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Alexandra Pando
6022 Roger Street, Jupiter, FL 33458
apando@mac.com Cell: (786) 512-2616
It is with great anticipation that I present my resume for the Administrative position, with
the Palm Beach School District. I currently obtain a Masters in Ed Leadership, a
Bachelor in Elementary Education (K-6), in addition I am endorsed in Reading and
ESOL, as well as hands-on-teaching and leadership experiences, I am confident in my
ability to become a valuable member of your academic team.
The enclosed resume will highlight my career accomplishments and demonstrate my
solid creative, instructional, and leadership capabilities. Over the past ten years, I have
had the wonderful opportunity to instruct a diverse group of students including from
Elementary all the way to High School students, and as a result, I have developed highly
effective teaching techniques and instructional methods, which have allowed me to
educate all styles of learners.
One of my greatest strengths as an educator is meeting each students unique needs by
developing a personal understanding of each one of them. I achieve this by seeing and
assessing the students as individuals and tailoring lesson plans to accommodate multiple
intelligences. Furthermore, I offer one-on-one and after-school support to ensure that all
students are able to grasp the learning materials and enhance their personal skills. My
goal is to continue motivating students and teacher in gaining greater success in their
educational endeavors.
In closing, I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my in-depth
experience and unique skill set would benefit your academic program. Thank you for
your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Alexandra Pando
EDUCATION Nova Southeastern University, Miami, FL 2008
Masters degree in Educational Leadership
Alexandra Pando
6022 Roger Street, Jupiter, FL 33458
apando@mac.com Cell: (786) 512-2616
Nova Southeastern University, Miami, FL 2004
Bachelors degree in Elementary Education
CERTIFICATION Masters in Educational Leadership
Elementary Education (K-6)
Reading Endorsement (K-12)
ESOL Endorsement (K-12)
Clinical Education Training
 Curriculum Design & Development
 Acting Assistant Principal in a Summer School Program
 Testing Team Planning Coordinator
 School Improvement Plan Collaborative Writer
 Curriculum/Resource Selection Team Member
 Discipline Team Member
Howell L. Watkins Middle School, Teacher- Intensive Reading 6th
, 2012-Present
 Collaborated, planned, and established a relationship with state, district,
professional development and LTM teams integrating school wide reading
strategies which successfully increased the school grade in 2013-2014 from a D to
a C making learning gains of 75 total points.
 Increased the reading level of 85% of the students that were in the lowest 25th
 Integrating Marzanos Model to differentiated instruction in both formative and
summative assessments by evaluating students work engaging them in
cognitively complex tasks.
 Effectively provided help motivating and reviewing student data in the usage of
Reading Plus.
 Assessed student reading levels using the IRLA (Independent Reading Level
Assessment Framework)
 Monitored, grouped students using rotational teaching model whole group, small
group, technology and reviewed data using the READ180 program to help
students practice reading strategies and process it.
 Tutored students in Reading before and after school.
South Hialeah Elementary School
Teacher  1st
Grade Teacher 2009-2012
 Planning curriculum for the next school year to development new programs and
Alexandra Pando
6022 Roger Street, Jupiter, FL 33458
apando@mac.com Cell: (786) 512-2616
 Participated in team meeting in order to collaborate on lesson plans and asses
student progress.
 Collaborated with translating for parents and teachers in communicating student
behavior and progress.
 Implemented student activities and projects using collaborative and individual
learning approaches.
 Employed problem of the day to reinforce previously taught skills, prepare
students for SAT, and encourage making connections across the curriculum.
 Mentored new teachers in lesson planning and observing them teaching.
 Administrative duties such as Testing Team Planning Coordinator, School
Improvement Plan Collaborative Writer and Discipline Team Member.
Miami Springs Senior High
Acting Administrator Summer Program (2008)
 Planned the Summer School Program by establishing the school goals, objectives
and planning the instructional program.
 Coordinated and communicated program goals, objectives statutes and policies to
the community.
 Evaluated the summer school program and staff to assist with initiated needed
 Disseminated information about the school disciplinary policies and procedures to
parents, students, staff and community.
 Assisted in record keeping and monitoring reports of necessary supplies,
textbooks, equipment and materials.
 Managed instructional and support staff.
Miami Springs Senior High
Teacher  Intensive Reading 9th
, (2007-2009)
 Implemented instructional activities that contribute to a climate where students
were actively engaged in meaningful learning experiences.
 Identify, select, and modify instructional resources to meet the needs of the
students with varying backgrounds, learning styles, and special needs.
 Facilitated open tutoring Monday through Thursday mornings for any student
who needed extra help.
 Maintain, monitor, and utilized individual student data to redirect/re-teach
South Hialeah Elementary Community School
Teacher - Bilingual Curriculum Coordinator K-5, (2004-2007)
 Planned and implemented lessons in the Spanish Curriculum.
Alexandra Pando
6022 Roger Street, Jupiter, FL 33458
apando@mac.com Cell: (786) 512-2616
 Held meetings with the Spanish Department.
 Coordinated and planned lessons for all the grade levels in Spanish classes.
 Established and maintained positive relationships with students, parents, and
colleagues, fostering an environment of open communication and support.
