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For The Post of Mud Specialist I Drilling Fluids Engineer
Correspondence Address:
Alia-703, Al Fintas Tower
Mahboula, Block-2, Street-209
Email : bhaskar138@hotmail.com
Mobile : +965 66906062
Career Summary:
Total 21 遜 years of experience in drilling Oil and Gas Exploration Industry in Onshore and
Offshore as a Drilling Fluid Engineer in addition to two years as a Cementing Chemist.
1. Working with KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (KOC), Kuwait as a Senior Drilling Fluid Engineer in
Deep Drilling Group from July 2011 to till now responsible in the KOC office to
supervisefluids, cement (slurry) and waste management operation ofservice contractor like
Schlumberger, Halliburton and Bakerwith deep drilling (Rig 3000HP) and workover (Rig
1500HP) rigs in high pressure deep gas wells with high sour environment up to depth
19,186ft(TVD 14,750 ft) with maximum mud weight 21.0 ppg OBM in Raudhatain, Sabriyah,
Dhabi and Umm Niqa field, Kuwait.
2. Worked with MB Petroleum Services LLC, Sultanate of Oman as a Drilling Fluid Engineer
from August, 2003 to May 2011 responsible for 24 hours in the rig site to supervise mud in
HPHT field like Rabiha and Al-Safiya Unconventional Deep Gas Exploration, SaihRawl Deep
LNG project, Kauther Cluster Deep Gas Exploration, Yibal and Lekhwair Deep Gas
Development field up to depth 5648 m (18,625 ft) and 1800C BHT under PDO-SHELL
(Petroleum Development of Oman), Oman.
3. Worked with Jay Bee Energy Services Pvt Ltd, Assam, India as a Mud Engineer & Cementing
Chemist for supervise two Rigs from August, 2001 to July 2003 in Duliajan oil field, Assam,
India for drilling & cementing deep exploratory oil well under OIL (Oil India Ltd).
As a Cementing Chemist responsible for testing cement slurry, formulated and designed the
cement slurry program.
4. Worked with ExploroilOtech India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, India as a Mud Engineer from July
1997 to July 2001 in Hazira Gas Development Field Offshore and Land Base Drilling Platform
(Island Drilling)) in Gujarat, India for drilling gas well under NICO Resources Ltd & GSPCL
(Gujarat State Petro Chemical Ltd) and also worked in Brahmaputra Valley Exploration
Project, Assam, India for drilling oil well under Oil India Ltd (OIL).
5. Worked with Jupitar Oil Field Services Pvt Ltd, Assam, India as a trainee Mud Engineer for
one year and then Mud Engineer from July 1994 to June 1997 for drilling oil deep well in
Geleki&Lakowa oil field up to depth 4430 m (14,530 ft), Sibsagar under ONGC (ERBC
Project), Assam, India.
Current Key Accountabilities:
 Supervision of the execution for the Drilling Fluids, Completions Fluids and Cement Slurry
Programs to allow a safe and successful operation.
 Responsible for ensuring the acceptable quality in end of well documentation, Drilling
Waste planning and execution in accordance with standards for the areas.
 Assist advice and support all drilling fluid activities in planning and in daily operations, this
includes technical analysis in addition to specific product and practical recommendations
for the control of fluid properties.
 Work closely with Drilling Team and Fluids Engineering staff in the well design and in
preparation of well operations to include drilling, cementing, completion and waste
 Identify HSE hazards related to fluids chemicals and waste management and recommend
corrective action.
 Responsibility for ensuring support from the Fluids contractors MI, Baroid and Baker is of
an acceptable standard during the execution stage and providing additional support to the
Wells Teams during well challenges.
 Direct and coordinate field fluids engineering activities, provide on-site technical assistance
as needed.
 Coordinate with Cementing Service contractor Halliburton and Schlumberger for formulate
and design the cement slurry program for each section of casing.
 Demonstrate deep technical skills in line with the companys operating areas that include
wellbore stability, well hydraulics, shale chemistry, formation damage, well control,
completion fluids, environmental awareness and regulatory compliance.
