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Senior Staff Environmental Engineer
Bachelor of Science, Environmental Engineering: Industrial Processes, University of New
Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, 2007
Accredited State of California Air Resources Board Verifier of Greenhouse Gases
Mr. Ryan has technical experience in the following general areas:
 CEQA GHG and Air Quality EIR Analysis
 Title V Permitting
 GHG Inventory Development, Reporting, Verification, Management
 CARB Mobile Source Compliance Programs
 CEMS operation for the measurement of NOx, CO, SO2 and NMTHC
 Operating Air Permits and Compliance Consultation
 Source emissions testing in accordance with EPA stationary source methods
 Ambient Air Sampling
 Clean Air Clean Planet emissions management/GHG reduction software
 Climate Action Planning for members of ICLEI
 Environmental Permitting and Compliance
 Hazardous Materials and Pipeline Risk Assessments
 Energy Efficiency Audits
 Sustainability Practices
Senior Staff Environmental Engineer, TRC Environmental, Concord CA
(September 2010  March 2015)
950 Market St. Project, San Francisco, CA. Air Quality Technical Report
Mr. Ryan served as the principle engineer responsible for preparing an Air Quality
Technical Report assessing the impacts from a mixed use development in downtown San
Francisco. Mr. Ryan is preparing the report in accordance with the City of San Francisco
Planning Divisions Environmental Review Guidelines and the Bay Area Air Quality
Management CEQAGuidelines. The report will serve as technical appendix to a Mitigated
Negative Declaration for the project.
DTE, Stockton, CA. 2013 California Air Resources Board GHG Reporting
Mr. Ryan was the principle engineer responsible for reporting GHG emissions to CARB
from the DTE Biomass power generation facility in Stockton, CA.
James Ryan
O-B Glass, Tracy, Vernon, and Oakland, CA. 2013 California Air Resources Board
Mr. Ryan was a key member of the verification team responsible for the verification of
three glass manufacturing facilities in California.
Riverside Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Riverside, CA. University
Wash Channel Stage 3 Drainage Project CEQA Initial Study
Mr. Ryan authored Air Quality and GHG sections of a CEQA Initial Study for a storm water
drainage upgrade project in Riverside, CA. The analysis was prepared in accordance with
South Coast Air Quality Management District guidelines. As part of the Initial Study Mr.
Ryan provided air modeling estimates for the project construction using the California
Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMOD) as well as mitigation strategies for reducing
localized PM10 impacts.
Avon Marine Oil Terminal, Martinez, CA. Environmental Impact Report, Air Quality
and Greenhouse Gas Impact Analysis
Mr. Ryan authored Air Quality and GHG analyses for the Environmental Impact Report
prepared for the Avon Marine Oil Terminal Lease Consideration. Mr. Ryan used EPA,
CARB, and local Air District approved methods to estimate emissions from the
construction and operation of the facility which include emissions from heavy construction
equipment, and marine vessels. Mr. Ryan conducted an impact analysis per CEQA
guidelines and suggested mitigation for any significant impacts.
PG&E, San Francisco, CA. Line 109 Upgrade, Mitigated Negative Declaration
Mr. Ryan served as the principle engineer responsible for the Air Quality and GHG
sections of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for a pipeline upgrade project located along
the Interstate 280 corridor south of Hillsborough, CA. Mr. Ryan used Bay Area Air Quality
Management District CEQAguidelines in conjunction with the California Emissions
Estimator Model (CalEEMOD) to evaluate the projects air quality and GHG impacts.
During the public comment and review period Mr. Ryan served as the key engineer
responsible for addressing comments from the air district (BAAQMD) and San Francisco
Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). As part of the Air Quality impact analysis, Mr. Ryan
is preparing a Health Risk Screening Assessment to evaluate potential risks to
surrounding sensitive receptors from diesel particulate matter.
PG&E, San Francisco, CA. Line 101 ILI Upgrade and Lomita Park Regulator Station
Rebuild Project Mitigated Negative Declaration
Mr. Ryan was responsible for the Air Quality and GHG sections of a Mitigated Negative
Declaration for a pipeline upgrade and regulator station rebuild project located immediately
west of the San Francisco Airport and U.S. Highway 101. Mr. Ryan used Bay Area Air
Quality Management District (BAAQMD) CEQAguidelines in conjunction with the
California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMOD) to evaluate the projects air quality and
GHG impacts. During the public comment and review period Mr. Ryan served as the key
engineer responsible for addressing comments from the air district (BAAQMD) and San
Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC).
