Универсальные законы формальной композиции или Битва скорпиона и панды против...UXkonturДоклад Маши Ковалевой на конференции UWDC, 2012 год. Видео: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjcWIReMlaM
Facebook issuesIrwan John ImbayanThis document discusses issues related to Facebook use, including addiction, influences, and loose privacy rights. It notes that Facebook can be addictive and influence users in both positive and negative ways. Additionally, it warns that sharing personal information on Facebook could compromise users' privacy over time as information is cached and stored. The conclusion advises users to consider how their actions on Facebook could affect their identity and be perceived by others, both now and in the future, and that technology does not absolve people of responsibility over the information they choose to share.
Taking records management through changing timesJohn DaviesThe document discusses the challenges of managing records through organizational mergers and acquisitions based on the author's experience with two major mergers of pharmaceutical companies in 1995 and 2000. It provides tips for records managers going through mergers, including balancing legacy management with planning for the future, engaging with people, and focusing on consolidation and standardization of policies and systems.
MI za IM žalbabrane29MI za IM vs. Grad, o pravu javnosti na pristup informacijama i obvezi grada da bitnosti ažurira na svojim službenim stranicama, dobila je ozbiljnije obrise. Naš član i odvjetnik Krešimir Šušnjar poslao je žalbu Agenciji za zaštitu osobnih podataka:
Cambio en los comprobantes de pago 156 2013Positiva SegurosEste documento modifica el Reglamento de Comprobantes de Pago y otras resoluciones relacionadas con los requisitos de facturas, boletas, notas de crédito y débito, y guías de remisión. Ahora se requiere que estos documentos incluyan el domicilio fiscal del emisor en lugar de la dirección de la casa matriz. También se aclara que la existencia de estos documentos depende de la autorización de impresión de la SUNAT y que su uso después de ser dados de baja constituye una infracción.
“Creative Partnerships” by Steve Grantham, Director of Operations, Up With TreesRails-To-Trails ConservancySteve Grantham, Director of Operations, Up With Trees, discusses a collaborative approach to fundraising at the 2013 ACTrees Day.
La publiciteMagdalena SviriniucHaiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations, which can be shared on ݺߣShare. In just 3 sentences, it promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations and publishing them to ݺߣShare.
20150414 fillVanessa van AttenIntervention devant le groupe de travail Fill-Lecture publique du 14 avril 2015.
Software colaborativo jose valoyesjosevaloyEl documento habla sobre el software colaborativo o groupware, que permite que múltiples usuarios trabajen en un mismo proyecto desde diferentes estaciones de trabajo conectadas a través de una red. Describe ejemplos como herramientas de conferencia para compartir información de forma síncrona y herramientas de gestión colaborativa para facilitar las actividades del grupo. También discute ventajas como mejorar la comunicación y productividad, y desventajas como limitaciones en la comunicación interactiva y posible resistencia durante la implementación.
Cognitive Computing & Schule / re:publica2015 / @markusmatharMarkus MatharKünstliche kognitive Systeme wie IBM Watson werden die Arbeitswelt umwälzen, wie es in ähnlicher Weise schon einmal in der industriellen Revolution geschah. Nur wesentlich schneller. Und es wird den Menschen diesmal auf seinem ureigensten Territorium treffen: bei der Denkarbeit. Wenn wir diesem Wandel gewachsen sein, ihn wirtschaftlich überleben wollen, müssen wir diejenigen darauf vorbereiten, die in den nächsten Jahrzehnten ins arbeitsfähige Alter kommen. Das sind die Schüler von heute.
Vortrag auf der re:publica 2015: https://goo.gl/lpm33P
Mohamed Mansoor ElakiMohamed ElakiMohamed Mansoor Elaki N is seeking a job to utilize his 2 years of experience in maintaining electrical and mechanical parts like DG, transformers, AHU, and control panels. He has a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and certifications in automation engineering and safety. His objective is to enhance his professional skills and efficiently serve an organization with determination and commitment.
¿Qué es el Social Media?Sofía GalloPresentación sobre qué es el Social Media y cómo se hace.
Eval Q.3EsuryushinDaniel received feedback on a music video he produced that provided both positive and constructive criticism. The feedback praised aspects like the cinematography and unique location choice. However, it also pointed out that some camera shots were too shaky. Daniel used handheld shots intentionally to convey instability, but the feedback suggested toning it down. The feedback also expanded Daniel's understanding of his audience, showing that the story could appeal to a wider demographic than he expected. Overall, the feedback helped Daniel analyze what worked well and how to improve future videos.
Alsa presentationIrwan John ImbayanThe Asian Law Students' Association (ALSA) is a non-political student organization with members from 11 Asian countries and observers from 3 others that was founded in Malaysia in 2011. ALSA Malaysia comprises over 600 members across local chapters at multiple universities. Upcoming events highlighted include a local forum on rights in crisis, a study trip from ALSA Brunei to ALSA UniSZA, the ALSA Annual Forum in the Philippines in July, and study trips to Japan, Vietnam, and Singapore in August.