 A thorough understanding of all chemical/physical aspects of drilling and work over fluids,
particularly relating to the corrosion process.
 Monitors closely the cost of the cement and drilling fluid and recommend necessary action
to optimize cost.
 Ensure correct invoicing, cost evaluation and update accordingly invoice database.
 Develop fluids related bid tender specifications like solids control, brine plant, LMP, Drilling
Waste Management etc.
 Ability to use Drilling Engineering Software related to fluids and hydraulics.
 Ability to design and treatment of hydrogen sulfide well and safety practices.
 Coordinate with fluid vendors in such areas as well planning, fluids programs, operations,
and logistics.
 Ensure the availability of Barite, Bentonite and Cement bulk Silo with valid Hydro test
Certification and valid Pressure relief valve test certificate in the rig site.
 Ensures the mud testing equipment is available on location, well maintained and calibrated.
Reviews testing procedures and recommend new equipment/procedures.
 Play key role in the set up and application of Emergency and Loss of Control Plans and
 Implements and promotes the company health, safety and environmental policy,
procedure, regulation and objectives and ensuring by appropriate monitoring and review,
that work is performed in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
Career Objective:
To employ with a strong versatile fluid engineering oil and gas energy industry to provide my
goal oriented leadership to success by effectively striving for excellence in operation and cost
monitoring. Ensuring work performance in accordance with company management system
procedure, but most importantly to guarantee the catalyst component of Safety, Reliance and
Performance as our pace car for effectively obtaining the higher level of success.
Significant Contribution:
 Have wide experience to supervision of Field Supervisory staff (8  10) with contract holder
of 3  5 Service contracts in KOC, Kuwait.
 Involved and widely experienced in drilling fluids budget for the operation MM USD/year in
KOC, Kuwait.
 Work executed to solve the problems like Kick, Caving, Stuck Pipe, Lost Circulation,
Contamination, Poor hole cleaning, bit balling, highly reactive shale and instability of mud in
High Temperature High Pressure Well.
 Experienced and supervised to design cement slurry for liner and casing cementing
operations and also isolation cement plug in the slim hole for the sidetrack or abandon in
HPHT well.
 Drilled successfully deep gas exploration wells in Raudhatain, Sabriyah and Umm Niqa field,
Kuwait with maximum MW ranging from 19.5 to 21.0 ppg (OBM) in 12 村 section of high
pressure Gotnia formation (Halite& Anhydrite formation) whereas reservoir 6 section
drilled with 15.0 to 17.0 ppg weighted mud in the target depth from 16,000 ft to 19,186ft in
high sour gas environment like 25  50% H2S in formation.
 Involved in rig site waste management for proper chemical and cutting disposal during the
drilling process.
 Optimized solid control equipment for minimum OOC while drilling with oil based mud
 Trained rig site crew for any chemical spill eventuality for minimum environmental impact.
 Participate and executed the mud program for Relief Well (RA - 484 RW#2) to intercept
Blowout well (RA-484) in Raudhatain field of KOC, Kuwait.
 Have experienced to kill the Blowout Well RA-484 by Dynamic Killing procedure with
pumping rate 30 to 80 bbl/min of 21.0 ppg mud to the hole through Snubbing Unit.
 Experienced in KOC deep wells drilled with seven sections from 36 hole to 6 hole by using
WBM to OBM where the first three sections drilled with WBM handling about 5000 bbl of
volume and with continuous Corrosion Treatment to reduce tubular failure or twist off due
to the acid gas environment.
 Drilled reservoir section successfully with 15.0 to 16.0 ppg Potassium Formate  Micromax
mud in KOC field several wells and enhance the production rate three times compare to
OBM with Barite in this section.
 Also drilled successfully depleted reservoir section with Baker Max-Bridge system (due to
Cased Hole Completion) in OBM chemicals containing Latex Sealing Polymer (Max-Shield/
Nano-shield), Graphite & CaCO3 in North West Raudhatain KOC field.
 Solved problem like mud loss, mud gain, water influx in Gotnia formation (Halite)
successfully in KOC deep gas field, Kuwait.
