This document provides a summary of the history of the music industry in relation to various technologies and laws over several decades. It discusses the emergence of key organizations like ASCAP and BMI to collect royalties for composers and publishers. It also covers the development of the recording industry with technologies like phonographs and how laws evolved to address copying and performances of music. The document outlines the challenges that internet radio and streaming faced with royalty rates and regulations into the 2000s. It is critical of the organization SoundExchange and its role in collecting royalties.
El documento describe un viaje de estudios de 14 d¨ªas a Portugal y Andaluc¨ªa para 51 estudiantes y 4 profesores del IES Carmen y Severo Ochoa en Luarca, Asturias. El itinerario incluye visitas a ciudades como Oporto, Lisboa, Sintra, Cascais, Sevilla, Granada, C¨®rdoba y Madrid, con alojamiento en hoteles especificados en cada ciudad. El viaje comenzar¨¢ el 7 de marzo y finalizar¨¢ el 16 de marzo de 2008.
This document provides a simplified tutorial for creating a massive explosion effect in Blender. It describes using the displace modifier on raw mesh objects to simulate the shockwave, rising hot gases, and fireball of a nuclear explosion. Texture animations controlled by empty objects are used to displace the meshes and simulate the rolling effect of warm gases. Materials with multiple textures reacting to animated lamps inside the fireball create the burning effect. Halos are added using spots parented to the fireball and sized by IPO curves.
My Family
Mum & Dad have lived in Ireland all their lives. Mum was a homemaker and Dad worked in forestry. They have a great sense of humor.
Wayne has two older brothers and three sisters. The eldest sister Caroline was bossy but intelligent. Second sister Stella listened well. Youngest sister Alice could be tough but they got along.
Terry, the oldest brother, was tough, smart and strong. Second brother Kieran kept to himself often. Wayne, being the youngest, felt left out with siblings too old or young to play with.
The document provides instructions for candidate registration and profile completion on the website It outlines 10 steps, which include signing up by providing a name and email address, filling out personal and academic details in the profile section, and applying to job postings by entering details like name, login ID, university registration ID, and company with existing offer. The final step instructs college representatives to send candidate details to the website by entering information into an excel sheet format.
Tullamore is a town located in County Offaly, Ireland. It was originally called Tulach Mh¨®r in Irish and was anglicized under British rule. Some key facts about Tullamore's history include that the Moore family was given land there during the First British Plantation in the 1570s. In 1829, the Tullamore Distillery opened and produced Tullamore Dew whiskey. In the late 1930s, Tullamore General Hospital was built to provide employment. Main industries included malting, distilling, stone quarrying and distribution. Nearby Charleville Castle dates back to 1798-1812 and is considered one of Ireland's most haunted sites.
Seg¨²n estimaciones de UNICEF, el 30-40 % de las v¨ªctimas de las minas antipersona son ni?os menores de quince a?os. Las minas matan y mutilan hasta 10.000 ni?os cada a?o.
According to UNICEF¡¯s estimations, 30-40 % of landmine casualties are children under the age of 15. Landmines kill and mutilate up to 10,000 children every year
Creative Commons licenses provide alternatives to traditional "all rights reserved" copyright that allow creators to selectively grant permissions for others to use their work. The document discusses the history and purpose of Creative Commons, including its founding in 2001 and development of six main licenses in 2002. It also covers the localization of Creative Commons to places like Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and efforts to promote open data and sharing through standardized Creative Commons licensing.
One Laptop Per Child - An Innovation for Underprivileged KidsHaggen So
The document summarizes the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) initiative, which aims to provide low-cost laptop computers to underprivileged children around the world. The initiative was founded to address the problems of poverty and lack of access to education among kids in developing countries. It draws on principles of social constructivism and free/open source software to empower children as both learners and teachers through connecting and sharing. While facing some criticism, OLPC has distributed over 2.4 million laptops globally with headquarters in Hong Kong working on ongoing deployments and evaluations of its goals and approach.
Spamato is an open source and extendable spam filtering system that aims to simplify the development and deployment of spam filters and tools. It can be used as an email client add-on or standalone system. Spamato processes emails through five phases - initialization, pre-check, check, decision, and post-check - to determine spam probability. It includes several filters like Bayesianato, Ruleminator, and filters that analyze URLs and domains. The system architecture is platform independent and supports integration of additional filters and analysis tools.
CC Affiliate Projects in Asia and the Pacific - The Hong Kong StoryHaggen So
The three sentence summary is:
The Creative Commons project in Hong Kong began in 2007 with an informal meeting led by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre at the University of Hong Kong, which established a preparatory committee and completed the localization of six Creative Commons licenses after public consultations. Notable supporters like Lawrence Lessig and Joichi Ito helped launch the Hong Kong Creative Commons through several pre-launch events, including lectures and dinners, culminating in the official launch on October 25, 2007 at the HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity. Post-launch efforts focused on educating the public through media coverage and exploring opportunities in secondary education.
