The document discusses the three vital functions of the human body: nutrition, relation, and reproduction. It describes the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and excretory systems that are involved in nutrition. It mentions the organs of the senses, nervous system, and locomotor system that allow for relation. It also notes that humans are viviparous and that reproduction involves the female and male reproductive systems.
The document lists the capital cities of 14 different European countries. It provides the country name in the native language followed by the capital city, also in the native language. The countries included are Finland, Spain, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Serbia, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Romania.
6. Funcions vitals
Les funcions vitals són les que tenen com a finalitat
respondre a les necessitats bà siques de la vida. En la
majoria d'animals, les funcions vitals estan controlades
per hormones.
8. Respiració: És la funció
per la qual els animals
aconsegueixen l' oxigen
que necessiten per la
respiració cel·lular, com tots
els organismes aeròbics.
Normalment, els animals
aquà tics utilitzen el
dioxigen dissolt en l'aigua,
mentre que els animals
terrestres utilitzen l'O2 de