Bu sunumda son d?nemde ?ok pop¨¹ler olan ChatBot trendleri ile ilgili bilgiler payla??lm??t?r. h?zl?YOL Teknoloji ChatBot konusunda yapt??? ?al??malar ile bu konuda deneyimi artt?rmay? hedeflemektedir.
The document discusses artificial text chatting machines (chatbots). It provides an overview of chatbots, including their history starting with ELIZA from 1966. Common approaches to developing chatbots include pattern matching and using the Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML). The document outlines some challenges in developing human-like intelligence for chatbots and possibilities for future work, before concluding with a demonstration.
AI Agent and Chatbot Trends For EnterprisesTeewee Ang
This document discusses the growing trend of chatbots and artificial intelligence assistants. It notes that major tech entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk have expressed interest in AI. While Musk sees AI as a potential threat, Zuckerberg wants to create an AI assistant for home use. The document outlines how chatbots use technologies like natural language processing and machine learning. It provides examples of chatbots being used in applications like customer service, human resources, and scheduling. In conclusion, the document predicts that AI assistant and chatbot applications will continue growing in both enterprise and consumer spaces.
M¨¢ster Comunicaci¨®n Digital 2017: Negocio electr¨®nico y tendencias de futuroCelestino G¨¹emes Seoane
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre el negocio electr¨®nico. Explica la definici¨®n, evoluci¨®n hist¨®rica y situaci¨®n actual del negocio electr¨®nico y comercio electr¨®nico. Tambi¨¦n describe las caracter¨ªsticas diferenciales de la tecnolog¨ªa del negocio electr¨®nico y analiza el impacto del crecimiento de Internet y las diferentes fases por las que ha pasado el negocio electr¨®nico a lo largo de la historia. Finalmente, presenta los objetivos y contenidos de la presentaci¨®n sobre negocio electr¨®nico.
The document discusses various topics related to designing organisations for the future including purpose, culture, trust, integrity, motivation, and leadership. It provides quotes and perspectives on creating human-centered organizations where workers have autonomy, feel a sense of purpose, and where relationships and trust are prioritized over rigid hierarchies. The goal is to design adaptive organizations that can thrive in today's VUCA world.
Research Tools for Research Cycle: From SEARCH to DISSEMINATIONNader Ale Ebrahim
The document provides information about research tools that can help researchers throughout the research cycle from searching literature to disseminating results. It discusses four main categories of tools: 1) tools for searching literature, 2) tools for writing papers, 3) tools for targeting suitable journals, and 4) tools for enhancing visibility and impact. The presentation then goes on to describe some specific tools under each category such as reference management tools, plagiarism checking tools, citation tracking tools and journal selector tools.
Este documento resume una entrevista con Francisco Trujillo Pons, autor del libro "Espa?a frente al Acoso Laboral. Un estudio comparativo con Canad¨¢". Trujillo explica que Canad¨¢ es un buen modelo para Espa?a en la regulaci¨®n del acoso laboral, ya que protege mejor a los trabajadores. Su libro analiza las leyes de acoso laboral en Espa?a y Canad¨¢, encontrando que Canad¨¢ ofrece m¨¢s derechos a los empleados como estar libres de acoso y mayor compensaci¨®n si son v¨ªctimas. Trujillo cree que las leyes espa?olas
O documento enfatiza a import?ncia da f¨¦ e confian?a em Deus, que cuida de todos n¨®s e faz milagres quando necess¨¢rio, e pede para abandonarmos nossa vida em Sua divina provid¨ºncia.
The document summarizes the community programs and social initiatives of HCL Foundation. It discusses how HCL Foundation is supported by employee contributions and aims to empower communities through various programs focused on education, skills training, livelihood support, and advocacy. Key programs discussed include HCL Gurukul which provides after-school tutoring and education support to youth, HCL Yuvakendra which offers skills training and digital literacy courses, and sustainable livelihood programs that provide vocational training and entrepreneurship opportunities to women. The foundation has positively impacted over 190,000 individuals through its work.
This is my presentation at DevNexus 2017 in Atlanta.
Containers are a default choice for packaging and deploying Microservices.
You will understand why containers are a natural fit for microservices, the value a container platform brings to the table, how to structure your microservices running as containers on an enterprise ready Kubernetes platform aka, OpenShift. We will also look at a sample microservices application packaged and running as containers on this platform.
Popular lecturer Mary Bolingbroke returns for a one day CPD event looking into Gut Biomes, their wider influence on other systems and the implications for our Osteopathic practice. Presented in an iconic Glasgow venue, we look forward to seeing Mary again and continuing our post grad Osteopathic studies into the immune system and our relationship to it.
