This document lists various activities that one can do on weekends such as doing shopping, homework, getting up early, going out, to the city centre, to the cinema, to a disco, to the internet cafe, having meals, meeting friends, reading newspapers, and watching TV.
The document lists different fruits that the author likes, including apples, watermelons, pears, plums, oranges, lemons, pineapples, cherries, bananas, peaches, grapes, strawberries, and raspberries. It also provides examples of singular and plural forms of some of these fruits. Finally, it discusses topics such as best friends, allergies, activities like skiing and playing outside, pets, and clothing.
This document appears to be an English language test or worksheet containing questions about grammar, translation, and personal information. It includes exercises asking the test taker to identify people's actions in pictures, choose the correct verb form, answer questions using "can" or "are", translate body parts into another language, and respond to prompts asking for their name, age, daily schedule, abilities, and descriptions of family members and possessions. The test addresses a variety of basic English language concepts in a worksheet or homework format.
This document contains a grammar exercise with fill-in-the-blank questions about likes/dislikes, adjectives to describe a picture of a kitten and puppy, questions to translate starting with "his or her" or "he/she has got", and words to translate from another language to English. The exercises are testing grammar concepts like verbs, adjectives, pronouns and translation.
This document contains an English exercise with multiple parts testing comprehension of possession (using have/has got), conjugation of verbs, telling time, and translating short phrases from English to Estonian. The student is asked to answer questions about possession, write sentences using have/has got correctly, identify whether sentences use is, am, or are, write out times, and translate phrases between the two languages.
My name is Claude. I am an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest. I don't have personal details like an age or daily schedule. I don't have the abilities that humans have - I was made by Anthropic to be an AI. I don't have a family or deskmates. I don't do activities like humans. I was created to answer questions and provide information to users, but I don't have a personal life of my own.
The document provides information about seasons, months, numbers, ordinal numbers, birthdays, emotions, present and past tense forms of the verb "to be", telling time, and asking Wh- questions. It includes lists of months for each season, numbers, ordinal numbers, emotions, forms of the verb "to be" in present and past tense, ways to tell time using numerals and words, and examples of Wh- questions in present and past tense.
The document provides a list of hobbies and activities paired with frequency adverbs to indicate how often each activity is done. It includes verbs like collect, go, listen, play, read, surf, take, and watch paired with nouns like swimming, the piano, the cinema, computer games, the Internet, books, dancing, photos, television, and music. Frequency adverbs listed are once a week/month, twice a week/month, three times a week/month, every day/week/month, usually, always, and sometimes.
The document lists different fruits that the author likes, including apples, watermelons, pears, plums, oranges, lemons, pineapples, cherries, bananas, peaches, grapes, strawberries, and raspberries. It also provides examples of singular and plural forms of some of these fruits. Finally, it discusses topics such as best friends, allergies, activities like skiing and playing outside, pets, and clothing.
This document appears to be an English language test or worksheet containing questions about grammar, translation, and personal information. It includes exercises asking the test taker to identify people's actions in pictures, choose the correct verb form, answer questions using "can" or "are", translate body parts into another language, and respond to prompts asking for their name, age, daily schedule, abilities, and descriptions of family members and possessions. The test addresses a variety of basic English language concepts in a worksheet or homework format.
This document contains a grammar exercise with fill-in-the-blank questions about likes/dislikes, adjectives to describe a picture of a kitten and puppy, questions to translate starting with "his or her" or "he/she has got", and words to translate from another language to English. The exercises are testing grammar concepts like verbs, adjectives, pronouns and translation.
This document contains an English exercise with multiple parts testing comprehension of possession (using have/has got), conjugation of verbs, telling time, and translating short phrases from English to Estonian. The student is asked to answer questions about possession, write sentences using have/has got correctly, identify whether sentences use is, am, or are, write out times, and translate phrases between the two languages.
