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Mobile: +91  9426634876 / +91 7927700242
E-Mail: rk2006_rk2006@hotmail.com
Address: 30, Shraddha Residency, Opposite Sangath Platina Apartments, Motera Stadium Road, Ahmedabad-382424,
Gujarat, India
Drilling Fluids Specialist & Process Engineer offering 34 years of comprehensive experience in
Execution of Refinery Projects, Process Engineering, Commissioning & Operations Management in Oil & Gas Field
Seeking assignments in Drilling Fluids ,Quality Assurance & Control, Production Operations, Plant / Surface
Operations, with an organization of repute
Expertise in Drilling Fluids
 Proficient in developing High pressure - High temperature drilling fluids deep well of approx. 51,000 meter depth and
non-damaging drilling fluid
 Strong exposure of working directly with different types of Wells (Exploratory,Super Deep Wells ,Hi angle wells &
Horizontal wells) & Drilling Fluids used in drilling rigs such as Bentonite Spud Mud,Disperse Bentonte/Polymer Mud
System, Oil based Mud System, Spersene/XP-20/Resinex Mud System for HTHP Wells, CL/CLS/Resinated
Lignite/Sulphonated Asphalt Treated Mud ,Polyamine-PHPA-Glydrill mud,KCL-PHPA-Glycol mud,Salt Water Based
Mud,NDDF(Non Damaging Drilling Fluid) etc.
 Successfully worked in various types of Land Rigs used for drilling in super-deep wells; worked in different oil fields
across Ankleshwar Asset(Dahej, Ghandhar,Dabka,Bhuj),West Bengal Kolkata (Well no.Bodra#2),Rajasthan Ghotaru
(Jaiselmer), Assam Asset ( Rudra Sagar, Gelki, Lakwa, Panidhing, Dishanmukh,Laipligaon ), Ahemadabad Asset( Gamij,
Limbodra, Kalol,Wamaj,,Sanand, Jhalora, Nawagam),Cambay Basin (WELL# 77H),and all the areas of Assam fields with
OIL INDIA LIMITED( Horizatal wells ,Hi angle wells & J-bend wells) etc.
 Successfully worked as consultant with OILEX company in the month of june & July 2014
 Currently leading with MISWACO-A Schlumberger Company w.e.f. 10th July 2014 to till now as a Drilling Fluids
Specialist/ Lead Mud engineer .KLA-GARD-PHPA-GLYDRIL Mud system was used to drill the 8 遜  hole section in
Assam Fields (OIL INDIA LIMITED) to provide shale inhibition and maintain well-bore stability, to achive gauge hole
and smooth drilling operation and 6 drain hole is drilled with NDDF with MICRONISED CALCIUM CARBONATE &
Supplemented with POLYAMINE (KLA_GARD) to inhibit hydration of clays present in the Reservoir Rocks .
 Expertise pivotal role in drilling of Wells with Oil Based Mud System & Maintain better Well-bore Stability ,Gauge
hole drilling,Higher lubricity, shale inhibition, & avoided lost circulation & stuck up
Skill Set  Domain Expertise
 Result-oriented visionary executive with expertise in:
o Drilling Fluids Specialist
o Strategic Planning
o Policy Formulation & Governance
o Formulation & Implementation
o Resource Planning & Project Management
o Production Operations
o Operations & Maintenance
o Procurement & Inventory Management
o Quality Assurance & Control
 Adept in reading processing schedules, testing results of oil samples, analysing specifications, operating logs, and
laboratory recommendations; deft in monitoring indicators to ensure that equipment/machinery are operating properly
 Ability to control equipment operation and systems; possess the aptitude to understand and know when to apply
changes to the controls to maintain the quantity and quality of products
 Well versed in inspecting the products to ensure that the controls are set to optimise producti on, troubleshooting
problems and finding its solution; adroit in managing, directing, planning & coordinating plant operations, including
maximising plant profits & minimising expenses
 Having a thorough understanding of the safety and trip logic systems of various refinery process units and equipments
and a thorough understanding of instrumentation and process control systems; fully conversant with the plant safety
and permit to work system; proficiency in enhancing process operations thereby achieving the required quality level
Project Management: Planning, scoping, tracking & implementing project plans within preset budgets and deadlines.