Sat 6th May 9.30am - 5.30pm, Arlington Baths, Arlington St., Glasgow G3 6DT; ?110 incl lunch
Contact cranialgroupscotland@gmail.com for booking & more details
Barreras para el aprendizaje y la participacion. maestria en educacion especi...Virita Snicker
El documento describe el concepto de "barreras para el aprendizaje y la participaci¨®n" y c¨®mo este enfoque reconoce que los factores contextuales pueden limitar el acceso a la educaci¨®n de los estudiantes. Define las barreras como aquellos factores del contexto que restringen las oportunidades de aprendizaje y se manifiestan a trav¨¦s de la interacci¨®n del individuo con su entorno, lo que a menudo conduce a la discriminaci¨®n. El enfoque de inclusi¨®n busca identificar y eliminar estas barreras para garantizar que todos los estudiantes,
Engineering DevOps Right the First TimeMarc Hornbeek
Marc Hornbeek is an experienced DevOps consultant with over 39 years of experience in IT architecture, development, and management. He discusses engineering DevOps right from the start through a top-down/middle-out approach focusing on leadership alignment, gap assessment, and process re-engineering to optimize agility, efficiency, quality and stability. Key aspects include modeling the DevOps pipeline, analyzing elements like tools and metrics, and controlling technology and process evolution over time.
? Each additive affects microflora in a different manner
? Succesful and Sustentable Additives should contribute to mantain microflora diversity
? Some additives may also affect the host directly, not only the microbial communities
? Effects at host level should be understood and used to improve holistic efficiency
NVIDIA compute GPUs and software toolkits are key drivers behind major advancements in machine learning. Of particular interest is a technique called "deep learning", which utilizes what are known as Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) having landslide success in computer vision and widespread adoption in a variety of fields such as autonomous vehicles, cyber security, and healthcare. In this talk is presented a high level introduction to deep learning where we discuss core concepts, success stories, and relevant use cases. Additionally, we will provide an overview of essential frameworks and workflows for deep learning. Finally, we explore emerging domains for GPU computing such as large-scale graph analytics, in-memory databases.
Software companies and Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Ji?¨ª Napravnik
The manufacturers of toys, cars, food, etc. are responsible for their products. It is commonplace.
Software companies are not responsible for their products.
Programming is an exact discipline, where can be all procedures clearly defined, programmed and tested
D¨¹nya teknolojisi ge?ti?imiz y¨¹zy?lda bir?ok alanda ?ok b¨¹y¨¹k seviyelerde geli?im g?stermi?tir. Bu geli?imin g?sterildi?i alanlardan ?nemli bir kolu olan internet teknolojisinin sadece e?lence ama?l? de?il, i? hayat?nda ald??? ?nemli ara? kollar? ile g¨¹n¨¹m¨¹z¨¹n vazge?ilmezleri aras?na girerken ¡°Global D¨¹nya¡¯ya¡± da yeni ekonomi kavram?n? getirmi?tir.
Este documento resume una entrevista con Francisco Trujillo Pons, autor del libro "Espa?a frente al Acoso Laboral. Un estudio comparativo con Canad¨¢". Trujillo explica que Canad¨¢ es un buen modelo para Espa?a en la regulaci¨®n del acoso laboral, ya que protege mejor a los trabajadores. Su libro analiza las leyes de acoso laboral en Espa?a y Canad¨¢, encontrando que Canad¨¢ ofrece m¨¢s derechos a los empleados como estar libres de acoso y mayor compensaci¨®n si son v¨ªctimas. Trujillo cree que las leyes espa?olas
O documento enfatiza a import?ncia da f¨¦ e confian?a em Deus, que cuida de todos n¨®s e faz milagres quando necess¨¢rio, e pede para abandonarmos nossa vida em Sua divina provid¨ºncia.
The document summarizes the community programs and social initiatives of HCL Foundation. It discusses how HCL Foundation is supported by employee contributions and aims to empower communities through various programs focused on education, skills training, livelihood support, and advocacy. Key programs discussed include HCL Gurukul which provides after-school tutoring and education support to youth, HCL Yuvakendra which offers skills training and digital literacy courses, and sustainable livelihood programs that provide vocational training and entrepreneurship opportunities to women. The foundation has positively impacted over 190,000 individuals through its work.
This is my presentation at DevNexus 2017 in Atlanta.
Containers are a default choice for packaging and deploying Microservices.