My name is Claude. I am an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest. I don't have personal details like an age or daily schedule. I don't have the abilities that humans have - I was made by Anthropic to be an AI. I don't have a family or deskmates. I don't do activities like humans. I was created to answer questions and provide information to users, but I don't have a personal life of my own.
The document provides information about seasons, months, numbers, ordinal numbers, birthdays, emotions, present and past tense forms of the verb "to be", telling time, and asking Wh- questions. It includes lists of months for each season, numbers, ordinal numbers, emotions, forms of the verb "to be" in present and past tense, ways to tell time using numerals and words, and examples of Wh- questions in present and past tense.
The document provides a list of hobbies and activities paired with frequency adverbs to indicate how often each activity is done. It includes verbs like collect, go, listen, play, read, surf, take, and watch paired with nouns like swimming, the piano, the cinema, computer games, the Internet, books, dancing, photos, television, and music. Frequency adverbs listed are once a week/month, twice a week/month, three times a week/month, every day/week/month, usually, always, and sometimes.
1. Kontrolltöö. Pere. Nimi: ........................................................
1. Kirjuta sõnadega!(7p)
1947. a. – ................................................................................................................................................................................
1996. a. - ..................................................................................................................................................................................
1912 - ..................................................................................................................................................................................
2000. a. - .................................................................................................................................................................................
1991 - ...................................................................................................................................................................................
2012. a. - ..................................................................................................................................................................................
1970 - ..................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Kirjuta sõnad õiges käändes.(8p)
Veronika, kas sa (ema) .......................... nägid? Karmen, sa pead (õde) ............................... lasteaiast ära
tooma. Minu (vend) ............................... nimi on Edgar. Laual on (isa) ......................... auto võtmed. Ema
armastab oma (laps) ........................... väga. Ööbisin eile oma (sugulane) ............................. juures. Minu
(tütar) ......................... nimi on Karoliina ja (poeg) ......................... nimi Karel.
3. Leia küsimusele õige vastus. Kirjuta õige täht!(8p)
1. Mitmeliikmeline on sinu pere? a. Mõnikord käime kinos.
2. Kui vana on su vend? b. Ta on mu tädi tütar.
3. Mitu last on sinu peres? c. Ta on minust kaks aastat noorem.
4. Mida te koos teete? d. Kahjuks harva.
5. Kas Emma on su õde? e. 1978. aastal.
6. Kas käite tihti perega teatris? f. Minu peres on kuus inimest.
7. Millal sündis sinu isa? g. Ema või isaga.
8. Kellega sa tavaliselt koos õpid? h. Meil on kaks last.
4. Kirjuta skeemi põhjal 6 lauset, kasuta järgmisi sõnu:(6p)
noorem, vanem, aastane, sündis, pere, sugulane
Vanaema Anita (1957) tädi Karina (1982) nõbu Elena (2009)
Vanaisa Rein (1951) isa Andrei (1980) ema Tanja (1984) vend
Artur (2001) õde Inna (2010)
5. Paranda vead! 6p
minu perekonnanimi on tamm. tädi elab tallinas tartu maanteel majas number 34. põhja-jäämeri
kuulub ka ookeanide hulka, kuigi ta on palju väiksem kui vaikne ookean. eesti suurim järv on peipsi
järv ja kõrgeim mägi on suur munamägi.
6. Kirjuta teise sõnaga! 8p
1. Kingituse juures oli ka (õnnitluskaart) ................................................ . 2. Kirja pani posti (kirjakandja)
.......................................... . 3. Miks vesi kraanist (ei jookse) .......................................... ? 4. Laps (ei ole ju kass
moodi)...................................................... . 5. Ma teen (alati) .......................................... kodutööd varakult ära.
6. Mari (räägib tõtt) ....................................., tema perekonnanimi ongi natuke (naljaks) ..................................... .
7. Ma ei maganud (mitte sugugi) ....................................... täna öösel ja sellepärast (läheb kõik sassi)
................................................. . 8. (Pole ilus) ................................... teiste üle naerda.