Hawaiian plants and flowers grow best in warm, shaded areas and include the yellow hibiscus state flower as well as many other tropical plants and flowers that are often used to make fresh leis, an important Hawaiian tradition.
Hawaiian leis are made from fresh tropical flowers, as Hawaii has many unusual tropical plants and flowers including the state flower, the hibiscus, and the state tree, the candlenut tree. There is also a variety of palm trees found on the island of Maui.
Hawaii has many beautiful flowers that attract butterflies for their nectar, as well as various palm trees like the thorny Kiawe tree on Maui. There are also many unusual tropical plants in Hawaii, including endangered flowers.
Hawaiian plants and flowers thrive in warm, shaded areas, including hibiscus which is the state flower, and exotic fruits are grown on trees and plants throughout Hawaii, while gingers, banana trees, tropical vines and flowers used in leis also flourish in the islands' climate.
The poem describes the "12 Days of Recycling", where on each successive day Mrs. Cole gives the speaker a different quantity and type of recycled materials, including magazines, plastic bags, paper caps, bottle caps, pop cans, paper napkins, cardboard boxes, empty milk jugs, piles of paper, food containers, plastic bottles, and plastic containers.
The document describes a poem called "The 12 Days of Recycling" where on each of the 12 days, Mrs. Cole gives the narrator a different recycled item, ranging from magazines on the first day to plastic containers on the twelfth day, highlighting the variety of materials that can be recycled.
The poem describes the "12 Days of Recycling," where on each successive day Mrs. Cole gives the speaker a different type of recyclable material, including magazines, plastic bags, paper cups, bottle caps, pop cans, paper napkins, cardboard boxes, empty milk jugs, piles of paper, food containers, plastic bottles, and plastic containers. The poem follows the structure and rhythm of the traditional Christmas carol "The 12 Days of Christmas."
Menehunes were mythical little people in Hawaiian legends who were said to be only 3 feet tall, nocturnal, and able to perform great feats of engineering and construction through their magic arrows and skills as workers and craftspeople, though they avoided contact with humans and did not wish to be seen.
Eighth grade students learned Computer Aided Design software to create additions to the city of Gladstone as part of its 20 year plan, with projects including a skate park, fountain, hotel, cafe, bakery, mini golf course, and aquarium designed by individual students.
Students discussed how groups influence adolescent behavior and brainstormed how bystanders can help or worsen cyberbullying situations. They then created cartoons depicting ways that bystanders can help stop cyberbullying.
The poem describes the 12 days of recycling, where Mrs. Cole gives various recyclable items to the narrator each day, including magazines, plastic bags, paper cups, bottle caps, pop cans, paper napkins, cardboard boxes, empty milk jugs, piles of paper, food containers, plastic bottles, and plastic containers.
The poem describes Mrs. Cole giving various recycled items to the speaker over 12 days, with a different number of items corresponding to the day of recycling. On each successive day, Mrs. Cole provides magazines, plastic bags, paper cups, bottle caps, pop cans, paper napkins, cardboard boxes, empty milk jugs, piles of paper, food containers, plastic bottles, and finally plastic containers.
The document summarizes the Bill of Rights in simpler language. It rewrites each of the first ten amendments to the US Constitution in more accessible terms. For each amendment, it provides a short summary of the rights protected, followed by a suggested image to illustrate the amendment and the image's source URL. The summaries are intended to explain to a broader audience the key freedoms and protections guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, sinking the USS Arizona and killing over 1000 people on board. Pearl Harbor is located near the island of Oahu in Hawaii and is named for the pearl oysters that were once abundant in the area. The Japanese surprised the United States with the attack at Pearl Harbor.
Hawaiian luaus are Hawaiian feasts where hula dancing takes place as part of celebrations and parties, with hula dancing being a common activity at luaus in Hawaii.
Dolphins breathe through blowholes on their back and are playful, manta rays do not have stingers, and seals give birth and care for their young like mammals despite living in the ocean.
First grade students in Kansas City studied local landmarks as part of their social studies class. After researching and writing about famous Kansas City landmarks, the students drew pictures of each landmark using Paint software. They also learned how to add text to their drawings using the text tool in Paint.
Sugar cane was discovered by Christopher Columbus and needs a tropical or temperate climate to grow; it is harvested by chopping down the stems but leaving the roots to regrow, and sugar cane is grown in 110 countries around the world.
The document summarizes the Bill of Rights in simpler language for children. It covers the first ten amendments:
1) Congress cannot stop your religion, speech, or ability to ask them to change things.
2) Congress cannot stop people from owning weapons to protect themselves.