You will understand why containers are a natural fit for microservices, the value a container platform brings to the table, how to structure your microservices running as containers on an enterprise ready Kubernetes platform aka, OpenShift. We will also look at a sample microservices application packaged and running as containers on this platform.
Popular lecturer Mary Bolingbroke returns for a one day CPD event looking into Gut Biomes, their wider influence on other systems and the implications for our Osteopathic practice. Presented in an iconic Glasgow venue, we look forward to seeing Mary again and continuing our post grad Osteopathic studies into the immune system and our relationship to it.
Sat 6th May 9.30am - 5.30pm, Arlington Baths, Arlington St., Glasgow G3 6DT; ?110 incl lunch
Contact cranialgroupscotland@gmail.com for booking & more details
Barreras para el aprendizaje y la participacion. maestria en educacion especi...Virita Snicker
El documento describe el concepto de "barreras para el aprendizaje y la participaci¨®n" y c¨®mo este enfoque reconoce que los factores contextuales pueden limitar el acceso a la educaci¨®n de los estudiantes. Define las barreras como aquellos factores del contexto que restringen las oportunidades de aprendizaje y se manifiestan a trav¨¦s de la interacci¨®n del individuo con su entorno, lo que a menudo conduce a la discriminaci¨®n. El enfoque de inclusi¨®n busca identificar y eliminar estas barreras para garantizar que todos los estudiantes,
Engineering DevOps Right the First TimeMarc Hornbeek
Marc Hornbeek is an experienced DevOps consultant with over 39 years of experience in IT architecture, development, and management. He discusses engineering DevOps right from the start through a top-down/middle-out approach focusing on leadership alignment, gap assessment, and process re-engineering to optimize agility, efficiency, quality and stability. Key aspects include modeling the DevOps pipeline, analyzing elements like tools and metrics, and controlling technology and process evolution over time.
? Each additive affects microflora in a different manner
? Succesful and Sustentable Additives should contribute to mantain microflora diversity
? Some additives may also affect the host directly, not only the microbial communities
? Effects at host level should be understood and used to improve holistic efficiency
NVIDIA compute GPUs and software toolkits are key drivers behind major advancements in machine learning. Of particular interest is a technique called "deep learning", which utilizes what are known as Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) having landslide success in computer vision and widespread adoption in a variety of fields such as autonomous vehicles, cyber security, and healthcare. In this talk is presented a high level introduction to deep learning where we discuss core concepts, success stories, and relevant use cases. Additionally, we will provide an overview of essential frameworks and workflows for deep learning. Finally, we explore emerging domains for GPU computing such as large-scale graph analytics, in-memory databases.
Software companies and Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Ji?¨ª Napravnik
The manufacturers of toys, cars, food, etc. are responsible for their products. It is commonplace.
Software companies are not responsible for their products.
Programming is an exact discipline, where can be all procedures clearly defined, programmed and tested
D¨¹nya teknolojisi ge?ti?imiz y¨¹zy?lda bir?ok alanda ?ok b¨¹y¨¹k seviyelerde geli?im g?stermi?tir. Bu geli?imin g?sterildi?i alanlardan ?nemli bir kolu olan internet teknolojisinin sadece e?lence ama?l? de?il, i? hayat?nda ald??? ?nemli ara? kollar? ile g¨¹n¨¹m¨¹z¨¹n vazge?ilmezleri aras?na girerken ¡°Global D¨¹nya¡¯ya¡± da yeni ekonomi kavram?n? getirmi?tir.
Floating (y¨¹zen) ?lanlar: Bir sayfan?n ¨¹zerinde y¨¹zer gibi yukar?dan a?a??ya veya farkl? bir y?nde hareket eden ilanlar.
Duvar Ka??d?: Sayfan?n geri plan?n?n rengini de?i?tiren ilanlar.
Pop-up: Ziyaret edilen sayfa ¨¹zerinde a??lan bir pencereden ilan g?steren format.
Pop-under: Ziyaret edilen sayfan?n alt?nda a??lan bir pencere ?eklinde ortaya ??kan ilanlar.
B¨¹y¨¹k Kutu ?lanlar: Ana sayfalarda, i?eri?in zengin oldu?u ve ziyaret?ilerin uzun vakit ay?rd??? sayfalardaki b¨¹y¨¹k boyutlu kutular, display ilanlar?n en iddial? olanlar?d?r.
Leaderboard ?lanlar: Bunlar gazetelerin man?etleri gibi gibidir. Sayfan?n ¨¹zerinde, okurlar?n g?rebilece?i en de?erli erde olan bu ilanlar?n tarifesi de ?ok y¨¹ksektir.
