Scenarios for a Sustainable Information Society Strategy for the Mediterranea...jexxon
Policy Document for the EU ASIS Project, Conference "Towards a Sustainable Information Society for the 21st Century: Strategies, Research and Policy Actions", Brussels (BE), 22 February 2000
Slachtoffer-dader mediation op het werk: hulpmiddel of valkuil voor vertrouwe...Linda B.
Aangepaste PPT van de presentatie die ik gaf voor het behalen van mijn diploma 'Toegepaste Victimologie' van het Belgisch Instituut voor Victimologie in november 2006.
Culture, Creativity and Mediterranean Competitivenessjexxon
Presentation for a MEDINS project public Seminar in Malta on 10 November 2007. Policy paper on relational development models for regional creativity based on immaterial cultural heritage
The document discusses the digital divide between older and younger generations regarding technology use. Younger generations are more comfortable with technology due to growing up with it, while it remains foreign to many older adults. The study found computer use among older adults increased 47% from 2000-2004, but only 20% of older adults went online in 2003 compared to 65% of younger adults. Barriers to technology use among older adults included lack of confidence, education, and interest in learning new skills, as well as fear of the unknown.
Rick Weinberg presents on writing instruction that meets Common Core standards for struggling students. He discusses why teaching writing is important, how to support struggling students, and examples of assistive technologies that can help students organize and express their ideas. Some key assistive technologies mentioned are voice recognition apps, word prediction, and digital notetaking pens. The presentation aims to provide tools and strategies to enable all students to develop their writing skills.
This magazine article summarizes an interview with the Seattle-based solo musician Chris Mansfield, who performs under the name Fences. Some key details from the interview include that Fences cites Elliott Smith as a major musical influence and enjoys recording with other local artists. He drinks alcohol daily but does not do other drugs, and hopes to tour and release a full-length album if given the opportunity. Fences aims to convey emotion through his intimate folk songs and wants listeners to feel something when they listen to his music.
This project has been submitted to the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2008 competition and was awarded the 2nd place. This presentation was the first round concept proposal.
Abraham Elterman's painting style has evolved over the years from 1999 to 2007, but has consistently dealt with themes of individuality, loneliness, isolation, and connectedness. In 1999, his paintings featured large single objects that reached into the canvas, representing cut sections of larger objects. In 2000, the paintings showed elongated organic forms occupying the entire canvas without backgrounds. Subsequent series in 2001-2004 featured more refined, ovoid and feminine shapes speaking of connectedness and empathy between forms. Later works from 2005-2007 explored elongated structures infused with a sense of life that conform to each other or are isolated.
This document contains 18 short passages summarizing or describing various photographs. Each passage includes a single word title and 2-3 sentences of text describing the photo's subject, context, and/or creative process. The photos cover a range of subjects including teamwork, restraint, advancement, salvation, love, truth, illumination, dualism, contact, unification, and mystery.
A wiki is a website that allows users to collaboratively edit and add content to pages. This document provides an introduction to using Wikispaces, a wiki platform, including how to create an account, edit pages by inserting text, documents, and links. It also describes how to discuss pages and add additional pages to the navigation menu.
She may represent different things throughout each day, such as beauty or beast, feast or famine, heaven or hell. She can mirror one's dreams or reflect in a stream, though she may not seem what is inside her shell. She who seems happy in a crowd may have private, proud eyes that no one sees when she cries. She may be the love that cannot last or come from the past that will be remembered until death. She may be the reason for survival and life, the one who will be cared for through life. Her laughter and tears will be treasured souvenirs, and where she goes is where the speaker must be, as she is the meaning of life.
This session is recommended for anyone interested in building real-time streaming applications using AWS. In this session, you will get a deep understanding of how data can be ingested by Amazon Kinesis and made available for real-time analysis and processing. We¡¯ll also show how you can leverage the Kinesis client to make your applications highly available and fault tolerant. We¡¯ll explore various design considerations in implementing real-time solutions and explain key concepts against the backdrop of an actual use case. Finally, we¡¯ll situate stream processing in the broader context of your big data applications.
