Syllabus zajęć fakultatywnych "Antropologia dźwięków. Foniczne reprezentacje kultur". Zajęcia będą się odbywały w semestrze letnim 2010/2011 w Instytucie Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UAM w Poznaniu.
prowadzący: dr Agata Stanisz, mgr Filip Rogalski
Case study Online campaign của Pepsi Tết 2009Phuc Nguyen ThanhThe document outlines a digital marketing campaign in Vietnam by Pepsi to promote their drinks during the Lunar New Year period from December 2008 to January 2009, which utilized rich media banners, standard banners, a microsite, and a widget to engage young consumers and embrace traditional values in a modern way, and analysis showed the rich media banners drove more interactions and the campaign met its objectives.
The Co-operative University: Labour, Property and PedagogyJoss Winnݺߣs for a conference paper:
We are witnessing an “assault” on universities (Bailey and Freedman, 2011) and the future of higher education and its institutions is being “gambled.” (McGettigan, 2013) For many years now, we have been warned that our institutions are in “ruins” (Readings, 1997). We campaign for the “public university” (Holmwood, 2011) but in the knowledge that we work for private corporations, where academic labour is increasingly subject to the regulation of performative technologies (Ball, 2003) and where the means of knowledge production is being consolidated under the control of an executive. We want the cops off our campus but lack a form of institutional governance that gives teachers and students a right to the university. (Bhandar, 2013)
Outside the university, there is an institutional form that attempts to address issues of ownership and control over the means of production and constitute a radical form of democracy among those involved. Worker co-operatives are a form of ‘producer co- operative’ constituted on the values of autonomy, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In most cases the assets (the ‘means of production’) of the co-operative are held under ‘common ownership’, a social form of property that goes beyond the distinction between private and public.
I begin this paper by discussing the recent work of academics and activists to identify the advantages and issues relating to co-operative forms of higher education. I then focus in particular on the ‘worker co-operative’ organisational form and discuss its applicability and suitability to the governance of and practices within higher educational institutions. Finally, I align the values and principles of worker co-ops with the critical pedagogic theory of ‘Student as Producer’.
Project Bidkrishna maddikaraThis project aims to develop an online bidding system to streamline the project bidding process for both buyers and programmers. The proposed system allows users to bid on projects through a web application, eliminating the need for manual paper-based bidding. This reduces time spent, workload, and the risk of losing bids compared to the existing manual system. The proposed system will be developed using and have modules for administrators, buyers and programmers.
Mobile Innovation Market (MIM)Tomas BennichThe document discusses the GSMA's Mobile Innovation Marketplace, which aims to stimulate mobile innovation by lowering barriers for innovators and encouraging investment. It provides a showcase for innovators to present to mobile operators, equipment vendors, and investors. The marketplace also includes speed networking sessions between these groups and an exhibition area. It highlights the GSMA Mobile Innovation Awards and Portal, which allows continuous online engagement between innovators and the mobile industry to promote partnerships and commercial deals.
Body languageSIVA GOPALBody language refers to the non-verbal communication through gestures, postures, facial expressions and movements of the body. The face is highly expressive and can convey a variety of emotions like happiness, sadness, anger and more through expressions. Other body language cues include gestures of the hands, posture, eye contact and stance which can also reveal feelings and attitudes. Proper interpretation of body language provides insights beyond what is said verbally.
A SALUTE TO MOTHERS 2008ROWENA REYESThis short document is a salute to mothers for Mother's Day that thanks mothers for their love and expresses gratitude to young artists. It celebrates creative works from children as gifts from the heart and soul to honor mothers. The document conveys well-wishes to all mothers and appreciation for children's artwork on this special day.
Jackrabbit by BreaonnavebryaThe jackrabbit is a brown, furry mammal that lives in fields and has long back legs. It moves quickly by hopping at speeds up to 50 miles per hour and eats grass and bushes. Jackrabbits can have multiple litters per year and baby jackrabbits can start hopping within hours of birth, eventually growing up to 27 inches long.
