Halu is the Hawaiian word for surfing, which is most popular in Hawaii. This girl is surfing small beginner waves, while Pipeline in Oahu is famous for its shallow waves.
Hula dancing is a type of dance developed in Hawaii by Polynesians as a way to tell stories through performances considered a form of entertainment, with dancers wearing leis and grass skirts and even children able to participate in the hula.
Hula dancing originated in Hawaii as a way for Polynesians to tell stories through dance accompanied by chant or song, and has since developed into a form of entertainment where dancers wear colorful necklaces, bracelets, anklets and headpieces.
Hawaiian plants and flowers thrive in warm, shaded areas, including hibiscus which is the state flower, and exotic fruits are grown on trees and plants throughout Hawaii, while gingers, banana trees, tropical vines and flowers used in leis also flourish in the islands' climate.
The Hawaiian Islands consist of 8 islands located in the North Pacific Ocean, known for their tropical climate and natural beauty. Kauai is nicknamed the Garden Isle, home to pretty waterfalls. The islands feature many mountains and waterfalls throughout, with temperatures typically between 60 and 90 degrees.
This document discusses several ocean animals including dolphins that breathe air through a blow hole, the trigger fish being the state fish, sea turtles living in the Pacific Ocean, the endangered Hawaiian monk seal living near Hawaii, and the humpback whale being named Hawaii's state marine mammal in 1979.
Hawaii is home to some of the world's most frightening volcanoes. When the Hawaiian volcano goddess Pele is angry, the volcano erupts, spewing lava. As lava cools and hardens it becomes pumice, and sometimes a volcanic eruption can even build a new island by accumulating hardened lava. Pressure causes volcanic eruptions to occur.
Hawaiian leis are made from fresh tropical flowers, as Hawaii has many unusual tropical plants and flowers including the state flower, the hibiscus, and the state tree, the candlenut tree. There is also a variety of palm trees found on the island of Maui.
Menehunes are legendary little people from Hawaii who can be boys or girls and live hidden in the mountains, only allowing very special people to see them.
Este documento discute los riesgos asociados con el uso de Internet, particularmente para ni単os y adolescentes. Algunos de los riesgos incluyen el acceso a contenido inapropiado, la adicci坦n a Internet, y el ciberacoso. Tambi辿n se単ala que la falta de supervisi坦n de los padres puede dejar a los ni単os m叩s expuestos a estos peligros en la red.
A 鴛稼韓看姻馨温珂鱈糸庄温 foi criada em 2007 por Mar鱈lia Cardoso e oferece servi巽os de comunica巽達o para empresas, incluindo consultoria, assessoria de imprensa, treinamento de porta-vozes, gerenciamento de crise e conte炭do corporativo. A ag棚ncia trabalha para estabelecer seus clientes como fontes respeitadas pela m鱈dia atrav辿s de a巽探es inteligentes que fazem a liga巽達o entre eles e a imprensa.
El IES Cruz del Sur es un instituto inaugurado en 1999 con m叩s de 800 alumnos matriculados anualmente. Ofrece Educaci坦n Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato y Formaci坦n Profesional de grado medio y superior, as鱈 como formaci坦n de adultos vespertina. Cuenta con 20 familias profesionales y 6 departamentos did叩cticos formados por 152 profesores. Sus instalaciones incluyen aulas, laboratorios y zonas deportivas. Se encuentra en la Avda. Ant鱈podas.
