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Privacy: Can we afford not to?Dr. Karen SollinsMIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryFIA Meeting, Gent, Belgium, December 17, 2010
What is it about privacy?AboutThe subject: usually a personIdentity: set of attributes or claimsSeparation of inherent or assigned attributes from profiled informationPolicies about what to share and what notNot about complete isolation
Interesting attributesIdentification: name, government id number, address, etc.Authorship: linking identity to resourcesCommunication: Others with whom have communicatedUsage: Objects, services, and other resources used
What if we could not control these?Identification: invasion of privacy, masquerading, failure of business relationships, Authorship: failure of legal contracts, freedom of speechCommunication: failure of freedom of associationUsage: failure of freedom of thoughtConsider: requirements of diplomacy, intelligence gathering, proprietary and confidential businessConsider: confidentiality of doctor-patient and attorney-client relationships
Consequences of Internet devoid of  privacyNo commercial substrateNo social substrateNo civil substrateLikely: walled gardens in stove-pipe constructions, privacy only controllable in restricted communities
Where does that leave us?Reality: privacy will not be perfectPrivacy is not about complete hiding, but controlled sharing with enforcementPrivacy will exist in some form, because social, business, and civil arenas cannot exist without themQuestion: at which layer in the architecture?
Which architectural layer?App space: user involvement and controlCan be end-to-endTransport: Narrow waist of the architecture  locus of homogeneityVERY difficult to changeBelow transport: apparent walled gardens, isolation

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Karen Sollins (MIT, US): Privacy: Can we afford not to?

  • 1. Privacy: Can we afford not to?Dr. Karen SollinsMIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryFIA Meeting, Gent, Belgium, December 17, 2010
  • 2. What is it about privacy?AboutThe subject: usually a personIdentity: set of attributes or claimsSeparation of inherent or assigned attributes from profiled informationPolicies about what to share and what notNot about complete isolation
  • 3. Interesting attributesIdentification: name, government id number, address, etc.Authorship: linking identity to resourcesCommunication: Others with whom have communicatedUsage: Objects, services, and other resources used
  • 4. What if we could not control these?Identification: invasion of privacy, masquerading, failure of business relationships, Authorship: failure of legal contracts, freedom of speechCommunication: failure of freedom of associationUsage: failure of freedom of thoughtConsider: requirements of diplomacy, intelligence gathering, proprietary and confidential businessConsider: confidentiality of doctor-patient and attorney-client relationships
  • 5. Consequences of Internet devoid of privacyNo commercial substrateNo social substrateNo civil substrateLikely: walled gardens in stove-pipe constructions, privacy only controllable in restricted communities
  • 6. Where does that leave us?Reality: privacy will not be perfectPrivacy is not about complete hiding, but controlled sharing with enforcementPrivacy will exist in some form, because social, business, and civil arenas cannot exist without themQuestion: at which layer in the architecture?
  • 7. Which architectural layer?App space: user involvement and controlCan be end-to-endTransport: Narrow waist of the architecture locus of homogeneityVERY difficult to changeBelow transport: apparent walled gardens, isolation