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Harshad Bhavsar
 Geography Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
 What is the first 100 days ?
 What is Change??????
 Infra Structure Chart
 Warehouse management
 Job Profiles & Incentive Structures
 Primary tasks to do
 Key Strategy & Vision
 Goals & Challenges
 Support required
Geography of Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
Geography of Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
 Capital and Largest City Riyadh
 Official Languages Arabic
 Religion Islam (official)
 Government Kingdom
 King Salman bin Adulaziz
 Area Total 870.000sq m
 Water 0.7 %
 Population 2015 survey 29.902.472
 Currency Saudi Riyal (SAR)
Geography of Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
 Saudi Arabia Officially known as the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and
largest Arab state in western Asia
 It is the only nation with both a Red Sear cost and a Persian Gulf
 Saudi Arabia was founded by Abdulaziz bin Saud in 1932.
 Saudi Arabia is sometimes called The Land of the Two Holy
 Saudi Arabia with the worlds second largest oil reserves and the
worlds sixth largest natural gas reserves,
 The Kingdom is categorized as a high income economy with 19th
highest GDP in the world.
What is the first 100 days ?
What is Change??????
Infra Structure Chart
Ware house management system
Ware house management system
 First need to clear all damages stock from warehouse
 Needs to arrange all stock vendor wise
 Needs to maintain FIFO
 Regularly updates of near expiry stock and slow moving
 Needs to defined & Divide work of loaders
 Updates of delivery status and new shipment
 Needs to inform new product arrived in warehouse
 Update weekly report to office on Thursday
Job Profiles & Incentive
 Will visit all Market
 Analyze new customer & try to convert it in our system
 Will handle all key customer Collect over dues and PO
 Visit to all outlets to see the Promotions activity
 To see the availability visibility & Shelf share of his outlets
 will Maintain the Reports of Merchandiser & Sales Man
 Sales Man
 Will Visit all outlets to take stocks to generate order as per Route Map
 Will take all Orders & to collect Collection
 Will give competitors activity reports
 2nd half he will be in outlets to do promotion
 He will also reports to Supervioser
 Needs to build good relation with Trade
 Will Visit all outlets BI-Weekly to Merchandise as per Route Map
 To Merchandise And send photos to Whats up Group (FIRST HALF)
 2nd Half will do Promoter Job in Outlets (Will Plan Incentive)
 Will Send reports (QTY SALE & Value)
 He will Report to Supervioser Not Sales Man
 To maintain good relationship with Floor managers
Job Profiles & Incentive
 Supervisor Incentive Parameters
 Target can be calculated on LY Basis, L3M Average sale & Current Offers
 Incentive Can be Calculated on Slabs
 Sales man Incentive Parameters
 Target can be calculated on LY Basis, L3M Average sale & Current Offers
 Incentive Can be Calculated on Slabs
Slab 1 85 to 89.99% 1000.00
Slab 2 90 to 99.99% 1250.00
Slab 3 100 to 105% 1600.00
Slab 4 105.01% > 2000.00
Slab 1 85 to 89.99% 900.00
Slab 2 90 to 99.99% 1150.00
Slab 3 100 to 105% 1500.00
Slab 4 105.01% > 1800.00
Job Profiles & Incentive
 Merchandiser can earn incentive on basis of Sales target
 Targets will be based on customer wise
 Target can be calculated on LY Basis, L3M Average sale & Current Offers
 Incentive Can be Calculated on Slabs
 AVERAGE*3.00 2400/-
Slab 1 85 to 89.99% 700.00
Slab 2 90 to 99.99% 1000.00
Slab 3 100 to 105% 1250.00
Slab 4 105.01% > 1600.00
Primary Tasks to do
 Provide training for Merchandiser & Sales man OJT
 Route contraction and PJP for Sales man & Merchandiser
 Merchandiser should enable with all Tools kits
 Continuous Availability of our Brand Mix across the Channels
 Product Visibility & Product merchandising
 Maintain the eye level based display to create the impulse of purchase
 Ensure effective implementation of sales promotion activities
 Allocate the display units based on the outlet pacification
 In shop activities and Branding
 Monitor competitors sales promotion activities
 Good Administration at the outlet level
Key Strategy & Vision
 All top vendor will available in Hyper Market
 Will enter in Pharmacy, Parlour Saloons, Convenience, Hardware & B2B outlets
 Will provide Promoter to all Hyper Market
 Will do Branding at top outlets
 Will design QTY Purchase scheme for Wholesalers & for Modern trade
 Liquidate all slow moving SKU from Ware house
 Clear all old & Damages Stocks from Ware house
 Maintain inventory not more than 2months
 We will focus top brands of all company with limited SKUs
 For additional Order Sales manager should plan and send us the forecast one
month before (Seasonality)
 Research on Competitors Strategy
Support required
 Transference policy for all the Team and Trade
 Need support from all cross functional Verticals
 Recognition and Reward program for team to motivate
 Performance should review periodically
 Budget Require for the Slow Moving Stocks to liquidate
 Team should equip with the all basic requirement
Time For Team Work
Mission 100

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Mission 100

  • 2. Overview Geography Kingdom of Saudi Arabia What is the first 100 days ? What is Change?????? Infra Structure Chart Warehouse management Job Profiles & Incentive Structures Primary tasks to do Key Strategy & Vision Goals & Challenges Support required
  • 3. Geography of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • 4. Geography of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Capital and Largest City Riyadh Official Languages Arabic Religion Islam (official) Government Kingdom King Salman bin Adulaziz Area Total 870.000sq m Water 0.7 % Population 2015 survey 29.902.472 Currency Saudi Riyal (SAR)
  • 5. Geography of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Officially known as the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and largest Arab state in western Asia It is the only nation with both a Red Sear cost and a Persian Gulf coast. Saudi Arabia was founded by Abdulaziz bin Saud in 1932. Saudi Arabia is sometimes called The Land of the Two Holy Mosques Saudi Arabia with the worlds second largest oil reserves and the worlds sixth largest natural gas reserves, The Kingdom is categorized as a high income economy with 19th highest GDP in the world.
