The St.E.SE.Geo project aims to create a geo-located map of socio-health structures and services in the BAT district of Puglia, Italy. It will establish online services based on user requirements and promote innovative feedback collection and data analysis. The project seeks to establish collaboration patterns between public institutions and citizens, providing a model that can be adapted to other areas. User needs were collected through meetings, interviews and surveys with 400 residents to understand perceptions of available services.
El documento describe las caracter¨ªsticas de la Web 1.0, Web 2.0 y Web 3.0. La Web 1.0 consist¨ªa en p¨¢ginas est¨¢ticas con contenido de s¨®lo lectura. La Web 2.0 permiti¨® la interacci¨®n de los usuarios y el contenido generado por los usuarios a trav¨¦s de comunidades y redes sociales. La Web 3.0 se centra en la inteligencia artificial, la web sem¨¢ntica y la realidad virtual 3D para mejorar la interacci¨®n entre personas.
El voleibol es un deporte de equipo donde dos equipos se enfrentan a trav¨¦s de una red central para pasar el bal¨®n al campo contrario. Se juega en una cancha rectangular de 18x9 metros dividida por una red de 1 metro de ancho. Cada equipo tiene seis jugadores y el objetivo es anotar puntos al cometer el otro equipo faltas como pasar el bal¨®n fuera de la cancha o superar los tres toques.
The document discusses explorations in augmented reality for e-learning applications. It describes a prototype that uses augmented reality to provide contextual instruction by scanning objects of interest and displaying related learning materials. Next steps discussed include developing augmented reality experiences that can run in web browsers instead of proprietary platforms, exploring wearable technology for hands-free instruction, and using audio for additional or exclusive instruction. It also mentions developing a capability for students to generate their own augmented content. Links provided relate to the specialist scholarship project exploring these applications of augmented reality.
The document discusses generating ideas and mood boards for healthy lifestyle posters targeted towards teenagers. Two initial mood boards are presented focusing on healthy foods and exercise. A mind map is then shown outlining two main poster ideas - one on healthy eating promoting foods and diets, using bright colors and images of foods. The other focuses on exercise, targeting teenagers and older adults, with information on activities and gyms. A second mind map explores alternative ideas around unhealthy foods and listing health symptoms as a road sign to encourage changes.
Database design, implementation, and management -chapter02Beni Krisbiantoro
This document provides an overview of data modeling concepts. It discusses the importance of data models for organizing data for different users and as a communication tool. It also describes the basic building blocks of entities, attributes, and relationships. Additionally, it covers the evolution of different data models including hierarchical, network, relational, entity relationship, and object oriented models. It provides examples of hierarchical and network data structures.
The document discusses the S.E.D. expert system project for monitoring emissions of odorous substances from landfills. The project aims to address olfactory pollution concerns of the municipality of San Cesario di Lecce near the Cavallino landfill. The goals are to quantitatively describe odorous substances produced by the landfill, devise an innovative monitoring solution to meet the needs of local councils, and design a modular system that is adaptable and optimizes costs. The system will involve a S.E.D. server and address issues raised by the council of San Cesario di Lecce and other stakeholders.
This document summarizes the MHiA project which aims to develop an archive system of dematerialized historical documents from the Municipality of Soleto and make them available online. The project partners include a technology company, research laboratory, and the Municipality of Soleto. An innovation arena event was held using a methodology to obtain stakeholder input. The project uses open source platforms to manage and publish the multimedia archive documents and make them available as open data to allow reuse. The historical archive data can tell the story of the community's evolution and represent an incentive for tourism and cultural promotion initiatives.
Este documento resume la historia, organizaci¨®n, materiales, reglas y destrezas b¨¢sicas del floorball. Brevemente, el floorball se origin¨® en Suecia en los a?os 70 y ahora es popular en muchos pa¨ªses. Los equipos consisten en 6 jugadores de campo y un portero. El juego se juega en 3 per¨ªodos de 20 minutos cada uno en una cancha rectangular bordeada por vallas.
El resumen del documento es el siguiente:
El documento presenta el plan semanal de actividades del Centro de Pr¨¢cticas Profesionales de Trabajo Social de la U.E. "Don R¨®mulo Gallegos" para la semana del 14 al 19 de febrero de 2011. El plan incluye reuniones, charlas, jornadas de limpieza y otras actividades con una duraci¨®n total de 54 horas y 30 minutos, con el objetivo de promover normas de convivencia y concientizaci¨®n sobre temas como el embarazo temprano, la contaminaci¨®n ambiental y el
The document describes OPENBi, a platform for integrated knowledge of the heritage of public and private museums and libraries in Italy. The platform aims to:
1) Make accessible treasures from local public libraries and private libraries by putting them online in an open data vision and creating a network.
2) Create an open platform for shared knowledge to enhance culture and develop the economy and new opportunities for the region.
3) The platform includes over 20,000 digitized items from four libraries and two family archives from the Lecce area of Italy. It has an architecture with over 50 components across four subsystems and methods for dissemination including a portal, mobile app, digital library system, and protocol for metadata harvesting.