James Ryan
TARGA, Port of Stockton, CA. CEQAAir Quality Impact Assessment
Mr. Ryan assisted in preparing an Air Quality impact assessment per CEQA guidelines for
a proposed fuel storage and terminalling facility in the Port of Stockton. Mr. Ryan used
EPA, CARB, and local Air District approved methods to estimate emissions from the
construction and operation of the facility which include emissions from rail, truck, and
marine Vessels. Mr. Ryan conducted an impact analysis per CEQA guidelines and
suggested mitigation for any significant impacts.
WesPac Pittsburg Energy Infrastructure Project, Pittsburg, CA. Environmental
Impact Report Review
Mr. Ryan provided a technical review of the air quality and GHG resource area of an EIR
for the WesPac oil terminal. The review focused on air emissions from construction, ocean
going vessels, storage tanks and fugitives.
Amorco Marine Oil Terminal, Martinez, CA. Environmental Impact Report Review
Mr. Ryan provided a technical review of the air quality and GHG resource area of an EIR
for the Amorco marine oil terminal used to transfer crude oil from tanker vessels to a tank
farm immediately upland. The review focused on air emissions from increased throughput
at the facility and included performing air emission estimations from ocean going vessels
and locomotives. Mr. Ryan also provided responses to the BAAQMDs public comments.
Johns Manville, Willows, CA. Title V Permit Application and Regulatory Compliance
Mr. Ryan is currently preparing a Title V operating permit application for a fiberglass
manufacturing facility in Willows, California. Responsibilities include preparing potential to
emit emissions inventory for both criteria and hazardous air pollutants, an applicability
analysis for Federal (NSPS and NESHAPS), State, and District regulations, and the
development of a compliance assurance monitoring plan. Mr. Ryan also authored a source
test protocol for the facilitys annual compliance source test.
Caesars Entertainment LLC, Las Vegas, NV. GHG Emissions Verification, Inventory
Management Plan, Scope 3 Emissions Analysis
Mr. Ryan was a key member of the verification team responsible for verifying Caesars
2012 Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) GHG Inventory submittal. The verification was
performed in accordance with the California Mandatory GHG Reporting Regulation. Mr.
Ryan also developed Caesars updated GHG Inventory Quality Management Plan in
accordance with the World Resources Institutes GHG Protocol. Mr. Ryan also authored a
Scope 3 emissions analysis which evaluated the relative benefits of reporting and
accounting each of the Scope 3 emissions categories as defined by the CDP.
GWF Power Systems, Pittsburg, CA. Federal and State GHG Reporting
Mr. Ryan completed both federal and state GHG reporting for 8 power generation facilities
throughout the state of California using the e-GGRT and Cal e-GGRT reporting tools.
James Ryan
Confidential Client, CA. Audit of California Air Resources Board Mandatory
Greenhouse Gas Reporting
Mr. Ryan performed audit activities, including site visits and interviews with facility
personnel, to evaluate the procedures used to report greenhouse gas emissions from
three cement facilities in California. The greenhouse gas emissions reported to CARB
require third party verification and are ultimately used to determine direct allocation of
allowances under Californias greenhouse gas emissions cap-and-trade program. Concern
over the validity and conformance of current procedures led to the client engaging Mr.
Ryan to evaluate the existing reporting system.
GBF Landfill, Pittsburg, CA. Federal GHG Reporting
Mr. Ryan completed 2012 and 2013 EPA GHG reporting for the landfill using the e-GGRT
reporting tool.
Telefunken Electronics America, Inc. Roseville, CA. Federal/State GHG Reporting,
AB 25/88 Reporting, and TRI Reporting
Mr. Ryan completed both EPA and California Air Resources Board GHG reporting, AB
25/88 air toxics reporting, and TRI reporting for a semiconductor manufacturing facility.
Confidential Client, Las Vegas, NV. Verification of Reported GHG Emissions to the
Carbon Disclosure Project,
Mr. Ryan was a primary verifier for the GHG emissions verification of over 40 facilities
operated by a large entertainment/hotel company. The GHG emissions were reported to
the Carbon Disclosure Project and verified using California Air Resources Board
verification methodology.