 Successfully drilled and treated WBM with higher CO2 contamination up to 54,000 ppm in
Raudhatain field under KOC, Kuwait.
 Experience in designing and working with cement slurries ranging from 11 ppg light weight
slurry to 20.8 ppg heavy weight slurry upto 19,600 ft in vertical, deviated and highly
deviated hole, casing diameters between 30 to 5 with temperatures up to 3000 F.
 Have experienced to formulated cement slurry with additives like fluid loss, dispersant,
retarder, antifoam, antisettling, anti-gel, extender and gasblock in HPHT well.
 Experienced and capable of designed cementing program with job simulation cementing
 Experience to prepare procedures/technologies for cementing of loss zone with Fast
setting, Thixotropic, Fibre and Pozmix Cement.
 Drilled successfully unconventional deep gas exploration wells under PDO-Shell in Oman like
Rabiha-1, Al-Safiya-1 up to depth 5648 m (18,525 ft) with BHT 1800C (356属F) by using Mud
Cooler in active mud system. These wells were unconventional basin centered gas (BCG)
play. This well was drilled in 5 section interval with water base mud and also with oil base
mud. Reservoir section was drilled in under balance and used Kill Mud as high temperature
water base mud with high temperature additives like Tri-ethanol amine to stabilize
polymers against effects of high BHT.
 Drilled successfully exploration wells horizontally in Amin geo pressured formation at 4700
m with Sodium Formate Polymer Mud and Low Toxic Oil Base Mud in Kauther Deep Gas
Exploration Field under PDO-Shell, Oman with BHT 1610C and also drilled SaihRawl Deep
LNG Field to depth 5500 m in HPHT well with Low Solid Salt Saturated Polymer mud.
 Have experienced to releasing differential stuck pipe by spotting weighted or non-weighted
Pipelax pill or otherwise by spotting 15% HCL acid with additives like Corrosion Inhibitor,
Surfactant, Chelating agent and Mutual Solvent successfully.
 Good understanding of the cross-over to drilling and completion skills such as operating in
narrow pore pressure fracture gradient windows, hole cleaning practices in vertical and
horizontal well and wellbore strengthening in unstable formation and depleted reservoir.
 Have experienced to drilled top hole by CWD (Casing While Drilling) depth up to 1400 m
(4592 ft) with High Performance Water Based Mud chemicals containing with PHPA,
Polyamine, Latex Sealing Polymer, &KCl in highly reactive hydrated shale of PDO field,
 Have experienced to cure the severe losses by Cross-linking Polymer (like Baker X-Link) and
also by Sodium Silicate  CaCl2 LCM pill in PDO field, Oman.
 In PDO field, Oman, Drilled depleted Barik formation in very high overbalance situation (in
depleted low pressure formation) with low solid polymer mud with Baker Max-Bridge
system chemicals containing with Graphite, Calcium carbonate and Latex type Sealing
 Have experienced as a drilling fluid engineer to drilled deep gas well in Level-3 H2S
environment in Oman (PDO field) and Kuwait (KOC field). Have experienced to drilled up to
25% H2S in theformation like Gotnia (12 村 section) and Marrat (6 section) in KOC field.
 Have experienced in the well AD-66 under KOC, Kuwait workover operation up to 50% H2S
in production test.
 Drilled deep well in Yibal field, Oman with H2S environment up to maximum 300 ppm
 In Hazira gas development field, India drilled successfully shallow gas reservoir start from
700 m (2,300 ft) in Land Base drilling platform (Island Drilling) with control shallow gas kick
in several times.
 Drilled successfully the deepest well of Oil India Ltd (OIL) to depth 5566 m (18,257 ft) with
mud weight 82 pcf PHPA -Polymer mud in Dhola field, Assam, India.
 Have experienced in Under Balance Drilling to maintained drilling fluids in deep gas well of
the reservoir section under PDO, Oman.
 Have experienced to implements and execute the safe drilling practices with Non-Aqueous
Fluids with full environment protection.
