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peterurdiales0909@gmail.com | Lakewood, CO | 303-815-2606
Health Attach辿 Candidate | Bilingual  Spanish & English Fluency | Non-Profit Human Services Consultant
Public Health & Social Program Management | Research | Funding | Planning | Community Outreach
 Decisive, results-driven program manager with proven ability to design and implement community-based, grassroots
human services programs, optimizing impacts with limited resources.
 Articulate, flexible, and influential communication skills, serving as an effective advocate, liaison, teacher, and
mediator, working with clients, legislators, and human services professionals all backgrounds and cultures. Excellent
listening, conflict resolution, crisis intervention, training, and presentation skills.
 Highly analytical and metrics-driven, assuring data-driven decision-making processes. Proven track record in proposal
and grant writing as well as budget administration.
 Recognized by managers, colleagues, and clients as a dedicated, focused, and compassionate Human Service Leader.
NUESTRA COMUNIDAD, a startup, Colorado-based human services 501(c) profit organization 2015 to Present
Executive Director
Established a new human services organization serving the Latino community in underserved areas of Colorado. Report to the
Board of Directors. Oversee leadership, strategic planning, fund raising and communications initiatives.
JEFFERSON CENTER FOR MENTAL HEALTH, not-for-profit organization, Wheat Ridge, CO 2008 to 2014
Coordinator, Culturally Informed & Inclusive Practices (2014 to 2015)
Promoted to oversee a team of 7 Clinicians in developing and delivering center-wide cultural competency efforts for Jefferson
Center for Mental Health, encompassing 6+ programs, serving thousands Medicaid-eligible individuals in 3 counties,
representing 22% of JCMHs overall revenues.
 Led outreach to engage members of diverse communities (race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, etc.) in
development and delivery of programs and services that are culturally appropriate and address health disparities among
various populations, particularly behavioral health care.
 Collaborated with government representatives of all levels, consulates, and external program providers and executive
staff in advocacy and change management.
 Ensured organizational compliance to Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards and activities.
 Sourced and managed a highly qualified base of 14 translation and interpretation service providers.
 Created the states first "Language Proficiency Exam," capable of testing any language including signing.
 Developed and facilitated Spanish classes for mental health professionals, attended by 800 staff members.
 Designed, piloted, and implemented a new "Spirituality Counseling" program, ensuring DORA and HIPAA compliance.
 Initiated and delivered new mental health outreach programs to serve growing Bosnian and Russian communities.
Centro Dones Coordinator (2012 to 2014)
Promoted to lead a clinical staff of 5 deliver strengths-based approaches to behavioral health and substance abuse programs
serving Hispanic consumers, in individual, couples, family, and group modalities.
Directed operational excellence and change management initiatives, empowering clinical staff in attainment of productivity
standards, including CSH, timely paperwork, peer review, etc.
 Applied knowledge of Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS), Motivational Interviewing, strength-
based and recovery/resiliency treatment approaches.
 Received Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council's 2014 Golden Light Bulb Award for Best Practices in the Clinical Arena
for Centro Dones de Nuestra Comunidad.
Diversity Coordinator (2008 to 2012)
Hired to develop and implement a Cultural Competency Initiative facilitating quality, culturally appropriate services to the
community. Led recruitment, training, and retention for bilingual, multicultural staff.
 Partnered with Outreach Clinician to develop best practice standards for ethnic/racial minority clients that fulfills the
identified priorities of the Taskforce.
 Developed and optimized the Cultural Competency training budget with supervisor; credited with achieving ROI for
educational programming.
Page 2 | peterurdiales0909@gmail.com | 303-815-2606
GEAR UP Coordinator | Instructor
ADAMS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 14 Commerce City, CO 1999 to 2002
School-to-Career Program Coordinator
Developed and implemented School-to-Career curriculum and staff development for school district, working closely with the
Division of Educational Services and other district personnel, students, parents, and executive committees.