Schnitzer Steel, Oakland, CA. SPCC Plan Update, and ARB Compliance
Mr. Ryan updated the facilitys SPCC Plan to reflect the facilitys operational changes as
well as changes in the regulation. Provided support and consultation with regard the
ARBs Portable Equipment Regulation, Off-Road Rule, Drayage Truck Regulation and
Mobile Cargo Handling Rule which included meeting with ARB to negotiate compliance
action, providing engineering justification for exemption applicability to heavy machinery
operating at their facility, as well as on going compliance support while the regulation
continues to be phased in.
City of Livermore, Livermore, CA. Climate Change Element Conformance Analysis
Mr. Ryan was the primary engineer responsible for evaluating a large residential
development projects conformance with the Climate Change Element of the City of
Livermores General Plan. This project was primarily a verification of the projects
adherence to the CalGreen Building Code Tier 1 Standards.
Bullmoose Energy, Encinitas, CA. CEQAClimate Change Analysis for Proposed
Biomass Power Generation Facility
James Ryan
Mr. Ryan provided a Climate Change Analysis of the potential GHG emissions resulting
from a proposed biomass energy project compared to a Business as Usual alternative.
Methodologies employed include a comprehensive inventory of potential emissions from
the proposed facility, analysis of mobile source emissions due to biomass transport
mileage reductions under the proposed project, and modeling of landfill GHG emissions.
This project is being presented by Mr. Ryan at the Greenhouse Gas Strategies in a
Changing Climate Convention in San Francisco in November 2011.
Covanta Energy Corporation, Delano, CA. Energy and Co-Benefits Analysis
Mr. Ryan was the primary engineer responsible for performing an Energy and Co-Benefits
Analysis for a biomass power generation facility. The Analysis was performed per the
California Air Resources Boards Regulation for Energy Efficiency and Co-Benefits
Assessment of Large Industrial Facilities. The analysis provided the client potential energy
saving measures and a cost-benefits analysis to aid in the assessment of implementation
Wheelabrator Shasta Energy Company, Anderson, CA. Energy and Co-Benefits
Mr. Ryan was the primary engineer responsible for performing an Energy and Co-Benefits
Analysis for a biomass power generation facility. The Analysis was performed per the
California Air Resources Boards Regulation for Energy Efficiency and Co-Benefits
Assessment of Large Industrial Facilities. The analysis provided the client potential energy
saving measures and a cost-benefits analysis to aid in the assessment of implementation
Lehigh Hanson Permanente & Aggregate, Cupertino, Oakland, Berkeley, Port of San
Francisco and Sunol, CA. Air Permitting Support
Mr. Ryan provided Hanson Aggregates West Region with a 3rd
party review of the Air
Quality section of the States Land Commission (SLC) Draft EIR for the San Francisco Bay
and Delta Sand Mining Lease renewal. As well as continued permitting support for several
authority to construct/permit to operate applications.
Criterion Catalysts a CRI/Shell Company, Pittsburg, CA. Air Permitting and Risk
Mr. Ryan assisted with consultation and project support in compliance activities, permitting
and major facility review permitting. This support includes on-site preparation of
Hazardous Material Business Plans, Monthly CEMS reports, Biannual Hazardous Waste
Reports, Title V renewal application, and other ATC/PTO permit applications. My Ryan
also provided a cost-benefit analysis outlining how specific modifications to their facilitys
air pollution abatement system would increase production while also maintaining
compliance with their Title V permit.
SunPower Corporation, San Jose, CA. Environmental Exposure Assessment for
Research and Development Laboratory
James Ryan
Mr. Ryan was the lead staff engineer to provide an Environmental Exposure Assessment
for a future SunPower R&D laboratory. SunPower is a leading solar panel developer and
manufacturer. The Assessment included:
 Completion of all environmental applications and/or notifications as required by
applicable local, state, and federal environmental regulations /ordinances
 Determination of acute and/or chronic risk to adjacent sensitive receptors located
near the proposed R&D site using dispersion and toxic release modeling.
 Identification of acceptable risk base and exposure levels of concern.
 Support with mitigation and/or modified abatement design considerations to
achieve acceptable risk, if applicable.
 Determination of permitting requirements under BAAQMD Regulation 2 Rule 1 or
Regulation 2 Rule 2.
Calaveras Materials, Contra Cost Valley, CA. Air Permit Modification.