  • 6. What is the first 100 days ?
  • 10. Ware house management system First need to clear all damages stock from warehouse Needs to arrange all stock vendor wise Needs to maintain FIFO Regularly updates of near expiry stock and slow moving stock Needs to defined & Divide work of loaders Updates of delivery status and new shipment Needs to inform new product arrived in warehouse Update weekly report to office on Thursday
  • 11. Job Profiles & Incentive Structures Supervisor Will visit all Market Analyze new customer & try to convert it in our system Will handle all key customer Collect over dues and PO Visit to all outlets to see the Promotions activity To see the availability visibility & Shelf share of his outlets will Maintain the Reports of Merchandiser & Sales Man Sales Man Will Visit all outlets to take stocks to generate order as per Route Map Will take all Orders & to collect Collection Will give competitors activity reports 2nd half he will be in outlets to do promotion He will also reports to Supervioser Needs to build good relation with Trade Merchandiser Will Visit all outlets BI-Weekly to Merchandise as per Route Map To Merchandise And send photos to Whats up Group (FIRST HALF) 2nd Half will do Promoter Job in Outlets (Will Plan Incentive) Will Send reports (QTY SALE & Value) He will Report to Supervioser Not Sales Man To maintain good relationship with Floor managers
  • 12. Job Profiles & Incentive Structures Supervisor Incentive Parameters Target can be calculated on LY Basis, L3M Average sale & Current Offers Incentive Can be Calculated on Slabs Sales man Incentive Parameters Target can be calculated on LY Basis, L3M Average sale & Current Offers Incentive Can be Calculated on Slabs Slab 1 85 to 89.99% 1000.00 Slab 2 90 to 99.99% 1250.00 Slab 3 100 to 105% 1600.00 Slab 4 105.01% > 2000.00 Slab 1 85 to 89.99% 900.00 Slab 2 90 to 99.99% 1150.00 Slab 3 100 to 105% 1500.00 Slab 4 105.01% > 1800.00
  • 13. Job Profiles & Incentive Structures Merchandiser can earn incentive on basis of Sales target Targets will be based on customer wise Target can be calculated on LY Basis, L3M Average sale & Current Offers Incentive Can be Calculated on Slabs MANAGERS INCENTIVES CAN BE CALCULATED ON BASIS OF HIS TEAM MEMBER EARNING CALCULATIONS TOTAL INCENTIVE EARN BY TEAM 4000 DIVIDE AMOUNT BY TOTAL MEMBER 4000/5 = 800/- AVERAGE*3.00 2400/- Slab 1 85 to 89.99% 700.00 Slab 2 90 to 99.99% 1000.00 Slab 3 100 to 105% 1250.00 Slab 4 105.01% > 1600.00
  • 14. Primary Tasks to do Provide training for Merchandiser & Sales man OJT Route contraction and PJP for Sales man & Merchandiser Merchandiser should enable with all Tools kits Continuous Availability of our Brand Mix across the Channels Product Visibility & Product merchandising Maintain the eye level based display to create the impulse of purchase Ensure effective implementation of sales promotion activities Allocate the display units based on the outlet pacification In shop activities and Branding Monitor competitors sales promotion activities Good Administration at the outlet level
  • 15. Key Strategy & Vision All top vendor will available in Hyper Market Will enter in Pharmacy, Parlour Saloons, Convenience, Hardware & B2B outlets Will provide Promoter to all Hyper Market Will do Branding at top outlets Will design QTY Purchase scheme for Wholesalers & for Modern trade Liquidate all slow moving SKU from Ware house Clear all old & Damages Stocks from Ware house Maintain inventory not more than 2months We will focus top brands of all company with limited SKUs For additional Order Sales manager should plan and send us the forecast one month before (Seasonality) Research on Competitors Strategy
  • 16. Support required Transference policy for all the Team and Trade Need support from all cross functional Verticals Recognition and Reward program for team to motivate Performance should review periodically Budget Require for the Slow Moving Stocks to liquidate Team should equip with the all basic requirement