Awami Tahreek - Sindh Long March-Kawish Coverageguestcb7007fAwami Tahreek’s 46 days historical Long March from Kandhkot to Karachi for Autonomy, NFC, Water, Education and Resources and Rights of Sindh and against Corruption, Lawlessness, Terrorism, Unemployment and man-made Inflation
Awami Tahreek - Sindh Long March-Ibrat Coverageguestcb7007fAwami Tahreek’s 46 days historical Long March from Kandhkot to Karachi for Autonomy, NFC, Water, Education and Resources and Rights of Sindh and against Corruption, Lawlessness, Terrorism, Unemployment and man-made Inflation
Awami Tahreek - Sindh Long March-Awami Awaz Articlesguestcb7007fAwami Tahreek’s 46 days historical Long March from Kandhkot to Karachi for Autonomy, NFC, Water, Education and Resources and Rights of Sindh and against Corruption, Lawlessness, Terrorism, Unemployment and man-made Inflation
Long March By Awami Tahreekgueste84f38The Awami Tahreek (Peoples Movement of the masses of Sindh) announces 46 days historical Long March 8th Oct to 22 Nov 2009 (from Kandhkot to Karachi) for Autonomy, NFC, Water, Education and Resources and Rights of Sindh and against Corruption, Lawlessness, Terrorism, Unemployment and man-made Inflation.
Long March By Awami Tahreekgueste84f38The Awami Tahreek (Peoples Movement of the masses of Sindh) announces 46 days historical Long March 8th Oct to 22 Nov 2009 (from Kandhkot to Karachi) for Autonomy, NFC, Water, Education and Resources and Rights of Sindh and against Corruption, Lawlessness, Terrorism, Unemployment and man-made Inflation.
Awami Tahreek - Sindh Long March-Kawish Coverageguestcb7007fAwami Tahreek’s 46 days historical Long March from Kandhkot to Karachi for Autonomy, NFC, Water, Education and Resources and Rights of Sindh and against Corruption, Lawlessness, Terrorism, Unemployment and man-made Inflation
Awami Tahreek - Sindh Long March-Ibrat Coverageguestcb7007fAwami Tahreek’s 46 days historical Long March from Kandhkot to Karachi for Autonomy, NFC, Water, Education and Resources and Rights of Sindh and against Corruption, Lawlessness, Terrorism, Unemployment and man-made Inflation
Awami Tahreek - Sindh Long March-Awami Awaz Articlesguestcb7007fAwami Tahreek’s 46 days historical Long March from Kandhkot to Karachi for Autonomy, NFC, Water, Education and Resources and Rights of Sindh and against Corruption, Lawlessness, Terrorism, Unemployment and man-made Inflation
Long March By Awami Tahreekgueste84f38The Awami Tahreek (Peoples Movement of the masses of Sindh) announces 46 days historical Long March 8th Oct to 22 Nov 2009 (from Kandhkot to Karachi) for Autonomy, NFC, Water, Education and Resources and Rights of Sindh and against Corruption, Lawlessness, Terrorism, Unemployment and man-made Inflation.
Long March By Awami Tahreekgueste84f38The Awami Tahreek (Peoples Movement of the masses of Sindh) announces 46 days historical Long March 8th Oct to 22 Nov 2009 (from Kandhkot to Karachi) for Autonomy, NFC, Water, Education and Resources and Rights of Sindh and against Corruption, Lawlessness, Terrorism, Unemployment and man-made Inflation.
مهاجرت از تاخوگراف آنالوگ به دیجیتال نمونه اروپایی مشابه پروژه سپهتنMojtaba Jamaliدر اروپا مدیریت مکانیزه و سیستماتیک ناوگانها، با نصب تاخوگراف آنالوگ آغاز شد. پس از مدتی با تغییر خواستههای ذینفعان حوزه حملونقل، تاخوگراف آنالوگ جای خود را به تاخوگراف دیجیتال داد. دستگاههای با قابلیت ثبت عملکرد خودرو و راننده و همچنین آگاه ساختن مدیران از کیفیت حضور رانندگان در موقعیتهای مختلف.
K hud shanasi 2nd reportKhalid Bukhariدوسری ایک روزہ تربیت گاہ
خود شناسی۔ اپنے جوہر کو پہچانیے
۱۷ ستمبر ۲۰۱۵، بہ روز جمعرات
رپورٹ: سید محمد عثمان
اللہ تعالیٰ نے اس کارخانۂ ہستی کو عبث پیدا نہیں کیا، بل کہ جس شے کو بھی تخلیق کیا، اسے کسی خاص مقصد کے لیے تخلیق کیا۔ حضرت انسان کی تخلیق بھی اسی ضابطے کے تحت ہے۔ باری تعالیٰ نے انسان کو مختلف صلاحیتوں سے نوازا اور اسی کے مطابق مختلف ذمے داریاں اس پر عائد کیں۔ ان صلاحیتوں میں سے بعض سے تو انسان واقف ہو جاتا ہے، لیکن دیگر بہت سی پوشیدہ صلاحتیں ایسی ہوتی ہیں، جن سے فائدہ اٹھانے، بل کہ اس سے پہلے جنہیں جاننے میں ہی انسان کی متاعِ حیات کا بڑا حصہ صرف ہو جاتا ہے۔