Presentación en torno a los libros #TsunamiDigital y Sácale partido a tu teléfono realizada en las ciudades de Concepción, Antofagasta, Santiago y Viña del Mar en la gira #EmpresasConectadas2015
8 Consumer Trands challenging Brands for 2016 - Tns IAB Forum 2015 / seminar ...Gabriella Bergaglio8 Consumer Trends che impattano drasticamente sul modo di fare Marketing e di far crescere i Brand. Introduzione di Federico Capeci al Seminar Spotify di IAB Forum 2015
Making Global Internet Startups from China Tim Gong / SIG Asia Investment CEO#SVFT Skyland Ventures Fest TokyoThis document discusses the growth of Chinese mobile internet companies and their expansion globally. It provides the following key points:
1) Chinese mobile internet companies are growing rapidly, with 54 internet "unicorns" in China out of 200 worldwide. Several Chinese manufacturers are also among the top smartphone producers globally.
2) Two Chinese mobile apps, 360 Security and CleanMaster, are popular in both the US and Japanese app stores, showing early success breaking into global markets.
3) SIG's portfolio includes successful Chinese mobile companies like Camera360, APUS, TouchPal and 5miles that have achieved significant user bases, funding, and valuations. These companies are looking to further expand internationally.
4) The
Technology and development : Laurent Elder - CRDI | KWS ForumKongossa (KWS)In his presentation, Laurent Elder from the International developemnt research center shared ideas on how technology may have a solid impact on people from the 3rd world
Global Technology Market UpdateAmerica's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)This document provides a summary and analysis of global technology markets and spending in 2013 and forecasts for 2014. It finds that overall global tech spending hit a new peak in 2013 but is forecast to decline slightly in 2014 due to slowing smartphone and tablet growth as markets saturate and prices decrease. Developing markets spending growth is also expected to slow somewhat as lower-end devices become necessary to penetrate new consumer tiers. Emerging Asia now leads global tech spending and North America's share may have peaked as mobile devices continue to drive the market.
Internettrends2014 052814-pdf-140528064345-phpapp02John AllevaThis document provides an overview and analysis of key internet trends from Mary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends report. Some of the major trends discussed include:
- Continued strong growth in mobile usage and traffic, though smartphone and internet user growth is slowing
- Tablet usage and shipments growing much faster than PCs ever did, but penetration is still relatively low
- Mobile advertising growing rapidly but still significantly trails mobile app revenue
- Technology valuations and funding remain well below late 1990s/early 2000 peaks
- Cybersecurity threats are intensifying with a rapid rise in active threat groups
- Education may be at an inflection point with signs that personalized, online and technology-enabled learning is helping improve outcomes
Trends in Wearable Technology: Post COVID ImpactRamneek KalraThis presentation includes following coverings:
- Impact of COVID19
- New-Normal Way of Living
- Change in Technology Post-COVID
- Wearable Technology
- What’s the Tech behind?
- Recent Trends in W.T
- Pros & Cons of using Wearables
- Future Aspects of Wearables
For connecting with me:
Twenty Years of DataNetAppIn 1995, NetApp was a two-year-old company making its debut on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Over the course of the past 20 years, the world of data has experienced a few changes.
Leading organizations worldwide count on NetApp for software, systems and services to manage and store their data. Customers value our teamwork, expertise and passion for helping them succeed now and into the future. To learn more visit
Digital 2022 Suriname (February 2022) v01DataReportalAll the data, statistics, and trends you need to make sense of digital in Suriname in 2022. Includes the latest reported numbers for internet users, social media users, and mobile connections in Suriname, as well as key indicators of ecommerce use. For more reports, including the latest global trends and individual data for more than 230 countries around the world, visit
7 predictions about the future of medianschenckThis document discusses 7 predictions about the future of media:
1. Digital media consumption will continue to grow significantly and surpass traditional media consumption. Younger generations already consume most of their media digitally on mobile devices.
2. Subscription models will continue to be a major revenue driver for digital media companies, as consumers are increasingly willing to pay for digital content and services.
3. Native digital advertising that fits the format and consumption patterns of different digital platforms will thrive. Major tech companies already generate tens of billions annually from digital advertising.
