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Habits of Mind

Achieving the Dream Summit
       March 22, 2013
      Jan Connal, Ph.D
    Roza Ekimyan, Ed.D
Todays Outcomes
 Understand the importance of Habits of Mind
  for classrooms, services and campus

 Identify what Habits of Mind strategies look
  like in for classrooms, services and campus

 Consider implications for the classroom,
  service areas and campus wide.
Habits of Mind
Habits of Mind are       Education is about
the characteristics of    changing minds.
what intelligent
people do when they       At its most basic level it is
are confronted with       about confronting and
problems, the             changing habits of mind.
resolutions of which
are not immediately
Why are Habits of Mind
   Important in College?
It is not enough that we provide
     It is not enough that we
information; we want learners to
      teach skills; we want
know what to do with that
information.to know when to
      exercise those skills.
Mindset Matters
      Fixed Mindset                  Growth Mindset

Each person has a fixed         Intelligence is a potential
amount of intelligence.         that can be realized
                                through learning.
    Can cause students to
     view challenges                Can help students see
     threatening                     challenges as roads to
                                     gaining intelligence
    Can cause students to
     see mistakes as failures       Can help students
     and demoralizing.               develop constructive
                                     reactions to setbacks or
Carol Dweck
Angela Duckworth

     To help chronically low-performing but
intelligent students, educators and parents must
    first recognize that character is at least as
              important as intellect.

          To succeed, you need GRIT
Angela Duckworth
Habits of Mind
Where do students struggle
the most?
  Choose one Habit of Mind you see
   students struggling with the most in
   classrooms, services or on campus.

  Describe what that looks like  how do
   you know the student has not yet
   developed the habit of mind?

               Sit with 2-4 other
             people who identified
               the same Habit of
              Mind as an area of
What HoM looks like in a Classroom
Habit of Mind:    Classroom Strategy:
Metacognition     Self-regulated Learning
(Thinking about
your thinking)     Forethought and Planning

                   Performance Monitoring

                   Reflection on Performance
Habits of Mind
Habits of Mind
What HoM looks like in a Service Area
 Habit of Mind:      Counseling Services:
                      Student Educational Plan

 Thinking Flexibly   Planning on completion
                      (Certificate, AA, Transfer)

                      Understanding the course
                      units to be completed.
                      (Major, general ed., pre-
                      requisites and electives)
Student Education Plan
Name: ______________________________                     GE Area   Course     Units   Pre-
ID# : ________________________________                             &                  requisite
Name of Transfer University _____________
and for AA Degree __________________

Total Units Required for Transfer or AA

Part 1:
List all of the General Education and Major required               GE Units
      courses for transfer for the AA Degree  even if
      you already completed.

*Class can be used to meet 2 requirements
Student Education Plan
Part II: Prerequisite Courses
Write your placement score or highest class completed with a C or better for:

Math ___________________________ English ___________________________________

Prerequisites Courses Sequence Needed:
                 Prerequisite                  Prerequisite                     TARGET Course

English   _____________________           ___________________        _______________________

Math      ______________________           ___________________       _______________________

Other     ______________________          ____________________ _______________________

Other      _____________________           ___________________        ______________________
Student Education Plan
                                                           Current Semester          GE   Major   Pre-req   Elective

Part III: Semester/Session Plan
List courses and the units for the current semester        Course             Unit
      and each of the next 2 semesters or sessions.
      Check the box(es) to indicate if the courses is
      Gen Ed. Major, Prerequisite or Elective  it could
      be more than one.
What HoM looks like across Campus
Habit of Mind:
 Campus-wide messages
 Outreach & mentoring
 Professional development
 Counseling & coaching
 Academic support
 Student activities
 Scholarships & recognition
 Outcomes assessment
Habits of Mind
Consider the Implications
What are the implications for your
campus ?

What department, program, course or
person could you connect with to help
build students Habits of Mind?