3) Nobody can search your property without a good reason approved by a judge.
4) Soldiers are not allowed in your house without permission.
5) You cannot be tried twice for the same crime or be forced to testify against yourself.
6) You have rights to a speedy and public trial with help from a lawyer.
7) You have the right to a jury trial in civil cases too
This document discusses several ocean animals including dolphins that breathe air through a blow hole, the trigger fish being the state fish, sea turtles living in the Pacific Ocean, the endangered Hawaiian monk seal living near Hawaii, and the humpback whale being named Hawaii's state marine mammal in 1979.
The document discusses several animals found in Hawaii, including the liwi and nene birds native to Hawaii, with the nene also being the Hawaiian state bird, as well as mentioning a baby monkey, the Indian mongoose sometimes called the Hawaiian squirrel, and the gold dust day gecko that can be found in trees and houses.
Menehunes are legendary little people from Hawaii who can be boys or girls and live hidden in the mountains, only allowing very special people to see them.
Kamehameha was the first king of the Kingdom of Hawaii who ruled for many years and had a big palace; his name means "the lonely one" and June 11th is observed as Kamehameha Day, a public holiday in Hawaii in his honor.
Hawaii is known for its palm trees, beautiful sunsets, and white sand beaches like Waikiki. There are beaches with different colored sands such as black sand beaches which are made from crushed lava, and some have unusual names like Toilet Bowl.
Hula dancing originated in Hawaii as a way for Polynesians to tell stories through dance accompanied by chant or song, and has since developed into a form of entertainment where dancers wear colorful necklaces, bracelets, anklets and headpieces.
The USS Arizona was a battleship that was bombed at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, resulting in 1,177 men dying and only 334 surviving the attack. The USS Arizona remains located at Pearl Harbor on Oahu as a memorial to those lost in the attack.
Hula dancing is a type of dance developed in Hawaii by Polynesians as a way to tell stories through performances considered a form of entertainment, with dancers wearing leis and grass skirts and even children able to participate in the hula.
Halu is the Hawaiian word for surfing, which is most popular in Hawaii. This girl is surfing small beginner waves, while Pipeline in Oahu is famous for its shallow waves.
The document discusses several land animals native to the Hawaiian Islands, including bats, caterpillars, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. It notes that the Hawaiian Islands are home to five species of amphibians and 28 species of reptiles. It also states that the Hawaiian hawk is only found on the Hawaiian Islands and many native Hawaiian birds are endangered.
Students discussed how groups influence adolescent behavior and brainstormed how bystanders can help or worsen cyberbullying situations. They then created cartoons depicting ways that bystanders can help stop cyberbullying.
The poem describes the 12 days of recycling, where Mrs. Cole gives various recyclable items to the narrator each day, including magazines, plastic bags, paper cups, bottle caps, pop cans, paper napkins, cardboard boxes, empty milk jugs, piles of paper, food containers, plastic bottles, and plastic containers.
The poem describes Mrs. Cole giving various recycled items to the speaker over 12 days, with a different number of items corresponding to the day of recycling. On each successive day, Mrs. Cole provides magazines, plastic bags, paper cups, bottle caps, pop cans, paper napkins, cardboard boxes, empty milk jugs, piles of paper, food containers, plastic bottles, and finally plastic containers.
The document summarizes the Bill of Rights in simpler language. It rewrites each of the first ten amendments to the US Constitution in more accessible terms. For each amendment, it provides a short summary of the rights protected, followed by a suggested image to illustrate the amendment and the image's source URL. The summaries are intended to explain to a broader audience the key freedoms and protections guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, sinking the USS Arizona and killing over 1000 people on board. Pearl Harbor is located near the island of Oahu in Hawaii and is named for the pearl oysters that were once abundant in the area. The Japanese surprised the United States with the attack at Pearl Harbor.
Hawaiian luaus are Hawaiian feasts where hula dancing takes place as part of celebrations and parties, with hula dancing being a common activity at luaus in Hawaii.
Dolphins breathe through blowholes on their back and are playful, manta rays do not have stingers, and seals give birth and care for their young like mammals despite living in the ocean.
First grade students in Kansas City studied local landmarks as part of their social studies class. After researching and writing about famous Kansas City landmarks, the students drew pictures of each landmark using Paint software. They also learned how to add text to their drawings using the text tool in Paint.
Sugar cane was discovered by Christopher Columbus and needs a tropical or temperate climate to grow; it is harvested by chopping down the stems but leaving the roots to regrow, and sugar cane is grown in 110 countries around the world.
The document summarizes the Bill of Rights in simpler language for children. It covers the first ten amendments:
1) Congress cannot stop your religion, speech, or ability to ask them to change things.
