Каждому "свой " вид спорта - работа ученицы 5 «А» класса МБОУ Школы № 70 Си...School70_SamaraВ региональной студенческой научно-практической конференции по продвижению здорового образа жизни «Здоровым быть здорово!» работа ученицы 5 «А» класса Синявской Ксении победила в номинации «Лестница успеха».
L&A - Could vietnam compete proactively by labor productivity?Le & Associates (L&A)L&A, founded in 2001, has more than 8000 staff currently working in all cities and provinces of Vietnam and is a provider for total HR turnkey solution aligning with business strategy. Its services include Human Capital and Organisational Development Consulting, Personal and Corporate Assessment, Coaching and Training, Recruitment, Staffing and Outsourcing.
EnglishMarina EfremovaThe document discusses language learning. It notes that Egyptian is the oldest written language and Mandarin Chinese has 700 million speakers. India has 845 languages spoken. The best ways to learn a language are listed as working hard, listening attentively, using a dictionary, watching films, reading aloud, and practicing a lot. There are also tips provided on memorization and repetition. It is suggested to listen to material being learned and to memorize before bed as learning is most effective this way. A short quiz on a famous polyglot who spoke over 40 languages without leaving Italy is also included. The document promotes learning foreign languages.
Karolina Grodecka: Adaptowanie i publikowanie Otwartych Zasobów Edukacyjnych....centrumcyfroweW zależności od licencji wybranej dla OZE przez autora każdy może używać, kopiować, zmieniać i dystrybuować te zasoby. Pozwala to nauczycielom, autorom kursów i zajęć uniknąć trudnego i czasochłonnego przygotowywania zasobów. Celem webinaru jest zdobycie umiejętności dostosowywania otwartych zasobów edukacyjnych do własnego kontekstu i potrzeb wynikających ze specyfiki nauczanego przedmiotu.
W rezultacie webinaru uczestnicy będą:
-rozumieli różnicę między wykorzystaniem OZE i zasobów objętych tradycyjnym prawem autorskim,
-potrafili korzystywać z OZE zgodnie z warunkami licencji,
-znali sposoby efektywnej lokalizacji otwartych treści,
-znali serwisy do publikacji własnych materiałów w sieci w otwarty sposób.
Earthquake horriblemehmet669Most earthquakes occur along fault lines in the earth's crust due to the buildup and sudden release of strain energy. There are approximately 500,000 earthquakes detected around the world each year, with about 100,000 able to be felt. Major quakes of magnitude 7.0 or greater occur on average 18 times per year. The circum-Pacific seismic belt sees 90% of the world's quakes due to tectonic plate movement. Human activities such as dam building and fluid injection can also induce seismic activity in rare cases.
Anna Stokowska: podsumowanie cyklu webinarów o Otwartych Zasobach Edukacyjnyc...centrumcyfrowePodczas ostatniego webinarium Anna Stokowska omówi razem z uczestnikami realizowane przez nich pomiędzy kolejnymi webinariami zadania. Będzie to także czas na dyskusję na temat tego, jak nauczyciele akademiccy mogą konkretnie wykorzystywać otwarte zasoby i czy widzą w nich rozwiązanie dla swoich dydaktycznych wyzwań.
Antotomay of endcrince chatp 11kenkaykamAdrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), also known as corticotropin, is a polypeptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. It stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroids like cortisol in response to biological stress. ACTH acts through cell surface receptors on adrenocortical cells in the adrenal cortex, resulting in the synthesis and secretion of cortico- and mineralocortico-steroids and androgenic steroids. Primary hyperparathyroidism, caused by excess parathyroid hormone (PTH) release from enlarged or abnormal parathyroid glands, is the most common cause of hypercalcemia, or too much calcium in the blood.
SportMarina EfremovaThis document lists various sports including swimming, basketball, football, volleyball, hockey, tennis, aerobics, and bowling.
11 06-2011Ariel2891El documento lista los números ganadores de la lotería para el 10 y 11 de junio de 2011, actualiza la pizarra de la semana al 11 de junio de 2011, e incluye los horarios de atención y datos de contacto de la banca la sonadora como su página de Facebook y números de teléfono.
Cost of capitalAYAN SENThe cost of capital is the minimum rate of return that a firm must earn on its investments to maintain its market value. It refers to the weighted average of the costs of a firm's various capital components, such as debt, preferred stock, common stock, and any retained earnings. The cost of each capital component depends on its risk level and the rates of return that suppliers of capital expect given the risk. The overall cost of capital is calculated as a weighted average of the costs of the individual capital components.
Career exploration with career cruisingbarbarajm76PowerPoint presentation on the use of CareerCruising as an instructional tool for High School Students.
Shiv Sagar Singh ResumePREMSAGAR96Shiv Sagar Singh is seeking a responsible position in the corporate world where he can utilize his skills. He has a PGDM from Greater Noida in Marketing and Finance with a score of 71.5%. He completed a 2-month internship project on comparative market research for pharmaceutical drugs. His skills include computer applications, analytics, reasoning, and teamwork. He is fluent in English and Hindi and has received awards for competitions.
English raceMarina EfremovaThe document describes an English race competition between two teams, Team A and Team B. It outlines the activities and tasks the teams must complete, including greeting the audience, answering trivia questions, solving riddles, and taking tests in various subjects like geography, biology, and math. The competition involves completing the tasks while racing to collect "golden chips" before the other team. The document provides examples of the riddles, tests, and material covered in each subject.