Mr. Ryan assisted a concrete aggregate company in adjusting their permitted throughput
limits such that they remained a minor source designation for NOx and VOCs according to
local Air District regulations and avoided costly fees. Mr. Ryan conducted calculations and
proposed a permitted throughput adjustment for each facility which were approved by the
local Air District.
Pacific Charter School Development, Los Angeles CA. Stage 2 Natural Gas and
Water Pipeline Risk Analysis for a Proposed School Site
Mr. Ryan conducted a Stage 2 pipeline risk analysis to develop a quantitative estimate of
risks posed by both a natural gas and water pipeline in the vicinity of a proposed school
site. The analysis was performed in accordance with the California Department of
Education Pipeline Risk Guidance Protocol.
College ElementarySchool District, Santa Ynez, CA. Stage 2 Water Pipeline Risk
Analysis for a Proposed School Site
Mr. Ryan conducted a Stage 2 pipeline risk analysis to develop a quantitative estimate of
risks posed by two water pipelines in the vicinity of a proposed school site. The analysis
was performed in accordance with the California Department of Education Pipeline Risk
Guidance Protocol.
Anaheim City School District, Anaheim, CA. Stage 2 Natural Gas Pipeline Risk
Analysis for a Proposed School Site Renovation
Mr. Ryan conducted two Stage 2 pipeline risk analyses for two Anaheim City school sites
to develop a quantitative estimate of risks posed by natural gas and water pipelines in the
vicinity of the school sites. The analyses were performed in accordance with the California
Department of Education Pipeline Risk Guidance Protocol.
CSU Chico, Chico, CA.
James Ryan
Mr. Ryan monitored, assessed, and reported exhaust emission impacts upon students and
employees from three recently installed on-campus natural gas fired boilers.
City of Richmond, Richmond, CA. Air Permitting Constraint Analysis
Mr. Ryan performed an Air Permitting Constraints Analysis for a potential crude oil
transloading project which identified all construction-related and operational-related air
impact and address all permitting a regulatory compliance tasks that would need to be
addressed as the project was completed.
Greif Packaging LLC, Merced, CA. Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer Permitting, Title V
Delist Analysis
Mr. Ryan prepared the ATC Permit application for the installation of a Regenerative
Thermal Oxidizer unit as well as a study to determine the variability of Title V applicability
upon varying degrees of source unit control.
Environmental Scientist, TRC Environmental, Lowell MA (November 2008
August 2010)
After volunteering at Choke Cherry Farm, Mr. Ryan became employed by TRC
Environmental as an Environmental Scientist with the Air Measurements Division. As a
member of the Air Measurements group Mr. Ryan worked on many stationary source
testing projects and gained experience with an extensive number of EPA stationary source
testing methods. These test programs included:
 Sampling Coal Fired Power and Steam Generation Facilities
 PM2.5, PM10 and Condensable PM emission test programs
 Part 75 and Part 60 CEM Certification (RATA) and Measurement Programs
 Gas Chromatography/VOC Measurement Programs
 Sampling Combustion Turbines and Compressor Engines
After 8-months with the company Mr. Ryan began operating the Continuous Emissions
Monitoring System (CEMS) as part of the Part 75 and Part 60 RATA measurement
programs. This role included the calibration and maintenance of NOx, SO2, CO, CO2, O2,
and NMTHC analyzers, the operation of STRATA data collection/management software,
and reporting on-site results to the client.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report Intern, City of Portsmouth  Portsmouth,
NH (June-August 2007)
In 2007 the City of Portsmouth, New Hampshire hired James Ryan to complete a
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory as part of their commitment to the Cities for Climate
Protection (CCP) campaign organized by the International Council for Local Environmental
Initiatives (ICLEI). This inventory effort, led by Mr. Ryan, accounted for both municipal and
community sources of GHG. Data was researched, collected and used to calculate the
citys GHG emissions using the Clean Air and Climate Protection (CACP) software that is
provided by ICLEI to its members. The emissions calculations were assembled into a
comprehensive report that is now a matter of record that outlines the baseline municipal
James Ryan
and community emission estimates, current reduction measures, and proposed GHG
reduction measures. Upon completion of the report James presented his findings and
recommendations to the citys sustainability committee who used the report as a key
element of their city-wide sustainability planning efforts.
