Spreading) the Fire Ignited by Personal Encounters Go forth, having seen and experienced the Fire, to be the change we want to see! Closing Keynote: Fr. Richard Fragomeni Fr. Fragomeni teaches at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, where he is Associate Professor of Liturgy and Preaching and Chairperson of the Department of Word and Worship. He also wrote the prayers for Michael ONeill McGraths book Blessed Art Thou.
  • 11. Post-Conference May 23, 2013 Fr. Richard Fragomeni will offer insights and reflection on sacraments as moments of evangelization.