This document summarizes a study of CEO succession events among the largest 100 U.S. corporations between 2005-2015. The study analyzed executives who were passed over for the CEO role ("succession losers") and their subsequent careers. It found that 74% of passed over executives left their companies, with 30% eventually becoming CEOs elsewhere. However, companies led by succession losers saw average stock price declines of 13% over 3 years, compared to gains for companies whose CEO selections remained unchanged. The findings suggest that boards generally identify the most qualified CEO candidates, though differences between internal and external hires complicate comparisons.
This document summarizes a study of CEO succession events among the largest 100 U.S. corporations between 2005-2015. The study analyzed executives who were passed over for the CEO role ("succession losers") and their subsequent careers. It found that 74% of passed over executives left their companies, with 30% eventually becoming CEOs elsewhere. However, companies led by succession losers saw average stock price declines of 13% over 3 years, compared to gains for companies whose CEO selections remained unchanged. The findings suggest that boards generally identify the most qualified CEO candidates, though differences between internal and external hires complicate comparisons.
12. どうやって作ってるの!?③
? Twitterへのつぶやき投稿はこんなにかんたん!
final String msg = " 『坊っちゃん』なう #aozorayomite";
final Uri uri = Uri.parse(
+ URLEncoder.encode(msg, "UTF-8"));
final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
13. ちなみに、メールの場合はこんな感じ
Intent intent = new Intent();
// アクションとデータタイプを指定
// TO、CC、BCC、件名、本文を順に指定
new String[] { "" });
new String[] { "" });
new String[] { "" });
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "件名");
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "本文の内容");
// Intent を発行