Choke Cherry Farm Volunteer, Crestone CO (May-August 2008)
After graduating from the University of New Hampshires Environmental Engineering
program in 2007 Mr. Ryan volunteered on Choke Cherry farm, an off-the-grid experimental
farm where he helped research and develop progressive alternative energy projects.
These projects included, installing solar hot water heaters, harnessing methane fuel from
decomposition of organic waste, bio-fuel manufacturing, the conversion of a diesel
automobile to run on straight vegetable oil, and sustainable farming practices

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Adrian M. Lozier


  • 1. 1 JAMES RYAN Senior Staff Environmental Engineer EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Environmental Engineering: Industrial Processes, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, 2007 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS/CERTIFICATIONS Accredited State of California Air Resources Board Verifier of Greenhouse Gases AREAS OF EXPERTISE Mr. Ryan has technical experience in the following general areas: CEQA GHG and Air Quality EIR Analysis Title V Permitting GHG Inventory Development, Reporting, Verification, Management CARB Mobile Source Compliance Programs CEMS operation for the measurement of NOx, CO, SO2 and NMTHC Operating Air Permits and Compliance Consultation Source emissions testing in accordance with EPA stationary source methods Ambient Air Sampling Clean Air Clean Planet emissions management/GHG reduction software Climate Action Planning for members of ICLEI Environmental Permitting and Compliance Hazardous Materials and Pipeline Risk Assessments Energy Efficiency Audits Sustainability Practices REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE Senior Staff Environmental Engineer, TRC Environmental, Concord CA (September 2010 March 2015) 950 Market St. Project, San Francisco, CA. Air Quality Technical Report Mr. Ryan served as the principle engineer responsible for preparing an Air Quality Technical Report assessing the impacts from a mixed use development in downtown San Francisco. Mr. Ryan is preparing the report in accordance with the City of San Francisco Planning Divisions Environmental Review Guidelines and the Bay Area Air Quality Management CEQAGuidelines. The report will serve as technical appendix to a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. DTE, Stockton, CA. 2013 California Air Resources Board GHG Reporting Mr. Ryan was the principle engineer responsible for reporting GHG emissions to CARB from the DTE Biomass power generation facility in Stockton, CA.
  • 2. James Ryan 2 O-B Glass, Tracy, Vernon, and Oakland, CA. 2013 California Air Resources Board Verification. Mr. Ryan was a key member of the verification team responsible for the verification of three glass manufacturing facilities in California. Riverside Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Riverside, CA. University Wash Channel Stage 3 Drainage Project CEQA Initial Study Mr. Ryan authored Air Quality and GHG sections of a CEQA Initial Study for a storm water drainage upgrade project in Riverside, CA. The analysis was prepared in accordance with South Coast Air Quality Management District guidelines. As part of the Initial Study Mr. Ryan provided air modeling estimates for the project construction using the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMOD) as well as mitigation strategies for reducing localized PM10 impacts. Avon Marine Oil Terminal, Martinez, CA. Environmental Impact Report, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Impact Analysis Mr. Ryan authored Air Quality and GHG analyses for the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Avon Marine Oil Terminal Lease Consideration. Mr. Ryan used EPA, CARB, and local Air District approved methods to estimate emissions from the construction and operation of the facility which include emissions from heavy construction equipment, and marine vessels. Mr. Ryan conducted an impact analysis per CEQA guidelines and suggested mitigation for any significant impacts. PG&E, San Francisco, CA. Line 109 Upgrade, Mitigated Negative Declaration Mr. Ryan served as the principle engineer responsible for the Air Quality and GHG sections of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for a pipeline upgrade project located along the Interstate 280 corridor south of Hillsborough, CA. Mr. Ryan used Bay Area Air Quality Management District CEQAguidelines in conjunction with the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMOD) to evaluate the projects air quality and GHG impacts. During the public comment and review period Mr. Ryan served as the key engineer responsible for addressing comments from the air district (BAAQMD) and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). As part of the Air Quality impact analysis, Mr. Ryan is preparing a Health Risk Screening Assessment to evaluate potential risks to surrounding sensitive receptors from diesel particulate matter. PG&E, San Francisco, CA. Line 101 ILI Upgrade and Lomita Park Regulator Station Rebuild Project Mitigated Negative Declaration Mr. Ryan was responsible for the Air Quality and GHG sections of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for a pipeline upgrade and regulator station rebuild project located immediately west of the San Francisco Airport and U.S. Highway 101. Mr. Ryan used Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) CEQAguidelines in conjunction with the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMOD) to evaluate the projects air quality and GHG impacts. During the public comment and review period Mr. Ryan served as the key engineer responsible for addressing comments from the air district (BAAQMD) and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC).
