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ANA M. CARDENAS West Hills, CA 91307
818-751-9922  amcwhitewolf@gmail.com
PricewaterhouseCoopers Thought Leadership - Books
July 2001 April 2003 Technology Forecast 2003-2005: The Intelligent Real-Time Enterprise
Technology Forecast 2002-2004, Vol. 2 : Emerging Patterns of Internet Computing
Technology Forecast 2002-2004, Vol. 1: Navigating the Future of Software
Technology Forecast 2001-2003: Mobile Internet: Unleashing the Power of Wireless
Anti-Money Laundering: New Rules, New Challenges, New Solutions
Paths to Value: Phase One: A Model for Understanding Value Creation in Early Stage
 Led development, implementation and management of global marketing plans for
launch, publication, distribution, promotion and marketing of PwC Global
Technology Centre publications.
 Coordinated launch, publication and promotional efforts of internal PwC staff,
event/alliance/influencer marketing contacts, internal and external PR agencies,
US & foreign internal and external distribution sources.
 Developed supporting marketing collateral including presentations,
event/promotional, advertising, internal communications and web and other
multimedia content.
 Worked closely with PwC recruiting, industry, service and alliance partner global
market planners to fully integrate Tech Centre offerings into their marketing plans.
Nov 2000  Sept 2002 PricewaterhouseCoopers Futures POV Series
 Led development of POV Program charged with delivering an ongoing series of
industry-focused Executive point-of-view, white papers designated as keystones
for re-launching PWCs global Management Consulting Services brand.
 Worked closely with industry-specific teams including strategy partners, authors,
freelance writers and editors to define and refine content in order to produce
distinctive, forward looking thought leadership that supported the overall PwC
 Assisted industry marketing directors on development, funding and
implementation of global marketing plans to maximize program impact and
 Managed graphic design and print production groups in order to meet tight
deadlines and budget considerations.
 Served as central point of contact and administration for all program participants.
 Program produced only first six of fourteen POVs scheduled by the time sale of
PricewaterhouseCoopers Management Consulting Services to IMB was approved
in September of 2002. IBM acquired all PwC intellectual properties including the
POV series which it published as IBMs Future Series Executive Summaries. (POV
publications currently available from IBM are PwC produced editions  only
Company name and logo changed.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Thought Leadership - Books
ANA M. CARDENAS 818-751-9922  amcwhitewolf@gmail.com
Mar 2000  July 2001 MetaCapitalism  The E-Business Revolution and the Design of 21st Century Companies
and Markets by David Schneider and Grady Means / July 2000
 Led development, management and implementation of global marketing plans for
launch, publication, distribution, promotion and marketing of business
management book.
 Coordinated development, launch, publication and promotional efforts of authors,
internal PwC staff, book publishers, PR agencies, US & foreign internal and external
distribution sources, book publicists, multimedia providers and other external
event/alliance/influencer marketing contacts.
 Developed supporting marketing collateral including presentations,
event/promotional, advertising, internal communications and web and other
multimedia content.
 Worked closely with Management Consulting Services recruiting, industry, service
and alliance partner global market planners to fully integrate Metacapitalism
thought leadership offerings into their respective marketing plans.
 Prepared to transition MetaCapitalism marketing & PR opportunities to focus on
follow-up thought leadership offering  eTransformation Solution Set.
Jan 1999 - Feb 2000 Business Climate Shifts: Profiles of Change Makers by W. Warner Burkes, William Trahant
and Richard Koonce / November 1999
Action Management: Practical Strategies for Making Your Corporate Transformation a
Success by Stephen Redwood, Charlie Goldwasser and Simon Street / March 1999
 Managed and implemented global marketing plans for launch, publication,
distribution, promotion and marketing of business management book.
 Coordinated marketing efforts of authors, PwC staff, book publishers, PR agency,
US & foreign internal and external distribution sources, multimedia providers and
other external marketing contacts.