 Prepared and managed School-to-Career budget. Developed program documentation; prepared and submitted federal and
state reports. Reported to district Superintendent's designee, school board, and School-to-Career Consortium.
 Recruited new businesses and industries into vocational and School-to-Career partnerships.
 Designed and piloted Gifted and Talented, English as a Second Language, and Special Needs career programs and
ADAMS 12 FIVE STAR SCHOOL DISTRICT, Northglenn, CO 1997 to 1999
Diversity Resource Facilitator
Coordinated and designed diversity-related programs: District E.S.L. Program and for 2 Adams County clusters: Horizon High
School and Northglenn High School.
 Mediated issues and conflicts between various school populations. Facilitated diverse student groups at both middle
school and high school levels. Served as a diversity liaison to the school district and community. Assisted in development
of the Community Resource Center.
 Identified need for diversity programs; acted as a facilitator for staff, students, and parents. Developed resources for staff
and students targeted to increase cultural sensitivity.
Program Coordinator
Developed innovative, collaborative partnerships with local businesses. Introduced classes including Computer Education and
English as a Second Language ahead of scheduled objectives.
 Implemented and managed pilot Neighborhood Center Program in the Denver Public School District, increasing family
support services to boost student achievement.
 Worked closely with school and community outreach groups to design effective programs linking students, families,
school staff, and community/businesses supporters through activities, education, and communication. Oversaw district
budget of $100,000, as well as developed fundraising activities, including grant writing.
EL COMITE DE LONGMONT, Longmont, CO 1993 to 1996
Executive Director
Designed community program for At-Risk Hispanic adolescents through community based organization in existence for
fourteen years. Trained and managed staff of six to coordinate and maintain programs.
 Obtained grants, organized fund raising and private funding to increase program budget to $80,000 for 1994.
 Developed International program with Mexico, focusing on the educational needs of recently migrated families to
Longmont and the surrounding communities.
Education | Training
UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, NE Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration
Professional development: Leadership, Community Development, Fundraising, Granstsmanship MBE, Minority Business
Certification, Mediation, Conflict Resolution
peterurdiales0909@gmail.com | Lakewood, CO | 303-815-2606
Highlights of Programs, Workshops, and Events
Community outreach:
 Copa de Oro collaboration with the Mexican Cultural Center 200
 Binational Health Week presentation on mental health in collaboration with the Mexican Consulate  6000+
 Voz y Corazon drop in art groups (boys group and girls group)
 SNAP-ED programming- 2 year collaboration
 ADA- Spanish language Diabetes Prevention Program
 Transgender Job Fair (4 years)
Jefferson Center Programs:
 Bosnian Community Outreach
 Russian Community Outreach
 Transgender Outreach  policy
 CLAS Initiative
 Language Policy
 Differential Pay Initiative
 LGBT Collaboration Effort  Co-Location
 NAS  New America School  School-Based Therapist
 Jefferson Public School District  Title 1 program collaboration
 Cultural Ambassadors Group
 NEO Cultural Competency Presentation
 Latino Age Wave Committee
Annual Transgender Job Fairs 100+
 Helping Kids Thrive October conference and mini-series
 Affordable Care Act education partnerships- Connect for Health and CO Peak
Centro Dones:
Annual D鱈a de Ni単o Health, Wellness, and Resource Event - 400+
 Programming in various locations; OConnell, Indy, and various community agencies and public schools
Trainings delivered:
 Transgender Clinical Workshop -40 Center staff
 Integrating Spirituality into Psychotherapy
 Spanish Classes  offering 4 levels  4 years
 C.O.D Culture Of Data Conference  6 years on planning committee
 Senior Reach Cultural Competency Training
 Foothills Behavioral Health Partners Annual Cultural Competency Training
 Lost In Translation Cognitive Diversity Training
 Mexican Consulate and El Comite Spanish client training
 Community Leadership Training
Community Organizational Representation:
Families First Inc.
