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* Hula Dancing
 Isabella M.
*Hula dancing is a type of
dance. Performances are a
  form of entertainment in
                   Hawaii .
*Hula girls wear leis and
             grass skirts.
*Hula dancing was developed
in Hawaii by the Polynesians
   as their way to tell stories.
*They never talk. And I think
           the hats are fuzzy.
*Even kids can do
       the hula.

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Editor's Notes

  • #3: Write a sentence or two to go with your picture here.
  • #4: Write a sentence or two to go with your picture here.
  • #5: Write a sentence or two to go with your picture here.
  • #6: Write a sentence or two to go with your picture here.
  • #7: Write a sentence or two to go with your picture here.