Este documento presenta una propuesta para implementar una red inal叩mbrica para ELSAT suroriental utilizando tecnolog鱈a inal叩mbrica para eliminar el cableado y proporcionar mayor flexibilidad. Detalla los materiales necesarios como enrutadores satelitales, routers inal叩mbricos, tarjetas de red, repetidores, computadores e impresoras. Incluye planos del primer y segundo piso mostrando la ubicaci坦n de los equipos y conformaci坦n de las redes. Finalmente, presenta un presupuesto que asciende a $13,
The purpose of this paper is to stimulate debate on what makes for good monitoring. It draws on my reading of history and perceptions of current practice, in the development aid and a bit in the corporate sectors. I dwell on the history deliberately as it throws up some good practice and relevant lessons. This is particularly instructive regarding the resurgence of the aid industrys focus on results and recent claims about scant experience in involving intended beneficiaries and establishing feedback loops. The main audience I have in mind are not those associated with managing or carrying out evaluations. Rather, this paper is aimed at managers responsible for monitoring (be they directors in Ministries, managers in consulting companies, NGOs or civil servants in donor agencies who oversee programme implementation) and will improve a neglected area. (Daniel Ticehurst)
Este documento presenta las bases curriculares para la educaci坦n parvularia y b叩sica. Describe los elementos curriculares como aprendizajes esperados, orientaciones pedag坦gicas, estrategias did叩cticas y sugerencias de evaluaci坦n. Adem叩s, propone centrarse en potenciar las posibilidades de los estudiantes y darles un rol protag坦nico en sus aprendizajes basados en principios pedag坦gicos. Finalmente, detalla los ejes tem叩ticos y habilidades que se busca desarrollar en cada asignatura.
1) A VKKB program was held on November 14th, 2012 in Devarapalli to celebrate Children's Day and distribute scholarships to winners of a 5-year scholarship program.
2) 76 children from 38 schools took a final test to select winners, and a public function was held where the Mandal Development Officer and PARD founder spoke.
3) Photographs show the winners receiving gifts, certificates, and scholarships. The first place winner was Ch. Susmitha, and second place winners were K. Uma Veera Venkateswari and M. Anjali Devi Sri.
El oso pardo es el animal terrestre m叩s grande de la fauna ib辿rica. Actualmente vive en los bosques caducifolios de la Cordillera Cant叩brica y los Pirineos, donde se alimenta principalmente de frutos, brotes y tub辿rculos aunque tambi辿n come insectos, miel, setas, huevos y peces. Son dif鱈ciles de ver porque suelen huir del ser humano y pasan el invierno en letargo en cuevas o huecos de 叩rboles. La conservaci坦n de la especie requiere vigilancia de cazadores furtivos y prote
La misi坦n de la universidad es ofrecer educaci坦n superior de calidad para formar profesionales competentes que contribuyan a la construcci坦n de un pa鱈s justo y en paz. Su visi坦n es desarrollar programas de alta calidad con cobertura nacional e internacional. Los estudiantes deben cumplir con la constituci坦n, leyes y normas de la universidad, respetar su car叩cter cat坦lico y realizar trabajos de manera 辿tica y aut坦noma.
Lei da experi棚ncia profissional: uma lei inconstitucionalFlavio Farah
Este documento analisa a constitucionalidade da Lei 11.644/08, que pro鱈be empregadores de exigirem mais de 6 meses de experi棚ncia profissional dos candidatos. O autor argumenta que: 1) A lei n達o 辿 razo叩vel porque n達o h叩 evid棚ncias de que a exig棚ncia de experi棚ncia cause alto desemprego juvenil; 2) A lei n達o 辿 necess叩ria porque h叩 outras causas para o desemprego juvenil; 3) A lei n達o 辿 proporcional porque restringe desnecessariamente a liberdade de contrata巽達o das empresas. Portanto, a le
La provincia de Loja se ubica en el sur de la Cordillera ecuatoriana. Limita con las provincias de El Oro, Zamora Chinchipe y Azuay, as鱈 como con Per炭. Tiene una superficie de 11.027 km2 y su capital es la ciudad de Loja con aproximadamente 200.000 habitantes.
What's your State of Place? Boosting the triple bottom line + through walkabi...State of Place
The document discusses how the State of Place method can be used to quantify walkability and its relationship to economic outcomes. It describes how the State of Place index measures various dimensions of the built environment and uses these measurements to predict returns on investment from improvements to increase walkability. The results can help prioritize interventions and maximize benefits while balancing costs.
un modello di gestione della conoscenza basato sulle comunit di InnovatoriPA.it
Teoria cromosomica de la herencia (noveno)SVENSON ORTIZ
La hip坦tesis de Sutton y Boveri estableci坦 que los cromosomas portan los genes y que estos se transmiten de padres a hijos durante la reproducci坦n sexual. Morgan confirm坦 esta teor鱈a cromos坦mica de la herencia mediante experimentos con la mosca de la fruta Drosophila, mostrando que genes ligados en el mismo cromosoma tienden a heredarse juntos. Enfermedades como la hemofilia y el daltonismo se heredan ligadas al sexo debido a su ubicaci坦n en los cromosomas sexuales.
