This document lists various types of foods and dishes in Arabic and their Malay translations. It includes foods categorized as grains (rice), soups, noodles, porridges, breads, biscuits, eggs, fruits, vegetables, meats (chicken, beef, mutton), seafood, snacks/desserts (cakes, chocolate), condiments (vinegar, sugar, salt, oil), sauces, and more. It also provides translations for common cooking methods like fried, grilled/steak, boiled, and sweet and sour dishes. The goal is to teach food and cooking vocabulary in Arabic and Malay.
BAHASA ARAB - Hidupan Laut (Marine Creatures)Taqwa Hunter
The document lists and defines 20 different types of marine creatures in Arabic and English. It includes common sea animals such as fish, crab, squid, prawn, shark, whale, octopus, coral, starfish, sea horse, jellyfish, turtle, otter, eel, dolphin, stingray, swordfish, cockle, lobster, and seal. Each creature is defined with its Arabic name followed by its English translation. The creatures are listed in alphabetical order in Arabic.
Israk Mikraj adalah perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW dari Masjidil Haram di Mekah ke Masjid Al-Aqsa di Palestina (Israk) dan kemudian ke Sidratul Muntaha (Mikraj). Peristiwa ini terjadi pada malam 27 Rejab tahun ke-11 kerasulan dan memberikan pengajaran penting seperti mengakui kebesaran Allah, menunaikan solat, dan bahwa Nabi Muhammad adalah rasul yang paling mulia.
Kuiz ini berkisar tentang kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW, termasuk nama bapa dan ibu, pekerjaan sewaktu kecil, tempat kelahiran, usia ketika menerima wahyu pertama, dan usia ketika meninggal dunia. Soalan-soalan ini bertujuan menguji pengetahuan pelajar tentang kehidupan rasul.
Ringkasan biodata dan kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam 3 kalimat:
Nabi Muhammad SAW lahir di Mekkah pada tahun 570 M, dibesarkan oleh keluarga dan menjadi pedagang sebelum menerima wahyu pertama pada usia 40 tahun, kemudian beliau menyebarkan ajaran Islam dan melakukan hijrah ke Madinah untuk mendirikan negara Islam pertama.
Jenis-jenis kenderaan air yang disebutkan dalam dokumen tersebut adalah sampan rakit, kanu, kapal laut, kapal layar, kapal selam, feri, hoverkraf, dan bot.
Israk Mikraj adalah perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW pada malam dari Masjidil Haram di Makkah ke Masjidil Aqsa di Palestina (Israk), kemudian ke Sidratul Muntaha (Mikraj). Peristiwa ini menunjukkan kekuasaan Allah dan memberikan pelajaran moral kepada umat manusia. Nabi SAW diperlihatkan siksaan bagi mereka yang melanggar perintah Allah dan diberi amanah untuk menjalankan solat lima waktu.
This document provides the names and details of the 114 chapters (surahs) of the Quran. It lists each surah's name in Arabic and English, its number, which juzuk it falls under, whether it is Makkiyyah (revealed in Mecca) or Madaniyyah (revealed in Medina), and how many ayats (verses) it contains. The surahs are listed from the shortest to the longest.
This document lists 62 names of Allah (Asm-ul Husn) in Arabic with their English translations. Each name is accompanied by its number in the list and a short description in Arabic and English. The names describe Allah's qualities as the Most Merciful, Most Gracious, Eternal Lord, Creator, Forgiver, and more. The document was prepared to teach about the beautiful names of Allah.
BAHASA ARAB - Hidupan Laut (Marine Creatures)Taqwa Hunter
The document lists and defines 20 different types of marine creatures in Arabic and English. It includes common sea animals such as fish, crab, squid, prawn, shark, whale, octopus, coral, starfish, sea horse, jellyfish, turtle, otter, eel, dolphin, stingray, swordfish, cockle, lobster, and seal. Each creature is defined with its Arabic name followed by its English translation. The creatures are listed in alphabetical order in Arabic.
Israk Mikraj adalah perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW dari Masjidil Haram di Mekah ke Masjid Al-Aqsa di Palestina (Israk) dan kemudian ke Sidratul Muntaha (Mikraj). Peristiwa ini terjadi pada malam 27 Rejab tahun ke-11 kerasulan dan memberikan pengajaran penting seperti mengakui kebesaran Allah, menunaikan solat, dan bahwa Nabi Muhammad adalah rasul yang paling mulia.
Kuiz ini berkisar tentang kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW, termasuk nama bapa dan ibu, pekerjaan sewaktu kecil, tempat kelahiran, usia ketika menerima wahyu pertama, dan usia ketika meninggal dunia. Soalan-soalan ini bertujuan menguji pengetahuan pelajar tentang kehidupan rasul.
