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734.428.1900                                                                                          info@djawest.com

                           Administration of Planning, Design & Construction Activities

ARCHITECT/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION  Rare and uniquely qualified                           QUALIFICATIONS
as a multi-talented, broadly experienced, Nationally Certified, Licensed Architect and
Construction Administrator. Founder and manager of a high capacity Architecture          Masters Degree - Architecture
firm and a top performing, competitive, bid-build, Commercial Construction               15 plus years Experience
Enterprise; estimating, negotiating, securing and completing University, Educational,
                                                                                         Microsoft Projects Scheduling
Public, Commercial and other like projects. Direct oversight for activities of office
personnel, operations, field supervision, sub-trades and 200 plus union direct payroll   Collaboration & Teamwork
employees.                                                                               Outstanding Work Ethic
                                                                                         Customer Oriented
Directly responsible for supervision, management and activities of licensed
professionals including: Architects, Engineers, Designers, Consultants, Contractors      Single Source Accountable
and others retained in the delivery of planning, design, detailed cost analysis,         Detailed Cost Analysis
budgeting, scheduling and the construction of new, capital improvements and              Award Winning Design
adaptive reuse facilities.
                                                                                         LEED Project Experience
Ability to lead and manage all Professional and Construction disciplines; supervise      OSHA Safety Program
concurrent projects at various stages of development; ability to manage and advance      Knowledge
projects against rigid deadlines.

Managing Partner  Owner                                                                                    2001 to Present
(Successfully completing over 100 projects ranging in size, budget, complexity and client performance standards)
Founder: Recognized for ground-up management of top performing, Professional Service Teams
Results: Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC), Single Point of Contact Services
Estimated Construction Cost: $85.5MM.
Day-One responsible for supervising and leading licensed professionals, business development, operations and logistics;
project specific and office related to consistently deliver a variety of evolving task assignments.

      Architecture, Engineering and Construction Services (AEC): Bid, negotiate and delivery of US Government, City,
      Research and Science, Urban, Health, Retail, Recreational, National Brand, Administrative and Office. Delivery of a
      speculative Professional Park; creating and managing all AEC services from concept to completion, orchestrating
      entire development including: land acquisition, legal, finance; master planning, City approval, ADA code compliance
      and Construction Administration.

      Champion of Public Services - Washtenaw County Administration, Ann Arbor, MI: Demonstrating exceptional
      capacity and value besting dozens of local and regional Architecture and Engineering firms for the delivery of
      Professional A&E Services County wide. Research, compare and ensure programming, design, time-lines and budgets
      for renovation and Capital Improvement projects. Attend and conduct meetings, prepare reports, work with staff to
      define plans, tasks, services and responsibilities; assist with project close-out. Coordinate Owners procurement and
      facility wide placement of equipment and furniture; assist with repairs and displacement of staff, functions and
      activities during the Construction Phase.

      Distinguished, Award Winning Plan, Design and Construction Administration: Securing and maintaining Owner-
      Client relationships, negotiating contracts for A&E master planning of Duplexes, Condominiums and remote, exclusive
      Private Residences, Lodge and Encampments; LEED project experience.

      Professional Consultant, cost evaluation and value engineering: (Estimated Construction Cost: $261MM) Initiate, lead
      and provide comprehensive evaluation, detailed construction costs and value engineering for use as a competitive bid
      of large, significant multi-hundred million dollar University Medical and Research Facilities
DANIEL J TURVEY AIA, RA, NCARB                      Pg 2 of 2                         734.428.1900         info@djawest.com

Managing Partner  Former Owner
(Launch, organized and established a current day Engineering News Record - Top 500 Commercial Contracting Co.)
Founder: Recognized for ground-up management of a top performing, bonded, Bid-Build Construction Enterprise.
Results: Regional Excellence of Bid-Build Construction Services
Completed Sales: $45 to $50MM (approx)
Day-One responsible for all aspects of professional service; General Contractor  Project Wide Management, Prime  Self
Performing and Project Oversight and Specialty Construction  Specific Task Contracting.