CRIKHET provides assistance to healthcare practitioners and patients for managing integrated care pathways and clinical risk through business process management, cloud-based IT solutions, mobile applications, and business intelligence technologies. The objectives of CRIKHET are to create a health service centered around the patient, manage interdisciplinary resources and interactions, use feedback to keep the patient informed, and implement innovative cloud-based ICT solutions for clinical governance that can be adapted and scaled to different healthcare domains. Some key CRIKHET features include modeling clinical procedures, user interfaces, and information catalogs, as well as supporting activity planning and management, notifications, to-do lists, and providing information to practitioners and patients.
The LAPIS project aims to develop a minimally invasive intraoperative navigation system to help guide surgeons during abdominal surgery. The system brings together Masmec S.p.A., ISBEM research institute, and Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Hospital. It uses 3D visualization of a patient's anatomy from CT/MRI scans and tracks surgical instruments in real time to provide more accurate and faster laparoscopic and echo-guided procedures. The LAPIS system is currently being tested at Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Hospital under the supervision of Dr. Matteo Scaramuzzi.
Hawaiian plants and flowers grow best in warm, shaded areas and include the yellow hibiscus state flower as well as many other tropical plants and flowers that are often used to make fresh leis, an important Hawaiian tradition.
This document discusses several ocean animals including dolphins that breathe air through a blow hole, the trigger fish being the state fish, sea turtles living in the Pacific Ocean, the endangered Hawaiian monk seal living near Hawaii, and the humpback whale being named Hawaii's state marine mammal in 1979.
The document discusses several animals found in Hawaii, including the liwi and nene birds native to Hawaii, with the nene also being the Hawaiian state bird, as well as mentioning a baby monkey, the Indian mongoose sometimes called the Hawaiian squirrel, and the gold dust day gecko that can be found in trees and houses.
Hawaiian luaus are Hawaiian feasts where hula dancing takes place as part of celebrations and parties, with hula dancing being a common activity at luaus in Hawaii.
Dolphins breathe through blowholes on their back and are playful, manta rays do not have stingers, and seals give birth and care for their young like mammals despite living in the ocean.
The document discusses generating ideas and mood boards for healthy lifestyle posters targeted towards teenagers. Two initial mood boards are presented focusing on healthy foods and exercise. A mind map is then shown outlining two main poster ideas - one on healthy eating promoting foods and diets, using bright colors and images of foods. The other focuses on exercise, targeting teenagers and older adults, with information on activities and gyms. A second mind map explores alternative ideas around unhealthy foods and listing health symptoms as a road sign to encourage changes.
Database design, implementation, and management -chapter02Beni Krisbiantoro
This document provides an overview of data modeling concepts. It discusses the importance of data models for organizing data for different users and as a communication tool. It also describes the basic building blocks of entities, attributes, and relationships. Additionally, it covers the evolution of different data models including hierarchical, network, relational, entity relationship, and object oriented models. It provides examples of hierarchical and network data structures.
The document discusses the S.E.D. expert system project for monitoring emissions of odorous substances from landfills. The project aims to address olfactory pollution concerns of the municipality of San Cesario di Lecce near the Cavallino landfill. The goals are to quantitatively describe odorous substances produced by the landfill, devise an innovative monitoring solution to meet the needs of local councils, and design a modular system that is adaptable and optimizes costs. The system will involve a S.E.D. server and address issues raised by the council of San Cesario di Lecce and other stakeholders.
This document summarizes the MHiA project which aims to develop an archive system of dematerialized historical documents from the Municipality of Soleto and make them available online. The project partners include a technology company, research laboratory, and the Municipality of Soleto. An innovation arena event was held using a methodology to obtain stakeholder input. The project uses open source platforms to manage and publish the multimedia archive documents and make them available as open data to allow reuse. The historical archive data can tell the story of the community's evolution and represent an incentive for tourism and cultural promotion initiatives.
Este documento resume la historia, organizaci¨®n, materiales, reglas y destrezas b¨¢sicas del floorball. Brevemente, el floorball se origin¨® en Suecia en los a?os 70 y ahora es popular en muchos pa¨ªses. Los equipos consisten en 6 jugadores de campo y un portero. El juego se juega en 3 per¨ªodos de 20 minutos cada uno en una cancha rectangular bordeada por vallas.
El resumen del documento es el siguiente:
El documento presenta el plan semanal de actividades del Centro de Pr¨¢cticas Profesionales de Trabajo Social de la U.E. "Don R¨®mulo Gallegos" para la semana del 14 al 19 de febrero de 2011. El plan incluye reuniones, charlas, jornadas de limpieza y otras actividades con una duraci¨®n total de 54 horas y 30 minutos, con el objetivo de promover normas de convivencia y concientizaci¨®n sobre temas como el embarazo temprano, la contaminaci¨®n ambiental y el
The document describes OPENBi, a platform for integrated knowledge of the heritage of public and private museums and libraries in Italy. The platform aims to:
1) Make accessible treasures from local public libraries and private libraries by putting them online in an open data vision and creating a network.