 Developed supporting marketing collateral including presentations,
event/promotional, advertising, internal communications and web and other
multimedia content
ANA M. CARDENAS 818-751-9922  amcwhitewolf@gmail.com
PricewaterhouseCoopers Thought Leadership - Books
July 1998 - Apr 2000 Wisdom of the CEO : 29 Global Leaders Tackle Today's Most Pressing Business
Challenges by G. William Dauphinais, Grady Means, Colin Price
 Developed, managed and implemented global marketing plans for launch,
publication, distribution, promotion and marketing of business management
 Coordinated development and marketing efforts of authors, PwC staff, book
publishers, PR agencies, US & foreign internal and external distribution sources,
book publicists, multimedia provider and other external
event/alliance/influencer marketing contacts.
 Developed supporting marketing collateral including presentations,
event/promotional, advertising, internal communications and web and other
multimedia content.
 Worked closely with PwC recruiting, industry and service global market planners
to integrate Wisdom of the CEO, thought leadership offerings into their
respective marketing plans.
Apr 1997 - July 1998 Straight From the CEO: The World's Top Business Leaders Reveal Ideas That Every
Manager Can Use by William Dauphinais & Colin Price / Jan. 1998
 Implemented global marketing plans for launch, publication, distribution,
promotion and marketing of book.
 Coordinated marketing efforts of PwC staff, book publishers, PR agencies, US &
foreign internal and external distribution sources, book publicists, multimedia
provider and other external event/alliance/influencer and marketing contacts.
 Developed supporting marketing collateral including presentations,
event/promotional, advertising, internal communications and web content.
 Worked closely with industry and service global market planners to secure
positioning for Straight From the CEO as a key component of their marketing
Consulted on development and implementation of global marketing plans for launch, publication, distribution,
promotion and marketing of the following books:
 Memos to the President: Management Advice From the Nation's Top CEOs
by James J. Schiro (Editor)/ Sept. 2000
 The ValueReporting Revolution: Moving Beyond the Earnings Game
by Robert G. Eccles, Robert H. Herz, E. Mary Keegan, David M.H. Phillips
 The E-Business Workplace: Discovering the Power of Enterprise Portals
by Matthias Vering, Grant Norris, Peter Barth, James R. Hurley
ANA M. CARDENAS 818-751-9922  amcwhitewolf@gmail.com
PricewaterhouseCoopers Thought Leadership  Other Publications
Marketing, communications & PR support may have included content development, graphics and layout design through
to production, publication, launch and distribution including supporting print and electronic collateral.
 Developing Strategies in Rapidly Changing Markets  white paper by Saul Berman, Karthik Rajaram, Steve
Redwood / April 1998, Sept.1999
 Full Value Procurement  white paper by James M. Holec, Jr., Jon H. Bentley and Robert B. Earle /Sept. 1996
 Increasing the Effectiveness of Transformational Change Programs: An Analytical Framework for Senior
Executives  white paper by George Bailey and David M. Schneider / Sept. 1996
 Managing a Successful EWS Implementation  white paper by Paul D. Flynn and Norbert O. Englert/ April 1998
 Managing Rapid Growth: The challenges Confronting New-Generation Multinationals  white paper by Paul
Weaver and Denis Collart / July 1997
 Mergers and Acquisitions  white paper by Michael Chayes, Randye Farmer, Jeremy Pakenham / 1996
 Organisational change in mergers and acquisitions  white paper by Randye J Farmer, Robert C Russell and
Robert D Pamplin / Aug. 1996
 The Empowered Organisation  white paper by Alan Little / June 1996
 Defining, Aligning and Optimising EWS for Strategic Advantage  white paper/ March 1999
 Organizational Change in Data Warehousing  white Paper / March 1999
 Developing an eMarket Participant Adoption Program that Delivers  white paper by Ryan Nordberg and
Maurice Woods / March 2001
 Real Teams  salespack and training manuals / Sept. 1996
 RapidImpact salespack and training materials/ Sept. 1997
 Strategic Enterprise Architecture salespack and training materials/ Sept. 1997
 Change Integration brochures including Priority Services and Partner inserts
 Supply Chain Management Diagnostic: The Link Between Supply Chain Improvement and Shareholder Value 
salespack and training manuals
 Financial Cost Management / Prototype for Finance  salespack and training manuals
 Global Human Resource Solutions / Leadership in Human Resources Training Manual  training manuals
 Global Human Resource Solutions / Human Resource Integrated Methodology Field Guide  field guide
 Mastering Global Business  salespack, and training manuals
 Growth & Innovation Global Survey  survey and training manuals
