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MAH_4.2 Mozart.pptx
Born: January
27, 1756
Getreidegasse 9
in Salzburg.
Anna Maria,
n辿e Pertl
Wife: Maria
C辰cilia Josepha
Johanna Aloysia
Mozart (n辿e
had six
of whom
only two
Raimund Leopold (17 June  19
August 1783)
Karl Thomas Mozart (21 September
1784  31 October 1858)
Johann Thomas Leopold (18 October
 15 November 1786)
Theresia Constanzia Adelheid
Friedericke Maria Anna (27 December
1787  29 June 1788)
Anna Maria (b/d 16 November 1789)
Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart (26 July
1791  29 July 1844)
He was the
youngest of
children, five
of whom died
in infancy
Mozart was
baptized the day
after his birth, at
St. Rupert's
Cathedral in
The baptismal
record gives his
name in Latinized
form, as Joannes
He was a prolific
and influential
composer of the
Classical period.
Maria Anna
"Nannerl Mozart, his
sister, said, In the
fourth year of his age
his father, for a game
as it were, began to
teach him a few
minuets and pieces at
the clavier.
At three he was
picking out
chords on the
harpsichord, at
four playing
short pieces, at
five composing.
He could play it
faultlessly and
with the greatest
delicacy, and
keeping exactly
in time.
At the age of five,
he was already
composing little
pieces, which he
played to his
father who wrote
them down.
In his early years,
Wolfgang's father
was his only
teacher. Along with
music, he taught
his children
languages and
academic subjects.
His first ink-
composition and his
precocious efforts
with the violin were
of his initiative and
came as a surprise
to Leopold,
While Wolfgang
was young, his
family made
several European
journeys in which
he and Nannerl
performed as child
The siblings
traveled to the
courts of Paris,
London, The
Hague, and Zurich.
During this trip,
Wolfgang met
many musicians
and acquainted
himself with the
works of other
When he was
eight years old,
Mozart wrote his
first symphony,
most of which
was probably
transcribed by
his father.
The family
again went to
Vienna in late
1767 and
remained there
until December
After one year in
Salzburg, Leopold
and Wolfgang set off
for Italy, leaving Anna
Maria and Nannerl at
home. This tour
lasted from
December 1769 to
March 1771.
The Italian outing was
longer than the others
(1769-1771) as
Leopold wanted to
display his sons
abilities as a
performer and
composer to as many
new audiences as
The first tour, begun on
December 13, 1769, and
lasting 15 months, took
them to all the main
musical centers, but as
usual they paused at any
town where a concert
could be given or a
nobleman might want to
hear Mozart play.
Mozart heard the
Sistine Choir in the
famous Miserere of
Gregorio Allegri
(15821652), which
was considered the
choirs exclusive
preserve but which
Mozart copied out from
He wrote out
the entire score
from memory,
returning only
to correct a few
minor errors.
Back in Salzburg,
Mozart had a prolific
spell: he wrote eight
symphonies, four
several substantial
sacred works, and an
allegorical serenata,
Il sogno di Scipione.
Probably intended as a
tribute to the Salzburg
prince-archbishop, Count
Schrattenbach, this work
may not have been given
until the spring of 1772, and
then for his successor
Hieronymus, Count
Colloredo; Schrattenbach, a
tolerant employer generous
in allowing leave, died at the
end of 1771.
The third and last Italian
journey lasted from October
1772 until March 1773.
Lucio Silla (Lucius Sulla),
the new opera, was given on
December 26, 1772, and
after a difficult premiere (it
began three hours late and
lasted six) it proved even
more successful than
Mitridate, with 26
The year 1774 saw
the composition of
more symphonies,
concertos for
bassoon and for two
violins (in a style
recalling J.C. Bach),
serenades, and
several sacred works.
Mozart was now
a salaried court
and the sacred
music in
particular was
intended for
local use.
At the end of the
year he was
commissioned to
write an opera
buffa, La finta
giardiniera (The
Feigned Gardener
Girl), for the
Munich carnival
season, where it
was duly successful.
Around 1786 he had
ceased to appear
frequently in public
concerts, and his
income shrank. This
was a difficult time
for musicians in
Vienna because of
the Austro-Turkish
Mozart began to
borrow money,
most often from
his friend and
fellow mason
Major works of the
period include the
last three
symphonies (Nos.
39, 40, and 41, all
from 1788), and the
last of the three Da
Ponte operas, Cos狸
fan tutte, premiered
in 1790.
Mozart's last year
was, until his final
illness struck, a
time of high
by some accounts,
one of personal
He composed a great deal, including
some of his most admired works:
the opera The Magic Flute;
the final piano concerto (K. 595 in B);
the Clarinet Concerto K. 622;
the last in his series of string quintets
(K. 614 in E);
the motet Ave verum corpus K. 618;
unfinished Requiem K. 626.
situation finally
began to
it appears that
wealthy patrons in
Hungary and
pledged annuities
to Mozart in return
for the occasional
Mozart no longer
borrowed large
sums from
Puchberg and
made a start on
paying off his
Mozart fell ill while in
Prague for the
premiere, on 6
September 1791, of his
opera La clemenza di
Tito, which was written
in that same year on
commission for the
Emperor's coronation
His health
deteriorated on 20
November, at
which point he
became bedridden,
suffering from
swelling, pain, and
Mozart was nursed
in his final illness
by his wife and her
youngest sister
and was attended
by the family
doctor, Thomas
Franz Closset.
He was mentally
occupied with the
task of finishing his
Requiem, but the
evidence that he
dictated passages to
his student Franz
Xaver S端ssmayr is
Mozart died in
his home on 5
December 1791
(aged 35) at
12:55 a.m.
