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Asst. Manager.
E/202, Devnandan Supremus,Nr galaxy Township, Vastral, Ahmedabad- 382418
E-mail: amitz.gohel@adani.com, amit_gohel2005@yahoo.com
Mobile:- 09909957396
I am aspiring to take up a growth oriented position in the field of Mechanical Engineering serving
for the benefit of the company as well as building knowledge by efficient and sincere performance.
(A) Obtained degree in MBA(Project Management) from Sikkim Manipal University with First
Class in 2012.
(B) Obtained a degree in B.E (Mechanical) from North Gujarat University in the year June 2008
with 73%.
(C) Completed Higher Secondary education from GSEB, Gandhinagar with 61.5%.
(D) Completed SSC from GSEB, Gandhinagar, with 87.43%
Additional Qualification:-
(A) Obtained a certificate of PRO-E, designing software from recognized institute.
(B) Obtained a certificate of Disaster Management course from North Gujarat University.
(C) Certified professional in Basics of City Gas Distribution by Nirmal Industrial control Pvt. Ltd.
Projects Undertaken:-
(1) Completed the project on CENTRIFUGAL AIR COMPRESSOR at ingersoll-rand ltd.at
Ahmedabad from 15th Jan 2008 to 1st Feb. 2008.
(2) Worked with IPR(Institute of Plasma Research,Gandhinagar) in a International project of
ITER(International Thermo-nuclear Experimental Reactor) in a research and development dept.
from 1st July 2008 to 30th august 2008.
Experience Synopsis:-
Total 7 Years and 5 Months of experience in the field of City Gas Distribution industry.
A) Adani Gas Limited
Working as Assistant Manager in Adani Gas Limited in PNG-O&M department and handling
Area Emergency Office in the city of Ahmedabad from 1st June 2012.
Specific duties:-
1. Handling Area Emergency office of Sarkhej with 240 kms of PE pipeline,17000 domestic
connections, 160 Commercial Connection and 89 Industrial Customers.
2. Effectively handling of Emergency complaints such as gas escapes and gas fire round the clock.
3. Planning and execution of preventive maintenance of assets such as Service regulators,
commercial connections, pipe line patrolling, PE ball valves, domestic connections & walk in
surveys on pipe lines.
4. Planning and execution of preventive and corrective actions based on various analysis to reduce
similar type of complaints.
5. Providing guideline to technicians for complaints solving within time limit.
6. Planning & Execution of PE modifications, Riser modifications, SR shifting.
7. Material management
8. Maintaining documentations of all existing network & equipments handled by AEO as per O&M
requirements and updating the same as on.
9. Maintaining documentation as per ISO 9001-2008, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001
10. Effectively used SAP modules such as PM, MM and ISU.
11. Budget preparation & maintaining expense record made by AEOs such as material consumption,
outside services, Diesel consumption, petrol consumption, labour cost
12. Providing back up to other AEO team in case of major incidents in other AEO coverage as
directed by gas escape in charge
B) Adani Gas Limited
Worked as Sr. Engineer in Adani Gas Limited in Project-PNG department and handling
domestic connection in the city of Ahmedabad from 1st January 2010 to 31st May 2012.
Specific duties:-
1. Proper Execution of Project work with given target.
2. Feasibility survey of construction activities
3. Job order allocation to contractors
4. Route surveys for construction activities
5. Timely job execution
6. RO permission application and follow up for the same.
7. Material management which includes optimum material storage and material
8. Timely bill clearance which includes physical verification of random connections,
preparation of deviation report accordingly and verifying other details of the bills.
9. Technical site clearance of problematic sites.
10. Coordination with PE main line project department for laying of new pipe line in existing
areas based on connection potential and requirement of domestic construction department.
11. Quality control of contractors activities with Target completion specified in budget.
12. Complaint management
13.SAPs ISU, MM, PM module use
C) GSPC Gas Co Ltd.
Worked with GSPC Gas Co Ltd. as Engineer since 1ST September 2008 to 31 Dec 2009 in their
CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION project at Nadiad (Gujarat).
Specific duties:-
1. Handling of O&M team of gas pipeline in the city gas distribution project which has 20
2. Handling of steel pipeline maintenance as well as PE pipeline maintenance.
3. Periodic and Breakdown maintenance of Steel valves and pipelines.
4. Handling of Cathodic Protection system & Odorant system and its execution.
5. Maintenance of Cathodic protection System and reading taking.
6. Proper execution of project work.
7. Member of Zonal Safety Committee.
Personal details:-
Name: Amitkumar Z. Gohel.
Address: E/202, Devnandan Supremus,
Opp. RAF Camp, Near Galaxy Township,
Date of birth: 22.09.1986
Phone no: 09909957396
Marital Status: Married
Languages Known: English, Hindi, and Gujarati.