 Maintained QA/QC guidelines and inspected the equipment and materials prior to the rig
Additional Skill:
 Have experience to prepare and deliver the Fluids presentation at Work-shop and Industry
conference. Accomplished periodically safety and operational audits on rig, fluid
contractors, LMP, chemical supply yards and Lab.
 Ability to use skills, knowledge and techniques in problem recognition and solution
 Adequate knowledge of the use of PC, Internet, office products of Microsoft and software
for preparing all the reports.
 Daily meeting with section Manager/Team Leaderor senior person in company base office
and co-ordinate with Drilling Engineer for smooth drilling operation.
 Worked on drilling fluid in vertical, directional  horizontal well drilling and experienced in
window cutting for multilateral re-entry wells.
 Technically sound, team leader, negotiator, high integrity, social awareness, and cultural
Mud System Used:
Wide experience in using different fluid system depending on the type of formation ranging
from Salt saturated Low Solid Polymer-Calcium Carbonate, Sodium Formate Polymer-Calcium
Carbonate, Potassium Formate Micromax, KCl-Polymer-Glycol, KCl - PHPA, Low-Lime, Silicate-
Based mud system. Used WBM with high temperature additives like TEA (Tri-ethanol Amine),
Oxygen Scavenger, and Biocide to reduce the degradation of the polymer.
Have experienced with High Performance Water Base Mud with chemicals like PHPA LV,
Polyamine, Latex Sealing Polymer, KCl and also drilled successfully with Graphite, Calcium
Carbonate & Latex Sealing Polymer in area of depleted low-pressure formation.
Experienced with High Weighted up to 21.0 ppgLow Toxic Oil Base Mud and Oil Base Mud with
Diesel to drilled highly reactive shale and deep HPHT horizontal gas well.
Experience on use of weighted and non-weighted Completion fluid (Stand Alone and Blended),
Acidizing &Mudzymes job.
Laboratory Experience:
Experience in testing both Oil Base Mud (OBM) and Water Base Mud (WBM) properties like
Rheology; Filtration Properties API & HPHT; Oil, Water, Solids by Retort Kit & Clay content
determination by MBT; Filtrate analysis for mainly Chloride, Calcium, Magnesium; Emulsion
Stability and excess Lime determination in OBM.
Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide by Hach test and also quantitatively by Garrett Gas Train
test in both WBM and OBM.
Experience as Cementing Chemist to design the cement slurry in using different type of
additives and capable of testing with Pressurized Consistometer for Thickening time, Filter Press
and Compressive Strength testing apparatus.
Educational Qualification:
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Dibrugarh University, Assam, India, 1993.
Training and Courses:
1. HPHT Horizontal Drilling Practice by Shell Topical Learning Event on 16/17th March 2015,
2. Behavioral Based Safety & Safety Observation and conversation, KOC, Kuwait, April 2013
3. Knowledge Summit Series  by Halliburton, Baroid, Kuwait, Nov. 2013
a. Minimizing Risks Associated with Lost Circulation
b. Minimizing Formation Damage with Customized Reservoir Fluid Solutions
4. HSSE  KOC Audit, Inspection & Self-Assessment by Proximity, Kuwait, June 2012
5. Directional, Horizontal and Multilateral Drilling by Rike Service, Kuwait, June 2012
6. Job Safety Analysis by Future Solution Co., Kuwait, May 2012
7. OpenWells 5000.1 by Hulliburton, Landmark Software & Services, Kuwait, Dec. 2011
8. HSE Live by KOC, Kuwait, Sep. 2011
9. Certificate of Stuck Pipe Prevention Course, International Petroleum Center, Oman, January
10. Diploma in Computer Application from UPTRON (ACL), Guwahati, India, 1994.
11. H2S & SCBA training Course, Nov. 2013, Ahmadi, Kuwait.
Passport Details : No. H-3824381 valid till 11th November 2019.
Visa : Valid visa in Kuwait up to 26thDecember 2016
Date of Birth : 01st March 1972
Nationality : Indian
Religion : Hindu
Marital Status : Married with two children (Age: 8 and 6 year)
Languages : Fluent in English, Hindi and Assamese.