4. The issue of ad blocking will eventually resolve as publishers, platforms, and advertisers improve ad experiences and consumers choose between free content with ads or paid subscriptions without ads.
7 predictions about the future of mediaBeth Duvall-Fischer, HCS1. Digital media consumption, especially on mobile devices, is growing rapidly while traditional media like TV, radio and print are declining. Younger generations are much more likely to consume media digitally and on smartphones.
2. Both subscriptions and digital advertising are thriving revenue models for media companies in the digital space. Streaming video and music subscriptions as well as native digital ads are growing quickly.
3. Messaging apps have become very popular and are poised to become a major media platform, with the top 4 having nearly 3 billion users worldwide. Younger demographics are especially heavy users of messaging apps.
7 predictions about the future of media by BI IntelligencePeter OsickaThis document discusses 7 predictions about the future of media:
1. Digital media consumption will continue to grow significantly and surpass traditional media formats like TV, radio, and print. Younger generations already consume most of their media digitally on mobile devices.
2. Subscription models will continue to thrive for digital content like streaming video and music, even for some traditional print media. Both subscription and advertising revenue models can be successful.
3. Native digital advertising that fits the format of content consumption online will continue to grow in popularity and revenue compared to traditional display ads.
4. The issue of ad blocking will eventually resolve as publishers, platforms, and advertisers improve ad experiences and people choose services they want to support
7 predictions about the future of mediaJuan CandelaMobile is overtaking desktop, social is beating search, on-demand is undercutting TV, messaging apps are challenging email, and everything around us is becoming connected.
7 predictions about the future of mediaEzhilarasan NatarajanOriginal article from BI Intelligence. Interested in getting the full report? It's yours FREE! Simply click here to access it.
7 predictions about the future of mediaIshraq Dhaly1. Digital media consumption, especially on mobile devices, is growing rapidly while traditional media like TV, radio and print are declining. Younger generations are much more likely to consume media digitally and on smartphones.
2. Both subscription and advertising models are working for digital media companies, with many pursuing dual revenue streams. Subscription video and music services are growing quickly.
3. Messaging apps have become very popular and are poised to become a major platform for digital media, with the top 4 having nearly 3 billion users worldwide. Younger demographics are especially heavy users of messaging apps.
Latest Internet Trends; Report: 2014Gautam VermaDownload Latest Digital trends, year 2014; numbers with analysis. The research by KPCB showcase the growing trend of mobile marketing, digital marketing, number of users across screens. Country wise comparison. Information contains details of Bitcoin, tablets, mobile usage. A descriptive yet precise report!
Internet trends 2014Thai NguyenMary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends report highlighted several key trends:
1) Global internet and smartphone users continued to grow rapidly, especially in developing markets, while mobile data traffic increased 81% driven by video.
2) Tablet shipments grew 52% in 2013, faster than the growth of PCs ever did, while their user base still has significant room for expansion.
3) Mobile advertising spending grew strongly at 47% but still lagged total app revenue, indicating further monetization potential for the mobile ecosystem.
4) Cybersecurity threats intensified with a rapid rise in active threat groups and increased nation-state activities, underscoring the growing risks and challenges in securing internet-connected systems
Internet trends 2014_by Mary MeekerVasily RyzhonkovMary Meeker's Famous Internet Trend Report – 2014 Edition
A must-read that’s chock full of critical knowledge. Kleiner Perkins partner Mary Meeker’s data dumps have become a highly anticipated event in the tech industry, as her research helps everyone else level up.
Technology at workEdgar AraújoThis document discusses how technological changes from the digital revolution are transforming the world of work and presenting challenges. While technology has increased productivity, wages have stagnated in many countries, declining labor's share of GDP. The digital age has greatly benefited consumers but its impact on employment has been more disruptive. The nature of innovation is changing as well, as some new technologies allow automation of tasks previously considered human. This could affect a significant portion of the workforce and risks further widening inequality unless countries take steps to plan for these changes and ensure growth remains inclusive.
Internet Trends 2014 KPCBGraham WatsonMary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends report outlines key trends in internet usage and technology. Global internet and mobile users continue to grow rapidly, especially in developing markets, while mobile data traffic is accelerating. Tablet unit growth remains strong at 52% annually. Mobile advertising spending is growing quickly and now accounts for 11% of total internet advertising. Cyber threats are also intensifying. The report provides updates on technology stocks, venture capital funding levels, and trends in education costs and outcomes in the United States.
