Mofald ldo and dto relation draft report by reshmiraj committeeBhim Upadhyaya
A draft Report on Relationship between DDC and District Technical Office(DTO) for proper management of physical Infrastructure development under the ministry prepared by the committee formed under Joint secretary of Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development Mr Reshmi Raj Pandey with financial assistance from GIZ
This is the new organizational structure of the MOHP of Nepal. the organizational structure has been changed from center to the provincial and district level.
An exclusive presentation on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) and Global Health 2024 by Global Health Council including recent updates until 2024 March.
This document discusses Nepal's National Immunization Program. It provides an introduction to the program, outlines the major vaccines included and diseases prevented. It describes the program's goals of disease control and elimination. Challenges like some children remaining unvaccinated are noted. The program has achieved major milestones in reducing mortality from targeted diseases but continuing efforts are needed to improve vaccination coverage rates and ensure all children are fully vaccinated.
1. The document discusses electronic Logistics Management Information System (eLMIS) and its introduction in Nepal.
2. It explains the objectives and importance of eLMIS for reliable and effective health service delivery through proper management of medicine, medical supplies and equipment supply chain.
3. Key aspects of eLMIS like introduction, current status, reporting mechanisms, and utilization of the system by different health facilities are highlighted.
Vaccines must be kept within a narrow temperature range to remain effective. This document discusses the "cold chain" system used to transport and store vaccines between 2-8属C from manufacture to administration. It describes different vaccine types and the importance of proper storage in refrigerators, cold boxes, or freezers. Temperature monitoring using devices like data loggers is crucial to ensure potency. Exposure to heat, light, or freezing can damage vaccines, so procedures must be followed carefully when handling or transporting them.
This document provides information on hypertension, including:
1. It defines hypertension and provides classifications based on systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings. It notes the challenges in establishing a specific cutoff point.
2. It discusses factors that influence blood pressure measurements and recommendations for accurate assessment from the WHO.
3. Prevalence rates of hypertension are provided for developed and developing countries. Higher rates are seen in older populations and those with unhealthy lifestyle habits.
4. Multiple risk factors for hypertension are identified, including modifiable factors like stress, smoking, alcohol, obesity and others as well as non-modifiable factors like family history, age and ethnicity.
An exclusive presentation on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) and Global Health 2024 by Global Health Council including recent updates until 2024 March.
This document discusses Nepal's National Immunization Program. It provides an introduction to the program, outlines the major vaccines included and diseases prevented. It describes the program's goals of disease control and elimination. Challenges like some children remaining unvaccinated are noted. The program has achieved major milestones in reducing mortality from targeted diseases but continuing efforts are needed to improve vaccination coverage rates and ensure all children are fully vaccinated.
1. The document discusses electronic Logistics Management Information System (eLMIS) and its introduction in Nepal.
2. It explains the objectives and importance of eLMIS for reliable and effective health service delivery through proper management of medicine, medical supplies and equipment supply chain.
3. Key aspects of eLMIS like introduction, current status, reporting mechanisms, and utilization of the system by different health facilities are highlighted.
Vaccines must be kept within a narrow temperature range to remain effective. This document discusses the "cold chain" system used to transport and store vaccines between 2-8属C from manufacture to administration. It describes different vaccine types and the importance of proper storage in refrigerators, cold boxes, or freezers. Temperature monitoring using devices like data loggers is crucial to ensure potency. Exposure to heat, light, or freezing can damage vaccines, so procedures must be followed carefully when handling or transporting them.
This document provides information on hypertension, including:
1. It defines hypertension and provides classifications based on systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings. It notes the challenges in establishing a specific cutoff point.
2. It discusses factors that influence blood pressure measurements and recommendations for accurate assessment from the WHO.
3. Prevalence rates of hypertension are provided for developed and developing countries. Higher rates are seen in older populations and those with unhealthy lifestyle habits.
4. Multiple risk factors for hypertension are identified, including modifiable factors like stress, smoking, alcohol, obesity and others as well as non-modifiable factors like family history, age and ethnicity.
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International Conference on Human Rights,1968
Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women,1979
International Conference on Population Development, 1994
Global Strategy for Womens, Childrens and Adolescents Health (2016-2030)
London Summit on Family Planning, 2012
Nairobi Summit on ICPD 25: Accelerating the Promise , 2019