CV for the post of Mud Specialist I Drilling Fluids Engineer

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CV for the post of Mud Specialist I Drilling Fluids Engineer

  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE For The Post of Mud Specialist I Drilling Fluids Engineer BHASKAR HAZARIKA Correspondence Address: Alia-703, Al Fintas Tower Mahboula, Block-2, Street-209 Kuwait Email : bhaskar138@hotmail.com bhaskarhazar@gmail.com Mobile : +965 66906062 Career Summary: Total 21 遜 years of experience in drilling Oil and Gas Exploration Industry in Onshore and Offshore as a Drilling Fluid Engineer in addition to two years as a Cementing Chemist. 1. Working with KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (KOC), Kuwait as a Senior Drilling Fluid Engineer in Deep Drilling Group from July 2011 to till now responsible in the KOC office to supervisefluids, cement (slurry) and waste management operation ofservice contractor like Schlumberger, Halliburton and Bakerwith deep drilling (Rig 3000HP) and workover (Rig 1500HP) rigs in high pressure deep gas wells with high sour environment up to depth 19,186ft(TVD 14,750 ft) with maximum mud weight 21.0 ppg OBM in Raudhatain, Sabriyah, Dhabi and Umm Niqa field, Kuwait. 2. Worked with MB Petroleum Services LLC, Sultanate of Oman as a Drilling Fluid Engineer from August, 2003 to May 2011 responsible for 24 hours in the rig site to supervise mud in HPHT field like Rabiha and Al-Safiya Unconventional Deep Gas Exploration, SaihRawl Deep LNG project, Kauther Cluster Deep Gas Exploration, Yibal and Lekhwair Deep Gas Development field up to depth 5648 m (18,625 ft) and 1800C BHT under PDO-SHELL (Petroleum Development of Oman), Oman. 3. Worked with Jay Bee Energy Services Pvt Ltd, Assam, India as a Mud Engineer & Cementing Chemist for supervise two Rigs from August, 2001 to July 2003 in Duliajan oil field, Assam, India for drilling & cementing deep exploratory oil well under OIL (Oil India Ltd). As a Cementing Chemist responsible for testing cement slurry, formulated and designed the cement slurry program. 4. Worked with ExploroilOtech India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, India as a Mud Engineer from July 1997 to July 2001 in Hazira Gas Development Field Offshore and Land Base Drilling Platform
  • 2. (Island Drilling)) in Gujarat, India for drilling gas well under NICO Resources Ltd & GSPCL (Gujarat State Petro Chemical Ltd) and also worked in Brahmaputra Valley Exploration Project, Assam, India for drilling oil well under Oil India Ltd (OIL). 5. Worked with Jupitar Oil Field Services Pvt Ltd, Assam, India as a trainee Mud Engineer for one year and then Mud Engineer from July 1994 to June 1997 for drilling oil deep well in Geleki&Lakowa oil field up to depth 4430 m (14,530 ft), Sibsagar under ONGC (ERBC Project), Assam, India. Current Key Accountabilities: Supervision of the execution for the Drilling Fluids, Completions Fluids and Cement Slurry Programs to allow a safe and successful operation. Responsible for ensuring the acceptable quality in end of well documentation, Drilling Waste planning and execution in accordance with standards for the areas. Assist advice and support all drilling fluid activities in planning and in daily operations, this includes technical analysis in addition to specific product and practical recommendations for the control of fluid properties. Work closely with Drilling Team and Fluids Engineering staff in the well design and in preparation of well operations to include drilling, cementing, completion and waste management. Identify HSE hazards related to fluids chemicals and waste management and recommend corrective action. Responsibility for ensuring support from the Fluids contractors MI, Baroid and Baker is of an acceptable standard during the execution stage and providing additional support to the Wells Teams during well challenges. Direct and coordinate field fluids engineering activities, provide on-site technical assistance as needed. Coordinate with Cementing Service contractor Halliburton and Schlumberger for formulate and design the cement slurry program for each section of casing. Demonstrate deep technical skills in line with the companys operating areas that include wellbore stability, well hydraulics, shale chemistry, formation damage, well control, completion fluids, environmental awareness and regulatory compliance. A thorough understanding of all chemical/physical aspects of drilling and work over fluids, particularly relating to the corrosion process. Monitors closely the cost of the cement and drilling fluid and recommend necessary action to optimize cost. Ensure correct invoicing, cost evaluation and update accordingly invoice database. Develop fluids related bid tender specifications like solids control, brine plant, LMP, Drilling Waste Management etc.
