The document outlines a project with the aim to save the world through concept, design, and digital and physical prototyping. It lists four key stages: concept aim, design, digital prototype, and physical prototype. The overall goal is to develop a concept through design and digital and physical modeling to help achieve the aim of saving the world.
Apresentação Institucional English 20080408p.correa
This document provides an overview of institutional information about LPS Brasil - Consultoria de Imóveis S.A. ("Lopes") as of fiscal year 2007. It discusses Lopes' business model, history, market leadership position in real estate brokerage in Sao Paulo, geographic expansion strategy, joint venture with Itaú bank, and highlights of the growing Brazilian real estate market and Lopes' operational highlights in 2007.
Parada furnicilor apare in puranas. Scrise într-un stil popular, Puranele sunt privite ca fiind cărţi sacre ale hinduismului. Ele sunt scrise dupa povesti. Ele abordeaza teme cum ar fi creerea universului, distrugerea si refacerea universului, dinastiile zeilor lunii si ai soarelui, genealogia zeilor si epocile creatorilor oamenilor.
Parada Furnicilor este cea mai fascinanta perspectiva asupra timpului scrisa vreodata de o minte umana.
Se recomanda lectura impreuna cu
This document discusses approaches for measuring social media return on investment (ROI). It outlines a 4-step model for determining social ROI: 1) segmenting and targeting audiences, 2) setting expectations based on industry, 3) determining key performance indicators to measure returns, and 4) using measurement approaches like attribution of online conversions, engagement/advocacy metrics, and analyzing awareness/affinity through sentiment. The document provides examples for each approach and estimates potential ROI values. It emphasizes the importance of optimization and governance for social media measurement and ROI.
- The document discusses concurrent and parallel programming in Haskell, including the use of threads, MVars, and software transactional memory (STM).
- STM provides atomic execution of blocks of code, allowing failed transactions to automatically retry without race conditions or data corruption.
- Strategies can be used to evaluate expressions in parallel using different evaluation models like head normal form or weak head normal form.
- While functional programs may seem to have inherent parallelism, in practice extracting parallelism can be difficult due to data dependencies and irregular patterns of computation.
This document discusses the concept of transhumanism and explores ways in which human identity and the self are distributed and extended beyond the physical body. It argues that cognition and understanding are networked and depend on relationships with both human and non-human actors. The boundaries between self and other, as well as internal and external, are blurred across time and space. Technological changes should thus be understood as social, not just personal, transformations.
Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa has achieved unprecedented academic, athletic, and artistic successes over the past 20 years. Students score in the top 1% nationally on standardized tests and over 95% are accepted to four-year colleges. The school holds numerous state records and national championships in academics, arts, athletics and more. Studies show students who practice the Transcendental Meditation technique twice daily lower blood pressure and stress levels. The school aims to develop student invincibility through perfect health, ideal social behavior, world peace, and total creative potential.
This document discusses ideas and how to take ideas from start to finish in two parts. It shares three of the presenter's favorite ideas and provides seven recommendations for how to develop an idea. It discusses recognizing patterns, sharing ideas to get feedback, and leveraging algorithms and third parties to improve products in areas like advertising, job searching, news delivery, and dating. It advocates opening up platforms and algorithms to third party development.
The document recounts a boy's experience falling in love with the 1964 Philadelphia Phillies baseball team as a 7-year-old. It describes how the Phillies got off to a strong start and held a sizable lead late in the season, only to collapse down the stretch and miss the World Series, deeply disappointing the boy. Though the Phillies would not succeed again for over a decade, the memories of that 1964 season have stayed with the boy into adulthood.
This document outlines a proposed student project for an exhibition on an artistic avant-garde. Students will be placed into groups to research and create a dossier on one avant-garde movement, including its historical context, characteristics, and important artists and works. They will then design a poster and leaflet in multiple languages to propose works for the exhibition. Rubrics are provided to evaluate the written dossier, final poster and leaflet project, and student presentations.
The document outlines a project with the aim to save the world through concept, design, and digital and physical prototyping. It lists four key stages: concept aim, design, digital prototype, and physical prototype. The overall goal is to develop a concept through design and digital and physical modeling to help achieve the aim of saving the world.
Apresentação Institucional English 20080408p.correa
This document provides an overview of institutional information about LPS Brasil - Consultoria de Imóveis S.A. ("Lopes") as of fiscal year 2007. It discusses Lopes' business model, history, market leadership position in real estate brokerage in Sao Paulo, geographic expansion strategy, joint venture with Itaú bank, and highlights of the growing Brazilian real estate market and Lopes' operational highlights in 2007.