  • 3. James Ryan 3 TARGA, Port of Stockton, CA. CEQAAir Quality Impact Assessment Mr. Ryan assisted in preparing an Air Quality impact assessment per CEQA guidelines for a proposed fuel storage and terminalling facility in the Port of Stockton. Mr. Ryan used EPA, CARB, and local Air District approved methods to estimate emissions from the construction and operation of the facility which include emissions from rail, truck, and marine Vessels. Mr. Ryan conducted an impact analysis per CEQA guidelines and suggested mitigation for any significant impacts. WesPac Pittsburg Energy Infrastructure Project, Pittsburg, CA. Environmental Impact Report Review Mr. Ryan provided a technical review of the air quality and GHG resource area of an EIR for the WesPac oil terminal. The review focused on air emissions from construction, ocean going vessels, storage tanks and fugitives. Amorco Marine Oil Terminal, Martinez, CA. Environmental Impact Report Review Mr. Ryan provided a technical review of the air quality and GHG resource area of an EIR for the Amorco marine oil terminal used to transfer crude oil from tanker vessels to a tank farm immediately upland. The review focused on air emissions from increased throughput at the facility and included performing air emission estimations from ocean going vessels and locomotives. Mr. Ryan also provided responses to the BAAQMDs public comments. Johns Manville, Willows, CA. Title V Permit Application and Regulatory Compliance Mr. Ryan is currently preparing a Title V operating permit application for a fiberglass manufacturing facility in Willows, California. Responsibilities include preparing potential to emit emissions inventory for both criteria and hazardous air pollutants, an applicability analysis for Federal (NSPS and NESHAPS), State, and District regulations, and the development of a compliance assurance monitoring plan. Mr. Ryan also authored a source test protocol for the facilitys annual compliance source test. Caesars Entertainment LLC, Las Vegas, NV. GHG Emissions Verification, Inventory Management Plan, Scope 3 Emissions Analysis Mr. Ryan was a key member of the verification team responsible for verifying Caesars 2012 Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) GHG Inventory submittal. The verification was performed in accordance with the California Mandatory GHG Reporting Regulation. Mr. Ryan also developed Caesars updated GHG Inventory Quality Management Plan in accordance with the World Resources Institutes GHG Protocol. Mr. Ryan also authored a Scope 3 emissions analysis which evaluated the relative benefits of reporting and accounting each of the Scope 3 emissions categories as defined by the CDP. GWF Power Systems, Pittsburg, CA. Federal and State GHG Reporting Mr. Ryan completed both federal and state GHG reporting for 8 power generation facilities throughout the state of California using the e-GGRT and Cal e-GGRT reporting tools.
  • 4. James Ryan 4 Confidential Client, CA. Audit of California Air Resources Board Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Mr. Ryan performed audit activities, including site visits and interviews with facility personnel, to evaluate the procedures used to report greenhouse gas emissions from three cement facilities in California. The greenhouse gas emissions reported to CARB require third party verification and are ultimately used to determine direct allocation of allowances under Californias greenhouse gas emissions cap-and-trade program. Concern over the validity and conformance of current procedures led to the client engaging Mr. Ryan to evaluate the existing reporting system. GBF Landfill, Pittsburg, CA. Federal GHG Reporting Mr. Ryan completed 2012 and 2013 EPA GHG reporting for the landfill using the e-GGRT reporting tool. Telefunken Electronics America, Inc. Roseville, CA. Federal/State GHG Reporting, AB 25/88 Reporting, and TRI Reporting Mr. Ryan completed both EPA and California Air Resources Board GHG reporting, AB 25/88 air toxics reporting, and TRI reporting for a semiconductor manufacturing facility. Confidential Client, Las Vegas, NV. Verification of Reported GHG Emissions to the Carbon Disclosure Project, Mr. Ryan was a primary verifier for the GHG emissions verification of over 40 facilities operated by a large entertainment/hotel company. The GHG emissions were reported to the Carbon Disclosure Project and verified using California Air Resources Board verification methodology. Schnitzer Steel, Oakland, CA. SPCC Plan Update, and ARB Compliance Support/Consultation Mr. Ryan updated the facilitys SPCC Plan to reflect the facilitys operational changes as well as changes in the regulation. Provided support and consultation with regard the ARBs Portable Equipment Regulation, Off-Road Rule, Drayage Truck Regulation and Mobile Cargo Handling Rule which included meeting with ARB to negotiate compliance action, providing engineering justification for exemption applicability to heavy machinery operating at their facility, as well as on going compliance support while the regulation continues to be phased in. City of Livermore, Livermore, CA. Climate Change Element Conformance Analysis Mr. Ryan was the primary engineer responsible for evaluating a large residential development projects conformance with the Climate Change Element of the City of Livermores General Plan. This project was primarily a verification of the projects adherence to the CalGreen Building Code Tier 1 Standards. Bullmoose Energy, Encinitas, CA. CEQAClimate Change Analysis for Proposed Biomass Power Generation Facility