      Complete profit and loss accountability for operations, management, business development, positioning,
      communication and corporate identity to drive growth in a highly competitive, commercial bid-build practice.
      Caring, committed, performance based construction; delivering profitable, complex commercial projects on schedule,
      on budget, while meeting complete customer satisfaction. Responsible for office administration, procedures, staff
      recruitment, training and mentorship; cost estimations, contract negotiations, payables, receivables, payroll, job
      costing, material and sub-trade procurement, general and field supervision, union trade negations and agreements for
      over 200 plus direct payroll employees.
      Competitive Bid-Build/Negotiate: Hundreds of assignments, multi-million completed works; construction plan, detail
      and specification interpretation, project feasibility, estimates, value engineering, management and contract

Related Experiences  Other
(Successfully completing Capital Improvement and Private Practice tasking ranging in size, budget and complexity)
Administrator / Architect: Owners Professional Consultant and On-Site Representative; Architect-Plan Delivery
Results: Identified $75k of inferior substitutions & task omission; improved plan details resulting in reduced change orders.
Estimated Construction Cost: $20 to $28.5MM (approx)
Owners Representation of Elementary School remodel, expansion (Estimated Construction Cost: $3.5MM, 89,000 square
feet); providing onsite observation, direction and consultation of the built response. Additional experience as Architect
assisting with the preparation of Plans, Details and Specifications for a multi-state licensed, practitioner (Estimated
Construction Cost: $20 to $25MM)

                              EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
       Combining a Comprehensive understanding of the Built Environment with a Professional Degreed perspective.
Knowing how to build is a matter of science and technology that often times calls into question morality, ethics, and aesthetic
responsibility. To this end, my desire has been to empower every Owner from a critical, responsible and fully informed

    Master of Architecture (M Arch): Montana State                 National Council of Architectural Registration Board
   University, School of Architecture, Bozeman, Montana                     (NCARB)  Board Certified #638xx

  Bachelor of Architecture (B Arch): Tau Sigma Delta                      Professional Registration & Licensure
  Honors Graduate, Montana State University, Bozeman,            State of Michigan # 1301049xxx, State of Montana # 30xx
                       Montana                                                   Washington State # 81xx

        Top 500 Engineering News Record (ENR)                              United States Green Building Council
                Founder & Former Owner                                          (USGBC)  LEED Platinum

     Eastern Michigan University: Former member Industry Advisory Board - Construction Management Program in
                      preparation of American Council on Construction Education Accreditation.

 Charity: I support the NO KID HUNGRY campaign; a National movement committed to ending childhood hunger in
                                America by the year 2015. http://nokidhungry.org

