Jenn was a beloved friend and colleague who will be greatly missed by her coworkers. She brought joy and laughter to the office every day with her cheerful personality and sense of humor. Her coworkers will cherish the memories they made with Jenn over the years and wish her all the best in her new adventures.
- CCi launched an initiative in May 2008 to investigate digital copyright registry systems and build an easy interface for popular internet applications to lookup images registered in these systems.
- Key dates and details were provided for the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education including the submission deadline of May 18th and conference dates from November 30th to December 4th.
- Details were listed for several CC projects including the Open Standards for Copyright Registry Interop, Registry of Prominent Projects, and the CC Hong Kong website.
The document discusses positive and negative words of varying lengths, encouraging the reader to value words like "we", "smile", and "confidence" while avoiding words like "I", "ego", and "rumor". It suggests focusing on success through teamwork, happiness, knowledge and self-assurance rather than selfishness, pride, gossip or jealousy.
This document introduces a business plan and compensation model for Quest International, a multi-level marketing company selling gold and other precious metals. The summary includes:
- Quest International was founded in 1998 and has over 30 million customers in more than 220 countries. It sells gold coins and medallions.
- The compensation plan pays commissions from 11,500 rupees to 575,000 rupees depending on the number of people recruited and their sales. Recruits are placed in left and right tracking centers.
- Strengths of the plan include a one-time purchase, income for two generations, no quotas or sales requirements, and weekly payments with no geographical limits. The company's mission is to
This document discusses the potential for customer relationship management (CRM) to focus on truly serving customers through love and empowerment, rather than just control and retention. It argues that CRM currently keeps customers locked in a client-server model where their data and control is held by companies. The document proposes that customer relationship management (CRM) needs a counterpart called vendor relationship management (VRM) to empower customers through tools and services that give them control over their own data and how they engage with companies. VRM aims to shift the balance of power towards customers and get CRM out of the controlling model to a more open, customer-centric frontier.
VRM + CRM and why individuals need their own X-wing vehiclesDoc Searls
This document discusses the potential for customer relationship management (CRM) to focus on truly serving customers through love and empowerment, rather than just control and retention. It argues that CRM currently keeps customers locked in a client-server model where their data and control is held by companies. The document proposes that customer relationship management (CRM) needs a counterpart called vendor relationship management (VRM) to empower customers through tools and services that give them control over their own data and how they engage with companies. VRM aims to shift the balance of power to customers by moving relationships to a more peer-to-peer model where individuals are integrated into their own data and can assert their own demands. The document outlines several VRM projects and companies
ºÝºÝߣs that accompanied the opening keynote at the Kynetx Impact conference in Provo, Utah. Note: uses American Typewriter Condensed, not on all machines. If you have formatting problems, use the .pdf version
The Liberated Customer is Good for BusinessDoc Searls
The document discusses how captive customers are bad for business and advocates empowering customers through tools that allow them to manage their own data and relationships with vendors. It proposes giving customers tools to send personal requests for proposals to markets, set their own prices, and assert their own legal terms. This concept of "Vendor Relationship Management" or VRM would create "free customers" who are more valuable to business than captive ones. VRM tools could include personal data stores, personal RFP systems, and fourth parties to assist customers. The goal is for sellers to have to genuinely deal with empowered customers, as free markets work best with free customers.
Before a space shuttle launch, several processing steps occur that are rarely seen by the public. The external tank arrives by barge and is lifted vertically in the VAB. Solid rocket boosters and engines are attached to the external tank. Meanwhile, the shuttle is attached to the external tank in the VAB. A payload is prepared and then moved to the launch pad to be inserted into the shuttle. Finally, the fully assembled shuttle and external tank are moved to the launch pad on a crawler where it is ready for launch.
This document discusses two choices between two people named Dong 1 and Dong 2. For each choice, it states whether Dong 1 and Dong 2 chose correctly or incorrectly. The document does not provide any other context around the choices or people.
For four months, Yeondoo Jung oversaw art classes in four kindergartens in Seoul and collected 1,200 drawings by children aged between five and seven.
"Wonderland" transforms their fantasies into actual photographic images, created without the aid of computer-generated graphics.
Enjoy it
Durante cuatro meses, Yeondoo Jung supervis¨® clases de arte en cuatro jardines de infancia en Se¨²l y recogi¨® 1.200 dibujos realizados por ni?os entre cinco y siete a?os.
"Wonderland" convierte estos dibujos en realidad fotogr¨¢fica sin recurrir a efectos gr¨¢ficos generados por ordenador.
Que lo disfrutes.