Rich Media ?lanlar (zengin medya): Sesin ve g?r¨¹nt¨¹n¨¹n, animasyonun dahil edilebildi?i, izleyicilerle etkile?im imkan? y¨¹ksek olan bu ilan tipleri, giderek di?erlerinin yerini al?yor.
Markalar?n ya da bireylerin, yaln?zca birka? ad?mda t¨¹m mobil cihazlara uyumlu internaktif mobil internet servisleri olu?turmas?n? sa?layan,
T¨¹rkiye¡¯nin ilk ve tek...
?nternaktif mobil internet servis platformudur.
Tick Tock Boom Digital PR & Marketing Agency'nin Nisan 2016 b¨¹lteninde neler var? Sosyal Medya Takip Program?m?z BoomSonar Suite'in sosyal medya hesap y?netim mod¨¹l¨¹ BoomManager'?n yeni versiyonu ??kt?.
Nisan ay?nda sosyal medyan?n videoya, ?zellikle de canl? yay?n videolar?na odakland???n? g?r¨¹yoruz. Facebook, video arama ?zelli?ini aktifle?tirirken canl? yay?n videolar?n? ?neri olarak g?stermeye ba?lad?.
Facebook Live; canl? yay?nlara 5 farkl? renk filtreleme se?ene?i, yay?n s?ras?nda etkile?im yaratan reaksiyonlar, yay?na arkada? davet etme ve d¨¹nya canl? yay?n haritas? gibi yeni ?zelliklerini sundu.
Instagram, video arama ?zelli?inin yan?nda video ?nermeyi de sunmaya ba?lad?.
Dijitalin Y¨¹kseli?i ile De?i?en Ticaret ve Pazarlama TrendleriCihan Salim
Bili?im teknolojileri ucuzlarken milyonlarca yeni kullan?c?n?n dijitale eri?iminin artmas?yla bilgi ve ¨¹r¨¹n¨¹n marjinal da??t?m maliyetleri 0'a do?ru h?zla iniyor.
Da??t?m? kolayla?an bilgi, art?k ?ok sahipli ve tek ba??na eskisi kadar g¨¹? sa?lam?yor.
?nternet'in ge?er ak?esi, yeni para birimleri, dikkat ve itibar.
Bedava veya 'umursanmayacak kadar ucuz'u bir ?ekilde i? modellerine, ticaret ve ortakl?k ?ekillerine dahil oluyor.
Kurumlar d??a d?n¨¹k y¨¹zlerinde nas?l bir i? modeli belirleyebilir, i?e d?n¨¹kken yeni teknolojilerden nas?l faydalanabilir?
T¨¹m bu dinamiklerin ?????nda pazarlama, dijitalle imtihan?nda s?n?fta kalmamak i?in nas?l de?i?meli?bi
Beacon - iBeacon - Eddystone - Fiziksel Web - Kullan?m Alanlar?Aydin Ozcekic
Beacon teknolojisinin farkl? uygulama alanlar?, proje fikirlerini i?eren, h?zl?YOL Teknoloji taraf?ndan haz?rlanan sunumu inceleyebilirsiniz. http://www.hizliyol.com Beacon'lar ile offline ??z¨¹mler ?ok faydal? olabilir.
ChatBot Based Solutions by hizliYOL TechnologyAydin Ozcekic
What is ChatBot? Benefits of ChatBots. ChatBot Development process. ChatBot methodology. ChatBot Strategy. Chatbot use cases. ChatBot Development Tools.
?n?aat ?irketlerinin teknoloji kullan?m? ile ilgili bir plan? olmal?. ??te h?zl?YOL Teknoloji bu konuyla ilgili ?al???yor. M¨¹hendislik - Mimarl?k - Y¨¹klenici - Proje Y?netimi
Mobil ile IoT'nin bulu?tu?u noktada beacon ile size de?er katan ??z¨¹mler geli?tiriyoruz. h?zl?YOL End¨¹striyel ¨¹retimde beacon'lar ile ne yapaca??n?z? merak ediyorsan?z www.hizliyol.com
Fiziksel Web ile Kurumsal Teknoloji ??z¨¹mleriAydin Ozcekic
Beacon teknolojilerinin google'?n geli?tirdi?i eddystone protokol¨¹ ve fiziksel web yakla??m? ile yeni bir d?neme ge?ti?iniz s?yleyebiliriz. h?zl?YOL Teknoloji olarak fiziksel web konusunda ?al??malar yap?yoruz. www.hizliyol.com
h?zl?YOL Teknoloji, Chatbot geli?tirme, Beacon projeleri, Mobil Uygulama, Web ve Yaz?l?m geli?tirme projelerinde fayda temelli yarat?c? ??z¨¹mler sunar. Kurumsal teknoloji ??z¨¹mleri i?in bizi mutlaka aray?n.