Professional Organizations:
Hispanic Chamber
Society for Hispanic Human Resource Professionals
Jeffco NAMI
Unidos Por La Salud, State Board of Directors
Foothills Behavior Stakeholders Council

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  • 1. PETER URDIALES peterurdiales0909@gmail.com | Lakewood, CO | 303-815-2606 Health Attach辿 Candidate | Bilingual Spanish & English Fluency | Non-Profit Human Services Consultant Public Health & Social Program Management | Research | Funding | Planning | Community Outreach Decisive, results-driven program manager with proven ability to design and implement community-based, grassroots human services programs, optimizing impacts with limited resources. Articulate, flexible, and influential communication skills, serving as an effective advocate, liaison, teacher, and mediator, working with clients, legislators, and human services professionals all backgrounds and cultures. Excellent listening, conflict resolution, crisis intervention, training, and presentation skills. Highly analytical and metrics-driven, assuring data-driven decision-making processes. Proven track record in proposal and grant writing as well as budget administration. Recognized by managers, colleagues, and clients as a dedicated, focused, and compassionate Human Service Leader. Experience NUESTRA COMUNIDAD, a startup, Colorado-based human services 501(c) profit organization 2015 to Present Executive Director Established a new human services organization serving the Latino community in underserved areas of Colorado. Report to the Board of Directors. Oversee leadership, strategic planning, fund raising and communications initiatives. JEFFERSON CENTER FOR MENTAL HEALTH, not-for-profit organization, Wheat Ridge, CO 2008 to 2014 Coordinator, Culturally Informed & Inclusive Practices (2014 to 2015) Promoted to oversee a team of 7 Clinicians in developing and delivering center-wide cultural competency efforts for Jefferson Center for Mental Health, encompassing 6+ programs, serving thousands Medicaid-eligible individuals in 3 counties, representing 22% of JCMHs overall revenues. Led outreach to engage members of diverse communities (race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, etc.) in development and delivery of programs and services that are culturally appropriate and address health disparities among various populations, particularly behavioral health care. Collaborated with government representatives of all levels, consulates, and external program providers and executive staff in advocacy and change management. Ensured organizational compliance to Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards and activities. Sourced and managed a highly qualified base of 14 translation and interpretation service providers. Created the states first "Language Proficiency Exam," capable of testing any language including signing. Developed and facilitated Spanish classes for mental health professionals, attended by 800 staff members. Designed, piloted, and implemented a new "Spirituality Counseling" program, ensuring DORA and HIPAA compliance. Initiated and delivered new mental health outreach programs to serve growing Bosnian and Russian communities. Centro Dones Coordinator (2012 to 2014) Promoted to lead a clinical staff of 5 deliver strengths-based approaches to behavioral health and substance abuse programs serving Hispanic consumers, in individual, couples, family, and group modalities. Directed operational excellence and change management initiatives, empowering clinical staff in attainment of productivity standards, including CSH, timely paperwork, peer review, etc. Applied knowledge of Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS), Motivational Interviewing, strength- based and recovery/resiliency treatment approaches. Received Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council's 2014 Golden Light Bulb Award for Best Practices in the Clinical Arena for Centro Dones de Nuestra Comunidad. Diversity Coordinator (2008 to 2012) Hired to develop and implement a Cultural Competency Initiative facilitating quality, culturally appropriate services to the community. Led recruitment, training, and retention for bilingual, multicultural staff. Partnered with Outreach Clinician to develop best practice standards for ethnic/racial minority clients that fulfills the identified priorities of the Taskforce.
