The classroom contains common school supplies like crayons, scissors, glue, chairs, erasers, pencils, markers, books, paper, and a sharpener for students to use. A smart board and folder are also present to aid in lessons and organization.
The document lists common objects found in an English classroom such as crayons, scissors, glue, chairs, erasers, pencils, markers, books, a smart board, paper, and sharpeners. It also includes a folder and a link to a YouTube video for singing along.
SU Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International_Club Contests_2010GetInTheCloud
1. The document announces a fall evaluation and humorous speech contest hosted by Toastmasters International District 65 on September 28, 2010 at Syracuse University.
2. The agenda includes a panel evaluation contest with 4 panelists evaluating different aspects of a test speaker's speech, and a humorous speech contest.
3. Guidelines are provided for the panel evaluation contest, including criteria for judges to evaluate contestants on strengths analysis, recommendations, technique, and speech development.
MEN WANTED for hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful, honor and recognition in case of success.
Why would anyone in their right mind answer and ad like this? Humans are explorers by nature - we seek to extend our knowledge by journeying beyond visible horizons.
Exploration is as much about the journey and what we learn from it as it is about the destination. Its a nonlinear, dynamic process.
Exploration is inherently uncertain. As explorers, there is uncertainty over whether we will be able to find what we're looking for, or if it even exists. When were in that boat, well often use words like stressful, intense, or needing to manage the client, but the truth is, its scary - and that calls for courage. In our everyday lives as in the lives of explorers, courage isnt fearlessness. Rather, its the ability to do what we must in spite of our fears.
Theres a lot to thinking like an explorer. We focus on three aspects here: obtaining provisions (trading, berrypicking, foraging); navigation (trailblazing, orienting, mapmaking); and coping with obstacles (backtracking, rerouting, improvising).
Be Prepared is the Boy Scout Motto. But as any scout knows, no one starts out prepared; theres a reason the first rank in Scouting is called a Tenderfoot. Preparation is a skill acquired through experience, and mistakes are a part of that.
In our journeys, we come away changed as individuals as knowledge gives way to understanding. That understanding is our greatest reward its the gift that keeps on giving.
"We shall not cease from exploration. And at the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." - T.S. Eliot
This document contains an English class introduction that includes greetings, a name song, and links to singing videos. Miss Michelle introduces herself and asks students where she is from. The class participates in greeting and "How are you?" call-and-response exercises. Links to singing videos are provided for songs about greetings, good morning, and good afternoon.
This document lists common objects found in a classroom and identifies each one, including a ruler, pencil sharpener, notebook, desk, chair, board, window, table, scissors, pencil case, door, crayon, book, eraser, classroom, pencil, and school bag. Each object is presented with the question "What is it?" and the answer identifying the item.
The document lists common objects found in a classroom, including pencils, pens, crayons, paper, books, rulers, scissors, notebooks, rubber erasers, pencil sharpeners, desks, blackboards, and computers. It then provides a series of questions asking the user to select the correct classroom object from a list of options.
The document instructs the reader to fill in blanks with correct words chosen from page 73 of their textbook. It provides instructions for an assignment where terms must be selected from a reference source to complete statements or questions.
The document lists various school supplies including chairs, globes, books, notebooks, pencils, erasers, blackboards, rulers, pencil cases, scissors, glue, computers, folders, paper, pens, crayons, calculators and desks arranged in different combinations across multiple paragraphs.
El documento lista objetos comunes encontrados en un sal坦n de clases como libros, cuadernos, l叩pices, mesas, sillas, pizarras, banderas, mapas, calculadoras, computadoras y sus accesorios. Tambi辿n menciona roles como maestros, estudiantes y directores que interact炭an en el entorno escolar.
This document contains a series of questions and answers about classroom objects. Students are asked to identify objects like a chair, board, computer, book, egg, and orange. They are also asked questions to determine if an object is a pen or pencil, and if something is a table or desk. The responses provide the name of the object or confirm that an object is not something else.
This document describes the layout of a classroom from the perspective of a teacher, listing classroom furniture and objects including a teacher's desk, chair, locker, bookshelf, chalkboard, posters, and door.
This document provides a list of common classroom objects and asks the reader to match them with their names. It includes stationery items like pencils, notebooks, pens; furniture like desks, chairs; and other classroom accessories such as rulers, pencil sharpeners, scissors, crayons, and computers. The reader is asked to color the objects.
This document discusses classroom objects at a school in Angra do Hero鱈smo. It focuses on objects found in classrooms including desks, chairs, whiteboards, projectors, computers and other materials needed for students and teachers. The document aims to catalog and describe the various objects present in school classrooms to support teaching and learning activities.