Iatefl 2013 titovaMoscow State UniversityThis document discusses challenges and perspectives in teaching "mobile natives" or students who have grown up with mobile devices in Russia. It notes that mobile devices have become widespread in Russia, with over 237 million mobile devices owned. It explores how mobile learning can provide just-in-time, collaborative learning and increase student motivation. Research with students found they are ready to use mobile devices for learning but teachers do not fully guide their use of educational apps. The challenges are developing teacher mobile literacy and strategies for integrating mobile devices into traditional classrooms.
Rattlesnakes by AmyavebryaRattlesnakes are tan, black, and brown scaled reptiles that can grow up to 8 feet long. They live in habitats like swamps, rivers, streams, and rocky ledges, and hibernate in dirt holes in the winter. Rattlesnakes eat small animals like mice, eggs, frogs, birds, lizards, and insects. Female rattlesnakes give birth to live young that are born small and skinny without rattlers yet.
ColegauCymru CollegesWales HE in FE 120413Lis ParcellThis document provides an update on opportunities for enhancing learning through technology from ColegauCymru / CollegesWales HE in FE Network. It discusses the reshaping of Jisc, a Welsh government digital learning group, and a Jisc Advance iTunes U project. There is an increased focus on open educational resources and MOOCs. Opportunities discussed include developing digital literacy through various programs and events focused on the open educational landscape and online learning. The document asks for experiences using social media to engage HE students and provides Jisc resources on the topic.
Shapes learningGavranicaThis document discusses basic shapes that children learn such as circle, rectangle, triangle, line, and square. It lists the names of the shapes in both English and what appears to be Croatian or Serbian. The document seems to be teaching materials for early education on shapes.
Interactive eTextbook_presentationSebastien Dubuis- Publiwide offers an interactive multimedia eTextbook platform that allows for the digital publication and global distribution of textbooks online through mobile apps and web readers.
- The platform provides tools for content creation, marketing, and commerce to help publishers transition to digital formats and take advantage of interactivity, global reach, and reduced costs compared to print.
- Key features of the platform include ePub format support, integration of multimedia elements like video and audio, interactive elements like quizzes and bookmarks, and an ecommerce module for online sales.
Pruning cooccurrence networksRaf GunsPruning cooccurrence networks involves removing low-weight links to address the density problem in networks. The document describes a method for pruning cooccurrence networks based on determining the interestingness of cooccurrences. It involves: 1) defining a pattern of interest, 2) determining the interestingness of each cooccurrence, and 3) linking authors only if their cooccurrence is interesting. Interestingness is determined by comparing the cooccurrence count to a threshold based on a fixed degree sequence model and z-scores. The method is demonstrated on author cocitation and bibliographic coupling networks.
Jisc RSC Wales Glyndwr 060313 v2Lis ParcellA presentation for Glyndŵr University at their Technology Enhanced Learning Symposium 6 March 2013. *NB this v2 replaces the original: I had to substitute an image on slide 14. The earlier version had 26 views - thank you! - and has now been taken down.
UNIT 2.2 Web Programming HTML Basics - Benchmark standardIntan JameelThe document discusses the basics of HTML and creating web pages. It outlines the structure of an HTML document which includes the head and body sections. The head section contains the page title and other metadata, while the body section contains the visible page content. It provides steps to create a basic HTML file, save it, create a virtual directory in IIS to host the file, and view it in a web browser. Errors in HTML code must be corrected by editing the source code file.
Using the Power to ProveKazuho OkuThis document discusses using the prove command-line tool to run tests and other scripts. Prove is a test runner that uses the Test Anything Protocol (TAP) to aggregate results. It can run tests and scripts written in any language by specifying the interpreter with --exec. Extensions other than .t can be run by setting --ext. Prove searches for tests in the t/ directory by default but can run any kind of scripts or tasks placed in t/, such as service monitoring scripts. The .proverc file can save common prove options for a project.
Using Q4M - a message queue for MySQL #osdc.twKazuho OkuThis document provides an overview of Q4M, a message queue storage engine plugin for MySQL. It was created by Kazuho Oku and is used by several major Japanese companies for applications like asynchronous updates, delaying peak database demands, and connecting distant servers. The document discusses message queue concepts, applications of Q4M, installing and configuring Q4M, and basic usage like creating tables, inserting data, and selecting data from Q4M tables.
