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BlogsGroup -13Abhishek GuptaAkashdeepRaman GoyalVarunbajpai
Whatis a BlogA blog (or weblog) is a web site that:is organized chronologically by dateself-archives by dateis updated somewhat regularly with relatively short entriesincludes links, more links, and still more linksuses a unique URL (called a permalink) for each individual postuses blogging software
Most Blogs.are comprised of short postsallow readers to comment on each postdisplay a calendar or a date list for accessing archivesinclude a blogroll that lists the various sites that particular blogger readsprovide an RSS feed that syndicates the content and lets you read posts in a separate reader called an aggregator.
Birth of BlogBlog is short for weblog, a term coined by JornBargerin 1997 and popularized by Cameron Barrettin 1999.Peter Merholz decided to pronounce the term wee-blog, which was eventually shortened to just blog.Bloggish sites existed long before 1999, but it was during this time that like sites were identified and collected in lists, patterns emerged, and the number of blog sites began to increase significantly.
Growth of BlogIn 1999, a company called Pyra released Blogger, a service that let anyone publish a blog for free by typing in a box in their web browser.The blog movement started to grow, but September 11, 2001, marked a tipping point.Today, there could be as many as one million blogs using dozens of blogging products.
Advantage of BloggingEasy to create and maintainDont need to know HTML or any programming languageBlog hosts are for freeExcellent way of sharing knowledge
Why You Should Care about Blogs1.They act as information filters to help you handle information overload.Help you keep current2.They allow you to easily disseminate your own ideas, thoughts, or information.Including information related to your life, work, etc.Telling Your Story3.Networking
Finding and Searching BlogsWeblog specific search engines and/or directoriesFeedsterhttp://www.feedster.com/Bloogzhttp://www.bloogz.com/Blogstreethttp://www.blogstreet.com/Bloglineshttp://www.bloglines.com/
How to GetYourOwn Blog
Place to GetYour BlogBloggerhttp://www.blogger.com/startXangahttp://www.xanga.com/MSN Spacehttp://spaces.msn.com/Blogstreamhttp://www.blogstream.com/
How to make money withyour BlogGoogle Adsense: You display ads on your sites that are automatically generated based on the content.Everytime a visitor clicks on your ad, you earn money.
How to make money withyour BlogSelling a Product/ServiceYou encourage the users to buy a product or service that you own of you are affiliated with.You can join another websites affiliate program eg clickbank.com, linkshare.com and get paid everytime that visitor buys something or visits the required site
How to make money withyour BlogPaid LeadsMany affiliate programs will pay you money when you send a visitor to fill out a quote for car insurance, mortgages etc.
How to make money withyour BlogDonationIn addition to or in lieu of direct sales, you can also consider asking for donations.Fir this a paypal account or some payment receiving mechanism is required.
How to make money withyour BlogSelling your BlogBlogs are like businesses and if it has a certain level of traffic and revenue, acquisition is a feasible option.Some blogs may be attractive to buyers because of content and user base.
How to make money withyour BlogBlogging for Hire/Blogging networksThere are plenty of opportunities as many companies and blogging networks are always on the lookout for fresh writing talent.Blogging networks are sites devoted to blogging with dedicated paid writters.
What to Blog aboutBlogs are an amazing business because it is much easier to get traffic from search engine compared to a regular website.The important thing to note is that search engines prefer blogs that have a specific theme and relevant content.If you are writing about too many different themes, it dilutes your original theme and makes you appear less relevant to search engines.
How to createsearchpreferred  blogs?Decide on the content and the market.Decide on how you want to make money. 	Google AdSense	Affiliate ProgramsCheck out the website www.keyworddiscovery.com and find out the search pattern of the concerned topic.
Type the same keywords in google and find out number of searches per month and competing websites.Check out websites like www.goarticles.com and get ideas on the respective themes.Think from the customers point of view.
7. After deciding the themes visit yahoo or google and analyze the top 10 positions.	Find out if the websites have very rich content or can be replaced.8. Use the theme in the url of your blog. This tells the URL and search engine that what you are all about.
How to getyour Blog out there?A RSS (Really Simple Syndication) a very easy way to distribute your blog to readersHow to put your blog out there to reach the audience?Submit your RSS feed to aggregator like Bloglines, MyYahoo and Google Reader http://www.bloglines.com
Top 10 Blogs following Web 2.0TechCrunch - Reviews new companiesGigaOMPostBubble  reviews with Success and Failure betseHub  Listing of new SitesRev2.org  Covers topics around web 2.0Mashable  Covers social Sites and web 2.0 startups
Top 10 Blogs following Web 2.0..Dion Hinchcliffe  Impact of Web 2.0 on enterprise applicationsRead/WriteWeb  Information on innovative Web Apps and Services/Message  Social MediaSolutionWatch  Reviews of emerging sites
Promotingyour BlogSubmitting to Blog directories.Directories will bring in direct traffic
More the number of links in directory, higher the ranking in search.Submitting to Article directories.Entice the article readers to read the blog.Trade LinksThe more the number of links, the better the search engine ranking. Promotingyour BlogPosting on forumsParticipate in forum discussions relevant to your theme and publish your site in the signature part of your profile. Post Comments on BlogsUse the platform of more established blogs to attract more visitors. WhyWordpresswhenyou have Blogger
P P P  Deluge
P P P  Deluge
Thank You
P P P  Deluge

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P P P Deluge

  • 2. Whatis a BlogA blog (or weblog) is a web site that:is organized chronologically by dateself-archives by dateis updated somewhat regularly with relatively short entriesincludes links, more links, and still more linksuses a unique URL (called a permalink) for each individual postuses blogging software
  • 3. Most Blogs.are comprised of short postsallow readers to comment on each postdisplay a calendar or a date list for accessing archivesinclude a blogroll that lists the various sites that particular blogger readsprovide an RSS feed that syndicates the content and lets you read posts in a separate reader called an aggregator.