The document discusses positive and negative words of varying lengths, encouraging the reader to value words like "we", "smile", and "confidence" while avoiding words like "I", "ego", and "rumor". It suggests focusing on success through teamwork, happiness, knowledge and self-assurance rather than selfishness, pride, gossip or jealousy.
This document introduces a business plan and compensation model for Quest International, a multi-level marketing company selling gold and other precious metals. The summary includes:
- Quest International was founded in 1998 and has over 30 million customers in more than 220 countries. It sells gold coins and medallions.
- The compensation plan pays commissions from 11,500 rupees to 575,000 rupees depending on the number of people recruited and their sales. Recruits are placed in left and right tracking centers.
- Strengths of the plan include a one-time purchase, income for two generations, no quotas or sales requirements, and weekly payments with no geographical limits. The company's mission is to
This document discusses the potential for customer relationship management (CRM) to focus on truly serving customers through love and empowerment, rather than just control and retention. It argues that CRM currently keeps customers locked in a client-server model where their data and control is held by companies. The document proposes that customer relationship management (CRM) needs a counterpart called vendor relationship management (VRM) to empower customers through tools and services that give them control over their own data and how they engage with companies. VRM aims to shift the balance of power towards customers and get CRM out of the controlling model to a more open, customer-centric frontier.
VRM + CRM and why individuals need their own X-wing vehiclesDoc Searls
This document discusses the potential for customer relationship management (CRM) to focus on truly serving customers through love and empowerment, rather than just control and retention. It argues that CRM currently keeps customers locked in a client-server model where their data and control is held by companies. The document proposes that customer relationship management (CRM) needs a counterpart called vendor relationship management (VRM) to empower customers through tools and services that give them control over their own data and how they engage with companies. VRM aims to shift the balance of power to customers by moving relationships to a more peer-to-peer model where individuals are integrated into their own data and can assert their own demands. The document outlines several VRM projects and companies
ºÝºÝߣs that accompanied the opening keynote at the Kynetx Impact conference in Provo, Utah. Note: uses American Typewriter Condensed, not on all machines. If you have formatting problems, use the .pdf version
The Liberated Customer is Good for BusinessDoc Searls
The document discusses how captive customers are bad for business and advocates empowering customers through tools that allow them to manage their own data and relationships with vendors. It proposes giving customers tools to send personal requests for proposals to markets, set their own prices, and assert their own legal terms. This concept of "Vendor Relationship Management" or VRM would create "free customers" who are more valuable to business than captive ones. VRM tools could include personal data stores, personal RFP systems, and fourth parties to assist customers. The goal is for sellers to have to genuinely deal with empowered customers, as free markets work best with free customers.
Before a space shuttle launch, several processing steps occur that are rarely seen by the public. The external tank arrives by barge and is lifted vertically in the VAB. Solid rocket boosters and engines are attached to the external tank. Meanwhile, the shuttle is attached to the external tank in the VAB. A payload is prepared and then moved to the launch pad to be inserted into the shuttle. Finally, the fully assembled shuttle and external tank are moved to the launch pad on a crawler where it is ready for launch.
This document discusses two choices between two people named Dong 1 and Dong 2. For each choice, it states whether Dong 1 and Dong 2 chose correctly or incorrectly. The document does not provide any other context around the choices or people.
For four months, Yeondoo Jung oversaw art classes in four kindergartens in Seoul and collected 1,200 drawings by children aged between five and seven.
"Wonderland" transforms their fantasies into actual photographic images, created without the aid of computer-generated graphics.
Enjoy it
Durante cuatro meses, Yeondoo Jung supervis¨® clases de arte en cuatro jardines de infancia en Se¨²l y recogi¨® 1.200 dibujos realizados por ni?os entre cinco y siete a?os.
"Wonderland" convierte estos dibujos en realidad fotogr¨¢fica sin recurrir a efectos gr¨¢ficos generados por ordenador.
Que lo disfrutes.
Electrolux is a global leader in home appliances with sales in over 150 countries. In 2006, Electrolux had sales of SEK 104 billion and operating income of SEK 4.0 billion. The company has market share leadership in core appliances and vacuum cleaners in many regions. Electrolux focuses on product development and consumer insights to introduce innovative new products across its business areas of food preparation, food preservation, dish care, fabric care, and floor care.
Le mini-guide di ARGON: La gestione dell¡¯Inventario.