Cpd is presentation gxg stock exchange 15-02-13Yiannis Gedeon
The document discusses the GXG First Quote, an exchange primarily aimed at small and medium sized companies. It launched in August 2011 and as of February 2013 had 79 listed entities. The exchange has three tiers for companies at different stages: GXG Official List, GXG Main Quote, and GXG First Quote, which had 60 companies listed. The exchange underwent a rebranding in January 2013.
Este documento explica las caracter鱈sticas del verbo en espa単ol. Los verbos indican acciones y pueden estar en singular o plural para expresar una o m叩s personas que realizan la acci坦n. Tambi辿n tienen persona gramatical, siendo la primera cuando la acci坦n la realiza quien habla, la segunda cuando la realiza quien escucha, y la tercera cuando no se especifica qui辿n la realiza. Finalmente, existen formas no personales como el infinitivo, gerundio y participio.
Hawaiian plants and flowers grow best in warm, shaded areas and include the yellow hibiscus state flower as well as many other tropical plants and flowers that are often used to make fresh leis, an important Hawaiian tradition.
The document discusses several animals found in Hawaii, including the liwi and nene birds native to Hawaii, with the nene also being the Hawaiian state bird, as well as mentioning a baby monkey, the Indian mongoose sometimes called the Hawaiian squirrel, and the gold dust day gecko that can be found in trees and houses.
Hawaiian luaus are Hawaiian feasts where hula dancing takes place as part of celebrations and parties, with hula dancing being a common activity at luaus in Hawaii.
Menehunes are legendary little people from Hawaii who can be boys or girls and live hidden in the mountains, only allowing very special people to see them.
Este documento discute los riesgos asociados con el uso de Internet, particularmente para ni単os y adolescentes. Algunos de los riesgos incluyen el acceso a contenido inapropiado, la adicci坦n a Internet, y el ciberacoso. Tambi辿n se単ala que la falta de supervisi坦n de los padres puede dejar a los ni単os m叩s expuestos a estos peligros en la red.
A 鴛稼韓看姻馨温珂鱈糸庄温 foi criada em 2007 por Mar鱈lia Cardoso e oferece servi巽os de comunica巽達o para empresas, incluindo consultoria, assessoria de imprensa, treinamento de porta-vozes, gerenciamento de crise e conte炭do corporativo. A ag棚ncia trabalha para estabelecer seus clientes como fontes respeitadas pela m鱈dia atrav辿s de a巽探es inteligentes que fazem a liga巽達o entre eles e a imprensa.
El IES Cruz del Sur es un instituto inaugurado en 1999 con m叩s de 800 alumnos matriculados anualmente. Ofrece Educaci坦n Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato y Formaci坦n Profesional de grado medio y superior, as鱈 como formaci坦n de adultos vespertina. Cuenta con 20 familias profesionales y 6 departamentos did叩cticos formados por 152 profesores. Sus instalaciones incluyen aulas, laboratorios y zonas deportivas. Se encuentra en la Avda. Ant鱈podas.
Este documento presenta una propuesta para implementar una red inal叩mbrica para ELSAT suroriental utilizando tecnolog鱈a inal叩mbrica para eliminar el cableado y proporcionar mayor flexibilidad. Detalla los materiales necesarios como enrutadores satelitales, routers inal叩mbricos, tarjetas de red, repetidores, computadores e impresoras. Incluye planos del primer y segundo piso mostrando la ubicaci坦n de los equipos y conformaci坦n de las redes. Finalmente, presenta un presupuesto que asciende a $13,
The purpose of this paper is to stimulate debate on what makes for good monitoring. It draws on my reading of history and perceptions of current practice, in the development aid and a bit in the corporate sectors. I dwell on the history deliberately as it throws up some good practice and relevant lessons. This is particularly instructive regarding the resurgence of the aid industrys focus on results and recent claims about scant experience in involving intended beneficiaries and establishing feedback loops. The main audience I have in mind are not those associated with managing or carrying out evaluations. Rather, this paper is aimed at managers responsible for monitoring (be they directors in Ministries, managers in consulting companies, NGOs or civil servants in donor agencies who oversee programme implementation) and will improve a neglected area. (Daniel Ticehurst)
Este documento presenta las bases curriculares para la educaci坦n parvularia y b叩sica. Describe los elementos curriculares como aprendizajes esperados, orientaciones pedag坦gicas, estrategias did叩cticas y sugerencias de evaluaci坦n. Adem叩s, propone centrarse en potenciar las posibilidades de los estudiantes y darles un rol protag坦nico en sus aprendizajes basados en principios pedag坦gicos. Finalmente, detalla los ejes tem叩ticos y habilidades que se busca desarrollar en cada asignatura.