The death
certificate states
he died of
severe miliary

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MAH_4.2 Mozart.pptx

  • 4. Wife: Maria Constanze C辰cilia Josepha Johanna Aloysia Mozart (n辿e Weber)
  • 5. The couple had six children, of whom only two survived infancy. Raimund Leopold (17 June 19 August 1783) Karl Thomas Mozart (21 September 1784 31 October 1858) Johann Thomas Leopold (18 October 15 November 1786) Theresia Constanzia Adelheid Friedericke Maria Anna (27 December 1787 29 June 1788) Anna Maria (b/d 16 November 1789) Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart (26 July 1791 29 July 1844)
  • 6. He was the youngest of seven children, five of whom died in infancy
  • 7. Mozart was baptized the day after his birth, at St. Rupert's Cathedral in Salzburg.
  • 8. The baptismal record gives his name in Latinized form, as Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.
  • 9. He was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period.
  • 10. Maria Anna "Nannerl Mozart, his sister, said, In the fourth year of his age his father, for a game as it were, began to teach him a few minuets and pieces at the clavier.
  • 11. At three he was picking out chords on the harpsichord, at four playing short pieces, at five composing.
  • 12. He could play it faultlessly and with the greatest delicacy, and keeping exactly in time.
  • 13. At the age of five, he was already composing little pieces, which he played to his father who wrote them down.
  • 14. In his early years, Wolfgang's father was his only teacher. Along with music, he taught his children languages and academic subjects.
  • 15. His first ink- spattered composition and his precocious efforts with the violin were of his initiative and came as a surprise to Leopold,
  • 16. While Wolfgang was young, his family made several European journeys in which he and Nannerl performed as child prodigies. The siblings traveled to the courts of Paris, London, The Hague, and Zurich.
  • 17. During this trip, Wolfgang met many musicians and acquainted himself with the works of other composers.
  • 18. When he was eight years old, Mozart wrote his first symphony, most of which was probably transcribed by his father.
  • 19. The family again went to Vienna in late 1767 and remained there until December 1768.
  • 20. After one year in Salzburg, Leopold and Wolfgang set off for Italy, leaving Anna Maria and Nannerl at home. This tour lasted from December 1769 to March 1771.
  • 21. The Italian outing was longer than the others (1769-1771) as Leopold wanted to display his sons abilities as a performer and composer to as many new audiences as possible.
  • 22. The first tour, begun on December 13, 1769, and lasting 15 months, took them to all the main musical centers, but as usual they paused at any town where a concert could be given or a nobleman might want to hear Mozart play.
  • 23. Mozart heard the Sistine Choir in the famous Miserere of Gregorio Allegri (15821652), which was considered the choirs exclusive preserve but which Mozart copied out from memory.
  • 24. He wrote out the entire score from memory, returning only to correct a few minor errors.
  • 25. Back in Salzburg, Mozart had a prolific spell: he wrote eight symphonies, four divertimentos, several substantial sacred works, and an allegorical serenata, Il sogno di Scipione.
  • 26. Probably intended as a tribute to the Salzburg prince-archbishop, Count Schrattenbach, this work may not have been given until the spring of 1772, and then for his successor Hieronymus, Count Colloredo; Schrattenbach, a tolerant employer generous in allowing leave, died at the end of 1771.
  • 27. The third and last Italian journey lasted from October 1772 until March 1773. Lucio Silla (Lucius Sulla), the new opera, was given on December 26, 1772, and after a difficult premiere (it began three hours late and lasted six) it proved even more successful than Mitridate, with 26 performances.
  • 28. The year 1774 saw the composition of more symphonies, concertos for bassoon and for two violins (in a style recalling J.C. Bach), serenades, and several sacred works.
  • 29. Mozart was now a salaried court Konzertmeister, and the sacred music in particular was intended for local use.
  • 30. At the end of the year he was commissioned to write an opera buffa, La finta giardiniera (The Feigned Gardener Girl), for the Munich carnival season, where it was duly successful.
  • 31. Around 1786 he had ceased to appear frequently in public concerts, and his income shrank. This was a difficult time for musicians in Vienna because of the Austro-Turkish War
  • 32. Mozart began to borrow money, most often from his friend and fellow mason Michael Puchberg.
  • 33. Major works of the period include the last three symphonies (Nos. 39, 40, and 41, all from 1788), and the last of the three Da Ponte operas, Cos狸 fan tutte, premiered in 1790.
  • 34. Mozart's last year was, until his final illness struck, a time of high productivityand by some accounts, one of personal recovery.
  • 35. He composed a great deal, including some of his most admired works: the opera The Magic Flute; the final piano concerto (K. 595 in B); the Clarinet Concerto K. 622; the last in his series of string quintets (K. 614 in E); the motet Ave verum corpus K. 618; unfinished Requiem K. 626.
  • 37. it appears that wealthy patrons in Hungary and Amsterdam pledged annuities to Mozart in return for the occasional composition.
  • 38. Mozart no longer borrowed large sums from Puchberg and made a start on paying off his debts.
  • 39. Mozart fell ill while in Prague for the premiere, on 6 September 1791, of his opera La clemenza di Tito, which was written in that same year on commission for the Emperor's coronation festivities
  • 40. His health deteriorated on 20 November, at which point he became bedridden, suffering from swelling, pain, and vomiting.
  • 41. Mozart was nursed in his final illness by his wife and her youngest sister and was attended by the family doctor, Thomas Franz Closset.
  • 42. He was mentally occupied with the task of finishing his Requiem, but the evidence that he dictated passages to his student Franz Xaver S端ssmayr is minimal.
  • 43. Mozart died in his home on 5 December 1791 (aged 35) at 12:55 a.m.
  • 44. The death certificate states he died of severe miliary fever.