Lyddie: Unit2 lesson6Terri WeissThis document provides context and instructions for a class activity on labor history and workers' rights movements. It includes:
1) A "Do Now" entry task that asks students to read and put timestrips about important labor history events in chronological order.
2) The timestrips provide details about milestones in limiting work hours, abolishing slavery, founding labor organizations, and passing laws protecting workers' rights between 1835-1970.
3) Learning objectives and discussion questions about how government and workers can affect working conditions based on the story of Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers union.
Mobile Innovation Market (MIM)Tomas BennichThe document discusses the GSMA's Mobile Innovation Marketplace, which aims to stimulate mobile innovation by lowering barriers for innovators and encouraging investment. It provides a showcase for innovators to present to mobile operators, equipment vendors, and investors. The marketplace also includes speed networking sessions between these groups and an exhibition area. It highlights the GSMA Mobile Innovation Awards and Portal, which allows continuous online engagement between innovators and the mobile industry to promote partnerships and commercial deals.
Body languageSIVA GOPALBody language refers to the non-verbal communication through gestures, postures, facial expressions and movements of the body. The face is highly expressive and can convey a variety of emotions like happiness, sadness, anger and more through expressions. Other body language cues include gestures of the hands, posture, eye contact and stance which can also reveal feelings and attitudes. Proper interpretation of body language provides insights beyond what is said verbally.
A SALUTE TO MOTHERS 2008ROWENA REYESThis short document is a salute to mothers for Mother's Day that thanks mothers for their love and expresses gratitude to young artists. It celebrates creative works from children as gifts from the heart and soul to honor mothers. The document conveys well-wishes to all mothers and appreciation for children's artwork on this special day.
Jackrabbit by BreaonnavebryaThe jackrabbit is a brown, furry mammal that lives in fields and has long back legs. It moves quickly by hopping at speeds up to 50 miles per hour and eats grass and bushes. Jackrabbits can have multiple litters per year and baby jackrabbits can start hopping within hours of birth, eventually growing up to 27 inches long.
Iatefl 2013 titovaMoscow State UniversityThis document discusses challenges and perspectives in teaching "mobile natives" or students who have grown up with mobile devices in Russia. It notes that mobile devices have become widespread in Russia, with over 237 million mobile devices owned. It explores how mobile learning can provide just-in-time, collaborative learning and increase student motivation. Research with students found they are ready to use mobile devices for learning but teachers do not fully guide their use of educational apps. The challenges are developing teacher mobile literacy and strategies for integrating mobile devices into traditional classrooms.
Rattlesnakes by AmyavebryaRattlesnakes are tan, black, and brown scaled reptiles that can grow up to 8 feet long. They live in habitats like swamps, rivers, streams, and rocky ledges, and hibernate in dirt holes in the winter. Rattlesnakes eat small animals like mice, eggs, frogs, birds, lizards, and insects. Female rattlesnakes give birth to live young that are born small and skinny without rattlers yet.
ColegauCymru CollegesWales HE in FE 120413Lis ParcellThis document provides an update on opportunities for enhancing learning through technology from ColegauCymru / CollegesWales HE in FE Network. It discusses the reshaping of Jisc, a Welsh government digital learning group, and a Jisc Advance iTunes U project. There is an increased focus on open educational resources and MOOCs. Opportunities discussed include developing digital literacy through various programs and events focused on the open educational landscape and online learning. The document asks for experiences using social media to engage HE students and provides Jisc resources on the topic.
Shapes learningGavranicaThis document discusses basic shapes that children learn such as circle, rectangle, triangle, line, and square. It lists the names of the shapes in both English and what appears to be Croatian or Serbian. The document seems to be teaching materials for early education on shapes.
Interactive eTextbook_presentationSebastien Dubuis- Publiwide offers an interactive multimedia eTextbook platform that allows for the digital publication and global distribution of textbooks online through mobile apps and web readers.
- The platform provides tools for content creation, marketing, and commerce to help publishers transition to digital formats and take advantage of interactivity, global reach, and reduced costs compared to print.
- Key features of the platform include ePub format support, integration of multimedia elements like video and audio, interactive elements like quizzes and bookmarks, and an ecommerce module for online sales.