  • 4. Birth of BlogBlog is short for weblog, a term coined by JornBargerin 1997 and popularized by Cameron Barrettin 1999.Peter Merholz decided to pronounce the term wee-blog, which was eventually shortened to just blog.Bloggish sites existed long before 1999, but it was during this time that like sites were identified and collected in lists, patterns emerged, and the number of blog sites began to increase significantly.
  • 5. Growth of BlogIn 1999, a company called Pyra released Blogger, a service that let anyone publish a blog for free by typing in a box in their web browser.The blog movement started to grow, but September 11, 2001, marked a tipping point.Today, there could be as many as one million blogs using dozens of blogging products.
  • 7. Advantage of BloggingEasy to create and maintainDont need to know HTML or any programming languageBlog hosts are for freeExcellent way of sharing knowledge
  • 8. Why You Should Care about Blogs1.They act as information filters to help you handle information overload.Help you keep current2.They allow you to easily disseminate your own ideas, thoughts, or information.Including information related to your life, work, etc.Telling Your Story3.Networking
  • 9. Finding and Searching BlogsWeblog specific search engines and/or directoriesFeedsterhttp://www.feedster.com/Bloogzhttp://www.bloogz.com/Blogstreethttp://www.blogstreet.com/Bloglineshttp://www.bloglines.com/
  • 11. Place to GetYour BlogBloggerhttp://www.blogger.com/startXangahttp://www.xanga.com/MSN Spacehttp://spaces.msn.com/Blogstreamhttp://www.blogstream.com/
  • 12. How to make money withyour BlogGoogle Adsense: You display ads on your sites that are automatically generated based on the content.Everytime a visitor clicks on your ad, you earn money.
  • 13. How to make money withyour BlogSelling a Product/ServiceYou encourage the users to buy a product or service that you own of you are affiliated with.You can join another websites affiliate program eg clickbank.com, linkshare.com and get paid everytime that visitor buys something or visits the required site
  • 14. How to make money withyour BlogPaid LeadsMany affiliate programs will pay you money when you send a visitor to fill out a quote for car insurance, mortgages etc.
  • 15. How to make money withyour BlogDonationIn addition to or in lieu of direct sales, you can also consider asking for donations.Fir this a paypal account or some payment receiving mechanism is required.
  • 16. How to make money withyour BlogSelling your BlogBlogs are like businesses and if it has a certain level of traffic and revenue, acquisition is a feasible option.Some blogs may be attractive to buyers because of content and user base.
  • 17. How to make money withyour BlogBlogging for Hire/Blogging networksThere are plenty of opportunities as many companies and blogging networks are always on the lookout for fresh writing talent.Blogging networks are sites devoted to blogging with dedicated paid writters.
  • 18. What to Blog aboutBlogs are an amazing business because it is much easier to get traffic from search engine compared to a regular website.The important thing to note is that search engines prefer blogs that have a specific theme and relevant content.If you are writing about too many different themes, it dilutes your original theme and makes you appear less relevant to search engines.
  • 19. How to createsearchpreferred blogs?Decide on the content and the market.Decide on how you want to make money. Google AdSense Affiliate ProgramsCheck out the website www.keyworddiscovery.com and find out the search pattern of the concerned topic.
  • 20. Type the same keywords in google and find out number of searches per month and competing websites.Check out websites like www.goarticles.com and get ideas on the respective themes.Think from the customers point of view.
  • 21. 7. After deciding the themes visit yahoo or google and analyze the top 10 positions. Find out if the websites have very rich content or can be replaced.8. Use the theme in the url of your blog. This tells the URL and search engine that what you are all about.
  • 22. How to getyour Blog out there?A RSS (Really Simple Syndication) a very easy way to distribute your blog to readersHow to put your blog out there to reach the audience?Submit your RSS feed to aggregator like Bloglines, MyYahoo and Google Reader http://www.bloglines.com
  • 23. Top 10 Blogs following Web 2.0TechCrunch - Reviews new companiesGigaOMPostBubble reviews with Success and Failure betseHub Listing of new SitesRev2.org Covers topics around web 2.0Mashable Covers social Sites and web 2.0 startups
  • 24. Top 10 Blogs following Web 2.0..Dion Hinchcliffe Impact of Web 2.0 on enterprise applicationsRead/WriteWeb Information on innovative Web Apps and Services/Message Social MediaSolutionWatch Reviews of emerging sites
  • 25. Promotingyour BlogSubmitting to Blog directories.Directories will bring in direct traffic
  • 26. More the number of links in directory, higher the ranking in search.Submitting to Article directories.Entice the article readers to read the blog.Trade LinksThe more the number of links, the better the search engine ranking. Promotingyour BlogPosting on forumsParticipate in forum discussions relevant to your theme and publish your site in the signature part of your profile. Post Comments on BlogsUse the platform of more established blogs to attract more visitors. WhyWordpresswhenyou have Blogger