Additional Professional Experiences
Chair Person of the SAC Committee
Business Partner Liaison of the Choice Program
Member and Secretary of the ESSAC Committee
Sponsor National Honor Society
Dr. Donald Hoffman, Principal, Howell L. Watkins Middle
Haydee Villanueva, Principal, South Hialeah Elementary (Miami-Dade Public Schools)
Imogene Clark, Assistant Principal

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apresume (2)

  • 1. Alexandra Pando 6022 Roger Street, Jupiter, FL 33458 apando@mac.com Cell: (786) 512-2616 It is with great anticipation that I present my resume for the Administrative position, with the Palm Beach School District. I currently obtain a Masters in Ed Leadership, a Bachelor in Elementary Education (K-6), in addition I am endorsed in Reading and ESOL, as well as hands-on-teaching and leadership experiences, I am confident in my ability to become a valuable member of your academic team. The enclosed resume will highlight my career accomplishments and demonstrate my solid creative, instructional, and leadership capabilities. Over the past ten years, I have had the wonderful opportunity to instruct a diverse group of students including from Elementary all the way to High School students, and as a result, I have developed highly effective teaching techniques and instructional methods, which have allowed me to educate all styles of learners. One of my greatest strengths as an educator is meeting each students unique needs by developing a personal understanding of each one of them. I achieve this by seeing and assessing the students as individuals and tailoring lesson plans to accommodate multiple intelligences. Furthermore, I offer one-on-one and after-school support to ensure that all students are able to grasp the learning materials and enhance their personal skills. My goal is to continue motivating students and teacher in gaining greater success in their educational endeavors. In closing, I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my in-depth experience and unique skill set would benefit your academic program. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Alexandra Pando EDUCATION Nova Southeastern University, Miami, FL 2008 Masters degree in Educational Leadership
  • 2. Alexandra Pando 6022 Roger Street, Jupiter, FL 33458 apando@mac.com Cell: (786) 512-2616 Nova Southeastern University, Miami, FL 2004 Bachelors degree in Elementary Education CERTIFICATION Masters in Educational Leadership Elementary Education (K-6) Reading Endorsement (K-12) ESOL Endorsement (K-12) Clinical Education Training LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE Curriculum Design & Development Acting Assistant Principal in a Summer School Program Testing Team Planning Coordinator School Improvement Plan Collaborative Writer Curriculum/Resource Selection Team Member Discipline Team Member PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Howell L. Watkins Middle School, Teacher- Intensive Reading 6th -8th , 2012-Present Collaborated, planned, and established a relationship with state, district, professional development and LTM teams integrating school wide reading strategies which successfully increased the school grade in 2013-2014 from a D to a C making learning gains of 75 total points. Increased the reading level of 85% of the students that were in the lowest 25th percentile. Integrating Marzanos Model to differentiated instruction in both formative and summative assessments by evaluating students work engaging them in cognitively complex tasks. Effectively provided help motivating and reviewing student data in the usage of Reading Plus. Assessed student reading levels using the IRLA (Independent Reading Level Assessment Framework) Monitored, grouped students using rotational teaching model whole group, small group, technology and reviewed data using the READ180 program to help students practice reading strategies and process it. Tutored students in Reading before and after school. South Hialeah Elementary School Teacher 1st Grade Teacher 2009-2012 Planning curriculum for the next school year to development new programs and strategies.
  • 3. Alexandra Pando 6022 Roger Street, Jupiter, FL 33458 apando@mac.com Cell: (786) 512-2616 Participated in team meeting in order to collaborate on lesson plans and asses student progress. Collaborated with translating for parents and teachers in communicating student behavior and progress. Implemented student activities and projects using collaborative and individual learning approaches. Employed problem of the day to reinforce previously taught skills, prepare students for SAT, and encourage making connections across the curriculum. Mentored new teachers in lesson planning and observing them teaching. Administrative duties such as Testing Team Planning Coordinator, School Improvement Plan Collaborative Writer and Discipline Team Member. Miami Springs Senior High Acting Administrator Summer Program (2008) Planned the Summer School Program by establishing the school goals, objectives and planning the instructional program. Coordinated and communicated program goals, objectives statutes and policies to the community. Evaluated the summer school program and staff to assist with initiated needed improvements. Disseminated information about the school disciplinary policies and procedures to parents, students, staff and community. Assisted in record keeping and monitoring reports of necessary supplies, textbooks, equipment and materials. Managed instructional and support staff. Miami Springs Senior High Teacher Intensive Reading 9th -12th , (2007-2009) Implemented instructional activities that contribute to a climate where students were actively engaged in meaningful learning experiences. Identify, select, and modify instructional resources to meet the needs of the students with varying backgrounds, learning styles, and special needs. Facilitated open tutoring Monday through Thursday mornings for any student who needed extra help. Maintain, monitor, and utilized individual student data to redirect/re-teach instruction. South Hialeah Elementary Community School Teacher - Bilingual Curriculum Coordinator K-5, (2004-2007) Planned and implemented lessons in the Spanish Curriculum.
  • 4. Alexandra Pando 6022 Roger Street, Jupiter, FL 33458 apando@mac.com Cell: (786) 512-2616 Held meetings with the Spanish Department. Coordinated and planned lessons for all the grade levels in Spanish classes. Established and maintained positive relationships with students, parents, and colleagues, fostering an environment of open communication and support. Additional Professional Experiences Chair Person of the SAC Committee Business Partner Liaison of the Choice Program Member and Secretary of the ESSAC Committee Sponsor National Honor Society References Dr. Donald Hoffman, Principal, Howell L. Watkins Middle Haydee Villanueva, Principal, South Hialeah Elementary (Miami-Dade Public Schools) Imogene Clark, Assistant Principal