 The Role of Technology Global Survey and Organizing for the 21st Century  survey and training manuals
 MBA Recruiting Guide  cover feature/Grady Means, 2001

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  • 1. ANA M. CARDENAS West Hills, CA 91307 818-751-9922 amcwhitewolf@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/acardenas1 PricewaterhouseCoopers Thought Leadership - Books July 2001 April 2003 Technology Forecast 2003-2005: The Intelligent Real-Time Enterprise Technology Forecast 2002-2004, Vol. 2 : Emerging Patterns of Internet Computing Technology Forecast 2002-2004, Vol. 1: Navigating the Future of Software Technology Forecast 2001-2003: Mobile Internet: Unleashing the Power of Wireless Anti-Money Laundering: New Rules, New Challenges, New Solutions Paths to Value: Phase One: A Model for Understanding Value Creation in Early Stage Companies Led development, implementation and management of global marketing plans for launch, publication, distribution, promotion and marketing of PwC Global Technology Centre publications. Coordinated launch, publication and promotional efforts of internal PwC staff, event/alliance/influencer marketing contacts, internal and external PR agencies, US & foreign internal and external distribution sources. Developed supporting marketing collateral including presentations, event/promotional, advertising, internal communications and web and other multimedia content. Worked closely with PwC recruiting, industry, service and alliance partner global market planners to fully integrate Tech Centre offerings into their marketing plans. Nov 2000 Sept 2002 PricewaterhouseCoopers Futures POV Series Led development of POV Program charged with delivering an ongoing series of industry-focused Executive point-of-view, white papers designated as keystones for re-launching PWCs global Management Consulting Services brand. Worked closely with industry-specific teams including strategy partners, authors, freelance writers and editors to define and refine content in order to produce distinctive, forward looking thought leadership that supported the overall PwC vision. Assisted industry marketing directors on development, funding and implementation of global marketing plans to maximize program impact and visibility. Managed graphic design and print production groups in order to meet tight deadlines and budget considerations. Served as central point of contact and administration for all program participants. Program produced only first six of fourteen POVs scheduled by the time sale of PricewaterhouseCoopers Management Consulting Services to IMB was approved in September of 2002. IBM acquired all PwC intellectual properties including the POV series which it published as IBMs Future Series Executive Summaries. (POV publications currently available from IBM are PwC produced editions only Company name and logo changed. PricewaterhouseCoopers Thought Leadership - Books
  • 2. ANA M. CARDENAS 818-751-9922 amcwhitewolf@gmail.com Mar 2000 July 2001 MetaCapitalism The E-Business Revolution and the Design of 21st Century Companies and Markets by David Schneider and Grady Means / July 2000 Led development, management and implementation of global marketing plans for launch, publication, distribution, promotion and marketing of business management book. Coordinated development, launch, publication and promotional efforts of authors, internal PwC staff, book publishers, PR agencies, US & foreign internal and external distribution sources, book publicists, multimedia providers and other external event/alliance/influencer marketing contacts. Developed supporting marketing collateral including presentations, event/promotional, advertising, internal communications and web and other multimedia content. Worked closely with Management Consulting Services recruiting, industry, service and alliance partner global market planners to fully integrate Metacapitalism thought leadership offerings into their respective marketing plans. Prepared to transition MetaCapitalism marketing & PR opportunities to focus on follow-up thought leadership offering eTransformation Solution Set. Jan 1999 - Feb 2000 Business Climate Shifts: Profiles of Change Makers by W. Warner Burkes, William Trahant and Richard Koonce / November 1999 Action Management: Practical Strategies for Making Your Corporate Transformation a Success by Stephen Redwood, Charlie Goldwasser and Simon Street / March 1999 Managed and implemented global marketing plans for launch, publication, distribution, promotion and marketing of business management book. Coordinated marketing efforts of authors, PwC staff, book publishers, PR agency, US & foreign internal and external distribution sources, multimedia providers and other external marketing contacts. Developed supporting marketing collateral including presentations, event/promotional, advertising, internal communications and web and other multimedia content