Facebook issuesIrwan John ImbayanThis document discusses issues related to Facebook use, including addiction, influences, and loose privacy rights. It notes that Facebook can be addictive and influence users in both positive and negative ways. Additionally, it warns that sharing personal information on Facebook could compromise users' privacy over time as information is cached and stored. The conclusion advises users to consider how their actions on Facebook could affect their identity and be perceived by others, both now and in the future, and that technology does not absolve people of responsibility over the information they choose to share.
Taking records management through changing timesJohn DaviesThe document discusses the challenges of managing records through organizational mergers and acquisitions based on the author's experience with two major mergers of pharmaceutical companies in 1995 and 2000. It provides tips for records managers going through mergers, including balancing legacy management with planning for the future, engaging with people, and focusing on consolidation and standardization of policies and systems.
MI za IM žalbabrane29MI za IM vs. Grad, o pravu javnosti na pristup informacijama i obvezi grada da bitnosti ažurira na svojim službenim stranicama, dobila je ozbiljnije obrise. Naš član i odvjetnik Krešimir Šušnjar poslao je žalbu Agenciji za zaštitu osobnih podataka:
Cambio en los comprobantes de pago 156 2013Positiva SegurosEste documento modifica el Reglamento de Comprobantes de Pago y otras resoluciones relacionadas con los requisitos de facturas, boletas, notas de crédito y débito, y guías de remisión. Ahora se requiere que estos documentos incluyan el domicilio fiscal del emisor en lugar de la dirección de la casa matriz. También se aclara que la existencia de estos documentos depende de la autorización de impresión de la SUNAT y que su uso después de ser dados de baja constituye una infracción.
“Creative Partnerships” by Steve Grantham, Director of Operations, Up With TreesRails-To-Trails ConservancySteve Grantham, Director of Operations, Up With Trees, discusses a collaborative approach to fundraising at the 2013 ACTrees Day.
La publiciteMagdalena SviriniucHaiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations, which can be shared on ݺߣShare. In just 3 sentences, it promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations and publishing them to ݺߣShare.
20150414 fillVanessa van AttenIntervention devant le groupe de travail Fill-Lecture publique du 14 avril 2015.
Software colaborativo jose valoyesjosevaloyEl documento habla sobre el software colaborativo o groupware, que permite que múltiples usuarios trabajen en un mismo proyecto desde diferentes estaciones de trabajo conectadas a través de una red. Describe ejemplos como herramientas de conferencia para compartir información de forma síncrona y herramientas de gestión colaborativa para facilitar las actividades del grupo. También discute ventajas como mejorar la comunicación y productividad, y desventajas como limitaciones en la comunicación interactiva y posible resistencia durante la implementación.
Cognitive Computing & Schule / re:publica2015 / @markusmatharMarkus MatharKünstliche kognitive Systeme wie IBM Watson werden die Arbeitswelt umwälzen, wie es in ähnlicher Weise schon einmal in der industriellen Revolution geschah. Nur wesentlich schneller. Und es wird den Menschen diesmal auf seinem ureigensten Territorium treffen: bei der Denkarbeit. Wenn wir diesem Wandel gewachsen sein, ihn wirtschaftlich überleben wollen, müssen wir diejenigen darauf vorbereiten, die in den nächsten Jahrzehnten ins arbeitsfähige Alter kommen. Das sind die Schüler von heute.
Vortrag auf der re:publica 2015: https://goo.gl/lpm33P
Mohamed Mansoor ElakiMohamed ElakiMohamed Mansoor Elaki N is seeking a job to utilize his 2 years of experience in maintaining electrical and mechanical parts like DG, transformers, AHU, and control panels. He has a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and certifications in automation engineering and safety. His objective is to enhance his professional skills and efficiently serve an organization with determination and commitment.
¿Qué es el Social Media?Sofía GalloPresentación sobre qué es el Social Media y cómo se hace.
Eval Q.3EsuryushinDaniel received feedback on a music video he produced that provided both positive and constructive criticism. The feedback praised aspects like the cinematography and unique location choice. However, it also pointed out that some camera shots were too shaky. Daniel used handheld shots intentionally to convey instability, but the feedback suggested toning it down. The feedback also expanded Daniel's understanding of his audience, showing that the story could appeal to a wider demographic than he expected. Overall, the feedback helped Daniel analyze what worked well and how to improve future videos.
Alsa presentationIrwan John ImbayanThe Asian Law Students' Association (ALSA) is a non-political student organization with members from 11 Asian countries and observers from 3 others that was founded in Malaysia in 2011. ALSA Malaysia comprises over 600 members across local chapters at multiple universities. Upcoming events highlighted include a local forum on rights in crisis, a study trip from ALSA Brunei to ALSA UniSZA, the ALSA Annual Forum in the Philippines in July, and study trips to Japan, Vietnam, and Singapore in August.
1. (от греч. parallelos — параллельный и gramme —
линия), четырехугольник, у которого стороны
попарно параллельны. Частные виды
параллелограммов: прямоугольник, ромб.