GERT of GunungTalang_COVERBudi KristiantoThis document is from a 2013 Chevron meeting about oil fields in central Sumatra. The meeting covered projects at Bukit Kili and Gn Talang and involved Chevron's Central Sumatera team who met in Jakarta in September.
Curriculum vitaeecuador357Este documento presenta los datos personales y académicos de Carolina Cabrera Fiama. Incluye su nombre, DNI, fecha y lugar de nacimiento, nacionalidad, domicilio, títulos obtenidos, estudios actuales, idiomas, antecedentes docentes, actividad profesional, formación continua y publicaciones.
Ge 300 k va 380 voltios primeRandolfo VelaEl documento proporciona especificaciones técnicas de un grupo electrógeno Modelo MP-300, incluyendo detalles sobre su motor Perkins 2206A-E13TAG5, alternador STAMFORD HCI 434D, tanque de combustible, sistema eléctrico, radiador, consumo de combustible, mediciones del tablero de control, protecciones, dimensiones y opciones disponibles.
internship_offer_letterJameel Ahmed MohammedThis internship offer letter from CareerKhojj offers a business development internship opportunity lasting 6-8 weeks with a stipend ranging from Rs. 3,500-20,000 depending on market approach and business generation performance incentives of up to 10% and 5,000 respectively. The intern will play a vital role in business development and working as a dedicated associate for expanding the company's products and services.
Análisis menú escolarChoqueraEl resumen describe el menú del día 20 de abril en el Colegio María Inmaculada de Huelva, que incluye crema de brócoli, contramuslo de pollo asado con patatas al vapor, y fruta de temporada. El documento analiza que el menú cumple con las recomendaciones nutricionales al ofrecer verduras, carne y fruta, aunque no incluye un lácteo.
Resume FinalKelli ChristensonKelli Christenson has experience working on her family's hazelnut farm for over 15 years, where she operates equipment, manages employees, and serves as Treasurer. She participated in Future Farmers of America for 3 years where she studied plants and showed sheep. Through 4-H for 3 years, she was responsible for accounting and showed sheep at the county fair. She has led mission trips to Morocco, Thailand, and Mexico, where she planned budgets, fundraisers, and daily operations for a group of 25 people. Currently, she works as a marketing coordinator for her university's women's basketball team.
Arthur_ResumeKatharine (Katie) ArthurKatharine Arthur has a Bachelor's degree in Behavior Analysis and Psychology from Northern Michigan University with a 3.63 GPA and minor in Human Services. She has relevant experience interning at Teaching Family Homes providing one-on-one academic support and conducting needs assessments for youth. She also interned at Marquette Branch Prison assisting with inmate grievances, records, and reentry preparation. Arthur has work experience in food service, childcare, and as a teaching assistant for criminal justice courses. She holds leadership roles in honors societies and organizations at her university.
Ficha de inscripción 2016 programa contigo creciendoDirección de Asuntos Estudiantiles (DAE) UAHFormulario para participar en el lanzamiento del Programa Contigo Creciendo y el Primer Espacio Formativo del 2016 denominado “Jugando con los sonidos”
Twitter mobile aidMichelle OckersThis document provides an overview of the main features and functions available to a user on the Twitter platform. It outlines how to tweet, search Twitter using hashtags and usernames, view your profile and followers, see liked tweets, send direct messages, view tweets from accounts you follow, see notifications and access additional account settings like updating your profile and photo.
Anas Ebbini CVAnas EbbiniAnas Al-Ebbini is a Jordanian accountant seeking an entry-level position. He has a bachelor's degree in accounting from Yarmouk University with a GPA of 82%. Anas has strong skills in Microsoft Office, QuickBooks, general ledger, bookkeeping, and preparing financial statements. He is fluent in Arabic and English.
certificate_TCO and Cloud EconomicsZamira JaupajZamira Jaupaj received a Certificate of Completion from AWS Training for successfully completing the AWS TCO and Cloud Economics course on 3/14/2016. The certificate was issued by the Director of Training & Certification to recognize Zamira Jaupaj's achievement in the AWS training program.
Ficha de inscripción 2016 programa contigo creciendoDirección de Asuntos Estudiantiles (DAE) UAHFormulario para participar en el lanzamiento del Programa Contigo Creciendo y el Primer Espacio Formativo del 2016 denominado “Jugando con los sonidos”
Twitter mobile aidMichelle OckersThis document provides an overview of the main features and functions available to a user on the Twitter platform. It outlines how to tweet, search Twitter using hashtags and usernames, view your profile and followers, see liked tweets, send direct messages, view tweets from accounts you follow, see notifications and access additional account settings like updating your profile and photo.
Anas Ebbini CVAnas EbbiniAnas Al-Ebbini is a Jordanian accountant seeking an entry-level position. He has a bachelor's degree in accounting from Yarmouk University with a GPA of 82%. Anas has strong skills in Microsoft Office, QuickBooks, general ledger, bookkeeping, and preparing financial statements. He is fluent in Arabic and English.
certificate_TCO and Cloud EconomicsZamira JaupajZamira Jaupaj received a Certificate of Completion from AWS Training for successfully completing the AWS TCO and Cloud Economics course on 3/14/2016. The certificate was issued by the Director of Training & Certification to recognize Zamira Jaupaj's achievement in the AWS training program.
1. Программа фестиваля экстремальных видов спорта «Царь горы»
30 июня-1 июля 2012 года
«город-призрак» Верхняя Губаха
30 июня
Мероприятие Время Участники Место Примечания
Велогонки Кросс 10.00 Для желающих Стадион
кантри "Губайк" Уральского
колледжа, Новая
Октябрьский, 17
Гонки на 12.00 Команды п. Загубашка Состав
катамаранах, «центров район висячего команды 4
туристические культуры» и все моста человека
конкурсы желающие
Роуп-джампинг 12.00 Показательные п. Загубашка для желающих
прыжки район висячего – возможность
моста совершить
аттракциона –
500 р.
Лазертаг 16.00 Для всех Верхняя Губаха Состав
желающих команды – 3
Приключенческий 19.00 Для всех Верхняя Губаха Состав
квест «Сталкер» желающих команды – 5
Концертная 22.00 Для всех Верхняя Губаха
программа желающих
«Rock-line» в
- «Thalamus»,
ветра», «Пятый
корпус» и другие.
Ночной 01.00 Для всех Верхняя Губаха
кинопоказ в желающих
"Памяти Цоя"
2. 1 июля
Мероприятие Время Участники Место Примечания
Скалолазание, 12.00 Для всех Учебные
веревочный желающих скалы, Верхняя
курс. Губаха
Роуп-джампинг 12.00 Показательные п. Загубашка
прыжки район висячего
Автогонки, 14.00 Для желающих Верхняя Обязательно
мотогонки экстремальная Губаха, наличие
трасса авто 4 х4 страховки
мото "кросс"
Пейнтбол 16.00 Команды центров Верхняя Состав
культуры и Губаха команды – 5
профессиональные человек
Экскурсия в В течение дня Для желающих, Скала спортивная
пещеру группа не более 10 "Ладейная", одежда и
«Ладейная», человек Верхняя обувь, наличие
в «город- Губаха фонарика
Концерт тура 19.00-22.00 Для всех Верхняя
творческой желающих Губаха