Parada furnicilor apare in puranas. Scrise într-un stil popular, Puranele sunt privite ca fiind cărţi sacre ale hinduismului. Ele sunt scrise dupa povesti. Ele abordeaza teme cum ar fi creerea universului, distrugerea si refacerea universului, dinastiile zeilor lunii si ai soarelui, genealogia zeilor si epocile creatorilor oamenilor.
Parada Furnicilor este cea mai fascinanta perspectiva asupra timpului scrisa vreodata de o minte umana.
Se recomanda lectura impreuna cu
This document discusses approaches for measuring social media return on investment (ROI). It outlines a 4-step model for determining social ROI: 1) segmenting and targeting audiences, 2) setting expectations based on industry, 3) determining key performance indicators to measure returns, and 4) using measurement approaches like attribution of online conversions, engagement/advocacy metrics, and analyzing awareness/affinity through sentiment. The document provides examples for each approach and estimates potential ROI values. It emphasizes the importance of optimization and governance for social media measurement and ROI.
- The document discusses concurrent and parallel programming in Haskell, including the use of threads, MVars, and software transactional memory (STM).
- STM provides atomic execution of blocks of code, allowing failed transactions to automatically retry without race conditions or data corruption.
- Strategies can be used to evaluate expressions in parallel using different evaluation models like head normal form or weak head normal form.
- While functional programs may seem to have inherent parallelism, in practice extracting parallelism can be difficult due to data dependencies and irregular patterns of computation.
This document discusses the concept of transhumanism and explores ways in which human identity and the self are distributed and extended beyond the physical body. It argues that cognition and understanding are networked and depend on relationships with both human and non-human actors. The boundaries between self and other, as well as internal and external, are blurred across time and space. Technological changes should thus be understood as social, not just personal, transformations.
Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa has achieved unprecedented academic, athletic, and artistic successes over the past 20 years. Students score in the top 1% nationally on standardized tests and over 95% are accepted to four-year colleges. The school holds numerous state records and national championships in academics, arts, athletics and more. Studies show students who practice the Transcendental Meditation technique twice daily lower blood pressure and stress levels. The school aims to develop student invincibility through perfect health, ideal social behavior, world peace, and total creative potential.
This document discusses ideas and how to take ideas from start to finish in two parts. It shares three of the presenter's favorite ideas and provides seven recommendations for how to develop an idea. It discusses recognizing patterns, sharing ideas to get feedback, and leveraging algorithms and third parties to improve products in areas like advertising, job searching, news delivery, and dating. It advocates opening up platforms and algorithms to third party development.
The document recounts a boy's experience falling in love with the 1964 Philadelphia Phillies baseball team as a 7-year-old. It describes how the Phillies got off to a strong start and held a sizable lead late in the season, only to collapse down the stretch and miss the World Series, deeply disappointing the boy. Though the Phillies would not succeed again for over a decade, the memories of that 1964 season have stayed with the boy into adulthood.
This document outlines a proposed student project for an exhibition on an artistic avant-garde. Students will be placed into groups to research and create a dossier on one avant-garde movement, including its historical context, characteristics, and important artists and works. They will then design a poster and leaflet in multiple languages to propose works for the exhibition. Rubrics are provided to evaluate the written dossier, final poster and leaflet project, and student presentations.
5.  Com no hi ha dubte que els grecs van prendre la seva escriptura dels semites, el problema consisteix a determinar de quin sistema semÃtic es va derivar l'escriptura grega. En teoria, qualsevol de les escriptures usades pels pobles semÃtics establerts a les à mplies regions que s'estenen del sud de Cilicia al nord de Sinaà va poder ser el model dels grecs. Aquestes terres estaven habitades pels amorreus, arameus i cananeus, incloent els fenicis. Els fenicis, els navegants de l'antiguitat, són els únics semites que es van atrevir a desafiar al gran Mar a la recerca de nous horitzons. Els grecs no van anar a la costa d'Àsia a demanar el sistema semÃtic; les escriptures mai no passen d'un poble a l'altre d'aquesta forma .
10. Sentit de l'escriptura: esquerra-dreta : Finalment, el sentit de l'escriptura es fixa d'esquerra a dreta, com veiem en la inscripció sobre pilar d'Attica, c. 540 a. C.; la inscripció sobre copa de plata dedicada a Megarian Athena de Kozani, c. 500 a. C.; la placa de bronze amb tractat entre Elis i Heraea, c. 500 a. C.; el monument fúnebre de Charon de Teithronion, Phocis, c. 500 a. C. i la placa de bronze amb inscripció ritual, Arcà dia, c. 525 a. C. .