Internet Trends 2014Dario CaliendoMary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends report outlines key trends in internet usage and technology. Global internet and mobile users continue to grow rapidly, especially in developing markets, while mobile data traffic is accelerating. Tablet shipments grew 52% in 2013. Mobile advertising spending grew 47% and now accounts for 11% of total online ad spending. Cyber threats are also intensifying. The report provides updates on technology stocks, venture capital funding levels, and trends in education costs and outcomes in the United States.
Internet Trends 2014 - Principais Estatísticas de Internet no MundoLeonardo Diogo SilvaThe document discusses key internet trends from 2014 including:
- Global internet users and smartphone subscribers continue growing around 10-20% annually, though growth is slowing. Tablet growth remains rapid at 52% annually.
- Mobile data traffic is accelerating at 81% growth annually and video is a strong driver of increased traffic.
- Mobile usage as a percentage of total web usage continues rising rapidly across all regions.
It also provides a status update on technology stocks, noting venture capital funding and the market value of technology companies remain well below peaks from the late 1990s/2000. Education trends show potential for disruption from new models of personalized, lower cost online learning tools and platforms.
Kpcb internet trends 2014 internet trendleri raporuWebrazziThe document discusses key internet trends from 2014 including:
- Global internet users and smartphone subscribers continued strong growth of over 20% though slowing in some developing markets. Tablet growth was over 50%.
- Mobile data traffic increased 81% with video as a strong driver. Mobile usage as a percentage of total web usage rose rapidly to 25% globally.
- Tablet unit shipments grew faster than PCs ever did, at 52% growth in 2013, though tablet users still have significant room for growth compared to other devices.
- Mobile app revenue exceeded mobile advertising revenue, making up 68% of mobile monetization in 2013. Mobile advertising grew 47% but still lagged internet advertising which grew 16
Internet Trends 2014Greg Ottersbach MBAWidely circulated Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers report. Much data was collected and based between 2010 to 2014, including trends and projections; Released 2nd quarter 2014. Excellent review overall and provides generally reliable sources.
2014 Tech TrendsF.Nazar @gmail.comThe best presentation I've seen this year.
I say: "New today? Tomorrow's everyday."
Watch out for bitcoin and BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China).
Internet Trends 2014 Mery Meeker - KPCBAlberto BenbunanEn esta edición, Meeker habla de:
1) El crecimiento de internet se ralentiza, pero el tráfico a través de dispositivos móviles aumenta, así como la publicidad en el móvil.
2) Mejoras emergentes en Educación y Salud.
3) Alto nivel de penetración en mensajería, comunicación, aplicaciones y servicios.
4) Data detrás del rápido crecimiento de sensores, información, data mining, reconocimiento de patrones, etc.
5) La evolución del video online.
6) Algunas observaciones sobre la innovación en China.
Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers (KPCB) Internet Trends - Code ConferenceBoast CapitalThe latest edition of the annual Internet Trends report includes:
1. Key Internet trends showing slowing Internet user growth but strong smartphone, tablet and mobile data traffic growth as well as rapid growth in mobile advertising.
2. Emerging positive efficiency trends in education and healthcare.
3. High-level trends in messaging, communications, apps and services.
4. Data behind the rapid growth in sensors, uploadable / findable / shareable data, data mining tools, and pattern recognition.
5. Context on the evolution of online video.
6. Observations about online innovation in Chin
Mary Meeker's 2014 Internet reportdennis mccarthyThe document discusses key internet trends from 2014 including:
- Global internet users and smartphone subscribers continued strong growth of over 20% though slowing in some developing markets.
- Tablet growth remained rapid at 52% but still early stage.
- Mobile data traffic increased 81% with video as a strong driver.
- Mobile usage as a percentage of total web usage continues to rise globally.
Estudo KPCB 2014 Internet Trends Israel DegasperiThe document discusses key internet trends from 2014 including:
- Global internet users and smartphone subscribers continue growing at around 10-20% annually, though slowing in some developing markets. Tablet growth remains rapid at 52% annually.