This document provides examples of using demonstrative pronouns such as this, that, these and those in sentences. It gives the examples "this is an apple" and "those are books" pointing to illustrations of an apple and books. Further arrows point to illustrations of erasers and markers suggesting sentences using demonstrative pronouns to refer to them.
Places in School and Classroom Objects Vocabulary Wordslarsona2011
Este documento lista objetos y lugares comunes en una escuela y sal坦n de clases en espa単ol, incluyendo escritorios, cuadernos, l叩pices, mochilas, calculadoras, plumas, papel, tareas, pizarr坦n, ventanas, reloj, cafeter鱈a, gimnasio y biblioteca.
This document provides an English lesson for classroom objects. It introduces the question "What's this?" and the response "It's a..." to identify classroom items like a chair, table, pen, book, and clock. It then has students practice identifying these objects and includes a classroom song that repeats the objects while looking around the classroom.
This document contains a list of common phrases used in a classroom setting to ask questions, express doubts or lack of understanding, and request repetition or clarification from a teacher. Some examples included are "How can I say...?", "What means...?", "I have a question!", "Can you repeat please?", "Sorry?", "I don't understand.", and "I forgot!".
The document discusses using the present simple tense to talk about scheduled future events from timetables and programs. It lists verbs like "arrive", "begin", "leave", and "start" that can be used with the future meaning to indicate when scheduled events like plane or train departures occur. Examples are given showing how to use these verbs in sentences providing arrival and departure times from timetables.
This document lists common school supplies found in a classroom including pencils, pens, crayons, paper, books, rulers, scissors, notebooks, erasers, pencil sharpeners, desks, blackboards, computers, and chairs.
Este documento presenta actividades para que los estudiantes aprendan los nombres de algunos animales en ingl辿s. Incluye enlaces a ejercicios interactivos para emparejar im叩genes con palabras de animales y elegir la opci坦n correcta para nombrarlos. Tambi辿n sugiere crear una sopa de letras y dibujar animales como evaluaci坦n y tarea.
This document lists 18 different animals including common farm animals like cow, pig, chicken; domestic animals like dog and cat; wild animals like lion, giraffe, monkey; and others like fish, turtle, frog, rabbit, duck, horse, donkey, rooster and hen.
This document lists common objects found in a classroom such as books, a duster, charts, baskets, a blackboard, pencils, chairs, rulers, and a cupboard. It also includes a scrambled phrase with letters from the names of classroom objects.
This document contains a list of words beginning with Qq. It includes words like quail, quilt, quicksilver, quiet queen, and quiz. The word QUACK! is repeated twice in the list.
The document contains a list of words starting with V including vegetables, violin vending machine, venom, vacuum valentine, vampire volleyball, vowels, Van Vanilla ice cream, and vacation volcano.
El documento lista objetos comunes encontrados en un sal坦n de clases como libros, cuadernos, l叩pices, mesas, sillas, pizarras, banderas, mapas, calculadoras, computadoras y sus accesorios. Tambi辿n menciona roles como maestros, estudiantes y directores que interact炭an en el entorno escolar.
This document contains a series of questions and answers about classroom objects. Students are asked to identify objects like a chair, board, computer, book, egg, and orange. They are also asked questions to determine if an object is a pen or pencil, and if something is a table or desk. The responses provide the name of the object or confirm that an object is not something else.
This document describes the layout of a classroom from the perspective of a teacher, listing classroom furniture and objects including a teacher's desk, chair, locker, bookshelf, chalkboard, posters, and door.
This document provides a list of common classroom objects and asks the reader to match them with their names. It includes stationery items like pencils, notebooks, pens; furniture like desks, chairs; and other classroom accessories such as rulers, pencil sharpeners, scissors, crayons, and computers. The reader is asked to color the objects.
This document discusses classroom objects at a school in Angra do Hero鱈smo. It focuses on objects found in classrooms including desks, chairs, whiteboards, projectors, computers and other materials needed for students and teachers. The document aims to catalog and describe the various objects present in school classrooms to support teaching and learning activities.
This document provides examples of using demonstrative pronouns such as this, that, these and those in sentences. It gives the examples "this is an apple" and "those are books" pointing to illustrations of an apple and books. Further arrows point to illustrations of erasers and markers suggesting sentences using demonstrative pronouns to refer to them.
Places in School and Classroom Objects Vocabulary Wordslarsona2011
Este documento lista objetos y lugares comunes en una escuela y sal坦n de clases en espa単ol, incluyendo escritorios, cuadernos, l叩pices, mochilas, calculadoras, plumas, papel, tareas, pizarr坦n, ventanas, reloj, cafeter鱈a, gimnasio y biblioteca.