1) A VKKB program was held on November 14th, 2012 in Devarapalli to celebrate Children's Day and distribute scholarships to winners of a 5-year scholarship program.
2) 76 children from 38 schools took a final test to select winners, and a public function was held where the Mandal Development Officer and PARD founder spoke.
3) Photographs show the winners receiving gifts, certificates, and scholarships. The first place winner was Ch. Susmitha, and second place winners were K. Uma Veera Venkateswari and M. Anjali Devi Sri.
El oso pardo es el animal terrestre m叩s grande de la fauna ib辿rica. Actualmente vive en los bosques caducifolios de la Cordillera Cant叩brica y los Pirineos, donde se alimenta principalmente de frutos, brotes y tub辿rculos aunque tambi辿n come insectos, miel, setas, huevos y peces. Son dif鱈ciles de ver porque suelen huir del ser humano y pasan el invierno en letargo en cuevas o huecos de 叩rboles. La conservaci坦n de la especie requiere vigilancia de cazadores furtivos y prote
La misi坦n de la universidad es ofrecer educaci坦n superior de calidad para formar profesionales competentes que contribuyan a la construcci坦n de un pa鱈s justo y en paz. Su visi坦n es desarrollar programas de alta calidad con cobertura nacional e internacional. Los estudiantes deben cumplir con la constituci坦n, leyes y normas de la universidad, respetar su car叩cter cat坦lico y realizar trabajos de manera 辿tica y aut坦noma.
Lei da experi棚ncia profissional: uma lei inconstitucionalFlavio Farah
Este documento analisa a constitucionalidade da Lei 11.644/08, que pro鱈be empregadores de exigirem mais de 6 meses de experi棚ncia profissional dos candidatos. O autor argumenta que: 1) A lei n達o 辿 razo叩vel porque n達o h叩 evid棚ncias de que a exig棚ncia de experi棚ncia cause alto desemprego juvenil; 2) A lei n達o 辿 necess叩ria porque h叩 outras causas para o desemprego juvenil; 3) A lei n達o 辿 proporcional porque restringe desnecessariamente a liberdade de contrata巽達o das empresas. Portanto, a le
La provincia de Loja se ubica en el sur de la Cordillera ecuatoriana. Limita con las provincias de El Oro, Zamora Chinchipe y Azuay, as鱈 como con Per炭. Tiene una superficie de 11.027 km2 y su capital es la ciudad de Loja con aproximadamente 200.000 habitantes.
What's your State of Place? Boosting the triple bottom line + through walkabi...State of Place
The document discusses how the State of Place method can be used to quantify walkability and its relationship to economic outcomes. It describes how the State of Place index measures various dimensions of the built environment and uses these measurements to predict returns on investment from improvements to increase walkability. The results can help prioritize interventions and maximize benefits while balancing costs.
un modello di gestione della conoscenza basato sulle comunit di InnovatoriPA.it
Teoria cromosomica de la herencia (noveno)SVENSON ORTIZ
La hip坦tesis de Sutton y Boveri estableci坦 que los cromosomas portan los genes y que estos se transmiten de padres a hijos durante la reproducci坦n sexual. Morgan confirm坦 esta teor鱈a cromos坦mica de la herencia mediante experimentos con la mosca de la fruta Drosophila, mostrando que genes ligados en el mismo cromosoma tienden a heredarse juntos. Enfermedades como la hemofilia y el daltonismo se heredan ligadas al sexo debido a su ubicaci坦n en los cromosomas sexuales.
