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Hear it油
fromHarris油Employee Perspectives
"Long term investing油for the油future油of our employees"
Domestic Investment Analyst
The culture at Harris encourages peers to
share opinions and constructively challenge
ideas with a common goal of improving
decision making. Its an impressive group of
engaged, intelligent people working with a
shared purpose.
Managing Director, Marketing Client Relations
"There's a definitive culture at Harris. We have a
small firm ethos; we feel comfortable walking into
one anothers offices to discuss and debate ideas.
油We celebrate annual traditions and milestones."
"Our team is lively and collaborative; we pitch in
and help each other to accomplish our goals."
Senior Portfolio Specialist
"Harris has a true family feel. 油
We're small enough so that you know everyone
as you walk the halls, and we have a large
enough presence to feel like a major player in
the industry."
Implementation Analyst
"Harris is a company that treats you well and
keeps you challenged. Hard work is not only
recognized, it is also rewarded."
Business Process Analyst
"In three years, I've held three different positions,
each with a different focus and set of challenges.
My manager, and the leadership team as a whole,
油supported me to take on new roles and
responsibilities. They took the time to learn about
and support what I was interested in doing next."
Client Portfolio Manager
"There is an explicit investment in my career at
Harris. Our油emerging and evolving leaders
program allows me to further develop my skills
and make a long-term investment in my
"We operate with an agile methodology - we
break large initiatives into smaller deliverables
to constantly evaluate performance.油We have a油
professorial and academic environment that's
made up of油intelligent and thoughtful
individuals who make well-researched

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  • 1. Hear it油 fromHarris油Employee Perspectives "Long term investing油for the油future油of our employees"
  • 2. JOE PITTMAN Domestic Investment Analyst The culture at Harris encourages peers to share opinions and constructively challenge ideas with a common goal of improving decision making. Its an impressive group of engaged, intelligent people working with a shared purpose.
  • 3. KATIE GERDES Managing Director, Marketing Client Relations "There's a definitive culture at Harris. We have a small firm ethos; we feel comfortable walking into one anothers offices to discuss and debate ideas. 油We celebrate annual traditions and milestones." "Our team is lively and collaborative; we pitch in and help each other to accomplish our goals."
  • 4. TYLER BORZAK Senior Portfolio Specialist "Harris has a true family feel. 油 We're small enough so that you know everyone as you walk the halls, and we have a large enough presence to feel like a major player in the industry."
  • 5. KEYUR PATEL Implementation Analyst "Harris is a company that treats you well and keeps you challenged. Hard work is not only recognized, it is also rewarded."
  • 6. DEIRDRE ALMAGUER Business Process Analyst "In three years, I've held three different positions, each with a different focus and set of challenges. My manager, and the leadership team as a whole, 油supported me to take on new roles and responsibilities. They took the time to learn about and support what I was interested in doing next."
  • 7. DANNY NICHOLAS Client Portfolio Manager "There is an explicit investment in my career at Harris. Our油emerging and evolving leaders program allows me to further develop my skills and make a long-term investment in my future."
  • 8. KRISTI ROWSELL President "We operate with an agile methodology - we break large initiatives into smaller deliverables to constantly evaluate performance.油We have a油 professorial and academic environment that's made up of油intelligent and thoughtful individuals who make well-researched recommendations."