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Resume Amit Gohel

  • 1. Resume. AMITKUMAR Z GOHEL. Asst. Manager. E/202, Devnandan Supremus,Nr galaxy Township, Vastral, Ahmedabad- 382418 E-mail: amitz.gohel@adani.com, amit_gohel2005@yahoo.com Mobile:- 09909957396 Careerobjective:- I am aspiring to take up a growth oriented position in the field of Mechanical Engineering serving for the benefit of the company as well as building knowledge by efficient and sincere performance. Educationalqualification:- (A) Obtained degree in MBA(Project Management) from Sikkim Manipal University with First Class in 2012. (B) Obtained a degree in B.E (Mechanical) from North Gujarat University in the year June 2008 with 73%. (C) Completed Higher Secondary education from GSEB, Gandhinagar with 61.5%. (D) Completed SSC from GSEB, Gandhinagar, with 87.43% Additional Qualification:- (A) Obtained a certificate of PRO-E, designing software from recognized institute. (B) Obtained a certificate of Disaster Management course from North Gujarat University. (C) Certified professional in Basics of City Gas Distribution by Nirmal Industrial control Pvt. Ltd. Projects Undertaken:- (1) Completed the project on CENTRIFUGAL AIR COMPRESSOR at ingersoll-rand ltd.at Ahmedabad from 15th Jan 2008 to 1st Feb. 2008. (2) Worked with IPR(Institute of Plasma Research,Gandhinagar) in a International project of ITER(International Thermo-nuclear Experimental Reactor) in a research and development dept. from 1st July 2008 to 30th august 2008.
  • 2. Experience Synopsis:- Total 7 Years and 5 Months of experience in the field of City Gas Distribution industry. A) Adani Gas Limited Working as Assistant Manager in Adani Gas Limited in PNG-O&M department and handling Area Emergency Office in the city of Ahmedabad from 1st June 2012. Specific duties:- 1. Handling Area Emergency office of Sarkhej with 240 kms of PE pipeline,17000 domestic connections, 160 Commercial Connection and 89 Industrial Customers. 2. Effectively handling of Emergency complaints such as gas escapes and gas fire round the clock. 3. Planning and execution of preventive maintenance of assets such as Service regulators, commercial connections, pipe line patrolling, PE ball valves, domestic connections & walk in surveys on pipe lines. 4. Planning and execution of preventive and corrective actions based on various analysis to reduce similar type of complaints. 5. Providing guideline to technicians for complaints solving within time limit. 6. Planning & Execution of PE modifications, Riser modifications, SR shifting. 7. Material management 8. Maintaining documentations of all existing network & equipments handled by AEO as per O&M requirements and updating the same as on. 9. Maintaining documentation as per ISO 9001-2008, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 10. Effectively used SAP modules such as PM, MM and ISU. 11. Budget preparation & maintaining expense record made by AEOs such as material consumption, outside services, Diesel consumption, petrol consumption, labour cost 12. Providing back up to other AEO team in case of major incidents in other AEO coverage as directed by gas escape in charge
  • 3. B) Adani Gas Limited Worked as Sr. Engineer in Adani Gas Limited in Project-PNG department and handling domestic connection in the city of Ahmedabad from 1st January 2010 to 31st May 2012. Specific duties:- 1. Proper Execution of Project work with given target. 2. Feasibility survey of construction activities 3. Job order allocation to contractors 4. Route surveys for construction activities 5. Timely job execution 6. RO permission application and follow up for the same. 7. Material management which includes optimum material storage and material reconciliation 8. Timely bill clearance which includes physical verification of random connections, preparation of deviation report accordingly and verifying other details of the bills. 9. Technical site clearance of problematic sites. 10. Coordination with PE main line project department for laying of new pipe line in existing areas based on connection potential and requirement of domestic construction department. 11. Quality control of contractors activities with Target completion specified in budget. 12. Complaint management 13.SAPs ISU, MM, PM module use C) GSPC Gas Co Ltd. Worked with GSPC Gas Co Ltd. as Engineer since 1ST September 2008 to 31 Dec 2009 in their CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION project at Nadiad (Gujarat). Specific duties:- 1. Handling of O&M team of gas pipeline in the city gas distribution project which has 20 members. 2. Handling of steel pipeline maintenance as well as PE pipeline maintenance. 3. Periodic and Breakdown maintenance of Steel valves and pipelines. 4. Handling of Cathodic Protection system & Odorant system and its execution. 5. Maintenance of Cathodic protection System and reading taking. 6. Proper execution of project work. 7. Member of Zonal Safety Committee.
  • 4. Personal details:- Name: Amitkumar Z. Gohel. Address: E/202, Devnandan Supremus, Opp. RAF Camp, Near Galaxy Township, Vastral, Ahmedabad-382418 Date of birth: 22.09.1986 Phone no: 09909957396 Marital Status: Married Languages Known: English, Hindi, and Gujarati. AMITKUMAR GOHEL (9909957396)