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  • 1. DANIEL J TURVEY AIA, RA, NCARB 734.428.1900 info@djawest.com ARCHITECTURE, ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Administration of Planning, Design & Construction Activities ARCHITECT/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION Rare and uniquely qualified QUALIFICATIONS as a multi-talented, broadly experienced, Nationally Certified, Licensed Architect and Construction Administrator. Founder and manager of a high capacity Architecture Masters Degree - Architecture firm and a top performing, competitive, bid-build, Commercial Construction 15 plus years Experience Enterprise; estimating, negotiating, securing and completing University, Educational, Microsoft Projects Scheduling Public, Commercial and other like projects. Direct oversight for activities of office personnel, operations, field supervision, sub-trades and 200 plus union direct payroll Collaboration & Teamwork employees. Outstanding Work Ethic Customer Oriented Directly responsible for supervision, management and activities of licensed professionals including: Architects, Engineers, Designers, Consultants, Contractors Single Source Accountable and others retained in the delivery of planning, design, detailed cost analysis, Detailed Cost Analysis budgeting, scheduling and the construction of new, capital improvements and Award Winning Design adaptive reuse facilities. LEED Project Experience Ability to lead and manage all Professional and Construction disciplines; supervise OSHA Safety Program concurrent projects at various stages of development; ability to manage and advance Knowledge projects against rigid deadlines. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE & ACHIEVEMENTS Managing Partner Owner 2001 to Present DAN JOSEPH ARCHITECTS, LLC, USA (Successfully completing over 100 projects ranging in size, budget, complexity and client performance standards) Founder: Recognized for ground-up management of top performing, Professional Service Teams Results: Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC), Single Point of Contact Services Estimated Construction Cost: $85.5MM. Day-One responsible for supervising and leading licensed professionals, business development, operations and logistics; project specific and office related to consistently deliver a variety of evolving task assignments. Architecture, Engineering and Construction Services (AEC): Bid, negotiate and delivery of US Government, City, Research and Science, Urban, Health, Retail, Recreational, National Brand, Administrative and Office. Delivery of a speculative Professional Park; creating and managing all AEC services from concept to completion, orchestrating entire development including: land acquisition, legal, finance; master planning, City approval, ADA code compliance and Construction Administration. Champion of Public Services - Washtenaw County Administration, Ann Arbor, MI: Demonstrating exceptional capacity and value besting dozens of local and regional Architecture and Engineering firms for the delivery of Professional A&E Services County wide. Research, compare and ensure programming, design, time-lines and budgets for renovation and Capital Improvement projects. Attend and conduct meetings, prepare reports, work with staff to define plans, tasks, services and responsibilities; assist with project close-out. Coordinate Owners procurement and facility wide placement of equipment and furniture; assist with repairs and displacement of staff, functions and activities during the Construction Phase. Distinguished, Award Winning Plan, Design and Construction Administration: Securing and maintaining Owner- Client relationships, negotiating contracts for A&E master planning of Duplexes, Condominiums and remote, exclusive Private Residences, Lodge and Encampments; LEED project experience. Professional Consultant, cost evaluation and value engineering: (Estimated Construction Cost: $261MM) Initiate, lead and provide comprehensive evaluation, detailed construction costs and value engineering for use as a competitive bid of large, significant multi-hundred million dollar University Medical and Research Facilities Continued
  • 2. DANIEL J TURVEY AIA, RA, NCARB Pg 2 of 2 734.428.1900 info@djawest.com Managing Partner Former Owner ACOUSTIC CEILING & PARTITON, INC, Ann Arbor, MI (Launch, organized and established a current day Engineering News Record - Top 500 Commercial Contracting Co.) Founder: Recognized for ground-up management of a top performing, bonded, Bid-Build Construction Enterprise. Results: Regional Excellence of Bid-Build Construction Services Completed Sales: $45 to $50MM (approx) Day-One responsible for all aspects of professional service; General Contractor Project Wide Management, Prime Self Performing and Project Oversight and Specialty Construction Specific Task Contracting. Complete profit and loss accountability for operations, management, business development, positioning, communication and corporate identity to drive growth in a highly competitive, commercial bid-build practice. Caring, committed, performance based construction; delivering profitable, complex commercial projects on schedule, on budget, while meeting complete customer satisfaction. Responsible for office administration, procedures, staff recruitment, training and mentorship; cost estimations, contract negotiations, payables, receivables, payroll, job costing, material and sub-trade procurement, general and field supervision, union trade negations and agreements for over 200 plus direct payroll employees. Competitive Bid-Build/Negotiate: Hundreds of assignments, multi-million completed works; construction plan, detail and specification interpretation, project feasibility, estimates, value engineering, management and contract negotiations. Related Experiences Other CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION, ARCHITECT, Montana (Successfully completing Capital Improvement and Private Practice tasking ranging in size, budget and complexity) Administrator / Architect: Owners Professional Consultant and On-Site Representative; Architect-Plan Delivery Results: Identified $75k of inferior substitutions & task omission; improved plan details resulting in reduced change orders. Estimated Construction Cost: $20 to $28.5MM (approx) Owners Representation of Elementary School remodel, expansion (Estimated Construction Cost: $3.5MM, 89,000 square feet); providing onsite observation, direction and consultation of the built response. Additional experience as Architect assisting with the preparation of Plans, Details and Specifications for a multi-state licensed, practitioner (Estimated Construction Cost: $20 to $25MM) EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Combining a Comprehensive understanding of the Built Environment with a Professional Degreed perspective. Knowing how to build is a matter of science and technology that often times calls into question morality, ethics, and aesthetic responsibility. To this end, my desire has been to empower every Owner from a critical, responsible and fully informed perspective. Master of Architecture (M Arch): Montana State National Council of Architectural Registration Board University, School of Architecture, Bozeman, Montana (NCARB) Board Certified #638xx Bachelor of Architecture (B Arch): Tau Sigma Delta Professional Registration & Licensure Honors Graduate, Montana State University, Bozeman, State of Michigan # 1301049xxx, State of Montana # 30xx Montana Washington State # 81xx Top 500 Engineering News Record (ENR) United States Green Building Council Founder & Former Owner (USGBC) LEED Platinum Eastern Michigan University: Former member Industry Advisory Board - Construction Management Program in preparation of American Council on Construction Education Accreditation. Charity: I support the NO KID HUNGRY campaign; a National movement committed to ending childhood hunger in America by the year 2015. http://nokidhungry.org