? This document discusses the relationship between Bagheria, Italy and its water territories. It describes 4 key areas: 1) Villa gardens which drew on Arab water management traditions, 2) The coastal area featuring limestone formations, beaches and protected lands, 3) The fishing village of Aspra and fishing/coastal activities, and 4) The Fiume Eleuterio riverbed which once connected to other municipalities and landscapes. It identifies issues for the NetWet3 project around water cultures and governance, and proposes actions around cataloging water cultures and developing innovative governance models.
This magazine article summarizes an interview with the Seattle-based solo musician Chris Mansfield, who performs under the name Fences. Some key details from the interview include that Fences cites Elliott Smith as a major musical influence and enjoys recording with other local artists. He drinks alcohol daily but does not do other drugs, and hopes to tour and release a full-length album if given the opportunity. Fences aims to convey emotion through his intimate folk songs and wants listeners to feel something when they listen to his music.
This project has been submitted to the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2008 competition and was awarded the 2nd place. This presentation was the first round concept proposal.
Abraham Elterman's painting style has evolved over the years from 1999 to 2007, but has consistently dealt with themes of individuality, loneliness, isolation, and connectedness. In 1999, his paintings featured large single objects that reached into the canvas, representing cut sections of larger objects. In 2000, the paintings showed elongated organic forms occupying the entire canvas without backgrounds. Subsequent series in 2001-2004 featured more refined, ovoid and feminine shapes speaking of connectedness and empathy between forms. Later works from 2005-2007 explored elongated structures infused with a sense of life that conform to each other or are isolated.
This document contains 18 short passages summarizing or describing various photographs. Each passage includes a single word title and 2-3 sentences of text describing the photo's subject, context, and/or creative process. The photos cover a range of subjects including teamwork, restraint, advancement, salvation, love, truth, illumination, dualism, contact, unification, and mystery.
A wiki is a website that allows users to collaboratively edit and add content to pages. This document provides an introduction to using Wikispaces, a wiki platform, including how to create an account, edit pages by inserting text, documents, and links. It also describes how to discuss pages and add additional pages to the navigation menu.
She may represent different things throughout each day, such as beauty or beast, feast or famine, heaven or hell. She can mirror one's dreams or reflect in a stream, though she may not seem what is inside her shell. She who seems happy in a crowd may have private, proud eyes that no one sees when she cries. She may be the love that cannot last or come from the past that will be remembered until death. She may be the reason for survival and life, the one who will be cared for through life. Her laughter and tears will be treasured souvenirs, and where she goes is where the speaker must be, as she is the meaning of life.
This session is recommended for anyone interested in building real-time streaming applications using AWS. In this session, you will get a deep understanding of how data can be ingested by Amazon Kinesis and made available for real-time analysis and processing. We¡¯ll also show how you can leverage the Kinesis client to make your applications highly available and fault tolerant. We¡¯ll explore various design considerations in implementing real-time solutions and explain key concepts against the backdrop of an actual use case. Finally, we¡¯ll situate stream processing in the broader context of your big data applications.
? This document discusses the relationship between Bagheria, Italy and its water territories. It describes 4 key areas: 1) Villa gardens which drew on Arab water management traditions, 2) The coastal area featuring limestone formations, beaches and protected lands, 3) The fishing village of Aspra and fishing/coastal activities, and 4) The Fiume Eleuterio riverbed which once connected to other municipalities and landscapes. It identifies issues for the NetWet3 project around water cultures and governance, and proposes actions around cataloging water cultures and developing innovative governance models.
1. Byl jednou jeden mlad? p¨¢r s chlapcem ve v¨§ku 12 let. Rozhodli se cestovat, pracovat a pozn¨¢vat sv¨§t. A tak se rozjeli do sv¨§ta se sv?m oslem .