  • 5. James Ryan 5 Mr. Ryan provided a Climate Change Analysis of the potential GHG emissions resulting from a proposed biomass energy project compared to a Business as Usual alternative. Methodologies employed include a comprehensive inventory of potential emissions from the proposed facility, analysis of mobile source emissions due to biomass transport mileage reductions under the proposed project, and modeling of landfill GHG emissions. This project is being presented by Mr. Ryan at the Greenhouse Gas Strategies in a Changing Climate Convention in San Francisco in November 2011. Covanta Energy Corporation, Delano, CA. Energy and Co-Benefits Analysis Mr. Ryan was the primary engineer responsible for performing an Energy and Co-Benefits Analysis for a biomass power generation facility. The Analysis was performed per the California Air Resources Boards Regulation for Energy Efficiency and Co-Benefits Assessment of Large Industrial Facilities. The analysis provided the client potential energy saving measures and a cost-benefits analysis to aid in the assessment of implementation feasibility. Wheelabrator Shasta Energy Company, Anderson, CA. Energy and Co-Benefits Analysis Mr. Ryan was the primary engineer responsible for performing an Energy and Co-Benefits Analysis for a biomass power generation facility. The Analysis was performed per the California Air Resources Boards Regulation for Energy Efficiency and Co-Benefits Assessment of Large Industrial Facilities. The analysis provided the client potential energy saving measures and a cost-benefits analysis to aid in the assessment of implementation feasibility. Lehigh Hanson Permanente & Aggregate, Cupertino, Oakland, Berkeley, Port of San Francisco and Sunol, CA. Air Permitting Support Mr. Ryan provided Hanson Aggregates West Region with a 3rd party review of the Air Quality section of the States Land Commission (SLC) Draft EIR for the San Francisco Bay and Delta Sand Mining Lease renewal. As well as continued permitting support for several authority to construct/permit to operate applications. Criterion Catalysts a CRI/Shell Company, Pittsburg, CA. Air Permitting and Risk Assessments. Mr. Ryan assisted with consultation and project support in compliance activities, permitting and major facility review permitting. This support includes on-site preparation of Hazardous Material Business Plans, Monthly CEMS reports, Biannual Hazardous Waste Reports, Title V renewal application, and other ATC/PTO permit applications. My Ryan also provided a cost-benefit analysis outlining how specific modifications to their facilitys air pollution abatement system would increase production while also maintaining compliance with their Title V permit. SunPower Corporation, San Jose, CA. Environmental Exposure Assessment for Research and Development Laboratory
  • 6. James Ryan 6 Mr. Ryan was the lead staff engineer to provide an Environmental Exposure Assessment for a future SunPower R&D laboratory. SunPower is a leading solar panel developer and manufacturer. The Assessment included: Completion of all environmental applications and/or notifications as required by applicable local, state, and federal environmental regulations /ordinances /statutes/rules. Determination of acute and/or chronic risk to adjacent sensitive receptors located near the proposed R&D site using dispersion and toxic release modeling. Identification of acceptable risk base and exposure levels of concern. Support with mitigation and/or modified abatement design considerations to achieve acceptable risk, if applicable. Determination of permitting requirements under BAAQMD Regulation 2 Rule 1 or Regulation 2 Rule 2. Calaveras Materials, Contra Cost Valley, CA. Air Permit Modification. Mr. Ryan assisted a concrete aggregate company in adjusting their permitted throughput limits such that they remained a minor source designation for NOx and VOCs according to local Air District regulations and avoided costly fees. Mr. Ryan conducted calculations and proposed a permitted throughput adjustment for each facility which were approved by the local Air District. Pacific Charter School Development, Los Angeles CA. Stage 2 Natural Gas and Water Pipeline Risk Analysis for a Proposed School Site Mr. Ryan