Final presentation_testFarizahEskakThe document proposes a social media campaign to increase market share for Orangina soft drink in Singapore and Malaysia among 18-24 year olds. The campaign is called "Seize the Zest" and involves two tiers - a game app to engage existing Facebook fans over one year, and a mocktail/cocktail recipe contest run over three months with key opinion leaders as judges. The game app aims to increase fan engagement and social metrics by 20% while the contest seeks earned media coverage and sales. The campaign aims to position Orangina as having a Mediterranean heritage using its unique pulp and benefits over competitor Minute Maid Pulpy.
Jiit;project 2013-2014;cse;project presentationChakshu SharmaDigital signatures provide authenticity, integrity, and non-repudiation for electronic documents. They use public key cryptography, where each user generates a public/private key pair. The private key is used to digitally sign a message by encrypting a hash of the message. Anyone can then verify the signature using the signer's public key. Digital signatures help secure electronic commerce and governance by authenticating digital documents in a similar way to a handwritten signature on paper.
Seminar presentation '12staceydance86The document discusses using collaborative learning strategies in dance teaching to accommodate students with varying technical abilities. It notes traditional methods can promote isolation and competition. Collaborative learning creates a comfortable environment where students feel less threatened. The document suggests using learning profiles to create slightly advanced tasks for struggling students. It discusses collaborative activities that begin with problems and lead to creation of new ideas. Cooperative learning is defined as instructional use of small groups for mutual learning. Cooperative work involves dividing and recombining individual work. Guidance is offered on careful instruction delivery to avoid confusion. Benefits of collaborative work in life beyond dance are identified as teamwork, leadership, having a voice, and sensitivity.
Digital Signage для кинотеатров от OptiVisionArtyom KovalyovРешения Digital Signage для комплексной визуальной коммуникации в кинотеатре. Цифровое меню, лобби, кассовая зона, зона отдыха и ожидания, кинозалы. Автоматизация бизнес процессов, яркий контент, рост вовлеченности и новых продаж, партнерские программы, динамичные трейлеры, рост конверсии дополнителных услуг, а тажке продаж еды и напитков, снижение порога недовольства от ожидания - все это и много других инноваций может дать современный Digital Signage бизнесу кинопроката.
Rne2006 em 010José Luis Figueredo DávilaEste documento establece normas para instalaciones eléctricas interiores en Perú. Detalla los componentes requeridos de un proyecto de instalación eléctrica, como memoria descriptiva, cálculos, especificaciones y planos. Incluye una tabla con niveles mínimos recomendados de iluminación para diferentes ambientes y actividades. Las instalaciones deben cumplir con el Código Nacional de Electricidad de Perú y realizarse bajo la supervisión de un ingeniero electricista.
EnglishHerlangga BasoEnglish has become the world's leading international language due to British colonial expansion in the 19th century and American cultural influence in the 20th century. It is currently spoken by over 460 million people as either a first or second language. English evolved from Germanic and Romance language influences following the Norman conquest of England in 1066. By the 14th century it had become the dominant language in England and established as the national language, replacing Latin. Its global spread was aided by England's role in international trade by 1700.
Spark capital power utilities sector update march 2012valay24The Indian power sector is facing challenges due to domestic coal and gas shortages that are limiting plant load factors. The government is expected to intervene with reforms to help utilities, but the extent and timing is unclear. Potential reforms discussed include increasing domestic coal supply, allowing costlier imported coal, raising tariffs to allow fuel cost pass-throughs. The document recommends a portfolio approach and identifies Lanco, CESC and GIPCL as top "Buys" due to undervaluation, and Adani Power and GMR as "Sells" due to fuel risks and non-utility stresses, respectively.
Em.010José Luis Figueredo DávilaEste documento presenta la Norma Técnica EM.010 sobre instalaciones eléctricas interiores. Establece que dichas instalaciones deben cumplir con el Código Nacional de Electricidad y especifica los componentes requeridos de un proyecto de instalación eléctrica interior como memoria descriptiva, memoria de cálculo, especificaciones técnicas y planos. También presenta una tabla con valores mínimos de iluminancia requeridos para diferentes ambientes interiores y especifica que el diseño de las instalaciones eléctricas debe realiz
How does heat affect the strength of glue Bruno BrazdaThis document summarizes a student science project that tested how heat affects the strength of glue. The experiment involved heating water to different temperatures (90, 100, 110 degrees Celsius) and measuring how long glued weights could remain suspended above the water at each temperature before falling. The results showed that weights detached from the glue more quickly at higher temperatures, supporting the hypothesis that glue strength decreases as temperature increases. In conclusion, the experiment provided evidence that heated glue becomes weaker due to increased molecular motion making it less viscous.
Digital Signage for Hospitality businessArtyom KovalyovAll sorts of Digital Signage application throughout hospitality vertical market. Hotels, restaurants, bars and cafes all are covered. Product approach allows to structure the chaos of Digital Signage and provide solution for every case: Wayfinding, Concierge service, Digital menu, Private channel, Employee TV, Conference business automation, Emergency and many others.
EnglishHerlangga BasoEnglish has become the world's leading international language due to British colonial expansion in the 19th century and American cultural influence in the 20th century. It is currently spoken by over 460 million people as either a first or second language. English evolved from Germanic and Romance language influences following the Norman conquest of England in 1066. By the 14th century it had become the dominant language in England and established as the national language, replacing Latin. Its global spread was aided by England's role in international trade by 1700.
Spark capital power utilities sector update march 2012valay24The Indian power sector is facing challenges due to domestic coal and gas shortages that are limiting plant load factors. The government is expected to intervene with reforms to help utilities, but the extent and timing is unclear. Potential reforms discussed include increasing domestic coal supply, allowing costlier imported coal, raising tariffs to allow fuel cost pass-throughs. The document recommends a portfolio approach and identifies Lanco, CESC and GIPCL as top "Buys" due to undervaluation, and Adani Power and GMR as "Sells" due to fuel risks and non-utility stresses, respectively.
Em.010José Luis Figueredo DávilaEste documento presenta la Norma Técnica EM.010 sobre instalaciones eléctricas interiores. Establece que dichas instalaciones deben cumplir con el Código Nacional de Electricidad y especifica los componentes requeridos de un proyecto de instalación eléctrica interior como memoria descriptiva, memoria de cálculo, especificaciones técnicas y planos. También presenta una tabla con valores mínimos de iluminancia requeridos para diferentes ambientes interiores y especifica que el diseño de las instalaciones eléctricas debe realiz
How does heat affect the strength of glue Bruno BrazdaThis document summarizes a student science project that tested how heat affects the strength of glue. The experiment involved heating water to different temperatures (90, 100, 110 degrees Celsius) and measuring how long glued weights could remain suspended above the water at each temperature before falling. The results showed that weights detached from the glue more quickly at higher temperatures, supporting the hypothesis that glue strength decreases as temperature increases. In conclusion, the experiment provided evidence that heated glue becomes weaker due to increased molecular motion making it less viscous.
Digital Signage for Hospitality businessArtyom KovalyovAll sorts of Digital Signage application throughout hospitality vertical market. Hotels, restaurants, bars and cafes all are covered. Product approach allows to structure the chaos of Digital Signage and provide solution for every case: Wayfinding, Concierge service, Digital menu, Private channel, Employee TV, Conference business automation, Emergency and many others.