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Hayley Yarborough
(919) 830 5533
Appalachian State University, Boone, NC December 2014
 Bachelor of Arts in Spanish: Literature, Language and Culture
 Minor in Sociology
Universidad de Pablo Olavide, Seville, Spain 2013
 Courses Completed: Spanish History through Film, Spanish Art History, Cultural Psychology, Spanish Conversation
 Study abroad revealed my strengths in communication and time & stress management, especially in cases of present
language and cultural barriers.
Work Experience
Colegio Biling端e Divino Ni単o, Bucaramanga, Colombia 01/2015-12/2015, 45 hours weekly
Conversational English Teacher/Tutor
 Educated and mentored students between 5 and 18 years old to help foster personal and academic success
 Chaired the institution卒s English Song Festival and American holiday celebrations
 Assessed competences in others卒 developmental processes, and the ability to implement diverse techniques for the
purpose of full comprehension and engagement in a topic or project;
 Collaborated with members of the English department to fashion activities that would motivate scholarly pursuit of
English fluency
 Submitted lesson plans aiming for individual improvement across several learning styles
 Improved level of Spanish and, by extension, reinforced resourcefulness & flexible thinking, understanding cultural
and educational distinctions
Grandfather Golf & Country Club, Linville, NC Seasonally 04/13-08/15, 30 hours weekly
 Provided extensive childcare for two families with, between them, 7 children aged 2-14
 Arranged meals, prepared them for appointments/activities, drove/accompanied them, maintained safety and good
behavior, kept schedules, etc.
Crestwood Inn, Spa & Restaurant, Blowing Rock, NC 04/12-06/14, 25 hours weekly
Reception and Events Support Staff
 Principally responded to the needs of guests; scheduled, confirmed, and processed check-ins; answered, recorded, and
routed phone calls to the appropriate party
 Coordinated with housekeeping, valet, restaurant, and spa staff; offered guests driving directions and activity
suggestions in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina
 Contributed to the team that marketed, planned, budgeted, and executed events for families, schools and businesses
 Served brunch and dinner and hosted the weekend breakfast
Volunteer Experience
Philanthropy Committee of Pi Kappa Chapter of Chi Omega Fraternity (2011-2014)
 Designed and displayed physical and digital advertisements for fundraising events
 Assisted in planning and execution of various events to benefit Make-A-Wish Foundation
 Organization raised over $50,000 for Make-A-Wish and hosted the wish of a local benefactor of the foundation
Hospitality House & Humane Society of Boone NC (2011-2014)
 Volunteered at each organization providing clerical work as well as serving lunch and dinner to homeless families, and
feeding, walking, cleaning up after or recruiting potential owners of abandoned or unwanted pets

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  • 1. Hayley Yarborough hfyarborough@gmail.com (919) 830 5533 Education Appalachian State University, Boone, NC December 2014 Bachelor of Arts in Spanish: Literature, Language and Culture Minor in Sociology Universidad de Pablo Olavide, Seville, Spain 2013 Courses Completed: Spanish History through Film, Spanish Art History, Cultural Psychology, Spanish Conversation Study abroad revealed my strengths in communication and time & stress management, especially in cases of present language and cultural barriers. Work Experience Colegio Biling端e Divino Ni単o, Bucaramanga, Colombia 01/2015-12/2015, 45 hours weekly Conversational English Teacher/Tutor Educated and mentored students between 5 and 18 years old to help foster personal and academic success Chaired the institution卒s English Song Festival and American holiday celebrations Assessed competences in others卒 developmental processes, and the ability to implement diverse techniques for the purpose of full comprehension and engagement in a topic or project; Collaborated with members of the English department to fashion activities that would motivate scholarly pursuit of English fluency Submitted lesson plans aiming for individual improvement across several learning styles Improved level of Spanish and, by extension, reinforced resourcefulness & flexible thinking, understanding cultural and educational distinctions Grandfather Golf & Country Club, Linville, NC Seasonally 04/13-08/15, 30 hours weekly Childcare Provided extensive childcare for two families with, between them, 7 children aged 2-14 Arranged meals, prepared them for appointments/activities, drove/accompanied them, maintained safety and good behavior, kept schedules, etc. Crestwood Inn, Spa & Restaurant, Blowing Rock, NC 04/12-06/14, 25 hours weekly Reception and Events Support Staff Principally responded to the needs of guests; scheduled, confirmed, and processed check-ins; answered, recorded, and routed phone calls to the appropriate party Coordinated with housekeeping, valet, restaurant, and spa staff; offered guests driving directions and activity suggestions in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina Contributed to the team that marketed, planned, budgeted, and executed events for families, schools and businesses Served brunch and dinner and hosted the weekend breakfast Volunteer Experience Philanthropy Committee of Pi Kappa Chapter of Chi Omega Fraternity (2011-2014) Designed and displayed physical and digital advertisements for fundraising events Assisted in planning and execution of various events to benefit Make-A-Wish Foundation Organization raised over $50,000 for Make-A-Wish and hosted the wish of a local benefactor of the foundation Hospitality House & Humane Society of Boone NC (2011-2014) Volunteered at each organization providing clerical work as well as serving lunch and dinner to homeless families, and feeding, walking, cleaning up after or recruiting potential owners of abandoned or unwanted pets