  • 3. ANA M. CARDENAS 818-751-9922 amcwhitewolf@gmail.com PricewaterhouseCoopers Thought Leadership - Books July 1998 - Apr 2000 Wisdom of the CEO : 29 Global Leaders Tackle Today's Most Pressing Business Challenges by G. William Dauphinais, Grady Means, Colin Price Developed, managed and implemented global marketing plans for launch, publication, distribution, promotion and marketing of business management book. Coordinated development and marketing efforts of authors, PwC staff, book publishers, PR agencies, US & foreign internal and external distribution sources, book publicists, multimedia provider and other external event/alliance/influencer marketing contacts. Developed supporting marketing collateral including presentations, event/promotional, advertising, internal communications and web and other multimedia content. Worked closely with PwC recruiting, industry and service global market planners to integrate Wisdom of the CEO, thought leadership offerings into their respective marketing plans. Apr 1997 - July 1998 Straight From the CEO: The World's Top Business Leaders Reveal Ideas That Every Manager Can Use by William Dauphinais & Colin Price / Jan. 1998 Implemented global marketing plans for launch, publication, distribution, promotion and marketing of book. Coordinated marketing efforts of PwC staff, book publishers, PR agencies, US & foreign internal and external distribution sources, book publicists, multimedia provider and other external event/alliance/influencer and marketing contacts. Developed supporting marketing collateral including presentations, event/promotional, advertising, internal communications and web content. Worked closely with industry and service global market planners to secure positioning for Straight From the CEO as a key component of their marketing plans. Consulted on development and implementation of global marketing plans for launch, publication, distribution, promotion and marketing of the following books: Memos to the President: Management Advice From the Nation's Top CEOs by James J. Schiro (Editor)/ Sept. 2000 The ValueReporting Revolution: Moving Beyond the Earnings Game by Robert G. Eccles, Robert H. Herz, E. Mary Keegan, David M.H. Phillips The E-Business Workplace: Discovering the Power of Enterprise Portals by Matthias Vering, Grant Norris, Peter Barth, James R. Hurley
  • 4. ANA M. CARDENAS 818-751-9922 amcwhitewolf@gmail.com PricewaterhouseCoopers Thought Leadership Other Publications Marketing, communications & PR support may have included content development, graphics and layout design through to production, publication, launch and distribution including supporting print and electronic collateral. Developing Strategies in Rapidly Changing Markets white paper by Saul Berman, Karthik Rajaram, Steve Redwood / April 1998, Sept.1999 Full Value Procurement white paper by James M. Holec, Jr., Jon H. Bentley and Robert B. Earle /Sept. 1996 Increasing the Effectiveness of Transformational Change Programs: An Analytical Framework for Senior Executives white paper by George Bailey and David M. Schneider / Sept. 1996 Managing a Successful EWS Implementation white paper by Paul D. Flynn and Norbert O. Englert/ April 1998 Managing Rapid Growth: The challenges Confronting New-Generation Multinationals white paper by Paul Weaver and Denis Collart / July 1997 Mergers and Acquisitions white paper by Michael Chayes, Randye Farmer, Jeremy Pakenham / 1996 Organisational change in mergers and acquisitions white paper by Randye J Farmer, Robert C Russell and Robert D Pamplin / Aug. 1996 The Empowered Organisation white paper by Alan Little / June 1996 Defining, Aligning and Optimising EWS for Strategic Advantage white paper/ March 1999 Organizational Change in Data Warehousing white Paper / March 1999 Developing an eMarket Participant Adoption Program that Delivers white paper by Ryan Nordberg and Maurice Woods / March 2001 Real Teams salespack and training manuals / Sept. 1996 RapidImpact salespack and training materials/ Sept. 1997 Strategic Enterprise Architecture salespack and training materials/ Sept. 1997 Change Integration brochures including Priority Services and Partner inserts Supply Chain Management Diagnostic: The Link Between Supply Chain Improvement and Shareholder Value salespack and training manuals Financial Cost Management / Prototype for Finance salespack and training manuals Global Human Resource Solutions / Leadership in Human Resources Training Manual training manuals Global Human Resource Solutions / Human Resource Integrated Methodology Field Guide field guide Mastering Global Business salespack, and training manuals Growth & Innovation Global Survey survey and training manuals The Role of Technology Global Survey and Organizing for the 21st Century survey and training manuals MBA Recruiting Guide cover feature/Grady Means, 2001