  • 2. Developed and optimized the Cultural Competency training budget with supervisor; credited with achieving ROI for educational programming. PETER URDIALES Page 2 | peterurdiales0909@gmail.com | 303-815-2606 AURORA CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL, STATE OF COLORADO, Aurora, CO 2002 to 2008 GEAR UP Coordinator | Instructor ADAMS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 14 Commerce City, CO 1999 to 2002 School-to-Career Program Coordinator Developed and implemented School-to-Career curriculum and staff development for school district, working closely with the Division of Educational Services and other district personnel, students, parents, and executive committees. Prepared and managed School-to-Career budget. Developed program documentation; prepared and submitted federal and state reports. Reported to district Superintendent's designee, school board, and School-to-Career Consortium. Recruited new businesses and industries into vocational and School-to-Career partnerships. Designed and piloted Gifted and Talented, English as a Second Language, and Special Needs career programs and assessments. ADAMS 12 FIVE STAR SCHOOL DISTRICT, Northglenn, CO 1997 to 1999 Diversity Resource Facilitator Coordinated and designed diversity-related programs: District E.S.L. Program and for 2 Adams County clusters: Horizon High School and Northglenn High School. Mediated issues and conflicts between various school populations. Facilitated diverse student groups at both middle school and high school levels. Served as a diversity liaison to the school district and community. Assisted in development of the Community Resource Center. Identified need for diversity programs; acted as a facilitator for staff, students, and parents. Developed resources for staff and students targeted to increase cultural sensitivity. HORACE MANN NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER, Denver, CO 1996 to 1997 Program Coordinator Developed innovative, collaborative partnerships with local businesses. Introduced classes including Computer Education and English as a Second Language ahead of scheduled objectives. Implemented and managed pilot Neighborhood Center Program in the Denver Public School District, increasing family support services to boost student achievement. Worked closely with school and community outreach groups to design effective programs linking students, families, school staff, and community/businesses supporters through activities, education, and communication. Oversaw district budget of $100,000, as well as developed fundraising activities, including grant writing. EL COMITE DE LONGMONT, Longmont, CO 1993 to 1996 Executive Director Designed community program for At-Risk Hispanic adolescents through community based organization in existence for fourteen years. Trained and managed staff of six to coordinate and maintain programs. Obtained grants, organized fund raising and private funding to increase program budget to $80,000 for 1994. Developed International program with Mexico, focusing on the educational needs of recently migrated families to Longmont and the surrounding communities. Education | Training UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, NE Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration Professional development: Leadership, Community Development, Fundraising, Granstsmanship MBE, Minority Business Certification, Mediation, Conflict Resolution
  • 3. PETER URDIALES peterurdiales0909@gmail.com | Lakewood, CO | 303-815-2606 Highlights of Programs, Workshops, and Events Community outreach: Copa de Oro collaboration with the Mexican Cultural Center 200 Binational Health Week presentation on mental health in collaboration with the Mexican Consulate 6000+ Voz y Corazon drop in art groups (boys group and girls group) SNAP-ED programming- 2 year collaboration ADA- Spanish language Diabetes Prevention Program Transgender Job Fair (4 years) Jefferson Center Programs: Bosnian Community Outreach Russian Community Outreach Transgender Outreach policy CLAS Initiative Language Policy Differential Pay Initiative LGBT Collaboration Effort Co-Location NAS New America School School-Based Therapist Jefferson Public School District Title 1 program collaboration Cultural Ambassadors Group NEO Cultural Competency Presentation Latino Age Wave Committee 4th Annual Transgender Job Fairs 100+ Helping Kids Thrive October conference and mini-series Affordable Care Act education partnerships- Connect for Health and CO Peak Centro Dones: 6th Annual D鱈a de Ni単o Health, Wellness, and Resource Event - 400+ Programming in various locations; OConnell, Indy, and various community agencies and public schools Trainings delivered: Transgender Clinical Workshop -40 Center staff Integrating Spirituality into Psychotherapy
  • 4. Spanish Classes offering 4 levels 4 years C.O.D Culture Of Data Conference 6 years on planning committee Senior Reach Cultural Competency Training Foothills Behavioral Health Partners Annual Cultural Competency Training Lost In Translation Cognitive Diversity Training Mexican Consulate and El Comite Spanish client training Community Leadership Training Community Organizational Representation: CPIN Families First Inc. Professional Organizations: Hispanic Chamber Society for Hispanic Human Resource Professionals Jeffco NAMI Unidos Por La Salud, State Board of Directors Foothills Behavior Stakeholders Council