Screening new projects & conducting feasibility studies to determine the financial viability of new ventures for
accomplishments growth goals. Reviewing project specifications, drawings, documents, data sheets & vendor manuals and
identifying certificate points related to process system. Conducting cost benefit analysis of projects including feasibility
studies, assessment of the needs, adaptation, interface, testing & commissioning.
Installation & Commissioning: Preparing test trials and commissioning procedures taking inputs from the project documents
& vendor manuals. Supervising the entire gamut of pre commissioning & commissioning activities. Handling testing, pre
commissioning and commissioning of the systems as per project requirements and 3rd party inspection and sign off of the
systems. Liasioning with vendors and sub-contractors for the commissioning activities.
Production: Executing processes in various crudeand standardisation plants and organisingmanpower schedules for smooth
execution of production at the shop floor within time & cost parameters. Ensuring cost reduction by implementing new
techniques & working on product improvement.
Plant Operations: Coordinating plant activities for the set up standards with accountability for strategic utilisation &
deployment of resources to achieveorganisational objectives. Preparing manuals & work instructions for operations for the
unit and maintaining reports for decision making by management.
Process Improvement: Reviewing annual maintenance and catalyst change activities including maintenance of critical
equipment like Reactors, Turbines and Heat Exchangers. Executing cost saving techniques/ measures to achieve substantial
reduction in expenditures.
Quality Assurance: Monitoringadherence to quality systems and complyingwith ISO quality standards;maintainingrequisite
documents. Implementing quality systems / procedures to reduce rejections and ensure zero defect products.
Since 1980 working with Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Ankleshwar Asset, Hajira Project (Surat), Assam Asset,
Rajasthan,Jaiselmer, Bhuj, Kolkata, Ahemadabad Asset ,OILEX company (Cambay Basin),MISWACO-A Schlumberger
company, (Duliajan)
Currently leading with MISWACO-A Schlumberger Company
Highlights across Assignments:
June 2014 onwards
Drilling Fluids Specialist/Lead mud Engineer
 Successfully worked as consultant with OILEX company in the month of june & July 2014
 Currently leading with MISWACO-A Schlumberger Company w.e.f. 10th July 2014 to till now as a Drilling Fluids
Specialist/ Lead Mud engineer .KLA-GARD-PHPA-GLYDRIL Mud system was used to drill the 8 遜  hole section in
Assam Fields with OIL INDIA LIMITED to provide shale inhibition and maintain well-bore stability, to achive gauge hole
and smooth drilling operation and 6 drain hole is drilled with NDDF with MICRONISED CALCIUM CARBONATE &
Supplemented with POLYAMINE (KLA-GARD) to inhibit hydration of clays present in the Reservoir Rocks .
Since 2007-Feb.2014
In Charge - Chemistry Section  Surface Team, Ahmedabad Asset
Holds the distinction of drivingproduction of highly viscous crude from wells, through planning & implementation of special
schemes involving maintenance of production from wells during adverse atmospheric conditions
 Successfully enhanced production through:
o Direct and proactive involvement in implementation of IOR/EOR schemes at Sanand Polymer Flood & ASP Jhalora
o Polymer Water Shut Off & Profile Modification of Crude Wells
o Application of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery jobs through stripper wells
o Formulation & Optimisation of Chemical Injuction Through Annulus
 Instrumental in driving the deployment of:
o Innovative technologies such as chemical injection of mix of PPD+Xylene/ other chemicals through annulus of
difficult wells
o Flow Assurance Services for major trunk lines to ensure flow of Crude Oil especially during low temperature/high
pressure conditions
 Excellent track record of managing quality processing of about 14000 Cu.Mts./day of Crude Oil from Northern Gujarat
fields and ensuring consistent dispatch of desired quality (BS&W <= 0.2%) Crude Oil to Refinery
 Facilitated implementation of:
o Reservoir Pressure Maintenance Schemes
o Effluent Water Disposal Schemes
 Rendered extensive technical supportfor analysis of oil and water samples in order to maintain production from mature
and ageing fields
 Contributed extensively to green environment through execution of Bioremediation Poject
2004  2007 Location Manager (Drilling Fluid Engineer), Assam Asset
 Excellent track record of providing comprehensive mud services to 20 drilling rigs in different fields of Assam Asset for
drilling of super deep wells ,Exploratory , High Angle & Horizontal wells through complicated formations (depth ranging
5100 M in difficult and hostile environment)
 Instrumental in developing & implementing technology such as KCI-PHPA-Polymer-Glycol Mud System and NDDF (Non-
Damaging Drilling Fluid ) System across all fields of Assam Asset in the 34 wells successfully.