  • 3. Ability to use Drilling Engineering Software related to fluids and hydraulics. Ability to design and treatment of hydrogen sulfide well and safety practices. Coordinate with fluid vendors in such areas as well planning, fluids programs, operations, and logistics. Ensure the availability of Barite, Bentonite and Cement bulk Silo with valid Hydro test Certification and valid Pressure relief valve test certificate in the rig site. Ensures the mud testing equipment is available on location, well maintained and calibrated. Reviews testing procedures and recommend new equipment/procedures. Play key role in the set up and application of Emergency and Loss of Control Plans and procedure. Implements and promotes the company health, safety and environmental policy, procedure, regulation and objectives and ensuring by appropriate monitoring and review, that work is performed in a safe and environmentally sound manner. Career Objective: To employ with a strong versatile fluid engineering oil and gas energy industry to provide my goal oriented leadership to success by effectively striving for excellence in operation and cost monitoring. Ensuring work performance in accordance with company management system procedure, but most importantly to guarantee the catalyst component of Safety, Reliance and Performance as our pace car for effectively obtaining the higher level of success. Significant Contribution: Have wide experience to supervision of Field Supervisory staff (8 10) with contract holder of 3 5 Service contracts in KOC, Kuwait. Involved and widely experienced in drilling fluids budget for the operation MM USD/year in KOC, Kuwait. Work executed to solve the problems like Kick, Caving, Stuck Pipe, Lost Circulation, Contamination, Poor hole cleaning, bit balling, highly reactive shale and instability of mud in High Temperature High Pressure Well. Experienced and supervised to design cement slurry for liner and casing cementing operations and also isolation cement plug in the slim hole for the sidetrack or abandon in HPHT well. Drilled successfully deep gas exploration wells in Raudhatain, Sabriyah and Umm Niqa field, Kuwait with maximum MW ranging from 19.5 to 21.0 ppg (OBM) in 12 村 section of high pressure Gotnia formation (Halite& Anhydrite formation) whereas reservoir 6 section drilled with 15.0 to 17.0 ppg weighted mud in the target depth from 16,000 ft to 19,186ft in high sour gas environment like 25 50% H2S in formation.
  • 4. Involved in rig site waste management for proper chemical and cutting disposal during the drilling process. Optimized solid control equipment for minimum OOC while drilling with oil based mud systems. Trained rig site crew for any chemical spill eventuality for minimum environmental impact. Participate and executed the mud program for Relief Well (RA - 484 RW#2) to intercept Blowout well (RA-484) in Raudhatain field of KOC, Kuwait. Have experienced to kill the Blowout Well RA-484 by Dynamic Killing procedure with pumping rate 30 to 80 bbl/min of 21.0 ppg mud to the hole through Snubbing Unit. Experienced in KOC deep wells drilled with seven sections from 36 hole to 6 hole by using WBM to OBM where the first three sections drilled with WBM handling about 5000 bbl of volume and with continuous Corrosion Treatment to reduce tubular failure or twist off due to the acid gas environment. Drilled reservoir section successfully with 15.0 to 16.0 ppg Potassium Formate Micromax mud in KOC field several wells and enhance the production rate three times compare to OBM with Barite in this section. Also drilled successfully depleted reservoir section with Baker Max-Bridge system (due to Cased Hole Completion) in OBM chemicals containing Latex Sealing Polymer (Max-Shield/ Nano-shield), Graphite & CaCO3 in North West Raudhatain KOC field. Solved problem like mud loss, mud gain, water influx in Gotnia formation (Halite) successfully in KOC deep gas field, Kuwait. Successfully drilled and treated WBM with higher CO2 contamination