L&A - Could vietnam compete proactively by labor productivity?Le & Associates (L&A)L&A, founded in 2001, has more than 8000 staff currently working in all cities and provinces of Vietnam and is a provider for total HR turnkey solution aligning with business strategy. Its services include Human Capital and Organisational Development Consulting, Personal and Corporate Assessment, Coaching and Training, Recruitment, Staffing and Outsourcing.
EnglishMarina EfremovaThe document discusses language learning. It notes that Egyptian is the oldest written language and Mandarin Chinese has 700 million speakers. India has 845 languages spoken. The best ways to learn a language are listed as working hard, listening attentively, using a dictionary, watching films, reading aloud, and practicing a lot. There are also tips provided on memorization and repetition. It is suggested to listen to material being learned and to memorize before bed as learning is most effective this way. A short quiz on a famous polyglot who spoke over 40 languages without leaving Italy is also included. The document promotes learning foreign languages.
Karolina Grodecka: Adaptowanie i publikowanie Otwartych Zasobów Edukacyjnych....centrumcyfroweW zależności od licencji wybranej dla OZE przez autora każdy może używać, kopiować, zmieniać i dystrybuować te zasoby. Pozwala to nauczycielom, autorom kursów i zajęć uniknąć trudnego i czasochłonnego przygotowywania zasobów. Celem webinaru jest zdobycie umiejętności dostosowywania otwartych zasobów edukacyjnych do własnego kontekstu i potrzeb wynikających ze specyfiki nauczanego przedmiotu.
W rezultacie webinaru uczestnicy będą:
-rozumieli różnicę między wykorzystaniem OZE i zasobów objętych tradycyjnym prawem autorskim,
-potrafili korzystywać z OZE zgodnie z warunkami licencji,
-znali sposoby efektywnej lokalizacji otwartych treści,
-znali serwisy do publikacji własnych materiałów w sieci w otwarty sposób.
Earthquake horriblemehmet669Most earthquakes occur along fault lines in the earth's crust due to the buildup and sudden release of strain energy. There are approximately 500,000 earthquakes detected around the world each year, with about 100,000 able to be felt. Major quakes of magnitude 7.0 or greater occur on average 18 times per year. The circum-Pacific seismic belt sees 90% of the world's quakes due to tectonic plate movement. Human activities such as dam building and fluid injection can also induce seismic activity in rare cases.
Anna Stokowska: podsumowanie cyklu webinarów o Otwartych Zasobach Edukacyjnyc...centrumcyfrowePodczas ostatniego webinarium Anna Stokowska omówi razem z uczestnikami realizowane przez nich pomiędzy kolejnymi webinariami zadania. Będzie to także czas na dyskusję na temat tego, jak nauczyciele akademiccy mogą konkretnie wykorzystywać otwarte zasoby i czy widzą w nich rozwiązanie dla swoich dydaktycznych wyzwań.
Antotomay of endcrince chatp 11kenkaykamAdrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), also known as corticotropin, is a polypeptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. It stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroids like cortisol in response to biological stress. ACTH acts through cell surface receptors on adrenocortical cells in the adrenal cortex, resulting in the synthesis and secretion of cortico- and mineralocortico-steroids and androgenic steroids. Primary hyperparathyroidism, caused by excess parathyroid hormone (PTH) release from enlarged or abnormal parathyroid glands, is the most common cause of hypercalcemia, or too much calcium in the blood.
SportMarina EfremovaThis document lists various sports including swimming, basketball, football, volleyball, hockey, tennis, aerobics, and bowling.
11 06-2011Ariel2891El documento lista los números ganadores de la lotería para el 10 y 11 de junio de 2011, actualiza la pizarra de la semana al 11 de junio de 2011, e incluye los horarios de atención y datos de contacto de la banca la sonadora como su página de Facebook y números de teléfono.
Cost of capitalAYAN SENThe cost of capital is the minimum rate of return that a firm must earn on its investments to maintain its market value. It refers to the weighted average of the costs of a firm's various capital components, such as debt, preferred stock, common stock, and any retained earnings. The cost of each capital component depends on its risk level and the rates of return that suppliers of capital expect given the risk. The overall cost of capital is calculated as a weighted average of the costs of the individual capital components.
Career exploration with career cruisingbarbarajm76PowerPoint presentation on the use of CareerCruising as an instructional tool for High School Students.
Shiv Sagar Singh ResumePREMSAGAR96Shiv Sagar Singh is seeking a responsible position in the corporate world where he can utilize his skills. He has a PGDM from Greater Noida in Marketing and Finance with a score of 71.5%. He completed a 2-month internship project on comparative market research for pharmaceutical drugs. His skills include computer applications, analytics, reasoning, and teamwork. He is fluent in English and Hindi and has received awards for competitions.
English raceMarina EfremovaThe document describes an English race competition between two teams, Team A and Team B. It outlines the activities and tasks the teams must complete, including greeting the audience, answering trivia questions, solving riddles, and taking tests in various subjects like geography, biology, and math. The competition involves completing the tasks while racing to collect "golden chips" before the other team. The document provides examples of the riddles, tests, and material covered in each subject.
9. 1. Что такое физическое развитие 2. Где и когда возник фитнес 3. Какие фитнес направления вы знаете 4. Как правильно выбрать фитнес программу 5. Питание при занятиях фитнесом 6. Противопоказания к физическим нагрузкам 7. Влияние фитнес тренировок на организм человека 8. Что такое персональная тренировка 9. Принципы оздоровительной тренировки 10. Возрастные особенности при занятиях фитнесом