1. ARGON LE MINI-GUIDE DI ARGON : La gestione dell¡¯Inventario Fonte:
2. L¡¯inventario L' Inventario ( Inventory ) contiene tutti gli elementi e gli oggetti a propria disposizione. Si tratta degli elementi posseduti all'atto della creazione del proprio avatar pi¨´ quelli, che possono diventare numerosissimi, aggiunti successivamente. Si accede all' inventario con l'apposito bottone in basso a destra o premendo CTRL + I . Poich¨¦ gli elementi contenuti nell' inventario possono diventare numerosi, ¨¨ opportuno imparare a creare nuove cartelle, imparare a creare nuove cartelle e mantenere una buona organizzazione dell'inventario anche cancellando periodicamente elementi considerati non pi¨´ utili.
3. Il menu Il Menu dell¡¯inventario contiene le seguenti voci File Create Sort Link Esterni Questi sono i sottomenu corrispondenti:
4. La funzione ¡°New Window¡± apre una finestra dell¡¯inventario uguale a quella aperta. E¡¯ molto utile quando si vuole spostare gli oggetti da una cartella ad un¡¯altra. La funzione ¡°Show Filters¡± ¨¨ utile quando si cerca un oggetto in particolare (ad esempio un¡¯animazione). Il menu
5. Il campo di ricerca serve per effettuare ricerche nel proprio inventario. Molto utile per ritrovare qualcosa di cui si ¨¨ dimenticata la collocazione nelle cartelle. La parola scritta nel campo di ricerca funge da filtro, a prescindere che sia il nome di un oggetto o una sua propriet¨¤. Il campo di ricerca Suggerimento: il campo di ricerca permette di trovare tutti gli oggetti desiderati, basta scrivere le giuste parole chiave. Ad esempio, digitando ¡°Worn¡±, si ottiene la lista degli indumenti indossati in quel momento dal vostro avatar.
6. All items e Recent items All items Contiene tutti gli elementi del proprio inventario, cio¨¦ quelli posseduti dal primo ingresso in Second Life e quelli aggiunti successivamente, tutti organizzati in due cartelle principali: My Inventory, modificabile con l'aggiunta di cartelle e nuovi elementi. Library, non modificabile, contiene gli elementi di default che possono essere copiati e incollati nella My Inventory ? possibile aggiungere nuove cartelle sia nell'elenco principale di All Items, sia all'interno di altre cartelle. Per creare una nuova cartella selezionare un punto della finestra o la cartella dove la si vuole creare quindi scegliere da men¨´ il comando Create: New Folder. La cartella apparir¨¤ con il nome New Folder che potr¨¤ essere modificato con il comando Rename del menu contestuale (Right + Click). Aggiungere nuove cartelle ¨¨ una procedura che consente di tenere in ordine il proprio inventario che, con l'andare del tempo, tender¨¤ ad essere piuttosto affollato. ? anche buona norma cancellare periodicamente gli elementi dell'inventario non utilizzati. Recent Items Elenca gli elementi dell' inventario utilizzati di recente.
7. Perdita di oggetti Perdita di oggetti Normalmente, quando un nostro oggetto collocato su una land ci viene restituito (Return), appare nella cartella Lost And Found. A volte puo' sembrare che manchino degli oggetti perch¨¦ l'inventario non ¨¨ ancora stato caricato del tutto. Questo pu¨° essere verificato nella barra superiore della finestra e controllando se il numero di oggetti contenuti cresce oppure ¨¨ stabile. Possono verificarsi per¨° anche vere e proprie sparizioni di oggetti dal proprio Inventario. Esistono circa una ventina di possibili malfunzionamenti diversi alla base di questo problema, che quindi non e' sempre risolvibile semplicemente. Gli oggetti possono sparire temporaneamente o permanentemente. spesso svuotare la cache e rieffettuare il login risolve il problema secondo la pagina si pu¨° svuotare la cache anche eliminando manualmente tutti i contenuti della directory indicata in Preferences / Network / Disk Cache Location . A quanto pare questo pu¨° essere pi¨´ efficace per ripristinare gli oggetti mancanti a volte ¨¨ necessario spostarsi in una regione differente in altri casi il problema ¨¨ generalizzato e deve venire risolto da Linden Lab a livello di grid
8. ARGON "Giovani di talento pronti a mettersi in gioco in Second Life e nella Real Life." ARGON ¨¨ un progetto concepito da Intesa Sanpaolo e Coreconsulting per offrire ai giovani l¡¯opportunit¨¤ di sperimentarsi e mettersi in gioco nel mondo virtuale di Second Life, per avvicinarsi al mondo del lavoro con una marcia in pi¨´. E¡¯ un percorso di sviluppo delle proprie competenze, guidato da un team di esperti di sviluppo professionale, realizzato in un mondo dove tutto ¨¨ possibile. http:// / secondlife / skeezits /201/120/22