Beacon Teknolojisi ile Bankac?l?kta Yeni D?nemAydin Ozcekic
iBeacon, Eddystone ve Fiziksel web konsepti ile geli?en Beacon Teknolojisi bankalar yeni f?rsatlar sunuyor. ?ubelerinizi yeni bir platform haline getirerek farkl? f?rsatlar yaratabilirsiniz.
Bu yaz?da 12 farkl? kullan?m alan?n? sizler i?in s?ralad?k.
BIOT Construction - hizliYOL TechnologyAydin Ozcekic
BIOT Construction is a project designed for the construction sector. We are using chatbots, beacons to manage workflows based on automated location based solutions.
Perakende sekt?r¨¹ ve ak?ll? mesajla?maAydin Ozcekic
Perakende sekt?r¨¹nde y¨¹ksek rekabet ortam?nda i? s¨¹re?lerine hakim olmak i?in ak?ll? mesajla?ma olduk?a yararl? olabilir. Fazla bilgi i?in info@hizliyol.com - http://www.hizliyol.com
GupShup taraf?ndan olu?turulan ak?ll? mesajla?ma platformu ile farkl? mesajla?ma uygulamalar?na uygun BOT'lar olu?turulabilir. G¨¹n¨¹m¨¹zde giderek geli?en BOT konusunda ?nemli bir giri?im. h?zl?YOL Teknoloji olarak, GupShup'?n T¨¹rkiye partneriyiz.
Ak?ll? mesajla?ma platformu olan Taemchat ile ?irket i?i bilgi ak???n? ?ok daha kolay y?netebilirsiniz. Sunumun sonunda bankac?l?k sekt?r¨¹ ¨¹?¨¹n uygulama ?rne?ine ula?abilirsiniz.
Detayl? bilgi i?in
5. Amerika¡¯da Ak?ll? Telefon Kullan?c?lar?n?n
Ayl?k Uygulama ?ndirme Oranlar?
20. ¡°Sohbet uygulamalar? yeni taray?c?lar; Bot¡¯lar yeni
web siteleri olacak. Bunlar yeni bir internetin
Ted Livingston, Kik Kurucusu
33. Webview
HTML5 Webview
Mesajla?ma s?ras?nda Webview ve ya mikro HTML siteleri kullan?labilir
?zelle?tirilmi? ??elerle mesajla?may? zenginle?tirin
?zelle?tirilmi? ??eler i?in Webview kullan?labilir, ?r. takvim, galeriler, formlar
Uygulama benzeri zenginle?tirilmi? etkile?im
Mesajla?ma i?inde ?zelle?tirilmi? g?rsel ??eler ve ya mini HTML siteleri ile
uygulama benzeri bir deneyimi ya?at?labilir
37. ?ok Kanall? Aray¨¹zler
¡ñ Ayr? kanallar ¡ú Birle?imi
Farkl? kullan?m ?rnekleri i?in farkl? kanallar yerine, bot ¡®lar farkl? kullan?m
?rneklerini t¨¹m kanallar? tek bir ?ok kanall? aray¨¹z ve zenginle?tirilmi? ??elerle
¡ñ Firmalar, t¨¹m kanallar? tek bir ?ok kanall? aray¨¹zde birle?tirir
Ke?if, web sitesi, m¨¹?teri deste?i, RSS, e-b¨¹lten, e-posta, e-ticaret, ¡
=> Hepsi tek bir mesajla?ma ortam?nda
38. ¡ñ Kullan?m ?rneklerini yeni aray¨¹zlere ta??r
Yeni kullan?m ?rnekleri olu?turmaktansa mevcut olanlar mesajla?ma aray¨¹z¨¹ne
¡ñ Her etkile?imi kay?t alt?na al?r
Kullan?c? ve i?lemlerin hepsi kay?t alt?na al?n?r.
¡ñ Elveri?li aray¨¹z
Durum tabanl? bir aray¨¹z yerine t¨¹m etkile?imler tek bir ak??dad?r.
?ok Kanall? Aray¨¹zler
42. Grup Mesajla?ma
¡ñ Grup sohbetlerine Bot ekleme
Bot ¡®lar gruba eklenerek, grubun bir ¨¹yesi gibi herkesle etkile?imi ve faydalanmas?
¡ñ Sat?ri?i Bot ?a??rma
Bot ¡®un ismi an?larak sohbete dahil edilebilir.