This document provides an English lesson for classroom objects. It introduces the question "What's this?" and the response "It's a..." to identify classroom items like a chair, table, pen, book, and clock. It then has students practice identifying these objects and includes a classroom song that repeats the objects while looking around the classroom.
This document contains a list of common phrases used in a classroom setting to ask questions, express doubts or lack of understanding, and request repetition or clarification from a teacher. Some examples included are "How can I say...?", "What means...?", "I have a question!", "Can you repeat please?", "Sorry?", "I don't understand.", and "I forgot!".
The document discusses using the present simple tense to talk about scheduled future events from timetables and programs. It lists verbs like "arrive", "begin", "leave", and "start" that can be used with the future meaning to indicate when scheduled events like plane or train departures occur. Examples are given showing how to use these verbs in sentences providing arrival and departure times from timetables.
This document lists common school supplies found in a classroom including pencils, pens, crayons, paper, books, rulers, scissors, notebooks, erasers, pencil sharpeners, desks, blackboards, computers, and chairs.
Este documento presenta actividades para que los estudiantes aprendan los nombres de algunos animales en ingl辿s. Incluye enlaces a ejercicios interactivos para emparejar im叩genes con palabras de animales y elegir la opci坦n correcta para nombrarlos. Tambi辿n sugiere crear una sopa de letras y dibujar animales como evaluaci坦n y tarea.
This document lists 18 different animals including common farm animals like cow, pig, chicken; domestic animals like dog and cat; wild animals like lion, giraffe, monkey; and others like fish, turtle, frog, rabbit, duck, horse, donkey, rooster and hen.
This document lists common objects found in a classroom such as books, a duster, charts, baskets, a blackboard, pencils, chairs, rulers, and a cupboard. It also includes a scrambled phrase with letters from the names of classroom objects.
This document contains a list of words beginning with Qq. It includes words like quail, quilt, quicksilver, quiet queen, and quiz. The word QUACK! is repeated twice in the list.
The document contains a list of words starting with V including vegetables, violin vending machine, venom, vacuum valentine, vampire volleyball, vowels, Van Vanilla ice cream, and vacation volcano.
This document contains a list of nonsense words starting with "w" including water, windowworm, watchwalrus, wandwaffle, web wizard, watermelon whale, and wave wolf as well as the normal word wagon.
This document contains a list of words beginning with the letter Ll. It includes words like lasagna, lock, leaf, llama, ladybug, leg, leopard, lollipop, lobster, laundry and more that all start with the unique letter combination of Ll.
The document contains random words with no clear meaning or connection. It includes the words UFO, umbrella, Tub, Rug, nuts, Up, Sun, underware, Cup, umpire, and underwater.
This document contains a series of single-word lines beginning with Hh, including house, head, heart, hamburger, hotdog, horse, hedgehog, hat, helmet, hammer, and hen hand.
This document lists various fruits including strawberry, banana, apple, kiwi, cherry, pineapple, melon, pear, orange, peach, blueberry, golden berry, and grapes. It then asks what the reader's favorite fruit is and includes some links to fruit-related educational videos and games.
This document contains a list of words beginning with the letter "E" including egg, escalator elbow, electricity, earthworm, eggplant, envelope, and pen hen. It provides a sampling of single words starting with the letter "E" without much additional context or connection between the words.
This document lists various common vegetables including onion, mushroom, pepper, eggplant, tomato, broccoli, lettuce, peas, potato, pumpkin, carrot, corn, celery, cucumber, avocado. It concludes by asking the reader to name their favorite vegetable.
The document contains random words with no clear meaning or connection including xylophone, BMX relax, exercise ox, fox aXe, saxophone wax, rex boxers, and taxi.
The document contains random words with no clear meaning or connection including xylophone, BMX relax, exercise ox, fox aXe, saxophone wax, rex boxers, and taxi.
The children play together and the speaker enjoys playing as well, mentioning making pizza and juice. The speaker asks for a book and pencil and uses polite phrases like saying hi, thank you, and asking how someone is doing while responding positively. The speaker expresses that pizza is good.
This document contains examples of high frequency words used in simple sentences. It provides sentences using common words like "how many", "where", "this", "that", "is", "are", "on", and sentences asking basic questions about objects, locations, people and animals to help teach foundational language concepts.
This document contains a list of 10 different words starting with Oo including octopus, onion, ox, otter, Ostricholives, owl, mop, and dots pot. The list provides various nouns from the animal, food, and object realms without additional context or explanation around the individual terms.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.