2) Create an open platform for shared knowledge to enhance culture and develop the economy and new opportunities for the region.
3) The platform includes over 20,000 digitized items from four libraries and two family archives from the Lecce area of Italy. It has an architecture with over 50 components across four subsystems and methods for dissemination including a portal, mobile app, digital library system, and protocol for metadata harvesting.
CRIKHET provides assistance to healthcare practitioners and patients for managing integrated care pathways and clinical risk through business process management, cloud-based IT solutions, mobile applications, and business intelligence technologies. The objectives of CRIKHET are to create a health service centered around the patient, manage interdisciplinary resources and interactions, use feedback to keep the patient informed, and implement innovative cloud-based ICT solutions for clinical governance that can be adapted and scaled to different healthcare domains. Some key CRIKHET features include modeling clinical procedures, user interfaces, and information catalogs, as well as supporting activity planning and management, notifications, to-do lists, and providing information to practitioners and patients.
The LAPIS project aims to develop a minimally invasive intraoperative navigation system to help guide surgeons during abdominal surgery. The system brings together Masmec S.p.A., ISBEM research institute, and Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Hospital. It uses 3D visualization of a patient's anatomy from CT/MRI scans and tracks surgical instruments in real time to provide more accurate and faster laparoscopic and echo-guided procedures. The LAPIS system is currently being tested at Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Hospital under the supervision of Dr. Matteo Scaramuzzi.
Hawaiian plants and flowers grow best in warm, shaded areas and include the yellow hibiscus state flower as well as many other tropical plants and flowers that are often used to make fresh leis, an important Hawaiian tradition.
This document discusses several ocean animals including dolphins that breathe air through a blow hole, the trigger fish being the state fish, sea turtles living in the Pacific Ocean, the endangered Hawaiian monk seal living near Hawaii, and the humpback whale being named Hawaii's state marine mammal in 1979.
The document discusses several animals found in Hawaii, including the liwi and nene birds native to Hawaii, with the nene also being the Hawaiian state bird, as well as mentioning a baby monkey, the Indian mongoose sometimes called the Hawaiian squirrel, and the gold dust day gecko that can be found in trees and houses.
Hawaiian luaus are Hawaiian feasts where hula dancing takes place as part of celebrations and parties, with hula dancing being a common activity at luaus in Hawaii.
Dolphins breathe through blowholes on their back and are playful, manta rays do not have stingers, and seals give birth and care for their young like mammals despite living in the ocean.
Menehunes are legendary little people from Hawaii who can be boys or girls and live hidden in the mountains, only allowing very special people to see them.
Kamehameha was the first king of the Kingdom of Hawaii who ruled for many years and had a big palace; his name means "the lonely one" and June 11th is observed as Kamehameha Day, a public holiday in Hawaii in his honor.
Hawaii is known for its palm trees, beautiful sunsets, and white sand beaches like Waikiki. There are beaches with different colored sands such as black sand beaches which are made from crushed lava, and some have unusual names like Toilet Bowl.
Hawaiian leis are made from fresh tropical flowers, as Hawaii has many unusual tropical plants and flowers including the state flower, the hibiscus, and the state tree, the candlenut tree. There is also a variety of palm trees found on the island of Maui.
Hula dancing originated in Hawaii as a way for Polynesians to tell stories through dance accompanied by chant or song, and has since developed into a form of entertainment where dancers wear colorful necklaces, bracelets, anklets and headpieces.
The USS Arizona was a battleship that was bombed at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, resulting in 1,177 men dying and only 334 surviving the attack. The USS Arizona remains located at Pearl Harbor on Oahu as a memorial to those lost in the attack.
Hula dancing is a type of dance developed in Hawaii by Polynesians as a way to tell stories through performances considered a form of entertainment, with dancers wearing leis and grass skirts and even children able to participate in the hula.
Halu is the Hawaiian word for surfing, which is most popular in Hawaii. This girl is surfing small beginner waves, while Pipeline in Oahu is famous for its shallow waves.
The document discusses several land animals native to the Hawaiian Islands, including bats, caterpillars, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. It notes that the Hawaiian Islands are home to five species of amphibians and 28 species of reptiles. It also states that the Hawaiian hawk is only found on the Hawaiian Islands and many native Hawaiian birds are endangered.
King Kamehameha had a big palace and was a good ruler of Hawaii. On June 11th, which is King Kamehameha Day, people in Hawaii celebrate with a parade in Honolulu and place leis on a statue of King Kamehameha to honor him as the lonely, but powerful, ruler who united the Hawaiian islands.
Surfing is a challenging activity where some surfers are very skilled at riding huge waves using modern shorter surf boards, with some of the best surfing taking place on the North Shore.
Hawaii is known for growing coffee, sugarcane, and fruits like pineapple, coconuts, and bananas. Traditional Hawaiian foods include kalua pig which is popular at luaus, and rice and poi which are commonly served alongside meat dishes.
The bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces on December 7, 1941 resulted in over 2,400 American deaths and the sinking of the USS Arizona, killing over 1,000 people on board. This surprise attack brought the United States into World War 2 and destroyed 188 American planes.