Pruning cooccurrence networksRaf GunsPruning cooccurrence networks involves removing low-weight links to address the density problem in networks. The document describes a method for pruning cooccurrence networks based on determining the interestingness of cooccurrences. It involves: 1) defining a pattern of interest, 2) determining the interestingness of each cooccurrence, and 3) linking authors only if their cooccurrence is interesting. Interestingness is determined by comparing the cooccurrence count to a threshold based on a fixed degree sequence model and z-scores. The method is demonstrated on author cocitation and bibliographic coupling networks.
Jisc RSC Wales Glyndwr 060313 v2Lis ParcellA presentation for Glyndŵr University at their Technology Enhanced Learning Symposium 6 March 2013. *NB this v2 replaces the original: I had to substitute an image on slide 14. The earlier version had 26 views - thank you! - and has now been taken down.
UNIT 2.2 Web Programming HTML Basics - Benchmark standardIntan JameelThe document discusses the basics of HTML and creating web pages. It outlines the structure of an HTML document which includes the head and body sections. The head section contains the page title and other metadata, while the body section contains the visible page content. It provides steps to create a basic HTML file, save it, create a virtual directory in IIS to host the file, and view it in a web browser. Errors in HTML code must be corrected by editing the source code file.
Using the Power to ProveKazuho OkuThis document discusses using the prove command-line tool to run tests and other scripts. Prove is a test runner that uses the Test Anything Protocol (TAP) to aggregate results. It can run tests and scripts written in any language by specifying the interpreter with --exec. Extensions other than .t can be run by setting --ext. Prove searches for tests in the t/ directory by default but can run any kind of scripts or tasks placed in t/, such as service monitoring scripts. The .proverc file can save common prove options for a project.
Using Q4M - a message queue for MySQL #osdc.twKazuho OkuThis document provides an overview of Q4M, a message queue storage engine plugin for MySQL. It was created by Kazuho Oku and is used by several major Japanese companies for applications like asynchronous updates, delaying peak database demands, and connecting distant servers. The document discusses message queue concepts, applications of Q4M, installing and configuring Q4M, and basic usage like creating tables, inserting data, and selecting data from Q4M tables.
Lyddie: Unit2 lesson6Terri WeissThis document provides context and instructions for a class activity on labor history and workers' rights movements. It includes:
1) A "Do Now" entry task that asks students to read and put timestrips about important labor history events in chronological order.
2) The timestrips provide details about milestones in limiting work hours, abolishing slavery, founding labor organizations, and passing laws protecting workers' rights between 1835-1970.
3) Learning objectives and discussion questions about how government and workers can affect working conditions based on the story of Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers union.
Piotr Witek, Rozbite lustra historii. Rozmyte ślady historii. Metodologiczne ...Piotr Witek[w:] Historyk wobec źródeł. Historiografia klasyczna i nowe propozycje metodologiczne, pod red. Jolanty Kolbuszewskiej i Rafała Stobieckiego, Łódź 2010, s. 91-105.
Cyfrowe archiwum muzyczne prof. Adolfa DygaczaŚląska Biblioteka CyfrowaPrezentacja Muzeum „Górnośląski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie” na XIII Zebranie Śląskiej Biblioteki Cyfrowej, aut. Antoni Kreis
Piotr Witek, Rozbite lustra historii. Rozmyte ślady historii....Piotr WitekDane bibliograficzne: Piotr Witek, "Rozbite lustra historii. Rozmyte ślady historii". Metodologiczne problemy audiowizualnej koncepcji źródła historycznego, [w:] Historyk wobec źródeł. Historiografia klasyczna i nowe propozycje metodologiczne, red. Jolanta Kolbuszewska i Rafał Stobiecki, Łódź 2010.
Piotr Witek, Historyczny film dokumentalny jako dyskurs metaforycznyPiotr WitekPiotr Witek, Historyczny film dokumentalny jako dyskurs metaforyczny, [w:] Media audiowizualne w warsztacie historyka, pod red. Doroty Skotarczak, Poznań 2008, s. 129-148
Palimpsest Mapsagata staniszprojekt, który wysłaliśmy na konkurs pt. Urban legends. publikujemy go w takiej formie dnia 26.03.2009 ze względu na często zdarzające się kradzieże pomysłów i projektów.