From MTR to City University Creative Media CentreHaggen So
From Kowloon Tong MTR station, follow signs through Festival Walk and turn left until reaching City University. Go inside the main entrance, turn right and go up, then forward to double check the sign. Continue inside, going up floors and following signs until reaching the Creative Media Centre across a bridge after many stairs.
This document discusses copyright and Creative Commons licenses. It provides background on copyright law and limitations on creativity. It then covers the history and development of Creative Commons, including the different license types. Local adoption of Creative Commons in Hong Kong is also summarized.
The document discusses the history and development of open source software and the free software movement. It describes how early programmers freely shared source code until the commercialization of the software industry in the 1980s. This led Richard Stallman to launch the GNU project and Free Software Foundation to ensure source code remained open. Linus Torvalds later developed the Linux kernel, combining it with GNU software to create a free open source operating system. The open source model gained popularity during the dot-com boom but predictions of Linux dominating desktops were delayed due to inertia and Microsoft's market dominance. Both enabling and disabling factors for open source are discussed.
Master presentazione 1 come nasce un'ideasculling77
Piccola presentazione il cui tema ¨¨ l'illustrazione di come VIRGOSISTEMI gestisce i Clienti e le loro esigenze fino a farle diventare dei prodotti finiti.
My Family
Mum & Dad have lived in Ireland all their lives. Mum was a homemaker and Dad worked in forestry. They have a great sense of humor.
Wayne has two older brothers and three sisters. The eldest sister Caroline was bossy but intelligent. Second sister Stella listened well. Youngest sister Alice could be tough but they got along.
Terry, the oldest brother, was tough, smart and strong. Second brother Kieran kept to himself often. Wayne, being the youngest, felt left out with siblings too old or young to play with.
The document provides instructions for candidate registration and profile completion on the website It outlines 10 steps, which include signing up by providing a name and email address, filling out personal and academic details in the profile section, and applying to job postings by entering details like name, login ID, university registration ID, and company with existing offer. The final step instructs college representatives to send candidate details to the website by entering information into an excel sheet format.
Tullamore is a town located in County Offaly, Ireland. It was originally called Tulach Mh¨®r in Irish and was anglicized under British rule. Some key facts about Tullamore's history include that the Moore family was given land there during the First British Plantation in the 1570s. In 1829, the Tullamore Distillery opened and produced Tullamore Dew whiskey. In the late 1930s, Tullamore General Hospital was built to provide employment. Main industries included malting, distilling, stone quarrying and distribution. Nearby Charleville Castle dates back to 1798-1812 and is considered one of Ireland's most haunted sites.
Seg¨²n estimaciones de UNICEF, el 30-40 % de las v¨ªctimas de las minas antipersona son ni?os menores de quince a?os. Las minas matan y mutilan hasta 10.000 ni?os cada a?o.
According to UNICEF¡¯s estimations, 30-40 % of landmine casualties are children under the age of 15. Landmines kill and mutilate up to 10,000 children every year
Creative Commons licenses provide alternatives to traditional "all rights reserved" copyright that allow creators to selectively grant permissions for others to use their work. The document discusses the history and purpose of Creative Commons, including its founding in 2001 and development of six main licenses in 2002. It also covers the localization of Creative Commons to places like Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and efforts to promote open data and sharing through standardized Creative Commons licensing.
One Laptop Per Child - An Innovation for Underprivileged KidsHaggen So
The document summarizes the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) initiative, which aims to provide low-cost laptop computers to underprivileged children around the world. The initiative was founded to address the problems of poverty and lack of access to education among kids in developing countries. It draws on principles of social constructivism and free/open source software to empower children as both learners and teachers through connecting and sharing. While facing some criticism, OLPC has distributed over 2.4 million laptops globally with headquarters in Hong Kong working on ongoing deployments and evaluations of its goals and approach.
Spamato is an open source and extendable spam filtering system that aims to simplify the development and deployment of spam filters and tools. It can be used as an email client add-on or standalone system. Spamato processes emails through five phases - initialization, pre-check, check, decision, and post-check - to determine spam probability. It includes several filters like Bayesianato, Ruleminator, and filters that analyze URLs and domains. The system architecture is platform independent and supports integration of additional filters and analysis tools.
CC Affiliate Projects in Asia and the Pacific - The Hong Kong StoryHaggen So
The three sentence summary is:
The Creative Commons project in Hong Kong began in 2007 with an informal meeting led by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre at the University of Hong Kong, which established a preparatory committee and completed the localization of six Creative Commons licenses after public consultations. Notable supporters like Lawrence Lessig and Joichi Ito helped launch the Hong Kong Creative Commons through several pre-launch events, including lectures and dinners, culminating in the official launch on October 25, 2007 at the HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity. Post-launch efforts focused on educating the public through media coverage and exploring opportunities in secondary education.