conducted a Stage 2 pipeline risk analysis to develop a quantitative estimate of risks posed by both a natural gas and water pipeline in the vicinity of a proposed school site. The analysis was performed in accordance with the California Department of Education Pipeline Risk Guidance Protocol. College ElementarySchool District, Santa Ynez, CA. Stage 2 Water Pipeline Risk Analysis for a Proposed School Site Mr. Ryan conducted a Stage 2 pipeline risk analysis to develop a quantitative estimate of risks posed by two water pipelines in the vicinity of a proposed school site. The analysis was performed in accordance with the California Department of Education Pipeline Risk Guidance Protocol. Anaheim City School District, Anaheim, CA. Stage 2 Natural Gas Pipeline Risk Analysis for a Proposed School Site Renovation Mr. Ryan conducted two Stage 2 pipeline risk analyses for two Anaheim City school sites to develop a quantitative estimate of risks posed by natural gas and water pipelines in the vicinity of the school sites. The analyses were performed in accordance with the California Department of Education Pipeline Risk Guidance Protocol. CSU Chico, Chico, CA.
  • 7. James Ryan 7 Mr. Ryan monitored, assessed, and reported exhaust emission impacts upon students and employees from three recently installed on-campus natural gas fired boilers. City of Richmond, Richmond, CA. Air Permitting Constraint Analysis Mr. Ryan performed an Air Permitting Constraints Analysis for a potential crude oil transloading project which identified all construction-related and operational-related air impact and address all permitting a regulatory compliance tasks that would need to be addressed as the project was completed. Greif Packaging LLC, Merced, CA. Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer Permitting, Title V Delist Analysis Mr. Ryan prepared the ATC Permit application for the installation of a Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer unit as well as a study to determine the variability of Title V applicability upon varying degrees of source unit control. Environmental Scientist, TRC Environmental, Lowell MA (November 2008 August 2010) After volunteering at Choke Cherry Farm, Mr. Ryan became employed by TRC Environmental as an Environmental Scientist with the Air Measurements Division. As a member of the Air Measurements group Mr. Ryan worked on many stationary source testing projects and gained experience with an extensive number of EPA stationary source testing methods. These test programs included: Sampling Coal Fired Power and Steam Generation Facilities PM2.5, PM10 and Condensable PM emission test programs Part 75 and Part 60 CEM Certification (RATA) and Measurement Programs Gas Chromatography/VOC Measurement Programs Sampling Combustion Turbines and Compressor Engines After 8-months with the company Mr. Ryan began operating the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) as part of the Part 75 and Part 60 RATA measurement programs. This role included the calibration and maintenance of NOx, SO2, CO, CO2, O2, and NMTHC analyzers, the operation of STRATA data collection/management software, and reporting on-site results to the client. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report Intern, City of Portsmouth Portsmouth, NH (June-August 2007) In 2007 the City of Portsmouth, New Hampshire hired James Ryan to complete a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory as part of their commitment to the Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) campaign organized by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). This inventory effort, led by Mr. Ryan, accounted for both municipal and community sources of GHG. Data was researched, collected and used to calculate the citys GHG emissions using the Clean Air and Climate Protection (CACP) software that is provided by ICLEI to its members. The emissions calculations were assembled into a comprehensive report that is now a matter of record that outlines the baseline municipal
  • 8. James Ryan 8 and community emission estimates, current reduction measures, and proposed GHG reduction measures. Upon completion of the report James presented his findings and recommendations to the citys sustainability committee who used the report as a key element of their city-wide sustainability planning efforts. Choke Cherry Farm Volunteer, Crestone CO (May-August 2008) After graduating from the University of New Hampshires Environmental Engineering program in 2007 Mr. Ryan volunteered on Choke Cherry farm, an off-the-grid experimental farm where he helped research and develop progressive alternative energy projects. These projects included, installing solar hot water heaters, harnessing methane fuel from decomposition of organic waste, bio-fuel manufacturing, the conversion of a diesel automobile to run on straight vegetable oil, and sustainable farming practices