14Szymon Konkol - Publikacje CyfrowePoradnik ten pomoże Ci w przyswojeniu wiedzy o historii muzyki, podstawowych
pojęciach muzycznych, podziale instrumentów, piosence i jej wykorzystaniu w pracy
z dziećmi oraz metodyce zajęć muzycznych.
Antropologia rzeczyagata staniszSyllabus zajęć fakultatywnych "Antropologia rzeczy". Zajęcia będą się odbywały w semestrze letnim 2010/2011 w Instytucie Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UAM w Poznaniu.
prowadząca: dr Agata Stanisz
Miasta RównoległeSąsiedzi Dwa-ZeroArtyści pochodzący z różnych krajów inscenizują w dziewięciu miejskich, publicznych przestrzeniach sytuacje, performanse, happeningi oraz akcje: niektórzy za pomocą fal radiowych czy słuchawek na głowie, inni sięgają do ludzi w miejscach pracy lub nawet całego chóru… Są to przedstawienia do posłuchania, przeczytania, dotknięcia… dla jednego, lub 100 lub jeszcze większej ilości widzów.
Współczesna antropologia pokrewieństwa.agata staniszSyllabus zajęć obowiązkowych "Współczesna antropologia pokrewieństwa". Zajęcia będą się odbywały w semestrze letnim 2010/2011 w Instytucie Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UAM w Poznaniu.
prowadząca: dr Agata Stanisz
Maciej Kurakagata staniszThe document discusses the history and development of a new technology called blockchain. Blockchain was originally developed for the digital currency Bitcoin in 2008 as a way to record transactions in a secure, decentralized manner without the need for a central authority. Since then, blockchain has expanded beyond cryptocurrencies and is now being applied in areas like banking, supply chain management, and digital identity verification due to its ability to securely and immutably store data and track the exchange of assets across a distributed network.
RODZAJ ZAJĘĆ: WARSZTATY, WYKŁAD, • Ze względu na warsztatowy (techniczny)
KONWERSATORIUM charakter zajęć zapraszamy na zajęcia
te studentki oraz tych studentów, którzy
ILOŚĆ PUNKTÓW ETCS: 2 posiadają laptopy, dyktafony cyfrowe,
aparaty cyfrowe lub telefony komórkowe
ILOŚĆ GODZIN: 30 z funkcją rejestrowania dźwięku.
SEMESTR: II, LETNI (2010/2011) • Wymagana jest bierna znajomość
języka angielskiego umożliwiająca
1) uzyskuje podstawową wiedzę na temat:
• zagadnienia antropologii dźwięków (szerzej ujętej jako antropologia zmysłów)
• zagadnienia field recordingu oraz podstawowych technik obróbki materiału dźwiękowego
• antropologicznych projektów dźwiękowych, które w różny sposób uwzględniają dźwiękową sferę rzeczywistości
• antropologów, którzy zajmują się field recordingiem oraz interpretacją soundscape’u
2) rozumie:
• w jaki sposób dźwiękowa strona rzeczywistości wiąże się z wyobrażeniami na jej temat i zmienia się w zależności
od społeczeństwa oraz kontekstu kulturowego, jak jest negocjowana, używana i poddawana symbolicznym
• potencjał tkwiący w uwzględnianiu w badaniach etnograficznych przestrzeni dźwiękowej
3) posiada umiejętności:
• dekonstrukcji koncepcji słyszenia, dźwięku, field recordingu oraz krajobrazu dźwiękowego
• interpretacji soundscape’u
• nagrywania oraz edycji materiału dźwiękowego
1-2. Organizacja zajęć. Wprowadzenie do antropologii dźwięków. Podstawowe pojęcia i metody badań tzw.soundscepe’u
3. Soundwalk – zajęcia w terenie (wyprawa fieldrecordingowa)
4-5. Warsztaty techniczne (zapoznanie się z podstawowymi narzędziami pracy field-recordisty, opanowanie podstaw obróbki dźwięku)
6 -10. Poznań vs Amazonia (prezentacje działań i projektów field- recordingowych oraz etnograficznych autorstwa A. Stanisz i F. Rogalskiego).
Zagadnienie fonicznych reprezentacji kultur (zróżnicowanie kulturowe i społeczne). Refleksja nad projektem poznańskim i amazońskim.
