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Future Internet Week Future Internet Forum, Brussels, 17 December, 2010 Vilmos Nemeth, NKTH  Budapest 16-19 May, 2011
Future Internet Week   FIA FIF ENoLL FIRE FI PPP ceFIMS IoT
FIRE Event Venue: Hotel Novotel Centrum, Budapest 16 May, 2011  Future Internet Research and Experimentation    Consultation day for FIRE project coordinators (closed meeting)
The Internet of Things Conference Venue: Hotel InterContinental,    Budapest 16 May, 2011  The Internet of Things Conference (IoT)
ENoLL Event Venue: Budapest 16 May, 2011  ENoLL Launch Event for the 5th Wave of Living Labs
Future Internet Assembly (FIA) Venue: Hotel InterContinental,    Budapest
Future Internet Assembly (FIA) 17 May, 2011  Future Internet Conference  High-level meeting with participation  of  policy makers and representatives from  industries.  Focus on  FI PPP projects and preparation  for FP8. 18-19 May, 2011  Future Internet Assembly    Presentation of FIA projects. 18 May, 2011  Future Internet Forum (FIF)
ICT Proposers Day Venue: HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Center 19-20 May, 2011  ICT Proposers Day ICT Workprogramme 2011-2012
Looking forward to meeting you in Budapest! www.fi-budapest.eu

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Future Internet Week Budapest

  • 1. Future Internet Week Future Internet Forum, Brussels, 17 December, 2010 Vilmos Nemeth, NKTH Budapest 16-19 May, 2011
  • 2. Future Internet Week FIA FIF ENoLL FIRE FI PPP ceFIMS IoT
  • 3. FIRE Event Venue: Hotel Novotel Centrum, Budapest 16 May, 2011 Future Internet Research and Experimentation Consultation day for FIRE project coordinators (closed meeting)
  • 4. The Internet of Things Conference Venue: Hotel InterContinental, Budapest 16 May, 2011 The Internet of Things Conference (IoT)
  • 5. ENoLL Event Venue: Budapest 16 May, 2011 ENoLL Launch Event for the 5th Wave of Living Labs
  • 6. Future Internet Assembly (FIA) Venue: Hotel InterContinental, Budapest
  • 7. Future Internet Assembly (FIA) 17 May, 2011 Future Internet Conference High-level meeting with participation of policy makers and representatives from industries. Focus on FI PPP projects and preparation for FP8. 18-19 May, 2011 Future Internet Assembly Presentation of FIA projects. 18 May, 2011 Future Internet Forum (FIF)
  • 8. ICT Proposers Day Venue: HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Center 19-20 May, 2011 ICT Proposers Day ICT Workprogramme 2011-2012
  • 9. Looking forward to meeting you in Budapest! www.fi-budapest.eu