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Outlook to  the  next Future Internet Assembly  in Budapest Prof.  G yula  SALLAI HTE, BME Hungary FIA Ghent, 16-17 Dec 2010
EU Future Internet Assemblies (FIA) FIA meets twice a year: Bled, March 2008    Bled Declaration  Madrid, December 2008 Prague, 11-13 May 2009    F I  Forum Stockholm, 23-24 November 2009 Valencia, 15-16 April 2010 Ghent, 16-17 December 2010 Budapest, 18-19 May 2011
Future Internet Week   Budapest, 16-19 May 2011 Events: FIRE Event  16 May 2011 Internet of Things Conference  16 May 2011 Future Internet Conference  17 May 2011 Future Internet Assembly   18-19 May 2011 Future Internet Forum  18 May ENoLL Event  TBA ceFIMS Workshop  TBA www.fi-budapest.eu FIA
Scientific Associations for Infocommunications, Hungary The Hungarian IEEE ComSoc Sister Society Founded 61 years ago 20 sections, 1200 individual members,  65 corporate members  Telecom/infocom operators, manufacturers,    research institutes, universities, SMEs, NRA Infocommunications Journal Previously organized major events EuroSpeech 1999 (1100 attendees) World Telecommunication Congress 2006 (180 attendees)  IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2007 (590) Network Planning and Strategy Symposium (260)  IEEE WCNC 2009 (650) Next events:  VTC, ITS in 2011, IEEE ICC2013,etc.
World-famous scientists   of  Hungarian origin George von BKSY   (1899-1972) acoustics, Nobel laureates in 1961   Dennis GABOR   (1900-1979) holography, Nobel laureates in 1971 John von NEUMANN   (1903-1957) mathematician,   father of computers
Tivadar PUSKS   (1844-1893)  telephone exchange Zolt叩n BAY  (1900-1992) lasers,   lunar radar L叩szl坦 LOVSZ  (1948-  ) computation   & graph theory Albert-L叩szl坦 BARABSI   (1967-   ) theory of complex networks
EU FP7 projects with Hungarian participation: National R&D projects funded by FI  R&D in Hungary Hungarian partners: BME ELTE  MTA   - SZTAKI NIIF  Nat. Inform. Infrastr. Dev. Inst. Zr鱈nyi Mikl坦s National Defence University Bay Zoltan Foundation for Applied Research Ericsson Hungary Magyar Telekom SMEs
BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY  OF  TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS (BME)   Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics   Dept. Telecommunications and Media Informatics   Dept. Telecommunication Engineering ETVS LORAND UNIVERSITY,  BUDAPEST  (ELTE)   Faculty of Informatics (Computer Science)  Faculty of Natural Science (Mathematics, Physics) HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES , COMPUTER AND AUTOMATION  RESEARCH INSTITUTE   (MTA-SZTAKI)
Established as  BME  Department of Wire line  Communications in 1949 Profile of TMIT:  Convergent telecommunication, information and media     (infocom)  technologies, applications and management issues BME Department of Telecommunications and  Media Informatics (BME-TMIT) Research and Educational Groups: HSNLab:  High Speed Networks, Services and Appls MediaLab:  Content Management and Multimedia Systems SpeechLab:  Speech and Multimodal Information Systems  FuzzyLab: Intelligent and Cognitive Media Informatics RegLab:  Infocom Management and Regulation  TMIT  is involved in: 2 BSc programmes 4 MSc programmes Spec. responsibilities for: - Infocom Systems - Media Informatics - E-gov and Public Utilities - Analytical BI 2 Doctorate schools with 33 PhD students 80 academic staff incl. 8 DSc + 27 PhD
FIA Budapest 2011  Venue Hotel InterContinental  Budapest    Danube  R iverside,  C ity centre     Ap叩czai Csere J叩nos  street  12, 1052 Budapest Buda side Pest side
Hotel InterContinental   Budapest  Danube Riverside
Sightseeing in Budapest  237 monuments
Looking forward to meeting you  in  FIA   Budapest,  May  2011 www.fi-budapest.eu