2. P?ijeli do prvn¨ª vesnice , l id jejich p?¨ªchod komentoval : ? pod¨ªvejte na toho nevychovan¨¦ho chlapce. .. on na oslu a chud¨¢ci unaven¨ª rodi?e p¨§?ky. ?e to tak nechaj¨ª! " A tak man?elka ?ekla man?elovi: ? Nedovolme, a? mluv¨ª ?patn¨§ o na?em synovi.¡° Man?el sundal d¨ªt¨§ a s¨¢m nasedl na osla .
3. P?ijeli do druh¨¦ vesnice. Lid bru?el: ? Pod¨ªvejte na toho nestoudn¨¦ho otce! Nech¨¢ man?elku a syna tr¨¢pit se p¨§?ky, zat¨ªmco on se veze na oslu ." Tak mu? sestoupil a nechal posadit man?elku. On se synem vedli osla za uzdu .
4. P?ijeli do t?et¨ª vesnice a lid to op¨§t komentoval : ? Chud¨¢k mu? ! Po nam¨¢hav¨¦ celodenn¨ª pr¨¢ci nech¨¢ sed¨§t man?elku na oslu . A chud¨¢k chlapec! Jak ne?lechetnou matku m¨¢!¡° A tak se rozhodli sednout na osla v?ichni t?i. Znovu vyrazili na pou? .
5. Kdy? p?ijeli do ?tvrt¨¦ vesnice, zaslechli, co si ?¨ªkal lid: ? Jsou to bestie. V¨§t?¨ª bestie, ne? s¨¢m osel, co je nese. Umo?ili by ho k smrti, m¨ªsto aby sestoupili a kr¨¢?eli svorn¨§ vedle n¨§ho. . ¡° Ale v dal?¨ª vesnici nemohli v¨§?it sv?m u?¨ªm, kdy? sly?eli: ? Hele, to jsou ti t?i idioti, co kr¨¢?ej¨ª p¨§?ky, i kdy? maj¨ª osla, kter? je m??e n¨¦st ! ¡°
6. Z¨¢v¨§r : Po?¨¢d t¨§ budou kritizovat , budou o tob¨§ ?patn¨§ mluvit a bude obt¨ª?n¨¦ potkat n¨§koho, kdo t¨§ bude br¨¢t takov¨¦ho, jak? jsi .
7. Proto : ?ij podle svoj¨ª v¨ªry . D¨§lej to, co ti rad¨ª srdce ... To co chce? ... Lidsk? ?ivot je divadeln¨ª p?edstaven¨ª, kter¨¦ se hraje bez p?edchoz¨ªch zkou?ek . Zp¨ªvej, sm¨§j se , tancuj, m¨§j r¨¢d ... a ?ij intenzivn¨§ ka?d? okam?ik tv¨¦ho ?ivota ... d?¨ªve, ne? spadne opona a hra skon?¨ª bez potlesku . (Charlie Chaplin)
8. ?¨ªk¨¢ se, ?e: ? Sta?¨ª minuta, abyste si v?imli ?lov¨§ka , hodina, aby se v¨¢m stal sympatick? , den, abyste se zamilovali , ale nesta?¨ª ani cel? ?ivot, abyste na n¨§j dok¨¢zali zapomenout ".
9. Po?li tenhle dopis t¨§m lidem, na kter¨¦ nechce? zapomenout. A nezapome¨¾ jej poslat i tomu, kdo ti jej poslal. D¨¢? jim t¨ªm v¨§d¨§t, ?e na n¨§ nezapomene?. Pokud to nikomu nepo?le?, znamen¨¢ to, ?e pro sam? sp¨§ch jsi zapomn¨§l na sv¨¦ p?¨¢tele .
10. Va? si ?asu, kter? ti je vym¨§?en k ?ivotu! P??TEL JE SLUNCEM, KTER? NEZAPAD? !