- Mobile data traffic is accelerating at 81% growth driven by increasing video consumption.
- Mobile usage as a percentage of total web usage continues rising globally, reaching 25% in 2014.
- Mobile advertising spending grew 47% in 2013 and now accounts for 11% of total global internet advertising.
- Mobile app revenue still outweighs mobile advertising revenue, accounting for 68% of mobile monetization in 2013.
Rass MELAI : an Internet MELA Quiz Finals - El Dorado 2025Conquiztadors- the Quiz Society of Sri Venkateswara CollegeFinals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
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7 predictions about the future of medianschenckThis document discusses 7 predictions about the future of media:
1. Digital media consumption will continue to grow significantly and surpass traditional media consumption. Younger generations already consume most of their media digitally on mobile devices.
2. Subscription models will continue to be a major revenue driver for digital media companies, as consumers are increasingly willing to pay for digital content and services.
3. Native digital advertising that fits the format and consumption patterns of different digital platforms will thrive. Major tech companies already generate tens of billions annually from digital advertising.
4. The issue of ad blocking will eventually resolve as publishers, platforms, and advertisers improve ad experiences and consumers choose between free content with ads or paid subscriptions without ads.
7 predictions about the future of mediaBeth Duvall-Fischer, HCS1. Digital media consumption, especially on mobile devices, is growing rapidly while traditional media like TV, radio and print are declining. Younger generations are much more likely to consume media digitally and on smartphones.
2. Both subscriptions and digital advertising are thriving revenue models for media companies in the digital space. Streaming video and music subscriptions as well as native digital ads are growing quickly.
3. Messaging apps have become very popular and are poised to become a major media platform, with the top 4 having nearly 3 billion users worldwide. Younger demographics are especially heavy users of messaging apps.
7 predictions about the future of media by BI IntelligencePeter OsickaThis document discusses 7 predictions about the future of media:
1. Digital media consumption will continue to grow significantly and surpass traditional media formats like TV, radio, and print. Younger generations already consume most of their media digitally on mobile devices.
2. Subscription models will continue to thrive for digital content like streaming video and music, even for some traditional print media. Both subscription and advertising revenue models can be successful.
3. Native digital advertising that fits the format of content consumption online will continue to grow in popularity and revenue compared to traditional display ads.
4. The issue of ad blocking will eventually resolve as publishers, platforms, and advertisers improve ad experiences and people choose services they want to support
7 predictions about the future of mediaJuan CandelaMobile is overtaking desktop, social is beating search, on-demand is undercutting TV, messaging apps are challenging email, and everything around us is becoming connected.
7 predictions about the future of mediaEzhilarasan NatarajanOriginal article from BI Intelligence. Interested in getting the full report? It's yours FREE! Simply click here to access it.
7 predictions about the future of mediaIshraq Dhaly1. Digital media consumption, especially on mobile devices, is growing rapidly while traditional media like TV, radio and print are declining. Younger generations are much more likely to consume media digitally and on smartphones.
2. Both subscription and advertising models are working for digital media companies, with many pursuing dual revenue streams. Subscription video and music services are growing quickly.
3. Messaging apps have become very popular and are poised to become a major platform for digital media, with the top 4 having nearly 3 billion users worldwide. Younger demographics are especially heavy users of messaging apps.
Latest Internet Trends; Report: 2014Gautam VermaDownload Latest Digital trends, year 2014; numbers with analysis. The research by KPCB showcase the growing trend of mobile marketing, digital marketing, number of users across screens. Country wise comparison. Information contains details of Bitcoin, tablets, mobile usage. A descriptive yet precise report!
Internet trends 2014Thai NguyenMary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends report highlighted several key trends:
1) Global internet and smartphone users continued to grow rapidly, especially in developing markets, while mobile data traffic increased 81% driven by video.
2) Tablet shipments grew 52% in 2013, faster than the growth of PCs ever did, while their user base still has significant room for expansion.
3) Mobile advertising spending grew strongly at 47% but still lagged total app revenue, indicating further monetization potential for the mobile ecosystem.
