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Crime News, Criminal Investigations, Lawsuits
For a while, it wasn't clear whether Palmer would face any legal consequences for his alleged
actions. Late Friday, however, it was revealed that the Zimbabwean government has asked the
United States to extradite Palmer. That's a significant development.
Kevin Sali
Criminal defense attorney in Portland, Oregon
Are we, as Americans, so obsessed with sports stars that we will overlook domestic violence and
vicious attacks on women? Is sports celebrity more important than women's right to safety and
security? Which of the following statistics and facts are more important to the public?
Mark Charles Hardie
Candidate for President and United States Senator Representing California (2016)
Jennifer Pan's parents pushed her to be the perfect daughter. But once she grew up, she hired hit
men to kill them. Her story is about more than girl gone bad. Asian family values are detonating in
the 21st century. And it's time to do something about it.
In response to the recent death of Sandra Bland and the controversy over arrest tactics, Lynch is
deeply disheartened that it took such a tragedy to finally bring the topic of officer de-escalation to
the forefront.
The correct stance on criminal justice is no longer as simple as "I'm tough on crime." Politicians are
waking up to the reality that our overly harsh crime policies need to be rolled back.
Inimai Chettiar
Director, Justice Program, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law
Acknowledgment accompanied by justice and accountability helps restore that sense of control. But
for national security detainees held by the U.S. government and its proxies, justice and
accountability are being systematically denied as a matter of law.
Donna McKay
Executive Director, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR)
Ultimately, we must slow down and stop the accelerated arming of police and citizens with military
weapons of war. We can begin by stopping the importation of foreign-produced assault weapons for
the U.S. civilian market, and by removing assault weapons from ordinary police patrols.
John Lindsay-Poland
Wage Peace Coordinator, American Friends Service Committee and researcher / analyst of US
policy, militarism, and human rights in Latin America.
Raynette Turner's death in a "cage" -- commonly called a "cell," or a "detention facility," or a
"holding place," to mask the grim reality -- is symbolic of the massive deprivation of human liberty
that our society inflicts on other humans, and which may be the most serious pathology of our legal
system, and one that continues to get worse.
It is atthis point in the evolution of our culture that we need to find what the political parties and
media have worked so doggedly to hide from us, our common ground. We agree more than we think
we do, and there is too much at stake to give up and walk away.
Eric Korn
President and CEO of American Firearms Training
Obama's prison reform agenda is pushing on towards the possibility of achieving another milestone
for the reduction of recidivism in this country.
Christopher Zoukis
Author, 'College for Convicts: The Case for Higher Education in American Prisons'; founder,
With all of the noise being generated this summer by a certain presidential candidate from New
York, recognition of a worthy story has been lost in the din. That story is the heroism of two U.S.
Marines killed in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Jim Diamond
Jim is a criminal lawyer and legal educator. He's a Board Certified Criminal Trial Specialist and
SuperLawyer. He teaches Law at The University of Arizona and blogs about criminal law, the courts
and rampage murders.
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon describes lessons learned in his state after the death of Michael Brown and
the protests that followed. One year later, Nixon discusses the importance of peaceful protest, the
ubiquity of cameras and the law enforcement changes made in Ferguson and throughout his state.
Alcoholism Treatment in West Palm Beach Cost

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Crime News, Criminal Investigations, Lawsuits

  • 1. Crime News, Criminal Investigations, Lawsuits For a while, it wasn't clear whether Palmer would face any legal consequences for his alleged actions. Late Friday, however, it was revealed that the Zimbabwean government has asked the United States to extradite Palmer. That's a significant development. Kevin Sali Criminal defense attorney in Portland, Oregon Are we, as Americans, so obsessed with sports stars that we will overlook domestic violence and vicious attacks on women? Is sports celebrity more important than women's right to safety and security? Which of the following statistics and facts are more important to the public? Mark Charles Hardie Candidate for President and United States Senator Representing California (2016) Jennifer Pan's parents pushed her to be the perfect daughter. But once she grew up, she hired hit men to kill them. Her story is about more than girl gone bad. Asian family values are detonating in the 21st century. And it's time to do something about it. In response to the recent death of Sandra Bland and the controversy over arrest tactics, Lynch is deeply disheartened that it took such a tragedy to finally bring the topic of officer de-escalation to the forefront. The correct stance on criminal justice is no longer as simple as "I'm tough on crime." Politicians are waking up to the reality that our overly harsh crime policies need to be rolled back. Inimai Chettiar Director, Justice Program, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law Acknowledgment accompanied by justice and accountability helps restore that sense of control. But for national security detainees held by the U.S. government and its proxies, justice and
  • 2. accountability are being systematically denied as a matter of law. Donna McKay Executive Director, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) Ultimately, we must slow down and stop the accelerated arming of police and citizens with military weapons of war. We can begin by stopping the importation of foreign-produced assault weapons for the U.S. civilian market, and by removing assault weapons from ordinary police patrols. John Lindsay-Poland Wage Peace Coordinator, American Friends Service Committee and researcher / analyst of US policy, militarism, and human rights in Latin America. Raynette Turner's death in a "cage" -- commonly called a "cell," or a "detention facility," or a "holding place," to mask the grim reality -- is symbolic of the massive deprivation of human liberty that our society inflicts on other humans, and which may be the most serious pathology of our legal system, and one that continues to get worse. It is atthis point in the evolution of our culture that we need to find what the political parties and media have worked so doggedly to hide from us, our common ground. We agree more than we think we do, and there is too much at stake to give up and walk away. Eric Korn President and CEO of American Firearms Training Obama's prison reform agenda is pushing on towards the possibility of achieving another milestone for the reduction of recidivism in this country. Christopher Zoukis Author, 'College for Convicts: The Case for Higher Education in American Prisons'; founder, PrisonEducation.com With all of the noise being generated this summer by a certain presidential candidate from New York, recognition of a worthy story has been lost in the din. That story is the heroism of two U.S. Marines killed in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Jim Diamond Jim is a criminal lawyer and legal educator. He's a Board Certified Criminal Trial Specialist and SuperLawyer. He teaches Law at The University of Arizona and blogs about criminal law, the courts and rampage murders. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon describes lessons learned in his state after the death of Michael Brown and the protests that followed. One year later, Nixon discusses the importance of peaceful protest, the ubiquity of cameras and the law enforcement changes made in Ferguson and throughout his state.
  • 3. Alcoholism Treatment in West Palm Beach Cost http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatment-research-based-guide-th ird-edition/evidence-based-approaches-to-drug-addiction-treatment/pharmacotherapi-1