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Habits of Mind

  • 1. Habits of Mind Achieving the Dream Summit March 22, 2013 Jan Connal, Ph.D Roza Ekimyan, Ed.D
  • 2. Todays Outcomes Understand the importance of Habits of Mind for classrooms, services and campus Identify what Habits of Mind strategies look like in for classrooms, services and campus Consider implications for the classroom, service areas and campus wide.
  • 3. Habits of Mind Habits of Mind are Education is about the characteristics of changing minds. what intelligent people do when they At its most basic level it is are confronted with about confronting and problems, the changing habits of mind. resolutions of which are not immediately apparent. Costa
  • 4. Why are Habits of Mind Important in College? It is not enough that we provide It is not enough that we information; we want learners to teach skills; we want know what to do with that information.to know when to learners exercise those skills.
  • 5. Mindset Matters Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset Each person has a fixed Intelligence is a potential amount of intelligence. that can be realized through learning. Can cause students to view challenges Can help students see threatening challenges as roads to gaining intelligence Can cause students to see mistakes as failures Can help students and demoralizing. develop constructive reactions to setbacks or mistakes
  • 7. Angela Duckworth To help chronically low-performing but intelligent students, educators and parents must first recognize that character is at least as important as intellect. To succeed, you need GRIT
  • 10. Where do students struggle the most? Choose one Habit of Mind you see students struggling with the most in classrooms, services or on campus. Describe what that looks like how do you know the student has not yet developed the habit of mind?
  • 11. You are MOVING & SHARING Sit with 2-4 other people who identified the same Habit of Mind as an area of concern.
  • 12. What HoM looks like in a Classroom Habit of Mind: Classroom Strategy: Metacognition Self-regulated Learning (Thinking about your thinking) Forethought and Planning Performance Monitoring Reflection on Performance
  • 15. What HoM looks like in a Service Area Habit of Mind: Counseling Services: Student Educational Plan Thinking Flexibly Planning on completion (Certificate, AA, Transfer) Understanding the course units to be completed. (Major, general ed., pre- requisites and electives)
  • 16. Student Education Plan Name: ______________________________ GE Area Course Units Pre- ID# : ________________________________ & requisite Number Name of Transfer University _____________ and for AA Degree __________________ Total Units Required for Transfer or AA Degree_______________ Part 1: TOTAL List all of the General Education and Major required GE Units courses for transfer for the AA Degree even if you already completed. *Class can be used to meet 2 requirements
  • 17. Student Education Plan Part II: Prerequisite Courses Write your placement score or highest class completed with a C or better for: Math ___________________________ English ___________________________________ Prerequisites Courses Sequence Needed: Prerequisite Prerequisite TARGET Course English _____________________ ___________________ _______________________ Math ______________________ ___________________ _______________________ Other ______________________ ____________________ _______________________ Other _____________________ ___________________ ______________________
  • 18. Student Education Plan Current Semester GE Major Pre-req Elective Part III: Semester/Session Plan List courses and the units for the current semester Course Unit and each of the next 2 semesters or sessions. Check the box(es) to indicate if the courses is Gen Ed. Major, Prerequisite or Elective it could be more than one.
  • 19. What HoM looks like across Campus Habit of Mind: Persistence Campus-wide messages Outreach & mentoring Resources Professional development Counseling & coaching Academic support Student activities Scholarships & recognition Outcomes assessment
  • 22. Consider the Implications What are the implications for your campus ? What department, program, course or person could you connect with to help build students Habits of Mind?

Editor's Notes

  • #6: Mindset is another word for belief, based on Carol Dwecks article. Have them read first section of article, underlining key words/concepts that strike them. Through her work with groups of 7th graders that she and her assistants followed, students with a growth mindset pulled ahead of their peers who demonstrated a fixed mindset. Similar work completed with 5th graders.
  • #7: This brief clip further demonstrates the ideas behind each of these mindsets as outlined in Carol Dwecks article This is not Carol Dwecks clip, but it reflects her work. Carol Dweck,a professor at Stanford University and author of Brainology Have them read second section if time allows. Otherwise, Introduce Angela Duckworth.
  • #8: This Upenn researcher started her work in graduate school. And is the creator of something called The GRIT scale. Grit is not an acronym. She uses this word to capture the characteristic people possess that sees them through challenging work as they persevere in pursuit of a goal. It is the perseverance in pursuit of long-term goals. Paul Tough, author of How Children Succeed speaks further about Grit in this video.
  • #10: Handout
  • #11: Handout