4) Cybersecurity threats intensified with a rapid rise in active threat groups and increased nation-state activities, underscoring the growing risks and challenges in securing internet-connected systems
Internet trends 2014_by Mary MeekerVasily RyzhonkovMary Meeker's Famous Internet Trend Report – 2014 Edition
A must-read that’s chock full of critical knowledge. Kleiner Perkins partner Mary Meeker’s data dumps have become a highly anticipated event in the tech industry, as her research helps everyone else level up.
Technology at workEdgar AraújoThis document discusses how technological changes from the digital revolution are transforming the world of work and presenting challenges. While technology has increased productivity, wages have stagnated in many countries, declining labor's share of GDP. The digital age has greatly benefited consumers but its impact on employment has been more disruptive. The nature of innovation is changing as well, as some new technologies allow automation of tasks previously considered human. This could affect a significant portion of the workforce and risks further widening inequality unless countries take steps to plan for these changes and ensure growth remains inclusive.
Internet Trends 2014 KPCBGraham WatsonMary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends report outlines key trends in internet usage and technology. Global internet and mobile users continue to grow rapidly, especially in developing markets, while mobile data traffic is accelerating. Tablet unit growth remains strong at 52% annually. Mobile advertising spending is growing quickly and now accounts for 11% of total internet advertising. Cyber threats are also intensifying. The report provides updates on technology stocks, venture capital funding levels, and trends in education costs and outcomes in the United States.
Internet Trends 2014Dario CaliendoMary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends report outlines key trends in internet usage and technology. Global internet and mobile users continue to grow rapidly, especially in developing markets, while mobile data traffic is accelerating. Tablet shipments grew 52% in 2013. Mobile advertising spending grew 47% and now accounts for 11% of total online ad spending. Cyber threats are also intensifying. The report provides updates on technology stocks, venture capital funding levels, and trends in education costs and outcomes in the United States.
Internet Trends 2014 - Principais Estatísticas de Internet no MundoLeonardo Diogo SilvaThe document discusses key internet trends from 2014 including:
- Global internet users and smartphone subscribers continue growing around 10-20% annually, though growth is slowing. Tablet growth remains rapid at 52% annually.
- Mobile data traffic is accelerating at 81% growth annually and video is a strong driver of increased traffic.
- Mobile usage as a percentage of total web usage continues rising rapidly across all regions.
It also provides a status update on technology stocks, noting venture capital funding and the market value of technology companies remain well below peaks from the late 1990s/2000. Education trends show potential for disruption from new models of personalized, lower cost online learning tools and platforms.
Kpcb internet trends 2014 internet trendleri raporuWebrazziThe document discusses key internet trends from 2014 including:
- Global internet users and smartphone subscribers continued strong growth of over 20% though slowing in some developing markets. Tablet growth was over 50%.
- Mobile data traffic increased 81% with video as a strong driver. Mobile usage as a percentage of total web usage rose rapidly to 25% globally.
- Tablet unit shipments grew faster than PCs ever did, at 52% growth in 2013, though tablet users still have significant room for growth compared to other devices.
- Mobile app revenue exceeded mobile advertising revenue, making up 68% of mobile monetization in 2013. Mobile advertising grew 47% but still lagged internet advertising which grew 16
Internet Trends 2014Greg Ottersbach MBAWidely circulated Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers report. Much data was collected and based between 2010 to 2014, including trends and projections; Released 2nd quarter 2014. Excellent review overall and provides generally reliable sources.
2014 Tech TrendsF.Nazar @gmail.comThe best presentation I've seen this year.
I say: "New today? Tomorrow's everyday."
Watch out for bitcoin and BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China).
Internet Trends 2014 Mery Meeker - KPCBAlberto BenbunanEn esta edición, Meeker habla de:
1) El crecimiento de internet se ralentiza, pero el tráfico a través de dispositivos móviles aumenta, así como la publicidad en el móvil.
2) Mejoras emergentes en Educación y Salud.
3) Alto nivel de penetración en mensajería, comunicación, aplicaciones y servicios.
4) Data detrás del rápido crecimiento de sensores, información, data mining, reconocimiento de patrones, etc.
5) La evolución del video online.
6) Algunas observaciones sobre la innovación en China.
Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers (KPCB) Internet Trends - Code ConferenceBoast CapitalThe latest edition of the annual Internet Trends report includes:
1. Key Internet trends showing slowing Internet user growth but strong smartphone, tablet and mobile data traffic growth as well as rapid growth in mobile advertising.
2. Emerging positive efficiency trends in education and healthcare.
3. High-level trends in messaging, communications, apps and services.
4. Data behind the rapid growth in sensors, uploadable / findable / shareable data, data mining tools, and pattern recognition.
5. Context on the evolution of online video.
6. Observations about online innovation in Chin
Mary Meeker's 2014 Internet reportdennis mccarthyThe document discusses key internet trends from 2014 including:
- Global internet users and smartphone subscribers continued strong growth of over 20% though slowing in some developing markets.
- Tablet growth remained rapid at 52% but still early stage.
- Mobile data traffic increased 81% with video as a strong driver.
- Mobile usage as a percentage of total web usage continues to rise globally.
Estudo KPCB 2014 Internet Trends Israel DegasperiThe document discusses key internet trends from 2014 including:
- Global internet users and smartphone subscribers continue growing at around 10-20% annually, though slowing in some developing markets. Tablet growth remains rapid at 52% annually.
- Mobile data traffic is accelerating at 81% growth driven by increasing video consumption.
- Mobile usage as a percentage of total web usage continues rising globally, reaching 25% in 2014.
- Mobile advertising spending grew 47% in 2013 and now accounts for 11% of total global internet advertising.
- Mobile app revenue still outweighs mobile advertising revenue, accounting for 68% of mobile monetization in 2013.
Rass MELAI : an Internet MELA Quiz Finals - El Dorado 2025Conquiztadors- the Quiz Society of Sri Venkateswara CollegeFinals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
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Kaun TALHA quiz Finals -- El Dorado 2025Conquiztadors- the Quiz Society of Sri Venkateswara CollegeFinals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Principle and Practices of Animal Breeding || Boby BasnetBoby BasnetPrinciple and Practices of Animal Breeding Full Note
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Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita AnandThis ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz HussainThis presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwalThis PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo ݺߣsCeline GeorgeIn this slide we’ll discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
A PPT Presentation on The Princess and the God: A tale of ancient India by A...Beena E SA PPT Presentation on The Princess and the God: A tale of ancient India by Aaron Shepard
Rass MELAI : an Internet MELA Quiz Prelims - El Dorado 2025Conquiztadors- the Quiz Society of Sri Venkateswara CollegePrelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM People Interest Network Conference - Tim Lyons - The neurological levels ...Association for Project Management APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Master’s degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APM’s People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
8. Position Probability of Automation
Loan Officers
Receptionist and Information Clerk
Paralegals and Legal Assistants
Retail Salespeople
Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs
Security Guards
Cooks, Fast Food
Personal Financial Advisors
Computer Programmers
Reporters and Correspondents
Musicians and Singers
Elementary School Teachers
Physicians and Surgeons
10. Time Spent per Adult User per Day
with Digital Media, USA, 2008 - 2015 YTD
HoursperDay 51%
of total
of total
7% of
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4
2.3 2.4 2.6 2.5 2.3
2.4 2.4
1.6 2.3
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
0 0
´08 ´09 ´10 ´11 ´12 ´13 ´14 ´15
Global Monthly Mobile Traffic
4 exabytes (million terabytes)
11. “I like open systems,
but I’m a hacker. But
most people want
things that are easy to use.
Steve’s genius
is that he knows
how to make
things simple...”
(Steve Wozniak, co fundador de Apple)
16. Rockin’ Business
Musics Changing
Source: Recording Industry Association of America
Music Videos
Ringtones and
Subscription and
Compact Discs
Compact Discs
and other physical
17. Sources: Newspaper Association
of America; American Society of
Newspaper Editors; Pew;
The Economist
*Excluding specialist publications
Journalist headcount
Print Online
Sack the hacks!
US newspaper advertising revenue
1978 85 90 95 2000 05 10 14
28. “Internet es una máquina gigante diseñada para darle a la gente lo que quiere.
Normalmente pensamos que Internet nos permite hacer cosas nuevas...
Pero la gente simplemente quiere hacer las mismas cosas que siempre ha realizado.”
(Evan Williams, co-fundador Blogger & Twitter)