up to 54,000 ppm in Raudhatain field under KOC, Kuwait. Experience in designing and working with cement slurries ranging from 11 ppg light weight slurry to 20.8 ppg heavy weight slurry upto 19,600 ft in vertical, deviated and highly deviated hole, casing diameters between 30 to 5 with temperatures up to 3000 F. Have experienced to formulated cement slurry with additives like fluid loss, dispersant, retarder, antifoam, antisettling, anti-gel, extender and gasblock in HPHT well. Experienced and capable of designed cementing program with job simulation cementing software. Experience to prepare procedures/technologies for cementing of loss zone with Fast setting, Thixotropic, Fibre and Pozmix Cement. Drilled successfully unconventional deep gas exploration wells under PDO-Shell in Oman like Rabiha-1, Al-Safiya-1 up to depth 5648 m (18,525 ft) with BHT 1800C (356属F) by using Mud Cooler in active mud system. These wells were unconventional basin centered gas (BCG) play. This well was drilled in 5 section interval with water base mud and also with oil base mud. Reservoir section was drilled in under balance and used Kill Mud as high temperature water base mud with high temperature additives like Tri-ethanol amine to stabilize polymers against effects of high BHT.
  • 5. Drilled successfully exploration wells horizontally in Amin geo pressured formation at 4700 m with Sodium Formate Polymer Mud and Low Toxic Oil Base Mud in Kauther Deep Gas Exploration Field under PDO-Shell, Oman with BHT 1610C and also drilled SaihRawl Deep LNG Field to depth 5500 m in HPHT well with Low Solid Salt Saturated Polymer mud. Have experienced to releasing differential stuck pipe by spotting weighted or non-weighted Pipelax pill or otherwise by spotting 15% HCL acid with additives like Corrosion Inhibitor, Surfactant, Chelating agent and Mutual Solvent successfully. Good understanding of the cross-over to drilling and completion skills such as operating in narrow pore pressure fracture gradient windows, hole cleaning practices in vertical and horizontal well and wellbore strengthening in unstable formation and depleted reservoir. Have experienced to drilled top hole by CWD (Casing While Drilling) depth up to 1400 m (4592 ft) with High Performance Water Based Mud chemicals containing with PHPA, Polyamine, Latex Sealing Polymer, &KCl in highly reactive hydrated shale of PDO field, Oman. Have experienced to cure the severe losses by Cross-linking Polymer (like Baker X-Link) and also by Sodium Silicate CaCl2 LCM pill in PDO field, Oman. In PDO field, Oman, Drilled depleted Barik formation in very high overbalance situation (in depleted low pressure formation) with low solid polymer mud with Baker Max-Bridge system chemicals containing with Graphite, Calcium carbonate and Latex type Sealing Polymer. Have experienced as a drilling fluid engineer to drilled deep gas well in Level-3 H2S environment in Oman (PDO field) and Kuwait (KOC field). Have experienced to drilled up to 25% H2S in theformation like Gotnia (12 村 section) and Marrat (6 section) in KOC field. Have experienced in the well AD-66 under KOC, Kuwait workover operation up to 50% H2S in production test. Drilled deep well in Yibal field, Oman with H2S environment up to maximum 300 ppm successfully. In Hazira gas development field, India drilled successfully shallow gas reservoir start from 700 m (2,300 ft) in Land Base drilling platform (Island Drilling) with control shallow gas kick in several times. Drilled successfully the deepest well of Oil India Ltd (OIL) to depth 5566 m (18,257 ft) with mud weight 82 pcf PHPA -Polymer mud in Dhola field, Assam, India. Have experienced in Under Balance Drilling to maintained drilling fluids in deep gas well of the reservoir section under PDO, Oman. Have experienced to implements and execute the safe drilling practices with Non-Aqueous Fluids with full environment protection. Maintained QA/QC guidelines and inspected the equipment and materials prior to the rig operation.