Ringkasan biodata dan kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam 3 kalimat:
Nabi Muhammad SAW lahir di Mekkah pada tahun 570 M, dibesarkan oleh keluarga dan menjadi pedagang sebelum menerima wahyu pertama pada usia 40 tahun, kemudian beliau menyebarkan ajaran Islam dan melakukan hijrah ke Madinah untuk mendirikan negara Islam pertama.
Jenis-jenis kenderaan air yang disebutkan dalam dokumen tersebut adalah sampan rakit, kanu, kapal laut, kapal layar, kapal selam, feri, hoverkraf, dan bot.
Israk Mikraj adalah perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW pada malam dari Masjidil Haram di Makkah ke Masjidil Aqsa di Palestina (Israk), kemudian ke Sidratul Muntaha (Mikraj). Peristiwa ini menunjukkan kekuasaan Allah dan memberikan pelajaran moral kepada umat manusia. Nabi SAW diperlihatkan siksaan bagi mereka yang melanggar perintah Allah dan diberi amanah untuk menjalankan solat lima waktu.
This document provides the names and details of the 114 chapters (surahs) of the Quran. It lists each surah's name in Arabic and English, its number, which juzuk it falls under, whether it is Makkiyyah (revealed in Mecca) or Madaniyyah (revealed in Medina), and how many ayats (verses) it contains. The surahs are listed from the shortest to the longest.
This document lists 62 names of Allah (Asm-ul Husn) in Arabic with their English translations. Each name is accompanied by its number in the list and a short description in Arabic and English. The names describe Allah's qualities as the Most Merciful, Most Gracious, Eternal Lord, Creator, Forgiver, and more. The document was prepared to teach about the beautiful names of Allah.
BAHASA ARAB - Pengangkutan Air (Water Transports)Taqwa Hunter
This document defines and provides examples of various types of water transports. It lists 10 different modes of water transportation including ships, boats, motorboats, yachts, submarines, ferries, hovercrafts, warships, merchant/cargo ships, and tongkangs. Each term is provided in Arabic script with the English and Malay translations. The document was prepared by Taqwa Hunter as an overview of water transport systems.
This document lists and defines 9 common question words in Arabic and their Indonesian translations:
1) M - What
2) Limz - Why
3) Man - Who
4) Kayfa - How
5) Kam - How many/much
6) Hal - Are you?
7) Mat - When
8) Ayna - Where
9) Ayyu - Which
This document provides information about Arabic pronouns. It lists the singular, dual, and plural forms of pronouns for the first, second, third and possessive persons for both male and female genders. The pronouns are organized into tables with their Arabic spelling, English translation, and indication of whether they refer to male, female, or both genders.
BAHASA ARAB - Harfun Jar dan Harfun 'Atof (Prepositions and Conjunctions)Taqwa Hunter
This document provides a list of Arabic prepositions and their meanings in English and Indonesian. It includes prepositions like min (from), ila (to), 'an (about), 'ala (above/on), fi (at/inside), rubba (more/less), bi (with), ka (like/similar to), and li (for). It also lists common conjunctions such as wa (and), fa (then), summa (next/then), au/am (or), im (either), hatt (until), lakinna (but), l (no), and bal (just). The prepositions and conjunctions are explained with examples of their usage.
BAHASA ARAB - Lagu Negaraku (National Anthem)Taqwa Hunter
The document is a poem titled "Y Bild朝" or "My Country" consisting of 6 stanzas. Each stanza contains 3 lines in Arabic with an English translation below. The poem expresses love and pride for one's homeland, referring to it as the land where blood was spilt, the people living united and progressive, and wishing blessings, happiness, and a successful reign for their king from Allah.
BAHASA ARAB - Organ Dalaman (Internal Organs)Taqwa Hunter
The document lists and defines 16 internal organs of the human body in Arabic and English. The organs included are:
1. Brain (Otak)
2. Stomach (Perut)
3. Liver (Hati)
4. Heart (Jantung)
5. Blood (Darah)
6. Kidney (Buah Pinggang)
BAHASA ARAB - Pengangkutan Udara (Air Transports)Taqwa Hunter
This document lists and defines 10 types of air transports in Arabic, including:
1) Aeroplane
2) Air ship/ Zeppelin
3) Hot air balloon
4) Helicopter
5) Jet Fighter
6) Air Plane
7) Rocket
8) Space shuttle
9) UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)
10) Cable Car
BAHASA ARAB - Zorof Zaman (Adverb of Time)Taqwa Hunter
This document provides 13 Arabic terms used to describe time and temporal adverbs. It includes terms translated to English such as:
1. Al-An - Now
2. Anifn - Just Now
3. H朝na - While
4. 'Aqiba - Immediately after
BAHASA ARAB - Zorof Makan (Adverb of Place)Taqwa Hunter
This document provides a list of 14 Arabic terms used to describe location or position. It includes terms that translate to English as: in front of, behind, beside, near, above, below, in the middle of, surrounding, inside, outside, at the corner, on the right, on the left, and at the end. The terms are presented with their Arabic spelling, translation, and number.