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Gyula Sallai: Presentation of the next FIA in Budapest

  • 1. Outlook to the next Future Internet Assembly in Budapest Prof. G yula SALLAI HTE, BME Hungary FIA Ghent, 16-17 Dec 2010
  • 2. EU Future Internet Assemblies (FIA) FIA meets twice a year: Bled, March 2008 Bled Declaration Madrid, December 2008 Prague, 11-13 May 2009 F I Forum Stockholm, 23-24 November 2009 Valencia, 15-16 April 2010 Ghent, 16-17 December 2010 Budapest, 18-19 May 2011
  • 3. Future Internet Week Budapest, 16-19 May 2011 Events: FIRE Event 16 May 2011 Internet of Things Conference 16 May 2011 Future Internet Conference 17 May 2011 Future Internet Assembly 18-19 May 2011 Future Internet Forum 18 May ENoLL Event TBA ceFIMS Workshop TBA www.fi-budapest.eu FIA
  • 4. Scientific Associations for Infocommunications, Hungary The Hungarian IEEE ComSoc Sister Society Founded 61 years ago 20 sections, 1200 individual members, 65 corporate members Telecom/infocom operators, manufacturers, research institutes, universities, SMEs, NRA Infocommunications Journal Previously organized major events EuroSpeech 1999 (1100 attendees) World Telecommunication Congress 2006 (180 attendees) IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2007 (590) Network Planning and Strategy Symposium (260) IEEE WCNC 2009 (650) Next events: VTC, ITS in 2011, IEEE ICC2013,etc.
  • 5. World-famous scientists of Hungarian origin George von BKSY (1899-1972) acoustics, Nobel laureates in 1961 Dennis GABOR (1900-1979) holography, Nobel laureates in 1971 John von NEUMANN (1903-1957) mathematician, father of computers
  • 6. Tivadar PUSKS (1844-1893) telephone exchange Zolt叩n BAY (1900-1992) lasers, lunar radar L叩szl坦 LOVSZ (1948- ) computation & graph theory Albert-L叩szl坦 BARABSI (1967- ) theory of complex networks
  • 7. EU FP7 projects with Hungarian participation: National R&D projects funded by FI R&D in Hungary Hungarian partners: BME ELTE MTA - SZTAKI NIIF Nat. Inform. Infrastr. Dev. Inst. Zr鱈nyi Mikl坦s National Defence University Bay Zoltan Foundation for Applied Research Ericsson Hungary Magyar Telekom SMEs
  • 8. BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS (BME) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Dept. Telecommunications and Media Informatics Dept. Telecommunication Engineering ETVS LORAND UNIVERSITY, BUDAPEST (ELTE) Faculty of Informatics (Computer Science) Faculty of Natural Science (Mathematics, Physics) HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES , COMPUTER AND AUTOMATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE (MTA-SZTAKI)
  • 9. Established as BME Department of Wire line Communications in 1949 Profile of TMIT: Convergent telecommunication, information and media (infocom) technologies, applications and management issues BME Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics (BME-TMIT) Research and Educational Groups: HSNLab: High Speed Networks, Services and Appls MediaLab: Content Management and Multimedia Systems SpeechLab: Speech and Multimodal Information Systems FuzzyLab: Intelligent and Cognitive Media Informatics RegLab: Infocom Management and Regulation TMIT is involved in: 2 BSc programmes 4 MSc programmes Spec. responsibilities for: - Infocom Systems - Media Informatics - E-gov and Public Utilities - Analytical BI 2 Doctorate schools with 33 PhD students 80 academic staff incl. 8 DSc + 27 PhD
  • 10. FIA Budapest 2011 Venue Hotel InterContinental Budapest Danube R iverside, C ity centre Ap叩czai Csere J叩nos street 12, 1052 Budapest Buda side Pest side
  • 11. Hotel InterContinental Budapest Danube Riverside
  • 12. Sightseeing in Budapest 237 monuments
  • 13. Looking forward to meeting you in FIA Budapest, May 2011 www.fi-budapest.eu