  • 6. Additional Skill: Have experience to prepare and deliver the Fluids presentation at Work-shop and Industry conference. Accomplished periodically safety and operational audits on rig, fluid contractors, LMP, chemical supply yards and Lab. Ability to use skills, knowledge and techniques in problem recognition and solution development. Adequate knowledge of the use of PC, Internet, office products of Microsoft and software for preparing all the reports. Daily meeting with section Manager/Team Leaderor senior person in company base office and co-ordinate with Drilling Engineer for smooth drilling operation. Worked on drilling fluid in vertical, directional horizontal well drilling and experienced in window cutting for multilateral re-entry wells. Technically sound, team leader, negotiator, high integrity, social awareness, and cultural flexibility. Mud System Used: Wide experience in using different fluid system depending on the type of formation ranging from Salt saturated Low Solid Polymer-Calcium Carbonate, Sodium Formate Polymer-Calcium Carbonate, Potassium Formate Micromax, KCl-Polymer-Glycol, KCl - PHPA, Low-Lime, Silicate- Based mud system. Used WBM with high temperature additives like TEA (Tri-ethanol Amine), Oxygen Scavenger, and Biocide to reduce the degradation of the polymer. Have experienced with High Performance Water Base Mud with chemicals like PHPA LV, Polyamine, Latex Sealing Polymer, KCl and also drilled successfully with Graphite, Calcium Carbonate & Latex Sealing Polymer in area of depleted low-pressure formation. Experienced with High Weighted up to 21.0 ppgLow Toxic Oil Base Mud and Oil Base Mud with Diesel to drilled highly reactive shale and deep HPHT horizontal gas well. Experience on use of weighted and non-weighted Completion fluid (Stand Alone and Blended), Acidizing &Mudzymes job. Laboratory Experience: Experience in testing both Oil Base Mud (OBM) and Water Base Mud (WBM) properties like Rheology; Filtration Properties API & HPHT; Oil, Water, Solids by Retort Kit & Clay content determination by MBT; Filtrate analysis for mainly Chloride, Calcium, Magnesium; Emulsion Stability and excess Lime determination in OBM. Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide by Hach test and also quantitatively by Garrett Gas Train test in both WBM and OBM.
  • 7. Experience as Cementing Chemist to design the cement slurry in using different type of additives and capable of testing with Pressurized Consistometer for Thickening time, Filter Press and Compressive Strength testing apparatus. Educational Qualification: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Dibrugarh University, Assam, India, 1993. Training and Courses: 1. HPHT Horizontal Drilling Practice by Shell Topical Learning Event on 16/17th March 2015, Kuwait 2. Behavioral Based Safety & Safety Observation and conversation, KOC, Kuwait, April 2013 3. Knowledge Summit Series by Halliburton, Baroid, Kuwait, Nov. 2013 a. Minimizing Risks Associated with Lost Circulation b. Minimizing Formation Damage with Customized Reservoir Fluid Solutions 4. HSSE KOC Audit, Inspection & Self-Assessment by Proximity, Kuwait, June 2012 5. Directional, Horizontal and Multilateral Drilling by Rike Service, Kuwait, June 2012 6. Job Safety Analysis by Future Solution Co., Kuwait, May 2012 7. OpenWells 5000.1 by Hulliburton, Landmark Software & Services, Kuwait, Dec. 2011 8. HSE Live by KOC, Kuwait, Sep. 2011 9. Certificate of Stuck Pipe Prevention Course, International Petroleum Center, Oman, January 2004. 10. Diploma in Computer Application from UPTRON (ACL), Guwahati, India, 1994. 11. H2S & SCBA training Course, Nov. 2013, Ahmadi, Kuwait. Passport Details : No. H-3824381 valid till 11th November 2019. Visa : Valid visa in Kuwait up to 26thDecember 2016 Date of Birth : 01st March 1972 Nationality : Indian Religion : Hindu Marital Status : Married with two children (Age: 8 and 6 year) Languages : Fluent in English, Hindi and Assamese.