Porównania dwóch typów (sound)landscape'ów.
11. Wystąpienia gościnne (Rafał Kołacki autor projektu Tonopolis, field recordist, archeolog, etnolog, doktorant socjologii, muzyk z Torunia;
Katarzyna Wala autorka bloga Fonosfera - antropologia zmysłów, etnolożka, socjolożka, animatorka kultury z Katedry Etnologii i
Antropologii Kulturowej UWr; Hubert Wińczyk kulturoznawca, artysta dźwiękowy, performer, twórca video art, aktor Teatru Strefa Ciszy,
współtwórca projektu Urinatorium z Poznania)
12-13. Prezentacje studentów.
+ minimum 2 godziny ćwiczeń w terenie
Ackerman Diane. A natural history of the senses. Hearing. [ online]
Feld Steven. Sound and Sentiment: Birds, Weeping, Poetics, and Song in Kaluli Expression. Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania Press, 1990.
Feld Steven. Sound Structure as Social Structure. Ethnomusicology 1984, nr 3, s. 383-409.
Feld Steven, Brenneis D. Doing Anthropology in Sound. American Ethnologist 2004, vol. 31, nr 4, s. 461-474.
Harris R. Reggae on the Silk Road: the globalization of Uyghur Pop. China Quarterly 2005, s. 627-643.
Helmreich Stefan. An anthropologist underwater: Immersive soundscapes, submarine cyborgs, and transductive ethnography.
American Ethnologist 2007, nr 4, s. 621–641.
Howes David, Classen Constance. Doing Sensory Anthropology. [ online]
James Wendy, Aston Judith. Social Sounds. Collaborative rhythms in work, music and language among Uduk speaking
people (Sudan/Ethiopia.) [ online]
Ochoa Gautier Ana Maria. Sonic Transculturation, Epistemologies of Purification and the Aural Public Sphere in Latin America.
Social Identities 2006, nr 6, s. 803 – 825.
Panopoulos P. Animal bells as Symbols: Sound and Hearing in a Greek Island Village. Journal of the RAI. 2003, vol.9, nr 4, s.
Pistrick Eckehard, Dalipaj Gerda. Celebrating the Imagined Village: Ways of Organizing and Commenting Local Soundscapes
and Social Patterns in South Albanian Feasts. [ online]
Porcello Thomas. Music Mediated as Live in Austin: sound, technology, and recording practice. City & Society 2002, vol.14, nr
11, s. 69-86.
Stoller Paul. Sound in Songhay Cultural Experience. American Ethnologist 1984, nr 3, s. 559-570.
rozbudowana bliografia dotycząca zagadnienia
soundscape’u, landscape’u oraz antropologii zmysłów:
dostępna TUTAJ
alun ward
ambiances network
architektura auralna
aural diary
BBC audio map
binaural diares
British Library Sound Archive blog
city in a soundwalk
Concrete Crickets
domestic soundscape
14. dźwięki Nowego Orleanu
dźwięki z Małopolski
dźwięki zgeotaggowane
dźwiękowa Cologne
dźwiękowe pocztówki
earth ear
earth songs (NASA)
ekologia akustyczna
everyday listening
field recording guide
field recordings blog
16. field recordings radio
Fonosfera – multisensoryczna etnografia
Geislingen Heimat
historia mówiona: pamięć miejsca
krajobraz dźwiękowy (Sebastian Bernat)
krajobraz dźwiękowy a poznanie historyczne
listen hear sound projects
listen to Africa
lo de valm
london sound survey
london soundscape project
mapa dźwiękowa
18. miasto dźwięku
Miasto Dźwięków. Audiosfera miasta Poznania.
mister mouse field recordings
my fun: sound journal
niewidzialna mapa Wrocławia
Pracownia Badań Pejzażu Dźwiękowego
radio aporee
research into sound
Sensory Ethnography Lab
sensory studies
20. sonic space & urban environment
sons de barcelona
sound & anthropology
sound diaries
sound effects and music
sound souvenirs
sound studies
sound transit
sound&music computing
soundwalk blog
22. the freesoundproject
vincent battesti
visual listening maps
wandering ear
world listening project