1988  2004 In-Charge - Quality Assurance Laboratory, Hazira Plant
 Established Chemistry Laboratory and other related facilities during installation of Hazira Plant for processing of Sour
Gas/Condensate and LPG
 Kept closetrack of quality of Gas Processingfacilities; resolved problems in various units such as Sulphur Recovery/LPG
Plant/ Utilities, etc.
 Actively involved in commissioning & pre-commissioning of LPG/ NGL, Naptha Recovery, Kersosene Plants, etc.
1980  1988 Drilling Fluid Engineer  Ankleshwar Asset
 Successfully carried out drilling of:
o High Pressure and High Temperature Wells in Dahej field (Ankleshwar)
o Super deep well in Rajasthan (Jaiselmer), Ghotaru #1&2
o Super deep and challenging wells in Bhuj (depths up to 4500 Meter)
o Drilling experience & execution on Different patterns of Rigs & Drilling Fluids system at Various geographical
locations all fields of Ankleshwar Asset
o Expertise pivotal role in drilling of Wells with Oil Based Mud System & Maintained better Well-bore Stability
,Gauge hole drilling,Higher lubricity, shale inhibition, & avoided lost circulation & stuck up
 Master of Science (Organic Chemistry) from Rohil Khand University, UP in 1979
 Bachelor of Science (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) from Rohilkhand University in 1977
Date of Birth : 7th February 1954
Passport Number : E3649698
Languages Known : English and Hindi
LATEST CV_Ram kumar

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  • 1. RAM KUMAR Mobile: +91 9426634876 / +91 7927700242 E-Mail: rk2006_rk2006@hotmail.com Address: 30, Shraddha Residency, Opposite Sangath Platina Apartments, Motera Stadium Road, Ahmedabad-382424, Gujarat, India Drilling Fluids Specialist & Process Engineer offering 34 years of comprehensive experience in Execution of Refinery Projects, Process Engineering, Commissioning & Operations Management in Oil & Gas Field Seeking assignments in Drilling Fluids ,Quality Assurance & Control, Production Operations, Plant / Surface Operations, with an organization of repute PROFILE SUMMARY Expertise in Drilling Fluids Proficient in developing High pressure - High temperature drilling fluids deep well of approx. 51,000 meter depth and non-damaging drilling fluid Strong exposure of working directly with different types of Wells (Exploratory,Super Deep Wells ,Hi angle wells & Horizontal wells) & Drilling Fluids used in drilling rigs such as Bentonite Spud Mud,Disperse Bentonte/Polymer Mud System, Oil based Mud System, Spersene/XP-20/Resinex Mud System for HTHP Wells, CL/CLS/Resinated Lignite/Sulphonated Asphalt Treated Mud ,Polyamine-PHPA-Glydrill mud,KCL-PHPA-Glycol mud,Salt Water Based Mud,NDDF(Non Damaging Drilling Fluid) etc. Successfully worked in various types of Land Rigs used for drilling in super-deep wells; worked in different oil fields across Ankleshwar Asset(Dahej, Ghandhar,Dabka,Bhuj),West Bengal Kolkata (Well no.Bodra#2),Rajasthan Ghotaru (Jaiselmer), Assam Asset ( Rudra Sagar, Gelki, Lakwa, Panidhing, Dishanmukh,Laipligaon ), Ahemadabad Asset( Gamij, Limbodra, Kalol,Wamaj,,Sanand, Jhalora, Nawagam),Cambay Basin (WELL# 77H),and all the areas of Assam fields with OIL INDIA LIMITED( Horizatal wells ,Hi angle wells & J-bend wells) etc. Successfully worked as consultant with OILEX company in the month of june & July 2014 Currently leading with MISWACO-A Schlumberger Company w.e.f. 10th July 2014 to till now as a Drilling Fluids Specialist/ Lead Mud engineer .KLA-GARD-PHPA-GLYDRIL Mud system was used to drill the 8 遜 hole section in Assam Fields (OIL INDIA LIMITED) to provide shale inhibition and maintain well-bore stability, to achive gauge hole and smooth drilling operation and 6 drain hole is drilled with NDDF with MICRONISED CALCIUM CARBONATE & Supplemented with POLYAMINE (KLA_GARD) to inhibit hydration of clays present in the Reservoir Rocks . Expertise pivotal role in drilling of Wells with Oil Based Mud System & Maintain better Well-bore Stability ,Gauge hole drilling,Higher lubricity, shale inhibition, & avoided lost circulation & stuck up Skill Set Domain Expertise Result-oriented visionary executive with expertise in: o Drilling Fluids Specialist o Strategic Planning o Policy Formulation & Governance o Formulation & Implementation o Resource Planning & Project Management o Production Operations o Operations & Maintenance o Procurement & Inventory Management o Quality Assurance & Control
