3. Intuit Confidential and Proprietary 3
At work, are your less-qualified male coworkers given more opportunities
than you are?
We asked 231 Silicon Valley women in tech
4. Intuit Confidential and Proprietary 4
At work, are your less-qualified male coworkers given more opportunities
than you are?
We asked 231 Silicon Valley women in tech
20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59
Yes, often
Yes, sometimes
Yes, but not often
5. Intuit Confidential and Proprietary 5
Why do >50% of all age ranges say they have
fewer opportunities than men?
This data raises questions
6. Intuit Confidential and Proprietary 6
Why is there a significant drop in opportunity
between 20-40 and 40-60 years of age?
This data raises questions
7. Intuit Confidential and Proprietary 7
Is this experience true for all women in tech or
primarily Silicon Valley?
This data raises questions
8. Intuit Confidential and Proprietary 8
What kinds of opportunities do women in tech
wish they had more of?
This data raises questions
9. Intuit Confidential and Proprietary 9
Is this issue isolated to women in tech or is it
reflective of gender inequality in other fields
like law, medicine, etc.?
This data raises questions
11. Intuit Confidential and Proprietary 11
We asked 300 women participating in an Intuit sponsored April 2016 Bay Area Girl
Geek Dinner to answer 5 questions on an anonymous survey using the
surveymonkey tool. 231 women in tech responded in the age ranges of 20-60.
Participants included women in a variety of technical fields, from companies large
and small, across many levels of seniority primarily early career.
Questions included:
Whats your age?
What technology do you think will be the biggest game changer in the next 5 years?
How much of an expert are you in your field?
Are you considering starting your own company (beyond independent consulting)?
At work, are your less-qualified male coworkers given more opportunities than you are?
What was your favorite kind of toy as a kid?
Survey Methodology
12. Intuit Confidential and Proprietary 12
Thank you Girl Geeks!
Want to learn more about Girl Geek Dinners? http://bayareagirlgeekdinners.com