2) Congress cannot stop people from owning weapons to protect themselves.
3) Nobody can search your property without a good reason approved by a judge.
4) Soldiers are not allowed in your house without permission.
5) You cannot be tried twice for the same crime or be forced to testify against yourself.
6) You have rights to a speedy and public trial with help from a lawyer.
7) You have the right to a jury trial in civil cases too
This document discusses several ocean animals including dolphins that breathe air through a blow hole, the trigger fish being the state fish, sea turtles living in the Pacific Ocean, the endangered Hawaiian monk seal living near Hawaii, and the humpback whale being named Hawaii's state marine mammal in 1979.
The document discusses several animals found in Hawaii, including the liwi and nene birds native to Hawaii, with the nene also being the Hawaiian state bird, as well as mentioning a baby monkey, the Indian mongoose sometimes called the Hawaiian squirrel, and the gold dust day gecko that can be found in trees and houses.
Menehunes are legendary little people from Hawaii who can be boys or girls and live hidden in the mountains, only allowing very special people to see them.
Kamehameha was the first king of the Kingdom of Hawaii who ruled for many years and had a big palace; his name means "the lonely one" and June 11th is observed as Kamehameha Day, a public holiday in Hawaii in his honor.
Hawaii is known for its palm trees, beautiful sunsets, and white sand beaches like Waikiki. There are beaches with different colored sands such as black sand beaches which are made from crushed lava, and some have unusual names like Toilet Bowl.
Hula dancing originated in Hawaii as a way for Polynesians to tell stories through dance accompanied by chant or song, and has since developed into a form of entertainment where dancers wear colorful necklaces, bracelets, anklets and headpieces.
The USS Arizona was a battleship that was bombed at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, resulting in 1,177 men dying and only 334 surviving the attack. The USS Arizona remains located at Pearl Harbor on Oahu as a memorial to those lost in the attack.
Hula dancing is a type of dance developed in Hawaii by Polynesians as a way to tell stories through performances considered a form of entertainment, with dancers wearing leis and grass skirts and even children able to participate in the hula.
Halu is the Hawaiian word for surfing, which is most popular in Hawaii. This girl is surfing small beginner waves, while Pipeline in Oahu is famous for its shallow waves.
The document discusses several land animals native to the Hawaiian Islands, including bats, caterpillars, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. It notes that the Hawaiian Islands are home to five species of amphibians and 28 species of reptiles. It also states that the Hawaiian hawk is only found on the Hawaiian Islands and many native Hawaiian birds are endangered.
King Kamehameha had a big palace and was a good ruler of Hawaii. On June 11th, which is King Kamehameha Day, people in Hawaii celebrate with a parade in Honolulu and place leis on a statue of King Kamehameha to honor him as the lonely, but powerful, ruler who united the Hawaiian islands.
Surfing is a challenging activity where some surfers are very skilled at riding huge waves using modern shorter surf boards, with some of the best surfing taking place on the North Shore.
Hawaii is known for growing coffee, sugarcane, and fruits like pineapple, coconuts, and bananas. Traditional Hawaiian foods include kalua pig which is popular at luaus, and rice and poi which are commonly served alongside meat dishes.
The bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces on December 7, 1941 resulted in over 2,400 American deaths and the sinking of the USS Arizona, killing over 1,000 people on board. This surprise attack brought the United States into World War 2 and destroyed 188 American planes.
The Hawaiian Islands consist of 8 islands located in the North Pacific Ocean, known for their tropical climate and natural beauty. Kauai is nicknamed the Garden Isle, home to pretty waterfalls. The islands feature many mountains and waterfalls throughout, with temperatures typically between 60 and 90 degrees.
This short document describes a luau, which is a Hawaiian feast. It mentions that boys play with fire on sticks and girls and boys dance together at the luau. Girls are also shown getting ready to hula dance as part of the festivities.
Hawaii is home to some of the world's most frightening volcanoes. When the Hawaiian volcano goddess Pele is angry, the volcano erupts, spewing lava. As lava cools and hardens it becomes pumice, and sometimes a volcanic eruption can even build a new island by accumulating hardened lava. Pressure causes volcanic eruptions to occur.
This document describes the Menehunes, mythical creatures from Hawaiian folklore who were said to be master builders. They lived in caves and were very strong, building an entire city, though they were also shy and only worked at night due to their short stature. They enjoyed making pineapple bread pudding in their spare time.
Hawaii has warm water and beautiful beaches where people enjoy splashing in the water, with seashells of many sizes and colors found in the sand that people make into necklaces.