From MTR to City University Creative Media CentreHaggen So
From Kowloon Tong MTR station, follow signs through Festival Walk and turn left until reaching City University. Go inside the main entrance, turn right and go up, then forward to double check the sign. Continue inside, going up floors and following signs until reaching the Creative Media Centre across a bridge after many stairs.
This document discusses copyright and Creative Commons licenses. It provides background on copyright law and limitations on creativity. It then covers the history and development of Creative Commons, including the different license types. Local adoption of Creative Commons in Hong Kong is also summarized.
The document discusses the history and development of open source software and the free software movement. It describes how early programmers freely shared source code until the commercialization of the software industry in the 1980s. This led Richard Stallman to launch the GNU project and Free Software Foundation to ensure source code remained open. Linus Torvalds later developed the Linux kernel, combining it with GNU software to create a free open source operating system. The open source model gained popularity during the dot-com boom but predictions of Linux dominating desktops were delayed due to inertia and Microsoft's market dominance. Both enabling and disabling factors for open source are discussed.
Master presentazione 1 come nasce un'ideasculling77
Piccola presentazione il cui tema ¨¨ l'illustrazione di come VIRGOSISTEMI gestisce i Clienti e le loro esigenze fino a farle diventare dei prodotti finiti.
What's relationship btween creativity and performace? and relationship between creativity and business development?
This is a ppt presentation about CRE_W a tool for assess creativity initiative at work. Full webinar is free by clicking in this link
Una giornata un'Agenzia di Comunicazione Laura_Petruolo
Quante volte si decide di avventurarsi nel mondo della comunicazione e dell'adv per dare visibilit¨¤ alla propria attivit¨¤ e ci si trova sommersi da mille paroline sconosciute che non fanno altro che confonderci?!?!?!
Ecco la soluzione... immaginate una classica giornata in un'agenzia di comunicazione, un classico incontro tra account e cliente, una classica proposta di visibilit¨¤...aggiungete un p¨° di ironia, suggerimenti chiave e arte...ed ecco "L'ARTE DI COMUNICARE"... un manuale semplice, breve e simpatico in cui trovare le risposte ai dubbi dei "non addetti ai lavori"... tra una risata e un'opera d'arte!!
Create in uno "spike", ben lontane dall'essere un prodotto informativo, sono una scaletta, una base di partenza per una versione migliorata di prossimo rilascio
Electrolux is a global leader in home appliances with sales in over 150 countries. In 2006, Electrolux had sales of SEK 104 billion and operating income of SEK 4.0 billion. The company has market share leadership in core appliances and vacuum cleaners in many regions. Electrolux focuses on product development and consumer insights to introduce innovative new products across its business areas of food preparation, food preservation, dish care, fabric care, and floor care.
2. Live your dream Eccoci al compimento del nostro percorso¡ ¡ la realizzazione del vostro sogno professionale in Second Life!
3. Live your dream Ed in attesa di vedere i vostri sogni fiorire¡ Vi lasciamo qualche riflessione per lavorare al vostro progetto¡
4. Ogni progetto che intraprendete o intraprenderete ¨¨ importante che sia S.M.A.R.T !!! Ovvero¡ Le caratteristiche di un progetto
5. S: Specifico M: Misurabile A: Ambizioso R: Realistico T: Tempificato Le caratteristiche di un progetto
6. S: Specifico. E¡¯ importante finalizzare il vostro progetto al sogno professionale. Il progetto che sceglierete dovr¨¤ aiutarvi a sperimentare il vostro sogno in Sl ,in modo da verificarne, seppur in una realt¨¤ virtuale, fattibilit¨¤ e componenti (competenze, risorse, vincoli,¡) M: Misurabile. E¡¯ importante avere degli strumenti di controllo o degli indicatori per poter capire a che punto voi siate rispetto alla meta, in modo da poter intervenire in tempo reale per ¡°riaggiustare la rotta¡± A: Ambizioso. Se mi pongo come obiettivo qualcosa di estremamente semplice o a portata di mano¡non sar¨° di fatto stimolato a sfidare le mie capacit¨¤¡ ¨¨ importante saper ¡°osare¡±¡per raggiungere grandi obiettivi! R: Realistico. Nello stesso tempo, per¨°, porre l¡¯asta troppo in alto, oltre a reali possibilit¨¤, porter¨¤ a sprechi di energie e disillusione verso il futuro¡ T: Tempificato. E ¡¯ importante darsi dei tempi per raggiungere i propri obiettivi e progetti¡ altrimenti si vive in balia di chimere o rimandi poco produttivi e dispersivi Le caratteristiche di un progetto
7. Il mio piano d¡¯azione Perch¨¦ (La mia motivazione): ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Come (le attivit¨¤ da svolgere): ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ L¡¯output (ovvero cosa realizzer¨°) ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