  • 2. Adept in reading processing schedules, testing results of oil samples, analysing specifications, operating logs, and laboratory recommendations; deft in monitoring indicators to ensure that equipment/machinery are operating properly Ability to control equipment operation and systems; possess the aptitude to understand and know when to apply changes to the controls to maintain the quantity and quality of products Well versed in inspecting the products to ensure that the controls are set to optimise producti on, troubleshooting problems and finding its solution; adroit in managing, directing, planning & coordinating plant operations, including maximising plant profits & minimising expenses Having a thorough understanding of the safety and trip logic systems of various refinery process units and equipments and a thorough understanding of instrumentation and process control systems; fully conversant with the plant safety and permit to work system; proficiency in enhancing process operations thereby achieving the required quality level CORE COMPETENCIES Project Management: Planning, scoping, tracking & implementing project plans within preset budgets and deadlines. Screening new projects & conducting feasibility studies to determine the financial viability of new ventures for accomplishments growth goals. Reviewing project specifications, drawings, documents, data sheets & vendor manuals and identifying certificate points related to process system. Conducting cost benefit analysis of projects including feasibility studies, assessment of the needs, adaptation, interface, testing & commissioning. Installation & Commissioning: Preparing test trials and commissioning procedures taking inputs from the project documents & vendor manuals. Supervising the entire gamut of pre commissioning & commissioning activities. Handling testing, pre commissioning and commissioning of the systems as per project requirements and 3rd party inspection and sign off of the systems. Liasioning with vendors and sub-contractors for the commissioning activities. Production: Executing processes in various crudeand standardisation plants and organisingmanpower schedules for smooth execution of production at the shop floor within time & cost parameters. Ensuring cost reduction by implementing new techniques & working on product improvement. Plant Operations: Coordinating plant activities for the set up standards with accountability for strategic utilisation & deployment of resources to achieveorganisational objectives. Preparing manuals & work instructions for operations for the unit and maintaining reports for decision making by management. Process Improvement: Reviewing annual maintenance and catalyst change activities including maintenance of critical equipment like Reactors, Turbines and Heat Exchangers. Executing cost saving techniques/ measures to achieve substantial reduction in expenditures. Quality Assurance: Monitoringadherence to quality systems and complyingwith ISO quality standards;maintainingrequisite documents. Implementing quality systems / procedures to reduce rejections and ensure zero defect products. CAREER RECORD Since 1980 working with Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Ankleshwar Asset, Hajira Project (Surat), Assam Asset, Rajasthan,Jaiselmer, Bhuj, Kolkata, Ahemadabad Asset ,OILEX company (Cambay Basin),MISWACO-A Schlumberger company, (Duliajan) Currently leading with MISWACO-A Schlumberger Company Highlights across Assignments: June 2014 onwards Drilling Fluids Specialist/Lead mud Engineer Successfully worked as consultant with OILEX company in the month of june & July 2014 Currently leading with MISWACO-A Schlumberger Company w.e.f. 10th July 2014 to till now as a Drilling Fluids Specialist/ Lead Mud engineer .KLA-GARD-PHPA-GLYDRIL Mud system was used to drill the 8 遜 hole section in Assam Fields with OIL INDIA LIMITED to provide shale inhibition and maintain well-bore stability, to achive gauge hole and smooth drilling operation and 6 drain hole is drilled with NDDF with MICRONISED CALCIUM CARBONATE & Supplemented with POLYAMINE (KLA-GARD) to inhibit hydration of clays present in the Reservoir Rocks . Since 2007-Feb.2014