Cpd is presentation gxg stock exchange 15-02-13Yiannis Gedeon
The document discusses the GXG First Quote, an exchange primarily aimed at small and medium sized companies. It launched in August 2011 and as of February 2013 had 79 listed entities. The exchange has three tiers for companies at different stages: GXG Official List, GXG Main Quote, and GXG First Quote, which had 60 companies listed. The exchange underwent a rebranding in January 2013.
Este documento explica las caracter鱈sticas del verbo en espa単ol. Los verbos indican acciones y pueden estar en singular o plural para expresar una o m叩s personas que realizan la acci坦n. Tambi辿n tienen persona gramatical, siendo la primera cuando la acci坦n la realiza quien habla, la segunda cuando la realiza quien escucha, y la tercera cuando no se especifica qui辿n la realiza. Finalmente, existen formas no personales como el infinitivo, gerundio y participio.
Hawaiian plants and flowers grow best in warm, shaded areas and include the yellow hibiscus state flower as well as many other tropical plants and flowers that are often used to make fresh leis, an important Hawaiian tradition.
The document discusses several animals found in Hawaii, including the liwi and nene birds native to Hawaii, with the nene also being the Hawaiian state bird, as well as mentioning a baby monkey, the Indian mongoose sometimes called the Hawaiian squirrel, and the gold dust day gecko that can be found in trees and houses.
Hawaiian luaus are Hawaiian feasts where hula dancing takes place as part of celebrations and parties, with hula dancing being a common activity at luaus in Hawaii.
Dolphins breathe through blowholes on their back and are playful, manta rays do not have stingers, and seals give birth and care for their young like mammals despite living in the ocean.
Kamehameha was the first king of the Kingdom of Hawaii who ruled for many years and had a big palace; his name means "the lonely one" and June 11th is observed as Kamehameha Day, a public holiday in Hawaii in his honor.
Hawaii is known for its palm trees, beautiful sunsets, and white sand beaches like Waikiki. There are beaches with different colored sands such as black sand beaches which are made from crushed lava, and some have unusual names like Toilet Bowl.
The USS Arizona was a battleship that was bombed at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, resulting in 1,177 men dying and only 334 surviving the attack. The USS Arizona remains located at Pearl Harbor on Oahu as a memorial to those lost in the attack.
The document discusses several land animals native to the Hawaiian Islands, including bats, caterpillars, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. It notes that the Hawaiian Islands are home to five species of amphibians and 28 species of reptiles. It also states that the Hawaiian hawk is only found on the Hawaiian Islands and many native Hawaiian birds are endangered.
King Kamehameha had a big palace and was a good ruler of Hawaii. On June 11th, which is King Kamehameha Day, people in Hawaii celebrate with a parade in Honolulu and place leis on a statue of King Kamehameha to honor him as the lonely, but powerful, ruler who united the Hawaiian islands.
Surfing is a challenging activity where some surfers are very skilled at riding huge waves using modern shorter surf boards, with some of the best surfing taking place on the North Shore.
Hawaii is known for growing coffee, sugarcane, and fruits like pineapple, coconuts, and bananas. Traditional Hawaiian foods include kalua pig which is popular at luaus, and rice and poi which are commonly served alongside meat dishes.
The bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces on December 7, 1941 resulted in over 2,400 American deaths and the sinking of the USS Arizona, killing over 1,000 people on board. This surprise attack brought the United States into World War 2 and destroyed 188 American planes.
This short document describes a luau, which is a Hawaiian feast. It mentions that boys play with fire on sticks and girls and boys dance together at the luau. Girls are also shown getting ready to hula dance as part of the festivities.
This document describes the Menehunes, mythical creatures from Hawaiian folklore who were said to be master builders. They lived in caves and were very strong, building an entire city, though they were also shy and only worked at night due to their short stature. They enjoyed making pineapple bread pudding in their spare time.
Hawaii has warm water and beautiful beaches where people enjoy splashing in the water, with seashells of many sizes and colors found in the sand that people make into necklaces.
Hawaii is known for growing tropical fruits like bananas, pineapples, and coconuts, as well as macadamia nuts. Sugar cane is grown on Maui and Kauai, and Hawaii produces one third of the world's pineapples. Hawaii is also the only state that grows coffee commercially.