  • 3. In Charge - Chemistry Section Surface Team, Ahmedabad Asset Holds the distinction of drivingproduction of highly viscous crude from wells, through planning & implementation of special schemes involving maintenance of production from wells during adverse atmospheric conditions Successfully enhanced production through: o Direct and proactive involvement in implementation of IOR/EOR schemes at Sanand Polymer Flood & ASP Jhalora o Polymer Water Shut Off & Profile Modification of Crude Wells o Application of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery jobs through stripper wells o Formulation & Optimisation of Chemical Injuction Through Annulus Instrumental in driving the deployment of: o Innovative technologies such as chemical injection of mix of PPD+Xylene/ other chemicals through annulus of difficult wells o Flow Assurance Services for major trunk lines to ensure flow of Crude Oil especially during low temperature/high pressure conditions Excellent track record of managing quality processing of about 14000 Cu.Mts./day of Crude Oil from Northern Gujarat fields and ensuring consistent dispatch of desired quality (BS&W <= 0.2%) Crude Oil to Refinery Facilitated implementation of: o Reservoir Pressure Maintenance Schemes o Effluent Water Disposal Schemes Rendered extensive technical supportfor analysis of oil and water samples in order to maintain production from mature and ageing fields Contributed extensively to green environment through execution of Bioremediation Poject 2004 2007 Location Manager (Drilling Fluid Engineer), Assam Asset Excellent track record of providing comprehensive mud services to 20 drilling rigs in different fields of Assam Asset for drilling of super deep wells ,Exploratory , High Angle & Horizontal wells through complicated formations (depth ranging 5100 M in difficult and hostile environment) Instrumental in developing & implementing technology such as KCI-PHPA-Polymer-Glycol Mud System and NDDF (Non- Damaging Drilling Fluid ) System across all fields of Assam Asset in the 34 wells successfully. 1988 2004 In-Charge - Quality Assurance Laboratory, Hazira Plant Established Chemistry Laboratory and other related facilities during installation of Hazira Plant for processing of Sour Gas/Condensate and LPG Kept closetrack of quality of Gas Processingfacilities; resolved problems in various units such as Sulphur Recovery/LPG Plant/ Utilities, etc. Actively involved in commissioning & pre-commissioning of LPG/ NGL, Naptha Recovery, Kersosene Plants, etc. 1980 1988 Drilling Fluid Engineer Ankleshwar Asset Successfully carried out drilling of: o High Pressure and High Temperature Wells in Dahej field (Ankleshwar) o Super deep well in Rajasthan (Jaiselmer), Ghotaru #1&2 o Super deep and challenging wells in Bhuj (depths up to 4500 Meter) o Drilling experience & execution on Different patterns of Rigs & Drilling Fluids system at Various geographical locations all fields of Ankleshwar Asset o Expertise pivotal role in drilling of Wells with Oil Based Mud System & Maintained better Well-bore Stability ,Gauge hole drilling,Higher lubricity, shale inhibition, & avoided lost circulation & stuck up EDUCATION Master of Science (Organic Chemistry) from Rohil Khand University, UP in 1979 Bachelor of Science (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) from Rohilkhand University in 1977 PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth : 7th February 1954 Passport Number : E3649698 Languages Known : English and Hindi